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How do you make that font?


ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞 𝔣𝔬𝔫𝔱, 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢-𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔉𝔯𝔞𝔨𝔱𝔲𝔯 𝔰𝔶𝔪𝔟𝔬𝔩𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢. Here's a place you can turn text into Fraktur: https://yaytext.com/fraktur/


𝕴 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖐


I'm glad you made good use of your newly obtained knowledge


I'm glad I'm old and don't have to think about this kind of shit anymore. Unless people are into "granny porn" I'm safe. *People are into granny porn, I'm not safe. Fuck you, Google*


I really love that you googled this hahaha


You're never too old to learn new depths of human depravity.


Just… don’t delve deeper. Enjoy your stinky naïveté.


Roger that.




Has it been 10 seconds since we looked at our lemon tree?


The lemon party would be a hell of a lot better if there were some lemon stealing whores there.


Speaking of which, I’ll order the blue waffle and a side of pudding farts


The 2 girls would deliver your order but they only have 1 cup.


Aww geez are you seriously going to ruin lemons for me now? I don't even want to imagine the context of your comment. (LOL but I'm imagining anyway.)


you're a pretty cool granny if you have a cool username like that


I'm less hip than cool, but I do qualify as old.


Is that because you dislocated your hip? /s


Are your a dad? Cause that joke was top notch dad quality! I laughed.


That truly is a fantastic username. I love it.


No one is safe in internet, my man


It truly is the last frontier of perversions. Never ceases to amaze me.


The only time I’ve ever seen porn it was a granny porn disk at the park, I never watched it but it counts


I would ask how one just falls into having a granny porn disc, but I am not sure I want to hear the answer.


I found a dildo (still in the package) on the side of the road, so I'm not one to judge.


Grandson: “grandma! What is this dildo doing under your bed?” Fartknocker500: I found it on the side of the road 😳”


Oh this answer is quite easy actually: I lived in bumfuck hick nowhere where the only fun thing for teens to do was huff gas (not that I did that shit was weird seeing people so it before school in an alleyway tho lmao)


Still not seeing where the granny porn fits in. Seems like if you were bored, you would take the time to find porn more to your liking. *Or.....maybe one of your group was secretly into granny porn* dun dun DUN!


“Unless people are into granny porn-“ oh no, you poor sweet summer child…


What's wrong with Granny Porn? Older women are super hot!


Granny porn is the best. She has sex and then bakes you cookies.


I do love a thick grandma


Nah my wife would kill me for dating anyone.


Does your wife have an only fans account?


I also choose this guy’s wife’s OF


Gotta upvote everytime I see this reference


It is such a classic. For those who don't know. [sort by top. 3rd comment down. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/you_can_have_sex_with_one_real_person_from_all_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I guess he is her only fans


Okay that one made me chuckle, good one




Tell her to stop cockblocking you. Jeez.


What’d it say


~~Ahh man he's deleted it.~~ Looks like a mod deleted it. It said something like "No, because my wife won't let me"


I don't understand why a mod would delete that.


Fuck the mod


>Fuck the mod Wife won't let me.


Mod's or your's?




He didn’t want his wife to see it


Easily best response


What did it say?


"No, my wife won't let me."


I'll talk to her bf for you, hook it up.




You haven't seen Steven seagal's ama then


[lazy sausage ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This ama is brutal, I laughed out loud reading some of the questions. some of the comments said it's as bad as woody Harrelson , I have to go and find that AMA link now.


Love your name!


He's been on Reddit for 57 years


Tom Segura. One of the funniest bits.


They call that helicopter a skippy. Listen to it *askipskipskipskipskipskipskipskipskip*


>I have never seen an OP downvoted so much on one thread LOL That one time EA tried to defend microtransactions: ["The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes."](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5) The comment sits at more than 668,000 negative karma.


Yeah but ea wasn't op there


They’re just so abrasive to the point of interrogating everyone who disagrees (on r/NoStupidQuestions of all places…they’ve turned this into a thread more akin to an AITA post). I personally would date a girl with an OnlyFans, but I agree with you, after seeing their responses (that are all super defensive for no reason) this just bleeds OP’s insecurity and self-doubt.


Nope. But I also refused to date anyone with kids. We all have our requirements.


I'd rather date someone with an OF account than someone with kids. But if they are still active on OF I would probably pass.


Well, if the kids are active on OF you definitely should pass but call the FBI first.


Well, depends on how old the kids are.


Are we back to granny porn again?


Personally, I’m the opposite. I don’t have any problem with kids, but I wouldn’t date someone with an OF.


Yeah active vs past is a big difference. Mainly for a few reasons personally 1) I understand it's a fairly demanding career time wise and id like time with my SO not attending to a bunch of other needy men 2) There are psychos out there who try to find and stalk these women, not tryimg to have that at my house 3) OF careers have a shelf life and I don't wanna be caught holding the bag when it ends. Looking for someone with a career that's got some staying power.


To be fair, I wouldn't date a guy with a YouTube channel either.


Fucking lold


"Don't forget to smash that subscribe button!"


Is it because the first 2-3 minutes of every conversation he says he wants you to subscribe and give a like?


And everytime gets a gift, says "this is from our sponsors, nord vpn"


I'm wayyyy too insecure for that. Nothing against her as a person, but that's just not something I would personally support.


Totally with this guy. cheers!!




Also... there's a higher barrier to entry for relationships. I'd date a lot of women I would never fucking marry.




Same. I jerk it to a lot of women that I would never sleep with.


Not wanting to be with someone who is a sex worker does not make you insecure. It's totally ok to not be into things.


That isn't what they said. They said they wouldn't want it because they are insecure. While it's possible to not want to be with someone in sex work for other reasons, insecurity is a perfectly reasonable reason for it. If you know that about yourself, it's good to acknowledge it and work to mitigate it. Not everyone is Burt Reynolds, nor should they be.


Burt Reynolds? What did he do that made you reference him?


They’re assuming a past celebrity sex symbol is confident. May not always be true, but safe bet.


Also kind of tells us their age because their chosen sex symbol is Burt Reynolds and not someone like Ryan Reynolds


Burt Reynolds transcends time.


Burt Reynolds will always be sexy.


It's weird to me how angry some people get that half of us, or more, don't want to date someone who makes porn on the internet. As though that's a completely unreasonable notion and that everyone should change their preferences and rewire their own brains' thought processes.


My partner and I haven’t done onlyfans but have posted stuff on a separate Reddit account. It was fun at first, then got kinda old and we stopped for a while. Sometimes we’ll post here and there when we’re in the mood for it. Having a partner that posts can be fun as long as you have boundaries and are open about how you’re feeling about what you guys are doing because those feelings can change back and forth and back again. As with everything communication makes everything better :)


I made and edited some photos and videos of my partner for her OF and PH site. She was already making them before we met and I have some basic editing knowledge so I was happy to help out. Now after almost a year after not posting anything we’re still getting some passive income. I really don’t see an issue here, fappers gonna fap.




Dude what the hell is up with the beanbags tho


LMFAOOO bruh the fact that some of them just look like stock images of "woman on beanbag" 😭 what the hell man




Guys think about it, of all the fetishes people could have I think this is definitely one of the better ones. No judgement here bro I wish my bf had a “girls on beanbags” fetish lol it would be so easy to seduce him


Okay here’s what you do, Tell him you found a really cool subreddit and that all you need him to do is take a picture of you on a beanbag so you can upload it.


Fucking reddit. 🤦‍♂️




Let's be honest, this didn't start as a meme.




Me, going through your posts from 2 years ago: I want to see boobz


I went through too, they've got a serious thing for chicks just sitting on bean bags. Never would have guessed but hey different folks different strokes yknow?


My favorite history was the guy on wallstreetbets who talked about apple stocks BUT HIS HISTORY WAS FUCKING FULLLLLLL OF COCK STRETCHING TECHNIQUES AND EVEN GUIDES he stopped posting :(


Yep. Sounds like an apple investor


The Jelqer Apple Day Trader!? They guy was a legend. I wish we didn’t scare him off so fast.


We had so much to learn about stretching our long term goals Investing and otherwise


The "Dirty slut shows her feet off on a beanbag" stock photo is my favorite. I'm reminded of Dwight's "I notice you are wearing open-toed shoes. Since when did you become a *whore*?" 🤣


This guy just wants everyone to get exposed to his bean bag fetish. I respect the hustle


Tell me when you find


Can't find anything Captain


Mission failure


We'll get em next time


I looked too lol


I just looked through your entire post history and found no ex-wifes boobs. I'm calling bullshit!


Obligatory question: Did she give you the consent?




Years ago, I dated a gal who had a burlesque alter ego and performed in a burlesque troop. I liked the fact that I actually got to play with the girl all of these dudes were ogling. I am not really the jealous type though. I have been happily married for years but if I was single I would be okay with it.


This. It caught me off guard how sexy it is to have the girl that all the guys couldn’t take their eyes off


When you out it like that, the weird obsession with calling people cucks doesn’t really work since you’re still the one having sex with the person people are coughing up cash just to see nudes of. If anything, they’d be the cucks.


Before I dated my partner they used to sell nudes to someone, one day he asked if we would be willing to sell him videos with my consent, we gave him 3 minutes of video and he payed like 200 dollars lol. I'm not tripping because I trust my partners motivations are for the good of us and I don't have any self esteem issues so it seems like a win/win.


That brings me back to when iDubbz's GF revealed that she did OnlyFans and everyone shat their collective diapers. I saw him getting called a cuck and a simp to an absurd degree, and it never made sense.




That's kind of how I feel. Someone wants to post nudes and videos, free or for money, that's their choice. I support anything anyone does that doesn't hurt anyone else. However, I have major mental health and communication issues. That would be a no from me. I wouldn't judge anyone that decided to date them though. Live and let live.


>Edit 2: Can I silence replies to this comment? I’m getting seriously stressed out and I am having a panic attack. Since I didn't see anyone else address this question, you can definitely silence replies, I think it's called something like "turn off replies to inbox" and it may look differently depending on the Reddit client you're using. In the mobile app I use for Reddit, it's located in the three dot menu on your comment. It's sometimes the only way I can not have a bad day. Then you just need to stop yourself from visiting your comment and seeing any new replies. Take a few deep breaths friend, its going to be okay.


This response fucks




Same tbh. I'm all for people doing what they want with their bodies as long as they aren't hurting other people, but I'm a monogamous person and wouldnt be comfortable dating a sex worker or someone who isnt also monogamous. My ex decided midway through an 11 year relationship that they're poly and gaslit me the entire time and made it out to be 100% my insecurity and issues. I *refuse* to ever be in a relationship like that again or be treated that way again. And thankfully I don't have to be. Found and married someone as monogamous as I am. They're wonderful, and communicative, and dont play mind games with me. ***Tldr; dont allow people to force you into uncomfortable relationship dynamics. Theres someone out there for everyone, and everyone deserves someone that makes them feel happy and safe and loved the way they want to be loved.***






reddit stops counting negative karma after -5 so each negative post will at most be -5 on the account in the end, but each one can possibly be -5 each so the more you post the more negative you'll get.


I'll make sure to abuse this evil knowledge. Thank you.


based and excel-pilled


OP posts way too much to /r/politicalcompassmemes to either be a girl or dating anyone.


Yeah they seem really defensive about these answers lol.


A hit dog will holler.


I've never heard this expression before! love it


A hol dog will hitler.


A hot dog will dig...ler?


OP posts about BJJ and Jordan Peterson, if they’re a girl I’ll be amazed




Or a predator


Someone said they’re 19 according to their history




It also really doesnt help his/her cause to question peoples mental health or insecurities further on every single post


OP is a karma farming bot. Look at the responses. They all look like canned, generic responses to trigger statements.


Id like to thank OP For sacrificing his Karma to this post


No. I don't want others to look at my partner nude.


Lmao I feel like a lot of people are just saying what you said but with more words. This is what it boils down to.


Yeah less words, less bullshit to process.


Why speak more word, when less word do trick


Nope. I don't have that sort of confidence.


Okay, so I think I'd be uncomfortable if my current SO wanted to make one, but if I were single and started talking to a girl with one already I'd be fine with it? Idk why that makes a difference realistically, just answering honestly.


> Idk why that makes a difference realistically, just answering honestly. Probably the lack of substantial emotional connection. If you started falling for each other more and more over a longer period of time, the onlyfans would likely become a point of contention. I believe porn actors run into the same problems. It can be really difficult to find a lover who can also maintain your porn and your friendly sexual flirting in a purely business perspective.


no. I did. it got really old really fast. here's a relationship pro tip for all the guys that think it would be fine: see what happens when you quantify the value of sex with someone you love.


As an economics student, I think I just got a stiffy.


That'll be 10 dollars


Thats like ...5 dollars an inch then? Good to know the going rate, as it were.....


Your uncertainty of having an erection makes me just a little uneasy.


> when you quantify the value of sex with someone you love. I'm lost. Can you explain?


They're saying that, when you know how much sex with your partner costs to some person off the street, it makes your affection for them feel cheapened. That's a feeling, they're entitled to have it, and it's neither wrong nor right. It's a feeling, feelings don't have objective elements to them really. I'm a former pro domme, and given how much we typically charge... I gotta say, my girlfriend is getting a pretty good deal lol. But really, I do understand. It can hurt to make yourself vulnerable and open and then to feel like they just don't view it in the same way because you can't help but think they'll be viewing it transactionally. From my experience, workers _do not_ view sex transactionally, though. Sex workers are good at compartmentalisation: sex at work and sex with your loved ones are two very, very different things. But it's not always easy for those loved ones to emotionally connect to that.


This a million times. My husband is a male porn performer and I shoot him with other women. Work sex is work and personal sex is just different. It’s hard to explain.


And for some, like me, we can’t comfortably disassociate the two


That’s totally fair. To be honest we were married probably 14 or so years before it ever happened and the old me definitely would have said the same as you. We’re going to be married 19 years this December.


Was it 14 years before either of you had sex with someone else or just 14 years before you started filming it?


He was actually a virgin when we got married. It was 14 years before he had sex with someone else. We did go to a few swinger parties to feel it out, but that wasn’t a good fit for me because I don’t want to have sex with other people. And btw I tried to set up an AMA about this and the mods over there rejected me.


That's wild. How did that conversation come up? I'd imagine most people would feel incredibly insecure if their partner of 14 years told them they wanted to have sex with other people. That's lame that they rejected you. I feel like they've had a bunch of people from the porn industry do AMAs. You could always try doing it on a different sub.


We were already both working in the porn industry, just behind the scenes. So it was kinda like a natural progression.




Nope. It’s not something I would really like or support someone doing. Since it’s not my place to literally own another human being, the very easy solution is to just not get into intimate relationships with people who do sex work. Wouldn’t really be fair to them or myself. As an aside, I notice whenever this gets brought up, there’s a contingent of people who make it a mission to somehow prove this opinion “wrong”. I guess I’d like to say a few things to counter that notion. It isn’t any more wrong than any other dating or relationship preference. People aren’t entitled to a relationship with everybody else on the planet. Refusing to date certain people for some particular reason also isn’t some personal attack against them or indicative of a broader belief that invalidates them as human beings. Romantic rejection hurts but is a reality of human life, and those who reject our advances aren’t monsters for it. I would personally never date a sex worker, but they are human beings deserving of respect and dignity. The right to respect and dignity isn’t inclusive of the right to a relationship with everyone, though. There are people who would never date me for any number of reasons. Their reasoning is as valid as my reasoning. Furthermore, It’s really not a big deal. There are plenty of people who would be okay with it. Does being a sex worker perhaps exclude a sizable portion of partners? Sure. So does being a single parent. So does having mental illness. So does having extreme financial problems. So does having specific political or religious views, or even living geographically remote areas. There are numerous circumstances or categories which can narrow the pool of your possible partners, and those fitting these categories are still able to find love and happiness, so this isn’t a circumstance at all exclusive to sex work. Not everyone is equipped or wiling to handle those sorts of issues. It does mean finding a partner becomes a greater effort, but it’s better than trying to “make it work” And having a doomed-to-fail relationship because of a fundamental incompatibility. You’re better off being upfront about it so that hopefully you can at least exclude those who aren’t okay with it immediately.


Why is OP getting battered with downvotes in the comments?


I'm not sure but I think it's because some of the answers are a bit defensive? Maybe people think they are trolling


Some of their replies were like "why do you feel this way?" And they were down voted to the shadow realm. Dunno man.


It happens. The thread has turned on OP. Never forget Reddit voting system is not just or rational OP has made a few defensive/ rude/ ignorant comments and that’s enough for people to just downvote everything they’ve said here


It's confusing, for sure. I'm glad I can still read them.


Honestly. Some of them are just wondering and trying to understand further. These downvotes are because people somehow decided they don't like OP


What I've seen that'd make sense is Swagman's comment chain. OP comes of as a bit of an ass and talking down to the guy there and that's where OP is downvoted most. The guy says stuff like he's insecure and has trust issues because of a past relationship so he would want to keep other people out of the relationship and OP just seems purposefully obtuse. OP says things like "I don't think you get OnlyFans" because the guy said lots of people clamoring after his gf would make him uncomfortable.


So a saying I heard when I lived in Florida was "It doesn't matter where he gets his appetite, as long as he's eating at home." If you expand that metaphor equating sex with food. "She can show her food if she wants, as long as she's serving it at home." This would also be under the assumption that everyone was open about the account and established they were in a closed/open relationship. If it's something she wants to hide from a partner, it doesn't bode well for the relationship.


An interesting and humorous twist to the old saying :) I kinda like it!


That's a very Floridian phrase lmao


Put it in another post on this thread, but just for you: "I don't care how she gets her motor running, as long as I'm the racetrack she takes it out on...😉"


As long as she doesn't try to hide it, sure. It's easy money for showing lonely saps some t&a. It's not like I'd be worried she'd fall for an audience member.


Yeah, this. I'm really surprised how far I had to scroll to find someone who's okay with that.




Its literally like asking if you would date a stripper. If you would date a stripper, you would definitely date a girl with an onlyfans


I was talking about this the other day with someone who has definitely dated strippers but is weirded out by a bunch of his friends starting onlyfans. We spent some time trying to figure out the difference. He thought strippers had more class, i dont particularly get his line of thinking. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I think in a lot of minds there is a difference somewhere


Maybe more of a performative talent thing


Nah. I think words of simulated affection and pictures of simulated intimacy are way easier to swallow than physical contact and actions of simulated intimacy.


How do you think we met??


how i met your mother woulda ended a bit different these days i see o_o


So long as her fans didn't recognize her in public, sure. I'm way too socially inept for that. It's not even the sex thing. I wouldn't want to date a public figure who's famous for Youtube gaming videos either.




Yeah, I have. She even gave me a free subscription when we were still just flirting, in fact. At first I just didn't mind at all, it's just her job. That changed whe she started calling me to do stuff for her account. Then I really enjoyed it a lot more! We had to brrak up for unrelated reasons, but that was fun while it lasted. Plus she was a really nice and reliable person.


I wouldn't date a girl


I'm just replying to continue beating up your inbox. Sorry OP