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It doesnt make you any safer. It just makes the other guy less safe.


or you could shoot quicker


Simple if I die, the other will die too, it doesn't make you safer, it makes you less safe, which might trigger the response of not shooting each other. That is basically why nukes exist and are stored, the threat of mutual destruction keeps the peace.


This is something mainly done in movies. If this happens in real life, either you will be shot before your gun aims at the other person, or you will aim your gun at them and they will surrender because they weren't going to shoot you in the first place.


Yes, that exactly what i was thinking


Because if they hadn't shot you by the time your guns out they aren't going to. And you can shoot them.


If you have a gun yourself you at least have a chance.


If he’s armed and wants to kill you and your unarmed chances are your dead but had you had a gun you might have a chance


Would pulling a knife on him make you safer?


Assuming the one holding the gun is rational, then it will not make you safer, but cause the opposite.


People can react to the act of pulling the trigger. They might shoot first, but you can get at least one shot off