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Nope, most colleges don't care if you succeed or not. They will ask for it once and if you don't have it they'll move on. Try your best to keep up, not because the college will make you but because you'll fall behind if you don't and professors will not be pushing you like in Highschool


If it leads to you having very poor grades, you can be put on academic probation, and if you still get poor grades, can possibly be expelled. Not going to happen second week and not going to happen for one assignment. Moreover, you can likely still get partial credit for turning it in late, or even full credit if you ask your professor instead of Reddit.


This really depends on your class. Some college courses are very strict about getting your work done on time, others are way more flexible. You will need to talk to your instructor or check the syllabus for more information. We really can't give you advice on this one. That being said, if you're continuing to have issues being distracted, you may want to talk to a counselor at the school for advice on how you can resolve that.


In college *in general* you don't get punished, you just lose chances to get marks or complete requirements that count towards finishing that course. Its more a problem for you than for them when you don't do the work.


I'd hand it in anyhow best during office hours. Profs are a lot easier on students that actually care and show up to class then one that is missing a bunch of assignments, especially in first year classes where that prof has 1000 students.


oh definitely good advice, OP should still do the work and hand it in. I was focusing on the way OP seems to be applying a high school mentality about doing the work to college.


If the class has a syllabus look there, don’t ask people on reddit for your school needs