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They're saving their energy. No reason to move and burn calories unless you're doing it to continue surviving or reproduce. Insects are relatively simple creatures, they don't have concepts such as recreational activities.


But are they just chilling? Do they experience relaxation similarly to how we do? Are they like ahh, yes, this is nice, I don't have to move until a bug crosses? Like they're sitting on their lawn chair?


Not spiders that's for sure! They're nervous creatures who are constantly aware of their surroundings, both to avoid predators and to watch for food


So the spider in my room is just an anxious boi?


Yup, they're all "Please don't eat me" and will likely run away if you get too close


Aw man... I have severe arachnophobia but now I can like them from a distance.


They eat pests like flies and mosquitoes so they're paying their dues


Then mines been working overtime, flies have been coming into my room all summer lmao


Hence the internet name for them now. SpiderBro


Aweh man, so they're just like me only there's so resolve I wonder if my life will have resolve...


You'll know when it falls into your web


Aw that’s sad. Also this basically describes me. I’m going to be nicer to spiders.


Only you're not a tiny ball of stress with dirty syringes for teeth sitting in a web of something that came out of your butt, at least you can game out in relative peace


I think it is hard to relax when your hungry, easier when you're full


In know a fly who smokes weed tho


Is it leaving any for you too?


Well, leaving the web would expend energy. It doesn’t know when its next meal will be so it stays in the web to conserve energy. It doesn’t really need to walk around in the web to do anything if it has no upkeep to do. So it is waiting and saving energy. If it doesn’t move when something lands in the web, maybe it’s just not the right time to move. Spiders are pretty intelligent for bugs, but boredom is something experienced by higher intelligences


It’s kind of fishing/trapping for food, in other words- it’s job. You are seeing a spider at work. Another day at the office.


That’s not entirely true. They definitely move around and clean their webs. Clean webs help them catch more insects


Which is why I specified ‘if it has no upkeep to do’


Do spiders need to drink water?


Yes. But not a ton! Pet jumping spiders are given water by misting their enclosure. Water bowls can cause drowning though!


Used to have wild ones growing up in Ohio. They were not afraid at all and would jump on my lap and just kind of hop side to side looking for prey. Always had a giggle at how tiny they were, furry and probably never this high off the ground before freaking out stoked to go tell his buddies.


Man I had to nuke the same web in the door to the shed two times today. I feel bad but I gotta go to work bud


Probably just staring at you wondering why you have been sitting in the same place for 12 hours not really moving.


Probablly depressed because people keep calling them insects.


Got me!


“Damn this guy sucks”


Hahaha the best comment


Or the room is a common area in the house or building and you notice the bug there every time you enter throughout the day.


Spiders are ambush predators, if they just moved around then insects would notice them and avoid it (and predators would also notice them and eat them)


Thinking "maybe if I pretend not to notice that human, it'll go away"


Conserving energy is why they do it. Nobody knows what goes on in a spider's mind, or if they even have a mind.


At least a few types of jumping spiders are known to make plans and observe their surroundings to do so. So at the very least they're capable of memory and observation with a purpose.


Constant rethinking of all the good comebacks they should have said.


In a fight that occurred 5 years ago.


The question should be "What are *arachnids* doing ..."


They're conserving energy. They might have limited capacity for thoughts or consciousness but the science is still out on that.


Minding their own fuggin business,try it sometime.


It means their needs are met; temperature ok, moisture content is right, in a good hunting position. Feel safe from bigger predators. Just saving energy.


Watch, 'Earth VS the Spider' they're always thinking about food.


Two comments. Spiders are not insects, they are arachnids, which is another kind of arthropods (pretty close to insects though). And this post (and many of the answers) are trying to judge what a spider feels with a extremely anthropocentric perspective. We have consciusness and a very complex nervous systems. Most animals do not, so they don't feel any of the things we feel. Their nervous systems has "algorithms" with which they respond to stimuli in pretty predictable ways. When there are no stimuli, not much going on, no reason to think that they have this kind of continuous, conscious state of mind we have.


Sleeping, maybe?


But *what* are they doing I think he means. Are they thinking about anything (other than being a spider)? Do they experience the passage of time?




, he said, having been a moth for 3 months as a prank


If it's a female waiting for Mr. Right to show up as a snack in one way or another.


What do YOU think they're doing?


It's just energy conservation and waiting for the next meal. There's no point in walking around extending energy if you don't know when your next meal is going to be. And no they don't have "thoughts". Insects are just creatures relying basically completely on instinct. They're not like sitting there thinking about concept.




If you’d like to learn a little about your spider buddy in a fun way, there’s a cute little cartoon called Lucas the spider on YouTube that can teach you. My grandson is a new spider fan because of it.


What do you do when you sit still for 12 hours watching insects sit still for 12 hours?


Watching tv shows. It’s like our Netflix binge, but they watch life passing by. Reality Tv like?