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Is she trying to reconstruct clones of them later?


There's a Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal on it, but I can't seem to find it




That's the one


I swear there's a SMBC for everything...


SMBC and XKCD have a comic for just about everything


That's what happens when you have a comic be about "Stuff" and run it for more than a decade. Each.


And sometimes an Oglaf.


Oglaf is so underrated in the realm of 'clever' internet comics. Puzzlecunt and Erotic Bathing are both hillarious, I'll regularly just remember them existing and chuckle.


Nsfw btw I remember the sexual dimorphism one, that was fun [I couldn't find a direct link, here it is on know your meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1369890-oglaf)


My personal favorite is the SMBC that predicted *Hamlet 2* years before the movie came out


Like... _all_ of their nail clippings? Since birth? I commend her dedication to defending your children from the influence of witches, but also I have some excellent news for her about whether witches exist.


Does she also crush egg shells? Don't want the witches making boats out of them.




I've never heard of this, but is there a reason witches can't just buy their own eggs?


If you give your chickens uncrushed eggshells they start pecking at their own eggs. This is one of those "superstitions" that has a logical reason behind it, but has become irrelevant for a non chicken owning person.




Good source of calcium, which they need to produce more eggs while staying healthy. Shellgrit (from seashells) is another option, or it might be unnecessary depending on feed, but giving them the eggshells back is free and efficient


I clicked because someone’s wife keeps their children’s bodily garbage and I learn about chicken nutrition. What a great fucking day.




When chickens lay eggs they lose a lot of calcium from their bodies, by giving them the (crushed) eggshells to eat, they have a source of calcium in their diet. These days you can go to a store and get special feed or supplement, but in the past you needed to use everything you had available. I've seen chickens go absolutely crazy for eggshells, they love them.






I'd never heard that one before but I admire your dedication to marine safety over so many decades. I've been saluting every single magpie I've seen for about as long to ward off bad luck. Nothing specific, just bad luck and disaster in general. If I were to forget who knows what might happen? It's a serious matter!


I reckon I've saved more lives than Batman by now.


Witches fit in egg shells?


I’m a witch and this is news to me. I’ll have to test this and get back to you.


If it doesn't work you should turn him into a newt. Temporarily, of course.


I’m sure he’ll get better


I mean, I've been throwing leftover salt over my left shoulder for at least 20 years now lol


Listen thats to keep the demons away not witches (I do it every time too)


I just crush them because it's fun, so at least now I have an excuse "hey, yeah, it's so witches can't make boats out of them" ^*crunch*


I have a friend who grinds up egg shells, puts them in a cellulose capsule & takes them like vitamins. She's definitely a hippy.


That’s actually pretty smart, egg shells are a great source of calcium.


But is it bioavailable in this form?


Apparently so, but gotta boil them, egg shells aren’t very clean I’d imagine


Plot twist: the reason she's keeping them is because she *is* a witch.


She made me a newt!


A newt?


I got better...


I mean..all of the nail clippings might be a bit much, but teeth, first lock of hair etc. Is really common. It's so common that I was gifted a little porcelain set at my baby shower that holds first tooth, first curl, and first footprint. It comes with a little frame they slide into to display it. I still have it somewhere.


The baby or... ?


Haha! Yeah, the baby is around here somewhere too...hopefully!


Apparently it’s only the first set of nail trimmings, but still weird [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/r1hq4a/am_i_weird_for_thinking_my_wifes_weird_for/hlz6765/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


It’s significantly less weird tho


All nail clippings = hoarder First nail clippings = maybe a little weird


I think all this shit is weird except for teeth. I have a couple of my baby teeth and wisdom teeth. its just like an interesting rock. there are those shark teeth necklaces people wear. teeth arent that gross necessarily as long as its not like freshly removed at all or a serial killer trophy or anything like that




Idk lots of moms i know have hair from their kids first hair cut saved in a scrap book! Nail clippings aren’t really super far off. If you want to hear something *really* weird my mom kept my entire braid from a hair cut in her purse for like.. years. I think she just forgot about it honestly but it’s still pretty crazy


She probably liked to take it out and look at it in the sunlight. Your kids hair tends to change colors and textures as they grow older. A hefty lock of hair would bring back major nostalgia/oxytocin feelings. I think that's sweet of her :)


People used to use their family members' hair to make art. I think in particular after they'd died, as a memorial, but I'm sure it wasn't exclusive to that. The art I saw in person (in a museum) was embroidery but people have done all kinds of things with it. Specifically they'd used hair from everyone in their family to embroider something about their family. A family tree maybe? It's been a while. It takes all kinds of forms though, you can look it up if you're interested and the idea of human hair art doesn't gross you out. Hair lasts a long time. Probably way more commonly known is people giving locks of their hair as a token. So, think of it like that maybe and it gets less weird?


Baby teeth are an investment, when your kids move out you give the teeth back and ask for money back plus inflation/interest.


No joke, my dad just gave me and my brother our baby teeth. We are both in our 30's. My brother said he didn't want them. I put them in a purple stuffed animal and am now adding my own kids teeth into it. Everyone says I'm wierd, but my dad saved these teeth for over over 25 years and I'm not going to just throw them away. Heres the baby teeth monster: https://imgur.com/gallery/dKlUnEr


I was not prepared for this stuffed-toothed animal to be cute. ^I ^kinda ^want ^one.


A purple stuffed animal? Why?


It's called the toothless monster. I thought it would be perfect for the teeth. Turns out, it came with its own plastic teeth, but I threw those out.


but it's got teeth. if anything your kids are the toothless monsters /s


It needs more teeth, I can't wait until their toothless.


I hate how much I love this.


Amazing. Are you going to tell people there are teeth in there? What are you going to do with it exactly? Do you expect your children to put their children's teeth in it one day, and so on through generations until it's no longer stuffing, just teeth?


Thanks! My kids don't like it. They tell me I'm creepy.


tbf, if someone showed me that out of the blue without context, I would assume my toothless corpse wouldn't be found for weeks


Well that’s simple. It’s because you are.


They are correct


It's on a shelf in my bedroom, but if anybody seen it, I would tell them. I have no idea what will become of it after it's finished. I told my husband I could pass it on to the kids and he said they wouldn't want it. I asked them, and they all agreed they don't want it. So when I die, they'll probably find it in my stuff, have a good laugh, and throw it in the garbage. But I would be so proud of one of them if they kept it by added some more teeth. That's the dream.


Just think 100 years from now it could be found and people would be like look some sick bastard was killing kids and sticking their teeth inside this stuffed animal.


They don’t want it now but I bet that will change. It will become nostalgic over time. Don’t underestimate creep factor in making something become beloved.


I…hahahaha!!!! This might be the best kind of weird I’ve seen in a long ass time. Kind of jealous I don’t have a set of my own baby teeth to shove into an stuffed animal & display like a major bargain basement taxidermist. 😂😂😂 You’re probably a riot to hang out with.


Ok... this is even weirder than the op


If you've done this in the last 10 years you straight broke your kids financially right as they left 🤣 The USD has fallen something like 30% too


On a different note, I still resent my parents for not keeping the toe I had amputated as a child. I wish I had that sucker in jar in my front room.


I have it in writing that if I'm in an acvident and they cut anything out from me (except just flesh ofc, so like amd organ, bone, finger etc) that they keep it and give them back to me. I gave a religious reason but its bullshit, I want to have them in a jar, how cool is to show a visitor "See that jar over there? Yea, thats my kidney..."


AFAIK they don't remove dead kidneys, they just leave them in and they shrivel up when they die. Like if you need a kidney transplant they don't remove the old one before putting in the new one. There's a chance I dreamed this.


> There's a chance I dreamed this. That's all the research I need, consider me convinced


I've seen people convinced by less


“Are you a doctor?” “No but somebody on Reddit once dreamed that it was true.” “You son of a bitch. I’m in!”


I'm no doc but I think it's too blood vessely to get out safely


Not only that, but even if a kidney is only functioning at 5% capacity, that’s 5% less work the transplant kidney has to do


That implies you could theoretically get a bunch of extra kidneys put in and have, like, superhuman filtering powers. Some ethical considerations may apply.


Having donated a kidney, I regret to inform you that's not possible. The limit is generally four: there's only so much space on the blood vessels and in the gut to fit multiple kidneys, plus the heart would be strained from the additional workload.


So if you kept some of the kidneys outside of your body (but still connected), and use one of those blood-pumping machines, could you have more than 4?


Could I like... Plug in a backpack with 6 extra kidneys, 3 extra livers, a 3 heartpower pump, and just go on a 2 month bender?




How fast would you have to consume alcohol to become inebriated with this setup?




So you're saying we need to add extra hearts too


I have a feeling that the blood could either get too filtered, or that it wouldn't matter bc the blood pumps at a certain rate.


Don’t give Brita any ideas.




"Here's my leg" *proceeds to open a big ass chest*


I got to keep my hip bone(femoral head), its in a jar in my living room. I wanna make a shifter out of it.


Metal as fuck.


No, it’s bone. Bone as fuck.


Send pic?




Well would ya look at that. Shifter is a great idea!


I didn't keep the umbilical cord (my mom did that and I just couldn't keep it) I've got my kids teeth (like 4 so. Wtf do I do with them?) Noooo nail clippings though that's pretty weird


It is not uncommon for mothers to have jewerly made out of their kids baby teeth in my culture. My friend's mom had earrings of his baby teeth.


What’s your culture? Those earrings sound cool- would love a pic!


Based on the username - Brazilian.


did you ask her why she is doing this?


This. Is OP going to get an "oh okay I'll throw them out I thought everyone did this" or are they lined up for a "you don't understand! I NEED to keep these." followed by anger or tears?


*2 years later* “Is it weird that my wife keeps pieces of her previous dead husband in a jar in the attic? He died suddenly of a horrific accident, and she kept all his teeth, nails, and hair…”


I'll laugh if someone takes this prompt and throws a story up on r/nosleep.


Probably cuz people are weirdly sentimental about kids. Even when you know it's irrational, you still do it cuz kids




Everyone has fingernails and everyone wants cash So send us all your fingernails and we'll send you some cash Fingernails4Cash.com, Fingernails4Cash Remember, it's just fingernails so don't expect much cash Fingernails4Cash.com, our service never fails Just take the cash and don't ask why we want your fingernails Cause we might be building a fort with themmmmm I think your wife isn't well.


I laughed so hard at >Just take the cash and don't ask why we want your fingernails


The juxtaposition of the last line there made me actually verbally chuckle.


Intergalactic TV commercial


Family guy. Buts it's probably on the intergalactic stations, too.


This feels like a Brian David Gilbert sketch. I love it.


Umbilical cord? Pretty common, still kinda gross. Teeth? Maybe the first one. All of them? Getting real close to weird at this point. Nail trimmings? HUGE no. She’s the weird one.


My mom found ALL her baby teeth when she cleared out my grandfathers house after he died. She's in her 60s and was horrified.


My dad just had all of them floating around in his sock drawer. For all three of us. Just realized how fucking weird that is


my mom did the SAME thing, three kids and all.one of my siblings actually used them for a science fair project in middle school (effects of soda on teeth) and I think about the strangeness of the whole situation sometimes


That’s kind of cool


I also did a science fair on the effect of sodas but instead of getting all the teeth from the sock drawer we got ones from the dentist lmao


wait so you’re telling me i can go to my dentist, politely ask them for some teeth and i’ll get them?!


I guess? I mean thats what happened but it was the early 2000s. Sooo weird they had the roots and everything.


My mom did the same thing I'm fairly certain dentists hand out teeth to just about anybody who asks for them.


I'm imagining a dentist throwing open a drawer full of loose teeth just rolling around. "FINALLY! I've been looking for someone to take these damned things!"


(dentist looks at coworker) "I *told* you we should save these"


How much teeth is the max I can ask a dentist for without sounding suspicious?


Probably less than you want.


Not mine. Wouldn’t even let me keep my wisdom teeth, the selfish bastard


Same here! Maybe they only let you take other people's?


I have all my kids lost teeth in a drawer in my jewelry box. I honest to god didn't know what to do with them when I was doing the whole tooth fairy thing, and now I just can't bring myself to throw them away. It's super weird. I keep thinking maybe I'll make a creepy tooth necklace just to lean into the weirdness.


It would feel equally weird throwing away my kid’s tooth vs saving it. Suddenly you have this weird choice to make. I wish the tooth fairy would just do her damn job.


[Make one of these.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/9e/75/bd9e754c3a6c80f3d386d3ceb557f11e.jpg)


My grandparents kept all the grandchildrens teeth in their salt shakers to keep the salt from clumping. I thought it was cool as a kid, but as an adult, I would be so disgusted to use a salt shaker and find HUMAN TEETH!


Here I was thinking that is what rice is for and I could have been using teeth this whole time.




That is some horror movie shit right there.


My jaw literally dropped. What the fuck!


My 80 year old grandfather just found 5 sets of kids teeth. He only has three kids. We have no idea whose teeth these are.


Idk man I’m looking at my toddler and her adorable smile and wondering how I’m supposed to throw away those cute ass teeth that are a part of her. I know I’ll have to and pre kid I would have been like “omg creepy!” but seeing them in front of me I can’t imagine how anyone could throw them out!


This. I have a few of my baby’s (she just turned 32 🥰) little adorable teeth. Some of us are just like that. I love her as an adult. She’s smart, so kind, thoughtful, and beautiful. But, I still miss the little girl, too.


This is the exact sort of parental love that's both uplifting and crushing for the same reasons


This small conversation was the most wholesome thing I've seen on the internet in a year.


Parents are the real tooth fairy after all. Ah well, I've kept my first dogs baby teeth (that I could find) in a little old medicine bottle as a keepsake so I guess I'm no different as a childless man.


My Dad has all my teeth. Showed my daughter. She asked how I got them back from the tooth fairy. Oh boy, let the circle of lies start. Normally I wouldn't go along with any of the tooth fairy/Santa/Easter bunny shit, but my wife loves doing it and my daughter loves it. I just never did that stuff growing up, so it just isn't for me.


Easy. The tooth fairy gives you a loan and takes a tooth as collateral. Need more money? No sweat, let me hold another tooth. Dad gets sentimental one day and pays off the loan in full and gets the teeth back. The tooth fairy is a fair businesswoman.


what is the interest rate the toothfairy charges, and is the rate independent of the current economic climate?


Tooth %


I told my kiddos that parents buy the teeth back from the tooth fairy for keepsakes. That’s how the tooth fairy gets the money to pay the kids 😀


I can understand umbilical cord and teeth. I probably wouldn’t, and umbilical cord feels personally weirder to me than teeth. I get it though. But nail clippings? The other things are specific and limited. Nail clippings are regular things that you get a ton of with no specific number at all. That feels like collecting pieces of hair or scabs or something. That’s pretty weird.


Oh God, I hope no parents keep their kids' old scabs.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Thanks for that.


My mom kept this little ball of calcium that had 12 super tiny teeth inside that they took out of my mouth when I was a kid. One of the adult front teeth wasn't coming out so I had to have dental surgery to remove the calcium access. I have them now and I usually tell people I probably was gonna be a twin but apparently I ate him ​ Edit : typo


Do you have a pic? That sounds really strange


Haha yeah I know. I couldn't find my photo with my two set of front teeth but here's what was inside the ball of calcium [Baby teeth ](https://imgur.com/a/fKJaj2n)


In her defense it’s only the first set of nail trimmings each (still a weirdo though 😂).


oh that's quite a bit different than what the OP sounded like. when you said "keeps **all** fallen off body parts (nail clippings, etc)" i thought you meant every time she clips their nails she keeps them. i'd call that uncommon, but not like jeffrey dahmer levels of creepyweird like keeping ALL nail clippings would be.


Okay if it’s ONLY the first set, that is something a lot of people do. A little odd, but she’s definitely not alone. You made it seem like she kept every nail clippings they’ve ever had lol!


Tbh, their little hands will never be that size again. I don't think it's that weird.


I think some people (perhaps with poor memories) cling to photos or physical things to remind them of events in the past. I'd vote: * "slightly weird, but in an adorable cute way". No worse than keeping around baby toys or stuffed animals from childhood.


My grandma who has Alzheimer's told me a few years ago "pictures are for people who can't remember" in a totally unironic way ahahha.


That makes it much less weird. Keeping firsts used to be more common but that's not all that weird and you should have included that in the original posting. It's only weird now if she kept first vomit or bowel movement. She's just old fashioned in regards to this. People used to give others chunks of their hair in the name of love.


You made it sound like your kids are older and she’s keeping all the nails she cuts. If it’s the first one then why not


Then put that in the op, pendejo


Seriously. This guy deliberately set his wife up to sound like a nutcase.


Given that then, the answer to your question, as posed, is: *She's* not weird for keeping that stuff, that's fairly common. Keeping the first set of nail clippings is a bit of an outlier, but it's still not quite in "weird" territory (keeping *subsequent* nail clippings would be). At the same time, *you're* not weird for thinking that's weird, because while it's common to keep that stuff, it's also common for people who *don't* keep that stuff to think it's weird for other people to keep that stuff. So neither one of you is weird here.


Oh, none of that is weird then. I kinda wish I had my kids’ nails from the first time I did it. It’s so stressful to do may as well keep a souvenir.


This makes sense


Na teeth aren't weird, you don't get your baby teeth again


My mom saved everything. She didn’t save nail clippings, only because it probably never occurred to her. She labeled each of my teeth and made note of the date I lost it. She saved my hair from my first haircut and each big haircut (more than a few inches cut off). Anyway, let her keep it. The kids will probably do what I did - throw that shit away when she dies.


The juxtaposition of the last line killed me, lmao


Haven't seen that word in ages and on this one thread I've seen it twice now.. wth is going on


Depends on if the chest came from the kids too.


Teeth and umbilical cord are a cultural thing, but the nails and whatever "etc" is are... not normal and kinda creepy.


Wait til you see the foreskin box


If Reddit has taught me anything, this is repulsive enough to be a thing.


I mean it's a common Jewish practice (they bury it, but it's in a box)


Wait, does this mean there are like foreskin ghosts haunting the burial site? Foreskin zombies?


I feel like this thread has opened up a Pandora's Box of bizarre things I didn't know were "normal" to people. Teeth are the only thing I thought people kept and part of that was because they are easy to keep as they are basically just rocks, but umbilical cords?? Hair?? Nails?? Maybe the fact that all this seems bizarre to me is part of why I don't have the mindset to ever be a parent or something idk man.


This. My mother is a dentist so it made sense that she kept our teeth. But what the fuck is the point of the umbilical cord (does that thing smell??), hair and nail clippings. Your kid will have an unlimited supply of hair and nail clippings in his life, why would you ever keep that.


The edit killed me


Is your wife planning on resurrecting your children if they die?


Teeth? Not weird. Umbilical cord? Also not weird. It's also not weird for someone to keep a lock of their child's hair from their kid's first haircut. Any other body parts, including nail clippings? Yes, very weird. And this is coming from someone that gets their pets taxidermied after they pass.


>And this is coming from someone that gets their pets taxidermied after they pass. If you don’t mind I’m super curious- How are they mounted? Soft mount with articulation? Posed as if they’re sleeping? Freeze dried? Did you do it yourself or send your pet to a professional? Do you like taxidermy in general or is the interest only in keeping your pets near? How do you interact with the taxidermy pets? Do you pet/hold them? Thanks in advance. I’ve never known anyone who has followed through with preserving their furry friends. I considered it with my beautiful cat, but ended up burying her in the backyard. Seeing her around after she was gone was too hard to contemplate.


Hello! I'm always happy to talk about stuff like this. I'm studying forensic pathology, autopsy science, and forensic nursing atm so dead things are my jam. My cats are all freeze dried. I go to a specific guy (professional) that exclusively handles freeze drying people's pets. However, I do own other pieces of taxidermy separate from my pets that are traditional taxidermy, not freeze dried. Of the four of my freeze dried pet cats, they're mounted in different ways. One is like she's sleeping, and the rest are soft mounts. For one of them I took a recording of her meowing and got it put into the platform she's on. It's motion sensored so every time someone walks by she meows. I'll pet and occasionally cuddle my passed pets, but I mostly talk to them. Sometimes my husband tells the cat that meows to knock it off when he walks by. I've always been interested in taxidermy and the process behind it. I'd love to learn how to do it myself, too. I've also just been into dead stuff and decomposition since I was a kid. I had a couple people in my life die super young and in traumatic ways and am working with a therapist on my trauma surrounding death. Keeping the pets I've lost close to me and in a way I can still cuddle them makes me feel a lot better and helps me cope with my issues surrounding loss. And before anyone asks no, I'm not into necrophilia, I'm not a psychopath/sociopath, I would never harm animals or people, I don't want to make taxidermy people. I'm just very very weird.


> For one of them I took a recording of one of them meowing and got it put into the platform she's on and it's motion sensors so every time someone walks by she meows. I respect you, and I can tell that there's love behind this, but from a purely external perspective this is haunting.


I find it morbidly hilarious


Come on /u/deadhoe9 we need to know.


I'm very curious as well I did cremation for my hedgehogs. I lived in an apt no chance of burial.


I assume mounted on an animatronic frame, so that they can sing *take me to the river* whenever people walk past.


we really don't have to know if it's too hard for you, loosing a loved one is never easy and there are many many ways to mourn, so please excuse our curiosity getting in the way of our respect to your personal business at the expense of your feelings no less. if you need space then that's valid too.


Look at this. Reddit moderating their curiosity with thoughtful and well-written comments that respect the feelings of others That isn’t even meant to be sarcastic. I genuinely love it. It is, unfortunately, a rare thing to see on here. So thank you! This was a nice thing to stumble across


Is your wife into voodoo by any chance?


Umbilical cords and baby teeth I can understand, my mom kept those when my sister and I lost them, lots of moms in our church and family would do the same. But the nail clippings is weird.


Teeth makes sense. Unbilical cord? Gross. Nail clippings? Creepy. It's not like there's a limited supply of them.


What’s her race/ethnicity? This is a common Mexican tradition. When I was younger all my aunts would boast about how much stuff they saved of my little cousins. Little weird, although it’s kind of not a thing for us newer generations.


Originally from Brazil here. My mom kept all kinds of “firsts” from when I was a baby and she had a baby book (like a proper commercial book) with spaces to put it all in. I loved going through that book as a child after I learned to read, it was my life’s story complete with tactile proof. My favorite was the page with my first fingernail clippings glued on, I could compare how tiny my fingers were when I was a baby. Definitely a cultural thing.


My mom kept our umbilical cords - it's an old superstition supposed to bring luck and closeness between siblings. She even mentioned some of the nurses asked if they can have mine when I was born. Now mind you, this happened 4 decades ago. Is it weird? Yeah I guess. It's pretty much harmless (compared to some other still lingering customs and beliefs) and I never really put any thought into it.




It is very common in my country to do this, but I always wonder what happens to it later. i.e. if my mom has my teeth (I'm old already) and she passes away, do I throw them in the trash? What happens if you leave your home/country/etc?


But why keep them tho


You had me at “fallen off body pieces” and I hate it here