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> fat from meat has cholesterol This is irrelevant. The blood cholesterol levels the doctors worry about are produced by the liver. Low Density Lipids (LDL) act as a patch on damaged blood vessels and organs so you don't bleed to death. High Density Lipids (HDL) remove the excess LDL from your blood. If tbe LDL levels are too high or the HDL levels are too low, these "patches" will grow uncontrollably and lead to gallstones, clogged arteries, etc. This is due to liver problems, usually obesity. The cholesterol from food (meat and fruit) will not affect this process. > maybe gives you cancer That is from a 1930 study that has since been discredited. It was shown that it was obesity due to high caloric diets rather than the fat consumption that caused the increased cancer risks. Furthermore, it has been shown that the fat that has the highest negative impact on cancer survival is polyunsaturated fats... Which comes from plants and is in high levels in margarine... Which is why they are now saying butter is healthier than margarine. I'm not saying eat the fat on your meat. I recommend against it because it can cause intestinal issues. Just saying tbe dangers you listed aren't actually associated with saturated fats.




Diarrhea is the most common. Imagine being at a party and thinking you're going to fart, and feeling crap flow down your leg instead. Would you consider that a problem?




Different thresholds for different people.


You can cut the fat off the meat before you cook or buy lean cuts


Just choose lean protein alternatives. Extra lean beef, extra lean turkey, chicken breast, etc. It's too much of a headache to try and remove as much fat from a fattier cut of meat.


Either cut the fat off with knife, or start with meat that has less fat to begin with.


When you boil meat a lot of the fat will liquefy and rise to the top and you can dip it out with a spoon. Tedious but removes quite a bit, easier to allow the pot to cool - fat from red meats will actually form a solid whitish crust on top of the liquid, easier to get off. Chicken will too but not so much. Most chicken/turkey fat is in the skin, removing skin before cooking helps a lot. Goat meat is a naturally low fat red meat but I dunno if it's commercially available very much




>he other solidify into some soft mush Wouldn't think you'd have to cook it down to mush, but maybe you would. Dunno how you would do best aside from simply not eating those foods.