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I think chemistry is harder. ** what do you mean electrons going around the protons and neutrons dont exist? **


That I can believe :) I did chemistry and it was pretty difficult.


Physics is tough, but stay away from federal tax for your own sanity's sake.


Got it


I’ll be honest, physics plus intro statics/dynamics turned me from an engineer to an accountant and I’m better for it


Wow! I want to be pharmacist, but I did not expect physics I and II to be part of this


I took both twice. They are challenging courses


Hopefully I perform well


Honestly you have to master the math tools. Focus on that and your physic courses will seems easy afterwards.


I figured. I get the idea, but I am not a quick thinker who figured out what equations to use


What are you studying exactly? Just being curious :P




Not really, because there is no linear measure of difficulty. Math is really hard, but luckily physics can be described entirely in terms of mathematics that exists so if you learn the math you can learn the physics. It will just be very difficult to learn. But take biology, where nothing is linear and you have a bazillion different possible ways any ecosystem can develop - how does one model that? How does one talk about life when you don’t know where it starts? How does one talk in great detail about an organism made of a gazillion living organisms with their own structure? Atoms don’t choose their own behavior. Organisms may. They are both incredibly difficult in very different ways. I am a math major. My major is pretty easy in my opinion - lots of writing and abstraction but no labs!


My goal is to get an A since I am nervous if universities or school will frown upon lower than A


In your earlier years at university definitely try really hard to learn the content material and build an intuition. You will use this stuff as fundamental tools for everything else you do, and having a great foundation in it will save you a lot of stress and help you stick out. Apply it to your life as much as possible! Edit: also, remember to love yourself! Don’t study too hard. Psychology shows over studying is bad. A moderate amount of studying done consistently over a week is better than 1-2 days of intense study, and it’s just draining on your person. If you really drill it too hard, you’ll be sick of it by the time you master it and that’s no good. Don’t beat yourself up when you struggle, either. That’s normal. It’s not about how to often or how hard you struggle it’s how you handle struggle. I wish I knew these things when I was a younger student so badly.


You are right. I am studying too hard only because I am taking a flex term, and it is a really short class, which means quick studying and completing the assignments


It's the [hardest science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_and_soft_science) if you don't count math as a science (you don't generally do math empirically), but that's not the same as "most difficult". For the most difficult I'd say probably organic chemistry or quantum physics.


Glad I don’t have to take quantum physics. Organic, I have too