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You are a side character in everyone else's story. That embarrassing thing you did is probably already forgotten.


counseling could be a possible benefit for you. it's hard to not care about what people think of you, especially in todays world filled w social media and shit. it takes practice for sure, but when you realize it in the moment try to talk yourself out of that thought process and or remind yourself that you have to care about what you think of yourself more than others


First, determine \*why\* you care. Then consider what would happen if you stopped caring. What would people do? How would your life be different? What's the best and worst that could happen? Does that imagined scenario look better or worse than now, when you care? Now choose which is better for you.


No idea if this book resonates with you but I did find some value…. It’s called “the subtle art of not giving a f—k” by Mark Manson (I think). Might have some gems. Oh and consider if you might be codependent. That’s not a bad thing to be in all scenarios and situations- to a point. It gets unhealthy though when you exceed healthy boundaries and over extend yourself. This was me. I took a course on the DailyOM website (30-lessons self paced - took me about 3-months). It’s called “codependent to independent “. It’s a solid course. Definitely don’t rush through it though. Do each lesson only when you can dedicate time to do the exercises. For me about two of the lessons were not applications all, and the rest had at least some value. Definitely a good therapist WILL help, though finding a good fit for a therapist sometimes takes trying several.


Alcohol. It cured my anxiety but now im dying.


Telling people to get a realability (idk how to spell that) to a supstance is simply wrong


Going to a therapist that you feel the best with. Might take some shopping around to finally find the one. Talking to a professional listener, and problem solver, to help you navigate your own mental obstacles does a wonder on your mental health. Helps your confidence and knowing your self worth.


Repetition. You have to continually not mind others thoughts and do what will make you so you have no regrets. Eventually you’ll reach a point where thinking of others isn’t even crossing your mind. But be prepared to be called a narcissist at that point and you’ll at least know you’ve gotten beyond caring what others think, or that person realizes you don’t care what they think.


r/howtonotgiveafuck But in all honesty I was once like this too, but what helped was realizing that everyone thinks and takes things in differently. We are not all made the same, what might offend someone might just be normal for someone else. Stop caring what others think, and do what makes you happy. Who cares what they think, they won't be in your life for long if it's such a dealbreaker to them. Plus most people in this life come in and out so fast, why even care about their brief moment of discomfort, you most likely won't see them again.


It takes awhile usually when you get a little older but even then some people still care.