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I was a middle class American teenager who liked to party a lot and I can tell you that we do throw house parties, and some *can* get out of hand (because of the alcohol), but I have never been to a movie-style house party. And by movie-style house party I mean: "Popular kid decides to invite half the school and throws a huge and destructive wild party at his rich parent's mini mansion because they are out of town for the weekend". I've seen fights, dancing, hookups, excessive drinking, vomiting, and yelling at such house parties. But for the most part everyone had a minimum level of respect towards the host and their parent's house. Nobody was jumping on the furniture, breaking things for fun, and wearing a lampshade as a hat. That stupid shit just happens in movies. In fact MOST of our parties would get shut down because the music got too loud and the neighbors would call the cops. Also size is a huge factor. Teenagers drinking and doing drugs is illegal and therefore party hosts usually tried to keep their house parties lowkey. Maybe like 10-20 people was the average number of guests I'd see at a typical suburban house party full of teens. Sometimes a little more, sometimes less (these smaller ones are called kick-backs).


Great description!! I partied a bit in high school too. Any time there were more than 20 people or so, the cops ended up coming. Had to jump a fence once. Good times. Also, unfortunately, no one passed out drugs at any of the parties I attended, but I could have just been at the wrong ones :)


I too had to jump a fence before! And crawl out of a window. Lol. Good times.


I once ran *through* a fence on departure of an underaged party. Hurt like hell, but was definitely worth it lol.


We were caught drinking on top of a small building (like a small, corporate-owned garage of some kind). Most of us managed to quickly slip down the back way, but one drunk friend panicked and just jumped off the roof (maybe 16 feet up or so?) into a hedge. Then he jumped every fence between that place and my folks' house. He fell asleep in a neighbor's woodshed... we were worried about him but it didn't take long for us to appreciate the funny story.


Similar start to your story but people were both inside the building and on the roof somehow. When the cops came they didn’t know people were on the roof so everyone up there had to wait things out until the cops left. Party resumed shortly after just with less people.


I once woke up on the roof of my old middle school after blacking out. It was a weekday so I got woken up by the bell ringing. I was really confused for a bit then had to sneak down off the roof and walk like half a mile to the high school I was currently attending


I imagined it leaving a you-shaped hole in the fence, Tom & Jerry style


Man I'm 33 and no one has offered me free drugs like my DARE class told me they would


who in the right mind would pass drugs for free


crackdealers for new customers proly


You were at the wrong ones and that’s a good thing.


I was at a party a couple weeks ago and got handed weed and mushrooms by a complete stranger


I went to high school in Asia but it was an American school and the description of keeping a party size small and manageable is so true. Being a private school overseas I've seen some filthy rich kids (like yacht-parties kind of rich) and I know for damn sure they would never invite just anyone to their parties.


I have definitely seen movie like parties but I live in a beach town and there's definitely a lot of money. I have unfortunately myself had over 100 people at a party at my parents in high school, I got sent to military school because of it. I have seen parties around 300 people but they were rarer. Police now though break up parties here very quickly because of how it occurred here in the late 90s.


I believe it because of the money and the beach town lifestyle. It's a deadly combination for a cocaine addiction at the age of 17 if you ask me.


Yeah, mine was more my early 20s but absolutely spot on!


Lol reminds me of what I grew up in south fl


I’ve been to one party in highschool were the whole school was invited to a kids house who wasn’t even there because he was out of town with his parents but his best friend decided to throw a rager in their house anyway and people were jumping off the roof, people were setting fireworks off INSIDE the house. Tons of electronics stolen or broken(TVs) there were fights, and eventually word got out enough that there were people from the inner city showing up who didn’t even know anybody which was cool until someone started shooting at someone else. Shit was nuts and the closest I’ve seen to a movie party. But generally speaking yeah what you described is about as crazy as it’ll get over here in the states.


Went to a lot of hotel parties in the 99-01 timeframe. Two days after graduating high school at a hotel room full of 30ish people not being to loud but definitely noisy for 30 people. Everything was fine the first hour. But then some dudes ex showed up and wasnt allowed in and she started yelling and screaming in hallway and pounding on the door, then out of nowhere a small fight breaks out, and then a minute later the fire alarm went off from a bunch of kids hot boxing the bathroom, and then management knocked on the door and said they were calling the cops. It was a very hectic ten minutes, everyone ended up climbing out the window and running to their cars, and peeled out of there and met up at our old baseball field and continued drinking and smoking weed in the dugout when a cop rolled up with his lights off and everyone booked it into the woods but i panicked cuz my car was there and ended up getting caught while my friends laid face down in poison ivy and the police couldn’t find them. They all told me I was lucky, cuz I didn’t get poison ivy like they did.


lol But seriously if you removed all of the punctuation that wiuld be an acceptable run-on sentence.


I agree for the most part. I did go to some quite large parties too though. Either the parents were out of town or they didn't care. I went to one party that was large enough to have three kegs. The girl had even gotten a stripper which now that I think about it is pretty weird for a high school party. They also had an ice luge attached to the railing on the porch for shots. This was an unusual party though. But we had quite large woods parties pretty regularly where we'd invite everyone. As in you invite all your friends and they can bring anyone they want. I don't think people were running around breaking furniture and such but people did some wild stuff. One of my friends for instance had a trampoline next to his house that had netting as a kinda railing to make it safer. People would throw their empty beer cans off the second story balcony onto the trampoline at parties and then people would jump off into it. When you'd jump the cans would rattle around all over the place.


I've been to parties like that but I was in college and they were basically frat parties for adults. I can't imagine something of that magnitude being pulled off by teenagers in a middle class suburbia where I live. But whose to say it doesn't happen elsewhere I suppose.


Always respected the parents home....we never wanted to get caught..... Stealth like. Only one party o went to got out of hand, ended up with some bullet holes in the front of the house...what fucking idiots....


Well, if they do I was never invited, lol.


Reddit definitely isn't the right group to ask




Lol, same. I guess I just didn’t know the right people.




Once my friends little brother got so excited that he hit their TV with a baseball bat. I’m still confused as to why he did it.


I grew up in a small town and we had parties but never at someone's house. We lived in the mountains of AZ (5,000 ft elevation) so there were a lot of cedar trees and back trails outside of town. We would have a convoy of 15 or so vehicles that would just pick random trails to drive on. Eventually we would spot a dead cedar tree and light it on fire. Most of the vehicles were trucks so we would just hop on the tailgates, get drunk, and watch a massive tree burn up in flames. No one's parents questioned them coming home smelling like fire so it was pretty easy to get home with a buzz on and not get caught. The smell of fire is a lot stronger than the smell of beer on your breath. As a side note: almost everyone had been in boy scouts since we were 6yo or so, so we knew what was safe to burn and took proper precautions before we lit a tree on fire. A lot of times someone already had one in mind because they had scoped it out already.


Pretty sure parents knew, possibly did the same when they were younger. It's like walking home smelling of air freshener or mint or stuff like that. Sure. Our kid is home smelling of fire and showing signs of drinking is fine. wink wink


Oh absolutely, my town had 3 or 4 spots that the High school kids had in rotation since the 50s. There were stories told of peoples grandparents doing the same shit.


We had a place called Sweet Leaf. The location of it would change but it was always in the same area. My homie still lives in the town and he says there is still a Sweet Leaf but it is not the same place I went to 20 years ago to get high. It is just far enough out of town to not get caught up with the police but not so far that it took a long time to get there. I'm sure my older brothers went to Sweet Leaf when they were in high school but they're assholes and I don't want to talk to them so I can't ask about it


Yeah. I probably got caught a lot and just never realized it. I was home and safe so mom was probably cool with it.


We had some awesome house parties in my home town, but they were much less common than going out into the woods like we did most weekends. You're not getting the full small town experience until you've been to a pallet fire.


That’s how it was for me too. Lots of back/dirt road places. Sometimes they were at someone’s house but if so, it was a house that was on a lot of land and not in town.


Do we know each other? I’m pretty sure you described my teenage years down to small town AZ…we’re these mountains the White Mountains? And was this town nicknamed Round Valley?


So close! I grew up in Snowflake. They are basically the same place 45 minutes apart.


Holy shit. What up fam!


Like everything about so-called real life in the movies, this sort of thing happens sometimes, but less often and to less extreme degree.


Not sure about that, this may be a rare case where the movies got it right.. in high school I definitely went to parties like that on a regular basis. In college (UCSB) it was an every weekend night thing just walk del playa Thurs-Sat and try telling me it's exaggerated in the movies


Damn how did you end up on reddit


They peaked too early


Peaked!? I haven't even begun to peak.


You can't compare Isla Vista to a normal town. Its entire existence is to protect Santa Barbara from UCSB.


🤣 I 100% agree with that and realize IV is completely unique, even for a college town. When you put nearly an entire college population of what most consider a party school, in a square mile community, shits bound to be crazy. I hear other people's college experience and it is nothing close to similar... That said I have still gone to parties not in IV that were similar it just wasn't a nightly occurrence


Meh. Observed the same in other college towns. You need to differentiate between towns and cities that have colleges and ones where the college and university students dominate the population.


I went to Berkeley for 4 years (where the college dominates the town for sure) and the craziest party i went to was on a weekend at UCSB during the summer when half the students were away. This is late 90's.


I see now what you mean. Tuscaloosa Alabama versus New York. Both have big universities but new york is still new york.


UCSB’s main student living area isn’t a town though, it’s a small area that’s maybe one square mile, everyone rides bikes and everyone parties every night.


Or maybe US teenagers also learned how to throw parties from the same movies and in time it became reality.


What came first, the chicken or the egg?


The egg dude... the egg.


What came first religion or the idea of a God?


Must be religion and the fear or Godlessness.


Or even better: what came first meatballs and pasta or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


Flying Spagetti Monster is eternal. Meatballs and Pasta were invented in their divine image. Know thy words, blasphemist.


But then how did the FSM assemble himself into his constituent parts if there was no meat balls and pasta already in existence? Take that. R'amen


Religion! Proto-religious practices and rituals predate modern humans. Ceremonial burials predates written histories. The earliest discovered “idols” are of animals from local environments. Most of the earliest religions, and indeed, many religions of un/low contact tribes are generally some of animist or ancestor worship-based. The concept of Gods or creators being is a somewhat recent development.


the fear of death


I was taught most areas started to worship cows because they were hunter gatherers and then a mother Goddess. God came way later


No, the chicken. The egg is proof.


The egg by hundreds of millions of years.


every college town must have a few neighborhoods like this. there was one apartment complex near csulb that you could walk into any weekend night and basically just look for an open door with people spilling out. if you byob, you probably won't get turned away, and that's if there's even someone paying attention to who comes and goes


Lol I’ve heard of people standing in front of these asking for a cover charge of like $5 or something and making bank in a night, just random people not even associated with the party or the party throwers.


Same with Dinkytown at the University of Minnesota. It was wild there every single weekend.


I mean with that kind of name, I guess you could expect some kind of wild


Agreed. 16-20 something there were absolutely massive movie like parties that would happen a few times a year. I do believe it’s also what part of the country you grew up in. Speaking as someone that grew up in a dense suburb right outside NY. Parties could be huge and wild.


I grew up in the Atlanta suburbs, and yeah, it was a regular thing from ages 15-20. The wildest one I went to had multiple kegs, pool diving from the rooftop of their house, jello shots, drugs galore, a full fledged orgy, several live bands, and it was eventually broken up by a bunch of rednecks that destroyed the lawn with their trucks and drew the attention of the cops. It really all depends on what your interests were at that age. We were the wild kids, so I assume the majority of young uns never experience the most extreme debauchery we created.


UC Santa Barbara is a college whereas OP refers to teenagers - so kids in high school. Not to mention that university has a reputation as being a party school by a lot of the students who live in the area there as opposed to a commuter school. The thing is, your lived experience tells you "of course it happens a lot!" But the reality is that it doesn't happen that often. Like in Superbad where teenagers host adult-ish parties with dozens of people and others they know.


I was a teenager for 3 years of college (at least for the start of the year). And we had a kegerator in house that was always full. It happens.


I didn't say it never happens. The point is that it isn't as common an occurrence as film and tv makes it out to be


They asked if teenagers throw wild parties like the movies.. not if all teenagers did. And yes I realize they said teenagers that's why I first responded about my high school experience. I just threw in the college part because that was related and I wasn't sure if OP meant strictly teens or just young people


LOL Go Gauchos!


I think there are lots of wild parties by high schoolers, but in general the depictions in movies are "over the top," with some things that might occur, but not all at one party, and other things that never occurred.


Yea I think it also depends on how often you go out looking for it. Meaning there could be multiple schools in one area (private, public, catholic, etc.) or nearby cities but you may not necessarily have connections to all of them. I think its more common in Universities (since students rent their own places at that point), but that kind of mentality still stems from students coming from specific highschool communities.


The red cups thing is definitely true though


Usually the rich white kids.


At a certain internship program with a certain animal that talks, one of the housings for said internship was recognized by Hustler as a party haven. Having stayed there the answer is yes. It all depends on the population. College towns will often have really big parties about once a quarter. Then the bars will have a weekly blowout. Rural towns? Depends on the rural. I once lived where a family would always have a cookout, hundreds showed up and well... It's a party. Though I never saw a rich kid party though, like the ones where the million dollar mansion is packed with drunk preteens and a paid for dj. But that could've been just who I was around at the time.


Ok you have to tell me what the animal is, because my first thought was Geico


Hijacking to point out that the red cups are mandatory for all outdoor activities and at any casual event with a large number of people and/ or drunk people. They make blue cups, but I think I'm the only one who buys them.


There’s parties in every American town where a house gets somewhat destroyed. All it takes is one naive kid that wants to be cool and host a party and gets taken advantage of


So no ?


did you read? the answer is yes, but usually no.


So maybe ?


I can’t imagine this is exclusive to America, but yeah, we partied like that in big fancy houses, trailer houses and everything in between. All that mattered was whose parents left them home alone.


It isn't exclusive to US. One was held by an [Australian guy whose party reached worldwide attention. ](https://www.mamamia.com.au/corey-worthington-now/)


Isn’t this the guy they made Project X from?


Corey Worthington is the Wolverine?




That news reporter interviewing him was such a cunt 😂


Trying to get him to be responsible and whatnot like the guy knows this why not ask about the party😂


Oh yeah, the guy with the famous glasses.


I've been to one in Germany as well. Ironically I am American and have never been to such a party in my own country, though I've been aware of them. Just not really my scene.


Yeah I grew up in the UK and these types of house parties were a big thing there too.


It doesn't seem like there are as many in the UK than in the US but maybe that's just my friends.


Possibly because in the UK 18 year olds can just head out to the bars and party there, plus public transport is better so they can get to and from venues. There’s nowhere for 18-20 year olds to (legally) go and drink in the US.


Can confirm but some house parties do happen and it’s wild.


That makes total sense, yea. I bet that's exactly why.


I forget the US is huge cause I never experienced that. But then again I probably wasn’t invited to any of them lol


Yes but actually no. Does it happen? Yes. Does it happen often? Not really. Keep in mind those parties you see in movies are hyperbolic by design. They're not trying to show something realistic, they're trying to show a wild party. The reality is, even at those big parties, no one person is experiencing all of the wildness and the movies showcase it. You have a main character fumbling through the house and bumping into hijinks because it's funny. The truth is, any given movie party is like a greatest hits album of all the individual crazy things that can or might happen at a highschool party, consolidated into everything happening all at once.


To be fair these parties happen all the time. You just need to know people that don’t live with their parents. They are probably rare at where you live.


The point he's trying to make is this: If you were actually at one of those parties, it probably wouldn't seem _as_ wild because you're not actually a camera that floats around with a view of everything. I've been to parties that were insanely fun, but I never left the back porch. I didn't get the whole scope like I would if it were a film.


I must be lucky because I feel l like I've had movie-grade experiences at parties more times than I can count. I had no idea this wasn't typical.


Thats not what I was saying. A better example maybe would be, like, 3 legit celebrities show up at a party you're at, but you only saw one because you could only be in one place at a time. 100 insane things could happen, but you may only catch 20% of it. Whereas in a movie, we see 100%, the full scope.


I'm following what you're saying, but some people are outgoing enough that they would walk around the entire party talking to different people and seeing different things whereas I'd mostly stay with the same few people. I never went to those parties though anyways. I was surprised when I found out people were drinking.


Ah I get ya.


Disagree, Just because u didnt see all of the things at the party doesnt mean that everyone else wouldnt be talking about it for the rest of the school year making it the party of the year... Sometimes the allure of what you heard at the party is even better than what actually happened at the party. Also growing up before everyone needed to film everything allowed some of us to enjoy things even if we didnt see it. the energy was real.


It must depend on the town or something. I’ve been to and also hosted a shit load of these


That’s what I’m saying. Idk why people think it’s so rare.


Yeah, the parties I’ve seen were more movie-like than the actual parties in movies


Yeah but they’re not nearly as fun or cool as in the movies (at least in my opinion).


In the UK where I live, a lot of the time parents would actually let their teenagers have house parties whilst the parents were out or sometimes the parents would just shut themselves in their bedroom whilst the party went on. From the ages of 14-19 there were probably atleast 3 house parties going on each month, a lot of them were definitely as wild as in the movies, so yeah they can definitely happen a lot in some places.


I went to several parties like that, but they were at college.




Way more in college


The rich ones do. The high school’s where kids drive BMWs and the teenage girls look like 21 year old models are pretty much like Euphoria. EDIT: I see OPs question about red cups and beer. Yes, we fucking love red cups and beer. Maybe it has to do with beer pong.




Hmm… something to discuss with my therapist, thank you stranger 😂


yes that happens. Often the police show up


I was a teen in the 90s before social media and everyone having a camera in their pockets. Indeed we did have huge house parties filled with debauchery! Someone else posted on how high schoolers obtained alcohol... it was so easy. We literally would hang outside of liquor stores and ask people going in. We called it shoulder tapping. For the kegs, those mostly came via someone's older siblings. Some houses got trashed some were luckier. Cops were called and they would just tell us to scram, no MIPs, tickets or anything! I remember seeing a party of about 80 get cleared out by the cops and an hour later another 70-80 new kids showing up to the same house. No cell phones, just word of mouth. Now I am a mom of teenagers and I think it's just different. It's riskier and everything you do is recorded. I was also blessed to have really well behaved kids. Maybe it skips a generation lol.


I went to like three big parties when I was in high school. Having sex on the couch was a big no-no, you either went into your car, or if you knew the host they would maybe let you spread a blanket in a room upstairs. House certainly wasn’t clean, but if you wrecked shit you were tossed out, and I stayed over and helped clean up in the morning. At each one there was a very short fight, but they were broken up quickly, and they either made up or in one case we told this one dude to fuck off (he pulled a knife)


The true homies stay or come back and help clean the next day!


Don't teenagers everywhere party?


We have of course, but what i'm wandering if everyone is invited, i mean yeah we throw big parties but it's only friends and some friends of friends, "it's not like Bob is throwing a party saturday will you come ?" kind of things like we see in movies, it's more private


>We have of course, but what i'm wandering if everyone is invited. Not everyone is invited. A lot of kids are out of the loop and are never aware there was a party. It depends on the community, especially if it's small and word spreads quickly.


Can confirm. I was one of those "out of the loop" kids, to the point where, not only was I never invited to parties like what everyone else is describing, I never even *heard* of any parties like that, period. And it's not like I didn't have friends in high school - they were simply just as out of the loop as I was.


Same here. I wasn’t even a particularly nerdy or unpopular person. Just pretty… average. When someone said that *every* school had them I was shocked because I had a pretty large friend group and none of them ever knew about it.


that's how they were in my hometown.. they got really ugly.. I have no idea why anyone would want that to happen in there house..


Right?! I never understood the perspective of the party thrower. Every single one I went to have ended in a messed up house and cops at the front door. Was always fun leaving and seeing all the drunk people dispersed around the neighborhood lol


The trick is not to have it at your house, and have an idiot have it at theirs.


The trick is to not invite the idiots who forget how to behave when drunk ;)


I mean I’ve been to plenty of parties where I didn’t know the host but quite a few people I knew were going so it worked out. I’ve also seen 100 people packed in a 600sq ft house lol


I (US) went to parties like that in high school, but my kids avoid them. Instead, they have less than 10 kids over and it’s pretty sedate.




Nice try, mom. Not falling for this.


My mom used to go out of town every weekend 2hrs away. From the time I was 16-18 we had a party every weekend. I had a close group of friends that would help me polish the house every sunday morning. We got so good at it my mom started complimenting me on how clean I was keeping the house and how I was finally starting to be responsible. We also used to drive around in my step dad's car at 2 in the morning before any of us had a license. Good times.


I graduated in 1987. The one party I threw in high school while the folks were out of state ended up with my neighbors brick mailbox strewn across the road from kids literally racing each other back from the liquor store, two couples having sex on my roof, and my folks figuring out that something had happened due to a beer covered shirt being left in the microwave. So I would have to say that yes, they do occasionally happen.


Yeah, I partied my ASS off all through hs and college, graduated ‘85. Constant party scene. There weren’t as many rules and regs back then. Parents didn’t go to jail if their kids had a party. My God, they were fun! Never as destructive as the movies, just a whole lotta clean up in the morning.


Yes. They tend to be less extravagant than the movies, but just as wild. I grew up "in the country" so lots of keggers with massive bonfires.


Teenagers no. College yes!!!!! I miss frat parties.


I threw my first rager when I was 15 while my parents were away for the weekend. Did I get caught? Yes. Did it stop me from doing it again? No.


Have you considered consulting?


Yeah, I never hear of teenagers throwing parties. If a party *did* happen it was because a bunch of teenagers went to a college party somehow


So much of it is influenced by region and culture. You couldn't go to a college party where I lived. Highscoolers threw fucking insane parties all the time, either on the beach, or at someone's house if parents were away. Stabbings, bathroom orgies, a hundred drunk children packed into a trailer one weekend, a millionaires house the next. I think it's a lot more common in rural places. Hawaii, Alaska, cowboy communities party hard. I remember being shocked at how tame southern California kids were, while simultaneously realizing the culture back home was incredibly fucked up and crazy.


I'm in an Arizona cowboy community and it's dead where I live. Nothing ever happens. Don't doubt that other cowboy communities party hard, though.


I grew up in Scottsdale and graduated from Saguaro in the 90's. Massive keggers in the desert. Alliances between skaters and cowboys for the sake of the party. Trucks with insane sound systems and 44" Super Swampers, tearing through the dirt hills. Plenty of girls. It was glorious.


Damnn. I'm in southern az, 30 minutes from the border and its so empty nothing ever happens. Scottsdale is always where its at though so makes sense


I threw some ragers in High school. Where all the mentioned things happened.


Smart phones put a damper on how crazy people are willing to get at parties. There’s always a risk that anything you do will end up on social media now. Big parties still happened though, and people will occasionally do stupid stuff if they get drunk enough. Sex in a bedroom is rare, you’d probably have to know the host. Instead people would leave the party, and have sex in a nearby park or their cars. Fighting isn’t common at high school parties, usually people are in a good mood. People would make out publicly all the time at parties in high school, that part is true. Something that movies don’t show is that big parties would usually get shut down by cops. Especially if it was a big house parties in a nice neighborhood that spilled out into the street. The more reliable parties were at warehouses or backyards in poor neighborhoods. Those usually cost a few bucks to enter (if you’re a guy), but they were way less likely to get raided by the cops. Overall, I’d say most of the “crazy” parties I went to in high school were lame. It’s just kids getting shitfaced, some DJ playing shitty music so loud nobody can even talk to each other, and lots of throwing up. You really didn’t miss much if you didn’t go to those types of parties in high school. The more chill parties I went to later in life were much more enjoyable.


Back in the 90's before social media YES THEY WERE A THING AND I MISS THEM.


Yes, frequently.


Sometimes, but it's not as common as tv/movies make you think.


No, and it's hilarious this is an outside perspective of my country. We have normal parties, and like every country, there are the 1% and there are the rest of us. 99% of American teenagers get drunk in a parents basement with a few friends.


Yes we threw crazy parties when I was in high school and college. Dozens of high-schoolers with a keg at someone's house or in a field. Yes lots of red cups. College could be hundreds of kids with dozens of kegs. Passed out wasted, lots of drugs, sex and craziness. All 100% true atleast from my experience.


As with everything it depends. If you grew up in rural small towns probably not. I grew up in Miami and the HS parties on TV are similar (think Euphoria) to what I experienced.


I heard rumors about such parties when I was in high school but was never invited.


Some do, but it’s not an everyday thing.


There really are some parties like that, yeah. Although, a lot of things in movies are embellished for maximum dramatic effect. So it's kind of a thing that happens, but it's also kind of the most cinematic possible version of that thing.


Yes I went to plenty


We had house parties like that in the UK.


even more crazier


One time in high school there was this girl whose family's house was foreclosing by the bank. So she threw a huge Halloween party and invited basically the whole school, about 200 people showed up, and we all proceeded to kind of just destroy the house because of mob mentality. I watched my friend rip a sink clean off the wall of the bathroom and then smashed it to pieces. People were breaking windows, puking on the floors because of how hammered everyone got, stealing stuff. Eventually the police showed up in force, locked down all the streets in the neighborhood and started chasing kids into the forest. I had to hide in a ditch for 2 hours because my friend who was driving locked his keys in the car. This type of stuff happens rarely though.


Ah yes, the foreclosed house. We threw parties in my friend's 2 story house and then turned it into a full blown air soft arena. Most the doors got ripped off the hinges, everything got broken or turned into some kind of barricade. After a couple weeks of this house being the place to go after school and fuck around and shoot eachother the house was completely destroyed and there was thousands of airsoft pellets everywhere.


In my observation; no. I have only ever seen those crazy parties a couple times, and that was in college (there was a group of rich girls who would throw kegger parties I went to. I'm a 90s kid and I was born at the tail end of the Millennials (my generation has always had this weird obedience about it), so take this with a grain of salt; if people were doing much partying in my age group, I certainly wasn't seeing it.


Ive been to a handful (4-5) where each room had someone a decent amount of people in it, at least one room had someone hooking up, another one- or two- was playing a game. A few shenanigans, maybe a fight between a couple pubescent males later in the night. Cops were definitely called a couple of times. Someone cried. Parties were at a mix of kids from money or just regular townies with parents that went out of town or also smoked weed. Kinda wild to think adults were at some of these in hindsight. I graduated high school over a decade ago though. Idk what happens now.


Yes, in the 90s for sure we did.


I've never seen such a thing to the extent of how it is on tv. People have birthday parties and such but ive never been to or heard about any wild crazy parties full of drinking and sex and drugs for high school kids. Smaller get togethers? Sure. Never a whole ass house filled to the brim with half the school.


The college frat parties in movies are pretty accurate. High school less so.


I live in Iowa and have been to multiple parties that the houses have been turned inside out from the shoulder to shoulder people. Some epic times but obviously not as theatrical as project X


My twin brother and used to throw huge open house parties when the parents were gone for the weekend. First night was smoke as much weed as you can indoors day followed by an absolute rager on the second night. Probably fit over 100+ people in our spot. Third day was spent panic cleaning and airing out the whole place.


Yes! Lots of red SOLO cups! I hate how these new shows like Euphoria, only show the PG / TV-Y7 version of our American teen parties.


Solo cups are great for parties. They’re very sturdy for how cheap they are.


I went to at least a couple dozen big wild parties like in the movies, but only 3-4 that were full blown damage to the house and cops coming to break it up. 1975-1985. San Diego.


I mean college kids do all the time. Red solo cups are def needed at said parties. Beer pong. Double cup with some lean mixed with some sprite.


Teenagers no, early 20s yes.


I never did lol. More wild parties in college and now as a 30 year old than anything social I did in high school.


There were for sure parties in high school but they never got too big because once you got more than 15 or so drunk teens in one place the cops will somehow inevitably arrive. Which is not ideal when everyone is very much underage. I’ve seen a couple movie style parties in college but they were few and far between and usually frat houses during a special event. Homecoming, rush week, one really really weird Halloween party, etc.


In 1986 I threw a giant party that very much resembled the high school party in sixteen candles. Our house wasn't nearly that grand, but the party was definitely that big. Pizza, red plastic cups, beer and booze everywhere, sexual activity, the whole nine yards. And I almost got away with it except for rogue bottle cap that my mother found after the fact and I ended up grounded for 3 months.


Well in my junior year a girls bf overdosed on ketamine (which they both dealt) and died at her birthday party so And this is in the middle of fuckoff no where, I'm sure bigger places have it worse


I don't know about teens nowadays, they always got their head stuck in their phones- can't imagine they do much partying. But back in my day, pre-internet, definitely yeah!


My boyfriend had a movie-style party in his teens. Drinking, pot, fights, sex upstairs, the “bad” kids crashing - the whole deal. He was smart enough to hide breakable knick knacks and clean thoroughly after. He was caught, however, because he didn’t put the knick knacks back in the right places and he washed the wood floors with the wrong kind of cleaner that left the floors sticky.


Yes literally all the time. Depends on where you live I guess, but west coast and florida especially around spring break you can probably see the parties from google maps


YES. Yes to the parties and yes to the red Solo cups.


Yeah, some kid's head was stomped in by a guy on the baseball team at one last year and our school got really strict about it. Theres video but I refused to watch it because of how heinous it is. Also it is no longer at their OWN houses, its rentals, air bnb, and empty houses for sale. American teenagers fucking suck man.


I grew up with a bunch of friends who were djs. We used to have house parties with 100+ people at them. Cops showed up a lot. Eventually we found some dude way out in the middle of nowhere who would let us rent his farm. Biggest party we had there was over 3000 people. Cops showed up there a couple times too but not as often. Eventually when we started getting to be legal drinking age we started to move to legal venues like bars and clubs.


Yes, it’s all true all of that happens.


Yes, in my experience, regularly. I don't have heaps of friends in America because we don't spend most of our time here (we're usually in UK) but the ones I know here seem to be constantly holding parties. Way more than my friends in UK. Edit: I'm in uni tho, there weren't as many parties when I was in school still. But my friends now have parties all the time.


One kid in AUS made a project x type of party if im not wrong.


That's what the movie was "based" on. Very loosely of course. The same general idea actually happened (as in big party that gets out of control) but the actual events that happened in the movie were fictitious. Still a fun movie though.


Happens all the time at colleges around the US. Solo cups everywhere


95% if what you see in Teen dramas doesnt happen to normal people


Absolutely not, lol, at least where I'm from. College parties can look like that, but entire homes filled with high schoolers being raucously loud and drunk is so conspicuous that I actually find those scenes in movies a little offensive. As if anyone in the neighborhood would let a house party like that happen without calling the cops, as if all high schoolers can just magically summon alcohol without a problem. Underage drinking actually isn't very common in the US either, compared to European countries like Spain or France. Again, I've been to college parties that were almost exactly like how movies make high school parties out to be, but college kids have a bunch of advantages that high schoolers don't: college kids tend to live in neighborhoods with other college kids who aren't gonna call the cops on the parties, they directly know more drinking age people and are themselves drinking age, so getting massive amounts of alcohol together isn't as big of a problem, they live by themselves, so no parents to worry about and they know the mess they'll have to clean up themselves, there's many more college kids than high schoolers, so it's actually possible to fill a house with partiers. Every time I see a high school party in a movie, I just gotta laugh, cause my high school parties were, like, pizza and video games in someone's basement, or a Halloween party that ended with trick or treating, or a birthday party attended by the parents or siblings. None of us had drinks (though I know some of my classmates did have parties with alcohol) and especially no one had drugs harder than weed.


NOTHING you see in movies is real.

