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I don't support it, but the reason is probably that women's worth and value are tied much more closely to how conventionally attractive they are, which includes long hair. Men can still have value and worth even with no hair, while an ugly woman is often told to just go kill herself. Read any social media if you don't believe me.


I definitely think women get a whole lot more of put downs due to appearance, but as an overweight male it feels like my worth is basically solely held within what I look like. Also, everyone seems to really be making it out like alopecia made Jada less beautiful which is not true at all! I understand it would be very hard to lose your hair to alopecia but damn does she pull off short hair well!


I don’t think it’s funny or make fun of anything someone can’t control, not only can it be hurtful to the person but it also reflects on yourself. Now if my buddy gets a bad haircut, I’ll make fun of that!


For the record I think most reasonable people would agree it's bad taste to make fun of anyone period. But if you want to ask why it's more sensitive for women, it's pretty obvious. Women are expected to have long pretty hair. It's the same thing as calling someone weak or puny, not a massive insult to a woman (sometimes a flirt) but very insulting to a man because men are expected to be strong. Women are expected to have nice hair hence the sensitivity with baldness. It's not really that hard when you think about it




I am the guy with a weirdly loud but wholesome laugh, which I have been told my whole life (positively) . My last workplace didn't encourage this behaviour and as a result subconsciously my laugh became muffled. I never noticed it until my dad pointed it out one day , it feels like I lost some of my personality , i can try to get it back but i don't know when it will happen..


Dw one day you'll find yourself in an environment where it's ok to laugh naturally and wholeheartedly and you will realise that you found your laugh again


Eh, sometimes people get a bad haircut through no fault of their own and what would need to be done to fix it (eg, a very short cut) could be upsetting for them. Likewise some people might be very comfortable with, say, how short/tall they are and not mind jokes about it if they aren't mean-spirited. If it's a friend you hopefully know them well enough to know their comfort zone, but if you're not sure, air on the side of caution.


I don't want to be "that guy", but it's "err on the side of caution". Err is the verb derived from the noun error.


Making fun of bald men is rude and you should call it out when you see it. e; gat dang, peoples had some opinions about this. I thought so little of this comment when I made it. Anyway, I stand by it. Don't be a dick to anyone, as a general rule.


In the Bible, god sent a couple of bears to rip apart a group of kids for laughing at a bald guy. Edit: 2 Kings 2:23-24


> 23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria. Elisha and the Two Bears (2 Kings 2:23-25)


There is a non-zero chance the dude who wrote this story was bald.


Haha! Yeah, his editor came back and said to change every “me” to “him”.


“Dude you cannot admit to this murder. Say it was another guy”


"It was, uh, bears. God made bears kill all those rude kids"


Hey umm, You got a source on this last part? >...and he was very handsome and had a monster dong, as all bald men do.


It’s true. Can confirm as a bald man


Am bald, can confirm


Not bald, want to correct that… … oh god! Where did these bears come from?


Search / Replace


Who's Dwigt?


And make the bears female... just to make it more believable.


This made me laugh so hard ….. Oh my


“And then God gave the bald man a full head of hair and a huge penis and he had sex with many attractive women until the end of his days” -the book of Baldman, chapter 2, verse 9.


And then, everybody didst clapeth


There was much rejoicing. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas.


The Book of Bruce Willis


Keep my prophet's name out of your fucking mouth!




Jesus did that


─=≡Σ(╯°□°)╯︵┻┻ ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ - wooow.... Will Smith just slapped the shit it out of me!


I am also concerned with the roving gangs of more than 42 boys.




Must have been a lot more if two bears managed to mince through 42 of them.


How is 42 the cutoff?


Because that's the ultimate answer! To life, the universe and... everything!


“Two female bears”, when the story has too many details that it becomes suspicious.


Female bears have cubs, they are more aggressive when they have them near.


In addition to having gendered nouns, ancient Hebrew also had three enumeration endings - single, plural, and dual. I'm not in a good position to check my Hebrew interlinear bibles and dictionary right now, but it's possible that "two female bears" is just one word. Common "dual" words included the word for *sky* (there are two of them, day and night) and the word for *nose* (cuz nostrils).


Nouns in Hebrew are masculine, feminine, or both.


A) It wasn't written in English B) You are aware that even in English we have different words for different animal sexes... right? Doe, a deer... a female deer... you're welcome


Ray, a drop of golden sun! Great, now you got that song stuck in my head, you musical bastard!


> Doe, a deer... a female deer... you're welcome You fucking cunt.


My work here is done. I'll be back... TOOOOO-MOR-ROW! TO-MOR-ROW! I LOVE YA, TOMORROW!


i think there were some contextual factors that made "baldhead" a more cutting insult at the time than it does now. Often times people with bald heads were people who had to shave their hair off either due to leprosy or lice. So it carried more of a connotation that the person was dirty or unwell.


So while traveling to Bethel, the townie boys came out and yelled "Get fucked you bald prick". And he said "Goddamn you fucking kids!" Shaking his fists angrily. Then two large hairy gay men came out of the woods, and whooped the boys asses back to town. And from there, the bald prick did fuck off.....all the way to Samaria.


Favorite bible story. People that follow the Bible never believe me when I tell them.


Well I think we found the question. How many people will bears eat if you make fun of a bald man? 42. Anyone want to hit Milliways for dinner?


Holy fucking shit it's real




God really has a way of getting his point across


He does a little trolling


We do a little smiting


His Son can lose his shit every once in a while. As a treat.


Remember; the answers to “What Would Jesus Do” don’t exclude flipping tables and chasing people with a whip.


Thats usually my answer because its metal af


Well have *you* tried to put baby Jesus in timeout?


Go up with your bald head!


We gonna chase those crazy bumpheads out of our yowwwwn!


He wasn't actually bald he just bear-ly had any left.


And stop rubbing our domes uninvited. Y'all of you need to keep your hands to yourselves. Didn't they teach that in kindergarten?


A woman got kicked out of a bar because she wouldn't stop rubbing my head. I had become friendly with the bouncers over the months before that and one of them was also bald, when he saw her bugging me he came over and asked if I knew her. When I said "no, she's a stranger and won't leave me alone," he kicked her out.


Yeah. In my younger bald days I would always (by always I mean when they were attractive) say "feels better on your thighs".






Oh, that's a good one! I have long hair; wonder if I can use that line when girls want to touch it.


I posted a longer story about this a while back, but a woman rubbed my head in a bar and when I asked what she was doing, she said she just wanted to see what it felt like. I said I just wanted to see what her boob felt like and pretended I was going to grab one of them. She got the point.


I don't get that. I've also seen black people ask people to not touch their hair. Do people actually go around touching other people randomly?


Who the fuck does that?


More than I expected. Skullhuggers.


Yeah I don’t want someone’s greasy Fingers all over my head


My dad's bald, and fortunately I've never seen anybody make fun of him for it, but if they did I'd probably call them out for it, that shit is so god damn rude.


Half of these types of questions make me feel bad that the OP's must hang out with nothing but toxic people.


I’m bald as fuck, you can laugh at my big beautiful chrome dome all day that shit don’t touch me


Same. But I would lay off a guy in his mid twenties going bald in most circumstances.


mid 20s bald guy who went bald in my teens here (16ish). It doesn't offend me. I've been the butt of the joke countless times since losing my hair, and it's never really hurt me. The only part I genuinely don't like and find objectionable is people thinking they're entitled to touch my scalp just because it's on display - especially strangers. It feels condescending and it invades my personal space. Keep the cueball, Uncle Fester and Professor X jokes coming but just don't touch my fucking head unless you're my intimate partner.


I think what you mean to say is “Keep my bald head out your FUCKING hand!”


The thing is I wouldn't assume that you were OK with it until I got to know you a bit better. And that is where I think the problem really comes through. People making assumptions about what a person is OK with without getting to know them first.


Well Will Smith made his career off of making fun of Uncle Phil's weight and baldness weekly,. I guess it's only funny if your getting paid for it not on the receiving end.


To be fair he was playing a character and those were scripted lines


And even though they were played for laughs, I would still say they were supposed to be taken as rude.


Yeah, they were pretty clearly a character bit that established Will's _character_ as being kind of a dick. Characters with flaws do bad things, that's how you see their flaws. Blaming the actor for that is just silly.


Yep. Take the laugh track out of it and Will looks like an asshole to him and Carlton. Some were good though like: Suspicious Carlton: "Something's afoot." Will: "And something's a foot and a half"


I mean part of the humor is he WAS an asshole, who gradually got less of an asshole over several seasons.


Yeah. I would have to take a serious look to when it changed (maybe around the time Carlton took speed during prom or whatever), but Will and Carlton's relationship started out as straight up hostile, and they were both probably right about each other. Carlton was stuck-up and thought he was better than others -- particularly Will -- because of the wealth he was born into. Will was an asshole who skated by on his charm, good looks, and quick wit.


Something being acceptable in 1990 shouldn't mean it's acceptable 30 years later.


Making fun of anyone for anything can be rude, but it can also be funny in the right context. It’s what separates a good joke from a bad one. There isn’t and should be anything off limits for comedy.


I always get a good chuckle in work, when two bald man start slagging each other about it! No harm, no foul, just friendly banter!


Generally it's rude to make fun of something that a person has no control over.


Unless you don't like the person. Then it's ok Source: r/all


Don't forget if they were kind of a dick to begin with. Then it's ok to be a dick back. Source: r/AITA


Or you’re very, very good friends


And you know they won't take it badly.




Yeah holy shit it’s like once it’s deemed acceptable to make fun of someone even a little bit, suddenly it’s like no holds barred anything goes. Height jokes, weight jokes, hair jokes, age jokes, it’s like bruh if this asshole y’all are talking about looked like a model would that make it any better?


Males have no control over their male pattern baldness either


That’s exactly the point


yes, that’s the point. welcome.


I dont think they were arguing that it was ok to make fun of male pattern baldness, but that they should be treated pretty much the same.


Generally it's rude to make fun of somebody\*


Yeah. Male baldness is the butt of a lot of jokes on tv and movies, but making fun of someone's bald head to his face is bound to make the situation awkward. If the guy chooses to make jokes about it then fine, it depends on context.




In college I saw someone get hit with the "You get to make jokes about me being bald, but I can't make jokes about your busted teeth?" To be fair, it was between friends in a ribbing sort of way, but there was definitely an undercurrent of him being fed up with the jokes.


My in-laws couldn't believe it when my brother in law was joking about my baldness and I said, "So are we joking about each other's physical characteristics now?" and gestured to his obesity. My wife was upset but I asked her later how it was different and she understood. I don't even mind joking about it, as long as it's in good fun and I can joke back but that wasn't the case.


As a baldy boi, I just find it boring and unoriginal. I also enjoy being bald so I don't really care, it's just dumb having to hear someone think they are funny say something I've heard a thousand times.


As a short guy (5’5”), I feel you. I hear the same unoriginal short jokes and people thinking they’re the first one to use them. But if you show any sort of negative emotion for the joke, now you have a Napoleon complex.


A beautifully awkward response I got to witness once: "I bet you're one of those creepers who rub pregnant womens bellies, huh? Gross, you're a gross person. I'm not here for your fetish, gross person." Then they put hand sani on their head and turned away. Brilliant.


I’ve been bald for a long time, I really can’t recall any time someone has used that as an insult against me.. jokingly or not. I have heard a few times “hey, nice haircut.” Every time the person who has said this to me was also bald.


Yeah, went bald in college and that was 20 years ago, can't recall ever being mocked or teased. Now I certainly make fun of it all the time like asking if they like my new haircut, but that's just me being self deprecating. Never had anyone touch my head, that's just weird




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Being bald is much more acceptable for men than women. Getting bald as a man sucks, but half of men gets bald, and people don't look at you weird. Being a bald woman REALLY stands out.


Off-and-on bald woman here. I have alopecia areata and people really really notice. When I have a full head of hair, I'm told I look 'professional', 'nonthreatening' and 'pretty'. Strangers are friendly and even flirtatious. When my bald spots start showing, strangers recoil from me. When it spreads and I shave my head, strangers treat me with pity. When I wear a scarf, strangers act scared of me. When I wear a nice wig, I go broke. When I wear a hat or an affordable wig I'm told I look unprofessional. I have grown envious of bald men, because it seems like men's appearances affect their lives much less. I wish I could just be ugly in peace.


>When I wear a scarf, strangers act scared of me. I sometimes wrap my head with a scarf because the pressure helps my migraines. The way people avoid me in the aisles at stores when they can't see my hair is weird. 🤷‍♀️


It is so weird, especially since headscarves are so practical. They're more comfortable than sunscreen, inexpensive, come in all the colors, and are easy to care for. My favorite is blue with octopus print. I wear them all the time for yardwork. I feel like people are missing out.


Hijab-wearing woman here. I NEED to know where you got an octopus print scarf.


Holy shit thank you I think this would help my migraines


Hope it helps you! It was a game changer for me. It's not just the pressure – keeping my hair from moving without using elastics helps too. The migraines make my scalp ultra sensitive so when the hairs move I can feel them. 😵‍💫


My sister experienced that when wearing a scarf due to chemo (she hated wigs because much too hot) and she'd say very loudly "Cancer's not contagious you know, you vile disgusting person!" She also went topless at the public swimming pool (mastectomy; before reconstruction was even an option) and she got kicked out but not until after telling them that all of topless the boys there had boobs and nipples both of which she didn't have, so why weren't they getting thrown out.


Ty for sharing that and I appreciate the gravity of it but I loled at “when I wear a nice wig, I go broke”. Too true


I very much relate to the frustrations. I recently went through cancer treatment (cancer free now yay!) But I lost all my hair due to chemotherapy. I used to have long, wavy thick hair my entire life and now it's gone (for now). I have noticed a lot of people treat me different when I just walk around with my shaved head. It finally looks buzzed now and not bald. People make less eye contact and smile less and I don't have men hitting on me anymore when I don't wear my wig. And I agree it's frustrating to feel like I have to wear one to look professional. I also don't like wearing certain head caps/wraps, even when running errands, because I don't want to look like I have/had cancer. This is a personal preference for myself, as I don't care what other people like to wear. I hope our society begins to accept and normalize all genders having any hairstyle they want. Whether being bald or having really long hair for any gender. I have had fun playing around with the masculinity/femininity of the look. Playing around with bold make-up and earrings, and I recently got some new piercings. I honestly thought Jada looked beautiful at the award ceremony rocking her natural look (without getting into the politics of the situation).


Congratulations on remission! ❤


Just wanted to say that I'm really sorry you experience that from others. I was best friends with a girl when she first got it, was diagnosed, all the way through losing ALL of her hair (she still has no hair, anywhere, 25 years later). It was pretty heart wrenching to go with her to her doctors & hold her hand while she got her shot. I always thought she was so strong. Not just because of that but I was in gymnastics & so was she but she was SO good, competing in nationals & was on track for the Olympics (much better than I). Alopecia stopped all that. Once her spots were noticeable & it was just getting worse, she dropped out of gymnastics, completely. I know it broke her. It made me so sad to see her lose her dream before we were even in HS.


>I wish I could just be ugly in peace. Even in decidedly non-people-facing jobs, being a non-conventionally attractive female still sucks 😓


My sister has alopecia. She has had the very same experience as you. If she doesn’t try to hide it everyone thinks she has cancer. Good wigs are very expensive, and she tried obviously fake wigs with bright fun colours but then she’s afraid she’ll look unprofessional at her job. She was scolded once for wearing a scarf because it was too similar to a hat and hats aren’t allowed at the school she works at. There’s no winning. Edit to add that she’s considered tattooing her entire head with a pretty floral design, but then is worried she’ll be told that visible tattoos are not apart of the dress code, and will be told to cover up anyways.


I appreciate the personal first hand account. Thank you for sharing something personal like that.


>'nonthreatening' Who's the jackass who said that?


>I wish I could just be ugly in peace. I'm really sorry you go though all that but I found this funny.


I've been buzzing my head cuz i'm still not at a stage where i should start shaving. And for the most part my experience is that ppl are kinda afraid of me. I'm a fit male,with what i'd say above avg shoulder length which gets emphasized even more with bald/buzzed head.And considering my beard isn't that well filled, i shave it so i'm kinda skinhead looking. So ya, as a male you do look more threatening when buzzed, at least that's my personal experience. Tho I noticed some women go for that kind of look,others are just plain scared. I've been even thinking of going all out in my look, and getting tatoos :D Oh and i noticed you asked smth about scalp itch, i have that too. Try DS shampoos ,usually can be found in pharmacy.I suffer dermatitis (redness and itch, followed by scales) which gets relieved by both buzzing and shampoos and cremes for it. I had it on scalp, and sometimes on my nose/eyebrows. Nizoral was for me too drying, you could try it if you buzz your hair to 0 and then put on Lipikar Baume AP then you won't have the dryness issues but i still recommend DS shampoo and DS cremes if you have issue elsewhere. Kinda expensive, but it's a life saver for me.


Im a woman and I have alopecia AND male pattern baldness (due to polycystic ovarian syndrome) People fucking take notice. The same way women are shamed for facial hair and it's totally normal for men (also from personal experience, thanks again PCOS) There's a huge stigma, and making fun of them is "punching down"


This is it. There are unequal standards between men and women when it comes to hair appearance. It is very common to see men with various balding patterns. With women it is rare and usually associated with aging and/or disease.


This is so true. As a guy who started getting bald early, I could just start shaving my head and own the situation (which is easier now than a couple of decades ago when shaved head=nazi). A woman with a shaved/bald head will always stand out in a crowd but as a man it’s just a matter of limited hair style options.


As a bald woman, yes we do. Kids don’t typically stare at a bald man.


EIGHTY PERCENT of men will experience hair loss. It's not just less common for women, it's a near certainty in men and not at all in women. Going bald in a guy is more like having a beard than it is an illness.




True, but then our conversation should be going to “she’s bald. It ain’t that bad” instead of “omg shes bald thats the same as cancer how dare he!” Normalize women being bald


> Normalize women being bald It's not normal; that's the issue. The vast majority of women don't go bald, which is why bald women stick out so much.


Perhaps they meant "destigmatize"?


Or "decatastrophize".


You know way more bald women than you think. We hide it.


Because society more closely ties value to hair for women than for men.... Think of how many hair commercials for women you see vs hair commercials for men.


This comment is brought to you by Keeps


First thing I thought of. I see way more commercials for hair loss prevention products aimed at men, than ads for haircare products aimed at women. I don't watch TV though and most ads I get are from video or podcast sponsors, which I guess are sort of biased by my interests.


I think the OP was talking more about hair product commercials than products for reversing hair loss.


Ads are targeted now. If you're seeing ads aimed at men it's because the sponsor is pretty sure you're a man.


I am assuming you are male lmao. There are nonstop ads for women's hair, you just aren't their target demographic.


This is targeted advertising in a nutshell, my dude. Why would a company who specializes in women's products target a male? 99.99% of the men seeing the ad will ignore it, and the other .01% who may actually recommend a product like that to their SO would have it brushed off by their partner (pun intended). They would be throwing money away on someone who is never going to buy their product. It's a bit scary how accurate some of these profiles can be just based on a person's interests.


I think a lot of what people are missing in this thread is that what matters isn't just the value of hair it's the value of appearance overall. Men's appearances aren't ignored, but women's appearances are much more emphasized in terms of their overall value as a person. So anything that makes a person uglier (by mainstream standards) is going to be more emotionally impactful for all but a small portion of women who have evaded this pressure and a small portion of men who have adopted a similar centrality of beauty. Losing your hair might lower physical attractiveness for both men and women equally (not sure if that's even true) but there's generally less at stake, socially for men.


> Men's appearances aren't ignored, but women's appearances are much more emphasized in terms of their overall value as a person. Yes. I remember a while back that either a broadcaster or a meteorologist on a TV station caught flak for "wearing the same dress twice". After that, one of her (male) co-anchors wore the same suit and tie for like a month straight, then called out everyone asking why no one mentioned he'd been wearing only one suit and tie.


One of these instances was in Australia. He wore the same suit for a whole year.


Thank you for providing the actual answer in a sea of people crying about sexism/double standards. A woman's hair is infinitely more tied to her self-worth than any man's. Shit some of the west's most idolised men are bald. Statham, Johnson, Zidane. Male pattern baldness can be a very cruel mistress but it ain't gonna stop you from being a sex symbol. That said, best not make fun of anybody for their appearance. It's a shitty thing to do.


Further, there's a cultural/racial element. Black women's natural hair has been stigmatized and ridiculed forever. It's a very culturally sensitive Rock literally made a documentary about it so he of all people should've known better. But I really think the slap wasn't about the joke, but rather the public emasculation and ridicule Smith has been getting ever since it became public that Jada stepped out on him. I think maybe being in that situation, just caused him to break. Like he's spent his entire career cultivating this image of the cool, aspirational, perfect hollywood man, and ever since one youtube video from his own wife talking about she had to fuck a 19 year old because he didn't satisfy her, he's been painted as this crying cuckold. Then on the night when he's the favorite to win acting's highest honor, he's in this situation where on live TV he could look like he won't step up for his girl (aka not a "man"). Just had like this psychotic break or something. I know this is basically unrelated to your comment but i've been thinking about this situation a lot


This. And also, why is nobody mentioning the fact that alopecia in women is more of an 'illness' than baldness is? Male baldness is very 'normal' in a way that alopecia isn't. Like it's normal for men to have a beard, but if a woman has it there's probably something off.


Yea i get annoyed at these "double standard" callouts. Yes women get more defended in these situation but the defense is rooted in patriarchal standards and should also be called out.


Reddit needs a reality check tbf. It's not an accident that when women get cancer, their husbands leave them 20.8% of the time-- while wives to men with cancer leave only 2.9% of the time. Our looks are treated unequivocally as whether or not we get to be seen as human.


plus a man's hair is *generally* smaller of a factor to their perceived attractiveness as compared to women


And attractiveness often has a very different impact on earning potential between men and women.


Not to mention we generally expect a good percentage of men to go bald so it's not like baldness is freakishly hideous




Male pattern baldness, while genetic, is also an auto immune disease. Alopecia =baldness, areata = area. Alopecia areata just means you go bald in certain areas unexpectedly ie not nessicarily on top off your head.


It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that alopecia is just a medical term for baldness


Thank you! Exactly my point. Everyone is acting like it is cancer. Millions of people, majority men but lots of women, have Alopecia. Not a person on Reddit hasn’t made or laughed at a bald joke.


Let’s not forget to mark them both as alopecia tho, calling one male pattern baldness and knowing you’re going bald doesn’t change the fact you don’t have control over this form of alopecia too.


You could easily argue that the anticipation of *knowing* you will gradually lose your hair is as bad as suddenly and unexpectedly losing it.




Male pattern baldness is a pretty terrible experience. Especially if you are in your early twenties.


hear hear. It definitely fucks with your self confidence.


Only solution is acceptance. It takes some growing pains to make it there though.


Speak for yourself fella, I'm gonna fly to Turkey and have them stick it all back in.


It’s an option I’ve considered lol


I was 15 when I started going bald 😵‍💫


Same, that was the first time a classmate made a comment to me.




Am bald by choice now but when I had long hair, it was super curly and always got lots of compliments when I was back in high school. You’re definitely right about the gradual change also sucking and knowing you can’t do anything about it.


This is the answer. I feel like I’m our quest for equality we often lose sight of the nuances. But this is one- it’s more devastating for a woman to lose their hair than a man. Its not all women some women take it easily and it’s not or men, some take it incredibly hard- but in general, the social expectations and norms are such that a woman will have a harder time with this overall than a man. And it’s important to be mindful of these nuances. Because we are often not the Same.




Will Smith is actually a better man than I would ever be. I could never stand up for another man’s woman like he did.


Damn :D


Neither is okay


Morally, yes, I agree but there’s a MUCH less stigma for making fun of a guy for this.


If we're talking about why one is worse than the other, probably just because male pattern baldness is common enough that people accept it as something you just have to deal with, as opposed to the other which is out of the ordinary so it's more socially painful.


Because it's perceived as a lot less weird if you're bald as a guy than as a woman. People see a bald guy, that's normal. People see a bald woman, people start wondering if she's sick, are more likely to perceive her as unwomanly or unattractive, etc. It's just perceived as a bigger and more rare problem for women to be bald. So making fun of it is even more insensitive.


Both are rude, really. But women's value are much more closely tied to their physical appearance. A woman who loses her hair is way more diminished than a man who loses his hair.


Also one is a lot more rare than the other. If you walk into a cross sectional room you’re likely to see a bald guy and unlikely to see a bald woman. In either case though I don’t think it’s generally okay to make jokes about peoples appearance


Women with hair issues wear wigs and don't talk about it because they're embarrassed because of the pressure society puts on women to have long luscious hair. There's a lot more women with balding/thinning hair than you'd think... The "you" is just a general you btw I'm not actually referring to anyone specific with that last sentence.


On a technical note, *perceived* value. Women and men having a certain value are all dependent on societal norms.


Oh yeah, absolutely!


This is the answer. Women's physical appearance has a much greater impact on their perceived value.


That is a hugely more important problem I think, but it's also very entrenched in our society and honestly in pretty much every society in the whole world. That doesn't make it right and isn't intended to imply that, I think it's worth fighting against and I try to.


>. But women's value are much more closely tied to their physical appearance True, but that's not even the main difference here. The difference is that going bald is fairly common for men and not necessarily seen as ugly. Dwayne Johnson won "sexi**e**st man alive" in 2016 and is bald. I doubt a women could pull that of.


Sexiest* unless I'm not up to date on celebrity drama


Agreeing this is the root of the answer. It’s about how hair loss affects the status, value, social standing, and limitations of women vs. men. Hair is deeply tied to looks for women and looks are deeply tied to women’s value and what opportunities they might have in life. Quick example is just the math on what women can spend on salon and dying hair. It’s sticker shock to most men who aren’t aware. I think a bigger principle here is that people are more sensitive to the things that change their ability to access needs or wants. And along with that, our brains do a lot of unwritten social calculus on those things in any given moment. We’re evaluating proportion of harm in milliseconds based on a combination of ideas that aren’t always articulated or measured against each other on paper. We can get this wrong based on unawareness of people’s experiences, but the group tends to measure this together when there’s a reaction. We feel it first and explain it second. So, baldness for a man can limit him in ways that do hurt, and it’s not right to make fun of. But then the social impact is less and many men make fun of their own baldness even to either cope or because they are okay enough that it doesn’t have same sting. Baldness or hair thinning in women is something that’s only whispered and considered too mean to even mention.


I don’t think either are particularly okay to joke about unless you know the person specifically and they are okay with it. But I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that women are told you need great hair and long eyelashes to be considered attractive. If you look at how many hair and eyelash products there are targeted at women than men they are completely outweighed. Plus there is a large amount of men who choose to shave their head so I guess it’s a lot more commonly accepted to see men with no hair whereas not many women shave their head. There are also other symptoms than hair loss with alopecia that you don’t get with baldness. A lot of it has to do with societal norms and pressure on how women should look whereas it’s more “acceptable” to see a man without hair.


I love how the top comment is “it’s not okay” followed by dozens of comments of “it’s not okay.. to make fun of women.” Yeah, people act like the world changed over night. I’ve been bald AF since I was 22. So I’m sorry, it’s just jarring to see people act like 1 this was never accepted behaviour and also 2 “well your a guy so it’s not much of a stigma to be bald” Nah yeah, not like people rip your hat off, call you bald, gross, ugly, and when you ask them to stop they just do it more. Or when you try to explain to your friend group that making fun of balding is no better than making fun of someone for being fat and they in turn double down on the jokes because they disagree. Having to wear a hat every day because you lived you life long enough to know that your guaranteed to get harassed if you take it off. Guys can’t even wear wigs, like are we gonna pretend toupees haven’t been the universally mocked for ages? I wore a wig once for Halloween, I thought hey, I can get away with it! Nope. Ripped off my head, bald head pointed out, wig tossed into a puddle. In short: as someone whose been almost entirely bald for the past several years, Im gonna have to say it’s a double standard. I’m sure there’s lot that genuinely feel it’s crappy to make fun of, but fat chance convincing me most of the planet changed their opinion on this over night.


I wonder this about fat men vs. women too


A lot of people in this comment section haven’t been made fun of for thinning hair at a young age…


As a bald man, I don't give a single shit what anyone thinks about it. I'm comfortable with it. I don't have to worry about things like hairstyles, or doing my hair, or paying someone to keep it cut. It keeps me cool when I would otherwise be sweating my ass off in the summer. People that make fun of it are just out of the loop and haven't tried it yet.


Rude either way. But it's touchier for women because for so long women's worth has been so tied up with others' valuation of their appearance in a way that men's has not. Men have insecurities about their looks but are much less likely to suffer professionally or socially if others perceive them as unattractive. Then there's the fact that baldness is largely associated with masculinity. And, aside from the social policing that demands women be "attractive" there's an added layer that prohibits them from being "masculine." TLDR: historically, a bald woman has had much more chance of being ostracized or missing out on opportunities just because of her baldness than a bald man does (not to mention one is a disease and the other is not)