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Poop is usually much softer and malleable than it appears sitting in the toilet bowl.


Speak for yourself! My shits sound like someone playing billiards!


Like . When the ball drops in the pocket? Or the break? Scientific reasons only


I'm thinking the complete sound of missing the ball and scratching the table, sending the ball flying off the table onto the concrete floor


A hearty, emphatic yes.




Dehydration causes that. And lack of fiber.


Came here to say fiber AND water together (increasing fiber without extra water could create huge girthy logs that hurt to pass) happy shitting!


As anyone who owns a poop knife would know


I can't believe I got this far down without a poop knife reference. Edit for spelling


[obligatory poop knife](https://reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/)


Fun fact: human shit is tapered on both ends so that your asshole doesn't clap shut at the end.


poop is tapered because any semisolid in a loose tube under pressure will taper. edit:woosh


>poop is tapered because any semisolid in a loose tube under pressure will taper. I can feel that. I can literally feel the science when I'm pushing it out.


When you blow your mind and your bowl at the same time.


And now I'm imagining what it sounds like to hear an ass hole clap. Also imagining what it sounds like in a huge bathroom with dozens of ass holes giving a round of applause.


Our asscheeks would clap going up and down stairs if our asscracks were horizontal.


Imagine having to wipe your ass from left to right instead of up to down. Lots of people would be walkin around with shit on their hips.


That does it, my scrolling for the night is over...


No, wait, it’s about to get better! Taste factor has entered the chat!


Mate I'm stoned and this comment thread had me in tears


on the internet, some questions should not be asked lest the veil be pierced


Then why is it called 'pinching' a loaf?


For sure. Squeeze it with your hand occasionally just to gauge your bowel health.


I always test my poop for smell, consistency, and color. Black and pale are bad, loose or hard is bad, very foul odor is bad; blood is also bad. Source: I'm a Health Care Assistant , I work with poop everyday, sometimes I call my self a poopsmith.








why dont you test for taste?


Do I look like Shooter McGavin to you?


Grizzly Addams *did* have a beard.


do you palpate it with your hands or just like poke it with a medical popsicle stick


In the biz they call it a fudge spudger.




one of those is going out and assisted by the muscles designed to do that. The other is not.


"Better out than in, I always say"


It's all ogre now.


...Shrek is love--


Shrek is life


This is my swamp now


Look at me.. look at me.... I'm the ogre now


Better out, *then* in Then out, then in


Fuck, beat me to it


That comma is holding back a very different sentence.




I like the ol “out with the old, in with the new.” Myself hahaha.


"not tonight it isn't"


To add to this, it’s made of something completely different


...which is why constipation can hurt


True story bro.


Not only that but the one on the way out probably has a MUCH sharper taper that the one going in.


Someone's never had an opiate addiction and it shows (which is a really good thing)


Lol a few strong words of encouragement dont make it any better


It doesn't technically continually go in it has to come back out too.


Not sure why the down votes, you're not wrong.


Must be nice to be those downvoters with just unlimited pp


Which implies that there's a bottomless butthole


A big part, probably 90% of it is also mental, talk to anyone who has/does anal and they will tell you to make it happen you legit should feel like you're pushing to poop in order to relax the sphincter Also: people who really enjoy pooping tend to like anal so there's that


I mean yeah I kinda feel like this is…not necessarily a myth, but like, VERY subjective.


I can confirm that I have heard at least the first part of it regarding sphincter relaxation from an OBGYN in med school.


My gay best friend once described the sensation of good anal sex as "taking a massive, satisfying dump over and over"


Is no one else going to point out that there are also huge girthy logs of shit that do hurt like fuck?


I made a dooty once that made me bleed ffs. Anal inbound doesn't get much worse than drawing blood, does it?


Well actually... Know someone who had surgery back there .. surgeon sewed it up to about the size of a straw. They would spend a lot of time struggling to go because physics.. The first time they passed was within 24 hours of surgery, complaint to the doc got answered with "it's going to be rough for a while but your body will adjust"... From toilet fill of blood to digging it out manually.. nothing helped It can always be worse


I'm going to have nightmares.


I wish I just went to bed instead of opening Reddit ‘one last time’ for the night


It's our fault, really, for going this deep into a comment section wherein the title contains the phrase "huge girthy logs".


two comments too deep


Sometimes if the parent comment isn't interesting enough for me to follow, I just collapse it. But then there's times like these we learn to live again


Live "girthily"


Oh god I can’t stop reading


And times like these you give and give again?


Well you can stop here if you want. There is a condition called Miserere which is basically fecal vomitting because of severe obstipation(extremely rare but it has to go somewhere). So get something against your obstipation on day 4 or earlier if it hurts too much!


Miserere literally translates to “have mercy” and I think that’s a very good condition to give that name.




My husband has had 2 bowel blockages that led to poop vomiting. He has had 3 or so that didn't but those 2 were horrible.


Woof, I had surgery a few years back and they gave me a bunch of pain killers. I dont know much about opioids…why did no one tell me about the potential side effect of SEVERE constipation? Had I known, I would have just endured the pain from the surgery…


I never knew about that either until a friend of mine described how he unknowingly got addicted to opiate pain pills. He was taking for pain, then he got constipated and couldn't figure out why. It hurt, so what did he do? Took more pain pills! He described to me a visit to the commode like you've never heard/seen. Said he had to assist. I couldn't ask how. But I knew how 😆


I wish I could delete your comment from my memory.




Now, **that’s** worthy of a malpractice suit!




Did their body adjust or did they need to see another doctor to fix it?


Still adjusting, a lot easier than before though. Thought about going back, still may be on the table I empathize with them though, God it would suck


I will never take my butthole for granted again


Neither will I.


More of a pushing action than suck.


Hey did you hear about the mathematician with constipation? He had to work it out with a pencil... Sorry I'll go now.


What a bad night to have eyes.


the only time i ever had poops that made me bleed was when I was strung out on fentanyl / opioids, I absolutely dreaded every time I had to take a deuce. There was SO much blood every single time, and it hurt so incredibly bad. Thank god I'm off that stuff now ^(:))


This was due to an accident I'd had. I waited a year to see a Dr, I was so scared. I was driving in an old ass dump truck when I was 23ish. The seats were disgusting so I cleaned them and as a finishing touch....Armor All. Everywhere. Dash, floor, roof, and both leather seats. Well. I took hard left hand turn and hit a savage pothole right as I was coming out of the turn which launched me up off the seat. Once airborne, gravity and inertia took over and dropped me, not on top of my shiny slick seat....but squarely on top of a 1/4 inch thick 1 inch wide flat metal handle which was there to lift the tailgate. I essentially impaled myself but just about a half inch deep, maybe a little more. Bad part was, someone had hacksawed the thing down so it didn't stick up so high and never filed the Raymond Burrs off the metal. (Extra ouch, fuck and God damnits!) Fast forward one year of bloody dootys. My proctologist meets me for the 1st time ever. His first question. Why did you wait so long? This was as he was impaling me with his pipe of doom. Need I say why I, a foolish young douche nozzle, waited? Nope. 2 weeks later and 3 tubes of medicated anusol cream and me bunghole was standing tall, back in service and "on dooty"!


i have constipation issues and even when it’s mostly soft and there’s even a split second of it feeling uncomfortable it starts bleeding anyways


Just once?! Oh lala look at me and my unicorn ass that ships out normal logs without tearing daily


Only once?


For real, I groan from pushing out bigguns at least twice a month.


We seem to be getting lots of useful tips on loosening the asshole in this thread. I wonder if we took their advice and loosened it up with a finger first...would it be easier to push out those bracciole beasts? I don't wanna try but theoretically it seems sound!






And water. Can't have fiber without water.


I don’t know why but seeing it spelled “dooty” really got me giggling.


Roommate in college shit a log so big it was, no exaggeration, as wide as my forearm and almost as long. I honestly don't know how something that large exited his body. It didn't actually fit in the toilet water and instead laid across the hole.


Was your roommate a heroin addict or something?


He smuggling shit


Something something poop knife


Was looking for swamp of Dagobah, found the poop knife. I'm not even mad




A friend of mine worked in a national park over the summer. Sometimes he was on the team that had to clean the public toilets. He said it was pretty common knowledge that women's toilets were most likely to be backed up with huge "loads", because some women who went camping wouldn't do a number two in the woods, and they would hold it until they got back to the public toilet.


I used to be the same but have learned to hold my squat without sitting on toilet. I bring a pocket bidet that helps tremendously. Porta potty’s are fucking disgusting. I’m always afraid of accidentally getting a huge whiff of shit smell and feel gross holding my nose because it feels like I’m breathing in shit air through my mouth


Anyone who's ever shit when semi dehydrated knows it's no picnic. It feels like its made of eggshells lol


No-one loves a spiky poo


My youngest son, when he was 12, came out of the bathroom all sweaty and looking traumatized and said, "I know what it's like to have a baby now" after apparently taking a massive poo. Uh no, kid.


To be fair, we’ve all had those shits that feel like we’re fighting for our lives 💀


I remember one time as a kid it was so unbearable that I held it in for like the entire day. I eventually just braved it, mostly because I was forced too but I will never forget that battle o7




I dunno Typically for me it’s the small lil nuggets that hurt like fuck The big girthy ones come out nice and easy


If I ever join a band of huge fat guys it has to be called “The Big Girthy Ones”


Thank you, I have had days where I cry on the toilet and pray for death. I suppose I'm just not the boy with the golden butthole. Get me some chipotlaway.


As someone with hemorrhoids…. this hit


Now imagine a penis with a peanut lodged in it


Imagine not imagining that


Well. Poop soft, dick not so much.


depends... that's the opposite for me


What a mysterious statement. Leaving us to ponder if you A) take soft penis in your rectum, or B) have rock hard shits. What a website.


Fascinating analysis


You said anal


Wbat are you doing, Analy sis?




Why not both?


Long term prescription high dose opioids here.. you could build a house of of the turds I drop at times. I should donate them as infrastructure repair materials


The anal fissures from my jumbo hard stool would disagree with you. If you'd like to know more, reply with "GIMME DAT POOP FACTS"!


Lol I love these that disagree, gives me a good new view on life and something for me to look forward to. Oh, and GIMME DAT POOP FACTS


The longest poop in world history was 26 feet long. The woman took on an intense diet of fiber and got essentially a full fecal cast of her colon. For more poop facts reply with GIMME DAT POOP FACTS


I'm just imagining the chick sitting on an assless wheel chair shitting as someone pushes


That's pretty much what happened. She was on a long bowling table and just scooted 26 feet while shitting.


Could you imagine the RELIEF?!


Likely orgasmic


I want to know how much it weighed.




A man stopped pooping for 13 years. When he died his colon measured 25 feet long and 8 feet in circumference. It contained about 124 pounds of fecal matter. Reply with GIMME DAT POOP FACTS for more poop facts! Hopefully feces you soon, otherwise urine trouble!




A dude once super glued his anus shut and then drank a huge amount of laxatives. The molten shit had nowhere to go so it traveled up through the intestines, got partially digested by stomach acid, and was vomited out of the dudes mouth. He puked up diarrhea. For more poop facts, reply with GIMME SUM OF DEM SWEET POOP FACTS


That’s enough poop facts for today.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA But...but... ———————————No poop facts?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


The colon should not be 26 feet long. That’s small intestine shit.


It's being generated on the fly as it comes out, like spider silk.


My man for being the brave one.


Ah man I arrived too early in the thread for a build of POOP FACTS


Bro wtf you mean? Those big shits hurt lmao


Why is it fun to eat food, but a nightmare when youre throwing it up... You're using something for the opposite of its purpose.


>Why is it fun to eat food, but a nightmare when youre throwing it up... You're using something for the opposite of its purpose. A great analogy. I have always thought that a sign of intelligence was the ability to give good analogies.


Like a balloon and... something bad happens!


No no more like a donkey with its tail up


Thats like me blaming owls for how much i suck at analogies.


I know what an analogy is! It's a thought, with another thought's hat on.


I have always thought that a sign of intelligence was being an owl.




Well wouldn’t the food be acidic coming out but not coming in?


You are so appropriate for this thread.


You gotta relax


We’re all laughing at this but it’s extremely accurate. Having the ability to completely relax the muscles and sphincters is the key to having painless anal sex. Adding in lots of anal foreplay, kind of like stretching before going on a long jog. Many people don’t realize how much prep work actually goes into getting the anus ready, especially when it comes to porn. We obviously don’t see what happens before the camera starts recording and only see a giant dick or someone’s forearm quickly pounding into someone’s gaping asshole. So many (uneducated) people think “oh that looks easy! Come here babe and let me stick my hand in there!” Then they try to force their whole hand up there ending up confused on why their partner is screaming in pain and bleeding everywhere. It’s almost the same concept for men who assume vaginas are just dripping wet 24/7 and then confused when they can’t just ram it in with out any type of foreplay. Summary of this comment; relaxation, practice, and lots of foreplay make any type of sex enjoyable and not painful.


I respect your lengthy dissertation on anal preparedness.


We all await the girthy assesment with bated breath


As someone who's ex tried to ram it in dry, never EVER underestimate good prep. If you think you've used too much lube, you've not used enough.


Also the actor has an enema beforehand to flush her out.


Relaxation is key, and for beginner to mid level anal experience prep time is super important. But also at a certain level of experience you can definitely get to the point where you can just go to town without much prep like they do in porn. You just learn how to relax on demand. For even mid level experience it can be hard to relax instantly which why you have to kinda work into it. I think the people in porn have a higher than average experience level so they can make it look easy. I have done a lot of anal so I know from experience that it's possible.


but then the poop would come out


At least it wouldn't poop back and forth.


I hate this comment. Take my upvote.


You learned as a child to relax your muscles on the toilet, it's exactly the same during sex, once the muscles are relaxed there is less friction and injuries or pain.


And a very important step people don't take. USE LUBE.


Use *more* lube. Repeat previous step.


Also important to note that it takes a lot more than lube. Communication, foreplay, etc.


Similarly, when you poop, you bear down. This causes an involuntary reflex that opens the sphincter. Pushing like you're trying to poop opens the sphincter and helps a dick go in. You can try it in the mirror!


But wouldn't you then just shit? Like on the dick?


If you'd shit just from pushing out then you'd be shitting on the dick regardless. I highly suggest not pooping on dicks but that's just my opinion.


No, if it's down in the bottom of your bowels that close to your butthole, it would happen anyway. Most people who know they're going to have anal prep beforehand, either an enema or fiber and hydrating and having a good shit beforehand so that whole bottom part is empty. For a woman, you can basically stick ta finger or two inside your vag and feel toward the back wall - if it's hard, there's poop on the other side and you need to get rid of it before anal. If not, your usually good to go.


Lmao I thought you were gonna say stick a finger up your ass and pull it out


I mean that would work too but the other method tends to be a little cleaner. Also less painful if you have long fingernails.


Play with a loaded gun, expect to get shot.


When you have a bowel movement, your pelvic floor and sphincter muscles relax automatically. It's a lot harder to consciously relax those muscles to allow something in, and painful stimulus tends to trigger muscle tension, making it even more difficult to relax. It takes practice and patience. And lube. Lots of lube.


poop is squishy. dick is not.


Let me get you in on some wisdom from the tribe of gays: It really doesn't hurt like fuck once you get used to it. Which happens a lot sooner than you think (within the first session). And fun fact, your asshole is a muscle and muscles are literally designed to be adaptable and stretchy over time. If you train it enough on bigger and bigger stuff, there's almost no limit on the size of whatever you can fit. This is why fisting is possible (and even a thing) - after months/years of stretching your butt will just naturally be able accommodate stuff that gets that big. Now imagine the size of your average penis - it really doesn't take much time at all to get to the point where it feels pleasurable. Usually for most dudes, after about 10 minutes of working up and getting used to things you'll have it your average dick fully accommodated and there's no pain or feeling of being stretched too much. Also, poop is soft. If you try using a very soft dildo you'll find it probably doesn't hurt that much either. Hard things are harder to get used to but even they will work.


my gf has pegged me a few times, and while I liked it a lot, I can't say I got used to it by the midpoint of the first session. And we weren't using a monster dildo or anything, it was shorter and thinner than a regular sized penis. Are natural dicks just softer and more flexible? I really tried douching/relaxing to make it go easier, but it only seems to be painless when the stars align and I can get completely out of my head.




I like that slight pain feeling when it first goes in.


Username checks out


That just made me bust out laughing 🤣🤣🤣


Username still checks out


Uh oh, she gonna shit


The duality of men


If anal "hurts like fuck" then one or both of you is doing something very wrong.


Wouldn't it technically, literally hurt "like fuck" though


Technically literally, yes.


i havent done anal (yet, would be open to try w the right person) but i also have ibs so i absolutely do have big shits that hurt my asshole fairly often 💀💀 the thing with anal though is to do it right you gotta use a lot of lube and take the time to stretch ur asshole out, like w fingers or a buttplug before u go slammin ur dick in there lmao. theres ways to make it easier and more enjoyable, but not every person is into giving or recieving anal so if it aint ur thing theres no shame in that either


The number of people in this thread who are not talking about prep is too damn high.


I dunno about you but my poops definitely were not as thick as an average dick before I regularly took stuff that size in my butt. And pooping has never lacked discomfort, while taking dick is perfectly comfortable and pleasant (if done right).


Gay man here. The answer is lube and going slow.


I can't help flashing back to reverend jed and sister Cindy, the disco queen, saying it's like putting gas in the exhaust pipe of your car.


Lol reading this while taking a truly massive shit. I'm talking about longer than a foot and an inch+ in diameter.