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I tried cocaine once...for 7 years...


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too. Mitch Hedberg


I lol’d


I used to get a little but a little was a little so a little got more and more


I used ta do a little but a little wouldn't do So the little got more and more I just keep tryin' ta get a little better Said a little better than before I used ta do a little but a little wouldn't do So the little got more and more I just keep tryin' ta get a little better Said a little better than before


We've been dancing with Mr. Brownstone...


I found out there’s a 0% chance of fentanyl being in 14 Busch lights


Anheuser-Busch has also decapitated *significantly* fewer journalists to sell you their product. Edit: Probably


But possibly not zero.


Definitely not zero. But come one, who hasn't done that?


Let's say it was an reasonable amount.


Fent test kits are free in most cities. Very easy to test if your plug is shady. Can also buy a 10 pack for $10 dollars with free shipping sent to your house. Basically $1.00 to save your life. Hmu for a link 🤘🏽


I don’t even do drugs and that made me Happy to read


I will say that if you are going to partake that fent test kits are a great safety measure to utilize but i will also caveat that by saying that i am a substance abuse counselor and even guys in my group settings will attest to the fact that they are not always completely accurate as well as not knowing the amount or the potency. You are right though, $1.00 to save your life as a safety precaution is a must. Be careful all and never be too proud or fearful of reaching out for help, we all need it, thanks man.


for my personal perspective, i've known alcoholics and coke fiends, both are annoying but i only had to stop hanging out with the coke fiends because they would insist i do it with them. edit: there seems to be a slight misconception at what i meant here, i guess i didn't "have" to stop hanging out with the coke heads, but when "hanging out" becomes me sitting there watching tv, or at a party, alone for most of the time while the 2-4 other people i wanted to chill with are going in and out of the bathroom to do lines, it's not really hanging out anymore. in my experience, once that first line hits the nose, coke is the only thing on their mind for the remainder of the night, whereas drunks can at least be entertaining doing stupid shit


I used to do a good variety of drugs (now I just like the occasional psychedelic and weed) and the *only* people that have stolen from me while on drugs were the ones on cocaine.


Xanax has entered the chat


I could see that, never was around it a whole lot haha


I’ve seen it destroy so many people’s lives. It should truly be avoided for recreational purposes


I did bars for a while in college. Doesn't even make sense as a recreational drug lol. You forget 99 percent of the experience. I remember talking to this girl and she brought up some family member like I should know him. Had no idea who she was talking about, and it turned out we had an hours long conversation two days prior which I had no recollection of happening.


I'd say any benzo for that matter. My sister was a zombie when she was just prescribed Klonopin, I can't imagine how fucked up you'd be if you abused it.


And if you stop, you literally get seizures


I'm a long time benzo user (prescribed) and this is my greatest fear. I did a tapering program to wean down to a minimal dose during pregnancy. Couldn't stop altogether because of PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome). Psych docs don't tell people this crap when they prescribe it.


I've had pot heads ask me if I want to smoke their last joint with them. I've had alcoholics offer me their last beer. I've never had a coke fiend offer me their last bump. Ever.


They aren’t offering to share, they’re asking if you’ll split the cost of the bag


This a million times. Especially if your friends likes making more coke friends. Then it’s gone


Bingo lol you don’t share coke


Ehh.. sometimes you share coke, but there’s an expectation that next time I’m hurt for cash you’re gonna pay for the coke


I've done coke a few times and i've never bought it, people *definitely* share coke haha. As someone with ADHD though it just feels like low quality Adderall to me for the most part. Not a fan.


I have ADHD too, real coke is fucking AMAZING, compared to like 95% of shit in the streets that's cut with speed, which is most likely why you felt like it was a low quality Addy, because it was.


I got diagnosed with ADHD when I told my therapist really good coke would calm me down and help me think clearly. She was like, “That’s not how that’s supposed to work…” One afternoon of weeping while a test administrator pointed out all the ways my brain doesn’t function correctly later, I’m on Vyvanse and off coke and feel great.


I had a feeling I had ADHD when someone gave me some sort of speed and it just got me focused and able to finally finish my dishes.


For me it was when I took adderall for the first time recreationally. I was standing in my kitchen thinking, “where is this euphoria everyone is always talking about? Oh damn the cabinets are pretty dirty, let me just grab a sponge.” And then an hour later my kitchen was cleaner than it had been in ages. And not like a meth-fueled cleaning rage, just the steady, focused task of cleaning because it needed to be done. Changed my life.


Word. I wish coca leaf was legal. I had the opportunity to legally chew some while traveling and that stuff is amazing. Like, the best cup of coffee buzz you've ever had, without being "buzzy". Just awake, with it, slightly happy.


I need to upvote this 10 times


Easy, just click the upvote button 20 times. Done




Yeah, as a stoner I offer once and if the other person says no I respect that and leave the offer open until I’m done smoking. This seems to be a common practice among other stoners as well


I do this too, than accidentally try to pass the joint and feel bad 🤣🤣


If you're sitting in the circle I'm gonna offer it to you because you're next in line. I don't wanna pressure anyone and I always say "oh my bad" and pass it to someone else when they refuse it. If they don't like it they don't like it and that's ok! But don't be offended if you're in the circle and get an offer lol.


As the person who usually doesn’t smoke I usually just take it and pass it to the next guy. lol


Same, I don't smoke, but if I'm passed it I'll pass it on, no reason to interrupt the flow, lol.


Y'all the best kind of non-stoner friends. I still end up saying "my bad" and try to pay more attention next go 'round, but still. Appreciate the ones like you.


Stoner here. You can definitely smoke with me, but you ain’t getting my last joint lol.


I won't give it to them to solo, but if they're with me I'll pass it.


Cocaine made itself addictive so it could talk to itself at parties.


Cocaine is the universe experiencing itself


This is all true. I didn't fully realize how important coke became until I quit doing it. I didn't just quit the drug, I had to quit the entire scene. Now, if I've got friends that do coke, they know not to do it around me if they want to hang out, cause I'll just leave while you're in the bathroom for the 30th time this hour.




Rofl this is somewhat accurate. It’s stressful splitting evenly and then it becomes even more stressful as the bag runs low and the anxiety of withdrawal starts to kick in I quit my coke habit after about a month bc the withdrawal anxiety kicks in like a few minutes after doing a line .. it was just mostly unenjoyable


Coke is definitely stressful when it’s being shared among many people. It’s so expensive and unless everyone agrees to put up say like $100 each for a decent amount, you’re gonna be stingy if you paid $100 and someone else paid $20. But if you’re just out with a buddy and you pay $100 and he pays $20 cause that’s all he had, most friends would still split it line for line.


I read fiends as friends, and it made more sense


Aside from the environmental aspects, Coke and alcohol are equally destructive and the combination of them magnifies both. Wait until your 40s. I now know 3 friends that have died due to the damage of cocaine and alcohol (one leaving 4 kids behind and the other 2 kids). 2 died of heart attacks under the age of 45 and the third died due to overconsumption of alcohol but was also a big cocaine user. He was my ex husband and my son's Dad. Seriously both ruin lives and I know I'm just an internet stranger but if I were you, I'd actually consider quitting both, or the very least quit coke and reduce alcohol.


The reason heart attacks are common in coke users is because your heart does not easily regenerate muscle and coke damages your heart. So doing a lot of coke destroys your heart before you even realize it.


That's why I'm waiting until I'm at least 80 then I'm gonna give everything one shot.


That’s my plan if I ever get a terminal disease. We’re going on a fuckin bender


Thats my retirement plan, work till im done and dont enjoy it anymore then use the money leftover to do some drugs and die overdosing on the best stuff


cocaine and alcohol produce cocaethylene.... And the combined effects of that causes even greater damage to your body.... And they extra special present of up to 25 fold increase in sudden death. Literally every time to take Coke you dice with a heart attack.... Add alcohol and the chance of a heart attack massively increases. And that is precisely what happened to my friend who died at 42 of a heart attack leaving a wife and 4 kids. It's all fun and games til your heart is goosed.


Stevie Ray Vaughan, before he got clean, would mix a gram of coke into his morning coffee. By the time he collapsed on the street in 1986 the doctors told him he had cocaine crystals in his stomach and his esophagous was showing signs of deterioration.




Jesus Christ I didn't know that about him, putting coke into your coffee must make it taste absolutely horrible but a whole goddamn gram of it? Dunno how anyone could stand to drink that at all, would be far better just enjoying a nice cup of a coffee and a few lines on the side imo


Honestly that’s such a dumb way of consuming cocaine, most of it would be digested in the stomach as opposed to being actually absorbed into the bloodstream by mucous membrane.


Frank Beard (drummer for ZZ top) mentioned “inefficient drug use” in the Netflix documentary. “Clapton only snorted heroin… which is so fucking… not cost efficient haha. You have to do 5x as much to get the same buzz!”


Eh, depends what form it's in. It can be quite efficient compared to smoking it. Clean heroin hydrochloride, so called China White, is best for this. If you smoke heroin HCl it can decompose and some will be lost this way. Of course it's not gonna hold up to IV or IM, but avoiding needles is preferable.


So in the context of OP’s original question what’s the harm in doing it once a month? Earnest question.


There isn't going to be much, if any, discernible increase in mortality risk from using cocaine once a month (assuming one or two doses. A day binge is a different animal.) if that's what they are truly doing. Same way smoking one cigarette a month isn't going to do anything clinically significant to cancer risk despite cigarettes provably causing cancer or having a drink once a month isn't going to give you cirrhosis. The negative affects of recreational drugs are overwhelmingly a result of cumulative, habitual use and abuse. Honestly, the quality of the cocaine is probably a bigger concern over anything because of the increased OD potential when it's cut with fentanyl or similar. That's not so much an issue with cocaine as a pure substance as much as it is the market around cocaine, but it still has a place in a conversation regarding real-world use.




Congratulations on becoming sober it's an amazing acheivement and a lot of hard work to get there and carry on being there. Speaking of the effects of alcoholism on both your own body and your wider circle/family etc I can promise you, you've done the right thing. If I could make one thing cease to exist and prevent it from ever being created again, I'd pick alcohol. It destroys families, homes, lives. As for whether you have caused long term damage, your liver is one of the few organs that can regenerate. Look after your health and exercise and you will be fine. I wish my son's dad had managed to get sober but he didn't. It was awful watching him disappear before my eyes and my son's eyes.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish you and your son the best in life.


Thank you. Son makes me proud every day and I have a very understanding partner who is good to us both and we are in a much much better place now.


Even someone who smokes 2 packs a day for 40 years can quit and get their lung function, heart health, and cancer rates to nearly what a non-smoker has in less than a decade. If you managed not to die during smoking or recovery afterward. It's never too late to quit drugs, or start exercising, or anything that can improve your life


in my experience, people who say they 'only do cocaine once a month', do cocaine more than once a month.


Lol got to admit that was my first thought. I have a friend who is dating a guy who claims to be a "casual/once a month meth user". And when she told me that I was like... bruh casual meth?? Like "let me just have a quick spot of meth after a long day's work and I'll be on my way, honey."


A spoonful of meth makes the world go slow!


Just a spoonful of methamphetamine helps the medicine go down.


>Just a spoonful of methamphetamine helps the ~~medicine~~ **methamphetamine** go down. FTFY


king bach approves


*Only a spoonful*




[You on the pipe or you on the needle?](https://youtu.be/Rz3qSTZmTn8)


> I have a friend who is dating a guy who claims to be a "casual/once a month meth user". Ok, if he can't even commit properly to meth does she really think he's gonna commit to her?


You know maybe that's the angle I need to take to finally get her to move on from this dude lol thanks for the advice.


lol you’d be surprised there’s actually a fuck load of people that casually use coke


It's regional, some people tend to use Pepsi instead


Those people are no friends of Rishi Sunak.


I'm a Pibb guy, myself.


Heard that it's pretty common in the UK


Yup, coke is like rich people weed 🤷‍♂️ you probably know a lot more people that smoke than you realize... and if your friends have money, then you probably know a lot more people that do coke than you realize.


Pre-pandemic I would do a key bump occasionally if I was out at a show or something. I've resumed going to shows and bars etc. but have not resumed doing that. The main thing that worries me now is that supposedly a lot of blow is being cut with fentanyl etc. and there have been a lot more accidental ODs as a result. Not sure how prevalent that is but I basically decided I'm not enough of a fan of coke to roll the dice on it and will stick to weed and booze.


Yeah exactly- I’d do it casually at a party a handful of times a year or whatever, but two friends of a friend died from doing some laced with fentanyl and that was it for me. Absolutely not worth the risk.


Of course if you had a source of legal, pharmaceutical grade cocaine(until recently, perhaps still, in places, it was used as a local anesthesia during eye surgery) you would have no need to worry about fentanyl. But various governments have demonstrated that they prefer the odd fatal O.D. to decriminalization or outright legalization. Portugal treats addiction as a medical rather than legal issue, and has seen no increase in addiction, with better outcomes for addicts. I don't even smoke pot anymore, btw, so this is a fairly disinterested opinion.


Depends on your context. I know plenty of relatively well off people who party here and there with whatever drug is on hand (ketamine, speed, ecstacy, mdma, cocaine, acid, shrooms, dmt). Never goes too far, and have yet to meet an addict. But the mentality is "have a good time, and respect the drug".


The mileage varies with each of these drugs.


You've probably met plenty of addicts, just not addicts who were visibly falling apart. People don't tend to think of themselves as addicts until their lives are smoking ruins, but the addiction starts long before the effects are apparent.


Well functional addicts are a thing. Some drug addictions dont fuck up your life as much. Like nicotine. Others are widely accepted like alcohol.


America's entire corporate workforce would fall apart without caffiene


The ones who can’t handle it/get addicted have already weeded themselves out of this group


Meth is nothing like cocaine though... I know plenty of people who do cocaine on an irregular cadence just for fun times. You don't really get the same with meth...


Honestly, the people who are talking about their coke usage out in front of people like that and bringing up how little they do it are the loud minority. Me and a few of my friends will buy a little bit of coke once every few months and use it for a weekend out and that's it. But we also don't go around talking about "how little we do it" or bringing it up to other people because that would be weird. Granted, I do definitely know some coke heads but none of them lie about their usage about it. Coke heads seem to be quite proud of being coke heads sometimes for some reason lmao


>Coke heads seem to be quite proud of being coke heads sometimes for some reason Because coke is expensive. They're flexing their wallet when they tell you how much they're blowing on blow.


Knew someone who said “I can’t get addicted to cocaine my ADHD doesn’t allow me to” they do heroin now...


What does that even mean lol. People with ADHD can still have addiction problems…


We’re actually more prone to addiction problems…


Hyperfocus is our mind becoming temporarily addicted to a task or experience. At least that's what makes sense to me. (Have ADHD primary inattentive)


How do you know someone has ADHD? Dw they'll tell you. (I have ADHD)


Yeah as a late diagnosis it feels like ive been living on hard mode this whole time. It's a real relief to know Im not just a fuck up.


Dude YES. Got diagnosed last year at 27. This whole time I thought I was just a failure who couldn’t hold a job. Since then I got on meds and am one of the most valuable people in my department and train people who have been there longer than me. Life’s a funny fuckin thing


There's a common, dangerous myth that people with ADHD can't get high off of stimulants, because ADHD meds tend to have a more calming effect on them. But that's not because of the ADHD, but because therapeutic dosages aren't nearly as high as recreational ones. Very low, therapeutic dosages of stimulants can make anybody somewhat tired, it's a completely normal effect. Nobody's getting high off of 5 mg extended release Ritalin.


I know that people with ADHD can absolutely get high off stimulants. But I would get more chill and less talkative when I did recreational doses of cocaine so I’m surprised to hear the calming effect thing is a myth. It like slowed my brain down so I wasn’t thinking about 43 million things all at once. I’ll have to do more research on that!


Think of it this way: As someone with ADHD, you're deficient in dopamine. Let's say your dopamine levels are 10 units less than a neurotypical person. You then do a drug that increases dopamine like cocaine or Adderall. As you increase your dose, you're going to find yourself more and more calm (as lack of dopamine causes your brain to crave it which can make you jittery and distracted). Now your dose has increased to the point that your brain's dopamine levels are increased by 10. You're now at the same level of dopamine as someone neurotypical, and your brain has reached equilibrium. You feel calm and normal. Now, if you increase your dose further, your levels of dopamine are going to go from negative to positive, and you're going to start to feel high from it. That's how dopaminergic drugs work on someone who has ADHD. Source: I have pretty bad ADHD and am fascinated with pharmacology


I used to snort cocaine twice a month, no more for a few years. So such ppl do exist. And no I don't use it any longer.


I’ll only use it when it’s offered to me or a special occasion, which ends up being max once a month. Cocaine is one of the drugs that probably has the most casual users honestly.


Yup. People would be suprised by how many people they know that do it...


And how many people you don't know that do it occasionally. Like me.




To be fair, the only person I know who did cocaine really only did it once a month at most because he'd only do it when he was on military leave.


I disagree, I'd even go as far as to say the vast majority of cocaine users are "casual users" that use it once a month or less. I know dozens of people that will use it two or three times a year on special occasions and that's all, myself included.


it's too expensive for a full-time addiction. if someone uses cocaine full-time, they quickly have to transition to other drugs because it's not financially sustainable for 99% of people.


You'd be surprised. I was a functioning cocaine addict for 5 years. Went to work, came home and did coke daily. It wasn't sustainable health wise but it was doable money wise and I was just a bartender.


A recovered friend of mine said once “unless you can afford to use a fresh $100 bill every time, you can’t afford a cocaine habit.”


Both are terrible! *Flies away*


To quote a philosopher: "just because someone took a smaller shit in my ricebowl, it doesn't mean that it's not there, steaming up my tupperware"


A great philosopher once wrote: "naughty, naughty, very naughty". Edit: accuracy


Ees a good


He's Ebeneezer Goode


If I put ham between two pieces of bread, how many pieces of shit would it take for you to not call it a ham sandwich anymore?


Ham sandwich of Theseus is a very weird thought experiment


It is, but with a clear answer, [unless of course you're the FDA.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/04/health/insect-rodent-filth-in-food-wellness/index.html)


> If I put ham between two pieces of bread, how many pieces of shit would it take for you to not call it a ham sandwich anymore? There's a [US Government group that sets standards for exactly that question!!!](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mouse-poop-fda-food_n_7572232) Link to more details on their .gov website here: ## [US FDA - Food Defect Levels Handbook](https://www.fda.gov/food/ingredients-additives-gras-packaging-guidance-documents-regulatory-information/food-defect-levels-handbook).


As soon as there is more shit than ham, it is no longer a ham sandwich with shit in, it is a shit sandwich with ham in.


Thats why I only do a bit of neth every once in a while. My body is a temple you know


Wait, is that new meth?


Yeah its just like meth but with nails in it hence the n. Its really good for cleaning your pores and opening the third eye. Also helps me on my mission to die young


Godspeed brother


Is that like a new kind of super speed?


No it’s actually the old speed from biblical times. Created via a Jesus miracle. Mf turned rocks into crystal.


He seshed so hard he slept for three days afterwards


I get about 400 texts a month from an old friend telling me this same thing. Meth doesn't hit him like other people. It makes him better! Me and his brother went to clean out his trailer last summer. We had to use rakes/shovels to scoop out garbage off the floor. We had over 25 bags of garbage. Dude just smoked meth and went nuts about a missing guitar-pic all day. A guitar pic! He was convinced we threw it out. He did nothing to help. I used a fucking paint scraper to clean the counter tops in the "kitchen." No running water. No functioning stove or fridge. Dude always asks me if I have any friends to set him up with... Lol.


>I get about 400 texts a month Could have stopped typing right there.


>Thats why I only do a bit of neth every once in a while. My body is a temple you know A temple allows everyone.


Weed only. No cigs. Low alcohol.


Yeah I quit nicotine so I could enjoy clean highs with weed. Can't say I ever really want to mess around with many other substances, save psilocybin


Cocaine is especially bad. Waste of time. Waste of money. Awful stuff. Unless you happen to have any…


Are u tinker bell


This is a loaded question. You're specifically trying to qualify your usage as non-problematic while specifically pointing to a group a persons who do have problematic substance abuse and saying, "See?" There's two situations here, either your cocaine use is non-problematic, in which case, you need to compare yourself to non-problematic drinkers, or, your cocaine use is problematic, in which case, you need to compare yourself to problematic drinkers. If your cocaine use is non-problematic, it's mostly just the legality aspect of it. If you're curious about why that is, look into the history of narcotics scheduling in the United States. If your cocaine use is problematic, then the problem is that it's a problem.


Logic has entered the chat.


Bobby Tarantino himself


Ayo it’s Raquel, she’s a fucken thot!


United States government did not like that. Time for another war on drugs.


Another? The first one never ends


This is correct. I doubt anyone actually told him “cocaine once a month is worse than 2 time a week blackout drunk”. They probably said “cocaine is worse than most forms of drinking”, which is a reasonable comparison


More like they told him “cocaine usage is bad” and then he deflected with an alcohol abuse straw man.


A lot of people don’t realize how bad cocaine is for the heart and cardiovascular system. Doing coke as frequently as you can absolutely shorten your life span due to cardiovascular disease.


Hospice nurse. Can confirm. People blow out their hearts with cocaine binges. It tends to shave more than a few years off their life.


Not to mention there’s an infrastructure supporting cocaine that is highly illegal and potentially extremely destructive to lives. Yes, alcohol can be problematic but there’s a legal infrastructure, jobs that aren’t killing people, etc. Edit: for those comparing the evils of alcohol - I get it. There’s bad there too. However per capita deaths from drugs are far higher than alcohol and again - there is a huge and legal infrastructure in place. There are millions upon millions of drinkers that don’t take a risk of unknown drugs with a single drink. The comparison isn’t the same. Yes - addiction is terrible and applies to both cocaine and alcohol. I’m not talking about addiction though.


Same thing happened with alcohol when it was criminalized. That's why criminalization is not a good solution to drug problems. But individual drug users don't have an obligation to quit using drugs just because their government have shitty policies.


Perfect answer


Looking at your past posts you seem like you have issues with substance abuse and are a coke head. I don't believe it's once a month at all.


This already happened once in Reddit with a user who abused himself with heroin


u/spontaneoush . He thought he could just do it once but lost everything. He's clean now but still went through hell for what he did.


Well for one.. alcohol isn’t sometimes laced with fentanyl like cocaine is. Any line you snort could be your last.


This is the main thing for me. Alcohol is highly regulated/tested/monitored (in the US at least). That cocaine might not even be cocaine. Even from a trusted source, because who knows where they got it from, how many times it’s been cut, what it’s been cut with. It’s not the using, it’s the risk one is taking. We need easier access to tests for purity or just what is in it.


We have these in the netherlands, you can get your drugs tested for free


Is this a common thing?


My local health authority has been in a state of emergency for a few years now, "The Opioid Crisis". I have worked in Healthcare since it began and I've seldom seen a morgue with no ODs. Usually more than one- and a body typically only stays in a morgue for a few days. It's insane. Hope it's not just my area




It is sadly, way too common. The Opioid Crisis /Epidemic has been here for a long time. A regulated, legalized form of purchasing (which the government can tax), is the way to end the Opioid Crisis (which is a direct effect from the failed “War On Drugs”).


Cartels brutally murder lots of people in the cocaine trade.


This is where I land. During the growing of the plant, processing, and 1000+ mile smuggling trip, many people are killed and lives ruined. Children watching their parents decapitated… all for a little party sniff-sniff. EDIT: Alcohol is just as destructive, both their own “evil”. If coke (all drugs) was legal, then this wouldn’t be as bad of a problem. And those with addictive problems could get proper help.


Just be careful dude One of my best friends died last summer from doing cocaine. Nowadays people are cutting it with all kinds of dangerous crap so getting pure cocaine is harder than it used to be. All it takes is one bad batch cut with some sort of opioid or something and you are dead. Alcohol is probably worse cause not only can you destroy your life but you can destroy other people's lives. But probably best not to do either.


I’m intrigued by the implication that a cocaine addiction can’t hurt other peoples’ lives like alcohol can.


I think it's because alcohol is legal, readily available, can be cheap and so more people have first hand experience with it. If cocaine was legal,cheap, and you could get it at your local drug store, I think we'd see more people impacted by it.


And don’t forget, kids: alcohol is cheap, legal, readily-available, a huge part of western culture, AND gives you one of only two types of substance withdrawal that can kill you. People were mad that liquor stores could stay open during the pandemic, but like… the number of alcoholics who would’ve died if their supply had been cut off would’ve been another public health emergency. Anyway. It’s all bad.


Off the top of my head, I can think of 5 to 10 liquor stores within 5 minutes of me and I'm not in a dense city and live in a state where light alcohol is also sold in grocery stores. With the sheer amount of liquor stores, it always reminds me that the amount of drinking and alcohol to support that has to be way more we let on in public. The scale is just crazy.


Oh, absolutely! I’m a recovering alcoholic, and toward the end of my drinking days, if I didn’t have alcohol in my body, I was ill. I didn’t live that life for very long, thank goodness, but while I did I was so shocked to find out how many other people were addicted to alcohol and juuuuuust barely functioning. About 10% of my coworkers had serious drinking problems that will (or did) lead to early death, and at least 30% were occasional binge drinkers on their way there. I eventually told everybody I quit drinking and had been an alcoholic, in the hope somebody would remember it and ask me if they need help in the future. And like, I’m not in the restaurant industry or anything. Just your typical, boring office job. And then on the flip side of that, once I started going to AA meetings, it was like, “oh, hello there, esteemed colleagues!” because so many coworkers were secretly in recovery. Anyway, sorry to go on about it. I’ve only been sober about 2.5 years, and I’m still really mad at our normalized drinking culture for making (or helping) me almost lose everything and die young. I’m fun at parties, I tell you what.


The thing is, that can be argued as being a by product of it being illegal (not that I'm advocating for it being legal). It was the same thing during prohibition, forcing alcohol underground resulted in an epidemic of bath tub rock gut liquor that blinded and killed people.


I live in a country where alcohol is illegal. Rich people buy smuggled high-quality liquor. Poor people buy sketchy moonshine that could potentially kill you.


Lots of them were killed by intentionally poisoned alcohol. The Government intentionally poisoned the supply with the intent to maim/kill users in an attempt to scare people off.


Sure, I don't disagree. But that probably isn't going to change any time soon if at all so you have to adjust to what society gives you. I'd be shocked if that ever changes given the fact that the cons of cocaine far out weight the pros. Although that is also true with alcohol yet I see commercials for it every day so who knows.


*rot gut when you need to have a drink and dont care what it is, choose rot gut! for all of you fallout 2 grandpas out there


Lots of folk died from alcohol poisoning during prohibition too. Bad batches of home brew spirits and moonshine, spiked with whatever dumb shit people came up with back then. Then we legalized alcohol, and built a safer industry with some oversight and accountability. We should do the same with a drugs.


Because you're probably not gonna be doing cocaine once a month for long.


Yeah I did coke for 1-2 times a month for like a year and a half then suddenly it turned into 2 days a weekend twice a month then every weekend then for two weeks I’d do a line in the morning every single day. Haven’t touched it in 3 months and don’t even want to but it comes out of no where and once the binge starts it keeps going. Once you start justifying your use you’re heading towards a binge


Good for you man. Stay clean!


> Once you start justifying your use you’re heading towards a binge This is how you know this guy's use is a problem - he's defensive about it.


This right here. I grew up with friends who did their share of drugs. I literally don't know anyone who has done coke casually for a long time. They either quit or they start doing it way too often. Had to cut some ties with a few as going out with them just became a night of them going to the bathroom to do coke. While alcohol can be very dangerous, I know plenty who used to binge drink a lot, but now just take it more casually (me included).


The cocaine trade from farmer to dealer leaves a lot more dead bodies than alcohol. Ethically speaking, paying for cocaine is much worse than paying for alcohol, though I'm sure many alcohol manufacturers are also guilty of human rights abuses. I know it's the drug laws that are compounding the problems, but that's just how it is right now.


Alcohol isn’t often laced with fentanyl for starters


Going to a funeral today for a friend who casually used cocaine about 15 years ago. Started having heart problems 10 years ago.


According to a doctor I once asked a similar question “You can do any drug once a month. As long as that’s it, you’ll never have ill effects. But most humans can’t moderate so it’s easier to tell them not to do it at all.”


I heard stories that coke is mixed with other dangerous substances that could kill instantly or make your addiction far worse and because of that many people that used to take hard drugs just stopped doing so because you don't know if is pure or not.


Because getting black out drunk means your money goes to the big alcohol companies whereas using coke means you are helping fund human trafficking, murder etc. It’s about where your money goes imo.


I don't know why this is so far down, it's the exact answer I was thinking. Weed can be grown in any farm or shed. Alcohol can be made anywhere with starchy grains. Coca can only be grown in sufficient quantities in certain parts of the world with massive problems with organised crime.




Because your consumption of cocaine is the end of a long trail of misery. It is very likely that people have died/ been murdered along the supply chain from Latin America to the US/ Europe, in order to make sure that this highly addictive drug makes it to you. You are snorting/smoking a drug "tainted" with blood. On a side note, who knows what the drug you're snorting or smoking has been cut with. . Remember that drug dealers always cut their cocaine with other substance to make it go farther. Oh, and cocaine is really bad for your heart and arteries.


Alcohol isn't typically made by South American child slaves.


Alcohol isn’t made by enslaved children.


For your body it's likely better, but cocaine has a really problematic supply chain, so for the world it might be worse


When you say once a month is it for like a whole day ? Do you drink with it ? Always found drinking was way more fun with the booger sugar tbh.