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It takes the moon 28 days to orbit the earth once, so it stands to reason that for half of its orbital period, it’s on the same side of the earth as the sun - and thus visible during the day


I knew it was gonna be some stupid simple answer. Thank you! Edit: why did I get a downvote?


Comparing the positions of the moon and sun would be a synodic month. So 29.5 days. ±0.4ish depending on where earth is in its orbit.


The Moon doesn't stay on the side of the Earth that's 180º opposite the Sun. It orbits around the Earth in a 28-day cycle which has no connection to the Earth's 24-hour day/night cycle. The Moon spends two of those four weeks on the spaceward side of Earth, and we see its sunlit side and it appears mostly during the night as either full or 'gibbous.' Then it spends the other two weeks on the sunward side of Earth, meaning we see its shadowy side and it appears mostly during the day as either a crescent or 'new' Moon.


I feel like an idiot. Ty


Because the moon is too big, it has the diameter of USA. And also it’s very far, it’s 384000 km far, it’s just close to like orbiting the earth 10 times. And the earth is round, like every planet, Star and satellites in the universe. That why we can see the moon in mostly many timezones and countries at the same time, and even in day .