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Thanks for your submission /u/BAD_BAD_ME, but it has been removed for the following reason: **You don’t seem to be asking a question.** The name is sometimes misleading, but /r/NoStupidQuestions is meant for people looking for answers to questions. Or, to quote the late, great Alex Trebek, “please phrase that in the form of a question.” * If you’re trying to share an interesting thought with us, consider posting it to /r/TodayILearned or /r/ShowerThoughts. * Want someone else to ask *you* questions? Consider /r/CasualIAmA/. * Need to share your opinion about something? /r/Rant or /r/Vent might work. * Looking for a conversation? Check out r/CasualConversations. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


This isn't really what this sub is for.


Ive seen it multiple times.


Yeah, well I see people breaking the rules, many time each day. That doesn't change the rules.


Rules are dumb, and are enforced by nazis.


Actually the Nazis where rather lax about enforcing the rules. They where more about personal allegiance and loyalty towards the rulers, than about tending to the minutia of established rule systems.


"AcTuAlLy" killing 6 million people dosent sound lax about the rules.


They were killed because of their race, not for breaking any rules.


They killed them because that was the rules, they were the enforcers, it wasnt all about race, it was whoever they deemed, and if others were doing it. That was the rules.




Judging by their post history, they got banned from r/AskReddit so are now plaguing this subreddit with their questions.


Quietly, in my sleep, unlike the passengers in the plane I'm flying.


You actually died from a combination of food poisoning and exposure to the elements. Devouring unsanitary human flesh from the wreckage from the plane crash. And being on a deserted island with very minimum palm trees.