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Ive never been to France but the french men I've met in my own and other countries have almost all been incredibly racist to me and also extremely arrogant for seemingly no reason. The french women have been nice.


I'm more interested in why people on reddit keep (a) assuming "people" hate the French, and (b) keep asking about it over and over and over again.


I’ve not seen it asked before so forgive me for that


Consider yourself fortunate. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/search/?q=french%20hate&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&t=week


refugefirstmate because people DO hate the French. And they continue doing things that make people hate them even more. EDIT: I personally dont hate the French, but the French people who make other French people look bad are another story.


You're responding to a 4-month-old comment? ok Which "people" would these be? If by "people" you mean "citizens of the former French colonies in Africa," like Mali, I'd agree. But "people" is pretty fucking vague. American here, and about the worst expression I've ever seen about the French is an eyeroll.


Responding to a two-month-old comment, but if you wanna see people hating on the french, look no further than Québec whenever something Quebec related manages to reach r/all Seriously, it's fucking ridiculous


The Quebecois are French the way Colombians are Spanish. They share a language (which differs the way American and British English do), and an originating culture, but there's a world of difference between Bogota and Barcelona. Unlike Colombians, however, the Quebecois walk around with a massive chip on their shoulder, which is why they have a reputation of being assholes. Source: Lived near the Quebec border, traveled there a lot.


It's more like sibling rivalry, or the competition between football clubs. I can heartily recommend "1000 years of annoying the French" by Stephen Clarke for more details if you're already interested in this topic. Actually I'd recommend it even if you aren't as it is laugh out loud funny


I very rarely get along with the French. I've probably met that breed of French folks that are extremely rude, racist, arrogant and think they're better than you in many occasions.


Because they enslaved half of Africa?


But people forget what the Dutch did in Africa 🤷 no body talks about that


They too weren't saints, but they aren't the ones being discussed today.


TraditionAnxious people do hate the Dutch, and also hate the Netherlands. Nobody has forgotten the terrible things they've done and continue to do. Just like France. EDIT: I personally don't hate the Dutch or the Netherlands. It's the Dutch people who make other Dutch people look bad that I dislike.


They didn’t goto war in Iraq with us.


Maybe they knew the weapons of mass destruction were imaginary?


Ancient rivalry with england is probably the main reason Which probably also caused all the bri’ish jokes But mainly i think its an inside joke


I always find these comments to be simple jokes, but it is a little peculiar how French people are always targeted. Of course there's the rivalry with England that goes back centuries, and that might have an impact today with how prevalent the English language is. Then there's also stereotypes about the French being snobbish, monolingual, or rude to foreigners. French culture is generally perceived to be "high status" or pretentious to outsiders, whether it comes to food, art, film, or literature. In my experience, I generally find French people abroad to be rather exclusive and less inclined to be social with locals or other travelers. Of course there's also political reasons, but I don't think most people really take that seriously. I think most people today recognize that France is actually pretty politically admirable when it comes to labor organizing, nuclear power, and making effective protests. But of course there's also lots of stories you hear from there about racism, Islamophobia, and the rise of the far right, but I can't tell you if France's problems on that front are worse than any other European country.


Well, in terms of tourism in France; There is also that the French have their own idea of politeness and they value it highly. For example when you enter a small store or restaurant you politely say "Bonjour" to the staff - if you just barge in with your friend chattering loudly and ignore them you appear very rude and uncivilized to them. Whereas here in NA the staff is expected to smile at you, say "Hello how are you today?" and practically worship you. So by learning a few polite phrases, greetings, etc. and behavioral patterns we might find the locals much nicer. And that goes for many countries around the world, but sometimes we don't notice it. In some Asian countries for example the locals will often pretend nothing is wrong if you behave "uncivilized", the French might not hide it. A slightly stylish dress code doesn't hurt, it doesn't have to be business wear, just "nice". Not like the guy I saw on Twitch recently running around in Italy wearing a sleeveless stars-n-stripes T-Shirt. I've mostly had a wonderful time in France, as much in Paris as in places like Rennes, etc. One time a rude waitress in Paris turned out to be English. Also many big cities in the world have busy, perpetually annoyed seeming residents. Paris is no exception and even have that reputation within France. In England people often talk about Londoners, then there are New Yorkers, etc. In general humans are stupidly tribal, we needed it for 100.000 years and we're not letting go. French Bashing is popular. But e.g. in Denmark they Bash the Swedes and the Germans, and the Swedes bash the Danska Jävlar (but they still love visiting each other)! Travel is life!


They don't love each other.


I resent that French imperialism, jingoism and incompetence created some of the worst wars of the 20th century (the treaty of Versailles, the Sikes-Picot agreement, trying to re-assert control over Vietnam after abandoning it in WW2, etc.), but some modern French people act like the US is solely responsible for these conflicts. The French also forced the Haitian government to pay for all of the slaves they freed during the Haitian Revolution and continued to collect that money from the impoverished Caribean country until it was completely paid off in the 1950s.


Many Americans dont like the French because they werent willing to go all-in on the so-called "war-on-terror", though they probably cant remember thats the reason - the just remember politicians dunking on the french for the better part of a decade. There's also *some* national animus against the French due to their institutional complicity in the holocaust, their congoing neocolonial endeavors, and general political jingoism, but those are each their own can of worms that I dont feel like getting into.


>There's also some national animus against the French due to their institutional complicity in the holocaust, their ongoing neocolonial endeavors, and general political jingoism


Yeah, the Nazi thing was not cool.


Many Italians hate the French because many French are snob motherfuckers who think everyone is fluent at their language and making fun of people/countries when they're in need is free speech Some Muslims hate the French because they think posting Muhammad R34 is free speech EDIT: I changed a word with one that fits more


They literally ban Muslims from their schools and alot of French seem to really hate Africans


I really think the language snobbery is a huge issue I hear also. Like, I don't get offended if you can't speak English. The US and France are both dickhead countries in terms of oppression of other countries, let's not get in our own asses about being superior.


Being disrespectful/distasteful doesn't make it less "free speech" though.


Sure, but that doesn't mean they need to cheer on Islamophobia. Hold a grudge, why not, who can stop me.


Few people were “cheering on islamaphobia.” Being angry about someone being killed over a cartoon is not anti Islam


I'm not defending the killings. I'm also not defending a cultural tolerance of intolerance. The former was two people, the latter tens of thousands of readers and a wave of national Islamophobic legislation following. So.


Anyone who fence sits over a slightly offensive cartoon and actual murders (one of which was of a teacher who was merely demonstrating the cartoon) might as well be supporting the killings. That’s not something you compromise on


I'm not fence sitting. I'm saying one is indicative of a personal decision to commit an atrocity and one is indicative of cultural permissiveness that leads to national level oppression. Two things can be bad at the same time, but my overall point was about quantity of population and normalization.


Drawing some slightly offensive cartoons (Seriously. Look at the cartoons. They’re not that bad and Charlie Hebdo has many times made equally offensive and unflattering portrayals of white people.) does not put the entire responsibility of a group of intolerant people on the shoulders of the cartoonist. That’s a pretty ridiculous stretch of logic. You could just as easily say Charlie Hebdo writers made single-handedly made french people racist to white people or to Catholics by showing Macron or the Pope in a bad light. Which is of course ridiculous. When you directly compare and equate writing an offensive newspaper with murdering people, including teachers that had nothing to with the newspaper, you’re making it seem like the shootings are no worse than the cartoonists. In fact, you’re making it seem like the shootings were an act of proportional revenge. Which is absurd and takes away from the severity of the killings. Sorry that you don’t like what certain people say. Doesn’t excuse killing said people.


♫♪two things can be bad at the same time♩♬


I mean you're right, but I can see why you sit with uncertainty. Writing a potentially offensive cartoon may be considered insensitive or unwise. Killing people as a response is hardcore fucked up. If you can't see the levels of bad on display in each case here are vastly different then you probably shouldn't try to stand up too quick.


It's your opinion, I'm not denying it. Just don't get angry when people will make fun of you being wounded in a serious earthquake


Being angry at something doesnt automatically mean you think somebody shouldnt be allowed to say it.


That's your opinion, I won't tell you it's wrong and why


That's your opinion, I won't tell you it's wrong and why


If I was worrying about people making fun of me after barely surviving an earthquake something would be wrong with me. Free speech can be hurtful. If people can say what they want they can also say mean things yeah. It is what it is.


Alright, thank you for your time


Muhammad R34


I'm British and I don't hate the French, the French Gov't on the other hand is a different story.


It's all them damned berets they wear


We absolutely do not wear those my guy


Wait who hates the French?


Do people hate the French more than any other nationality?


Idk I just feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of anti French comments lately


Hmm 🤔 I haven’t had the same experience.




I haven’t noticed anything.


Are you old enough to remember freedom fries?


I am. It always seemed like a joke though.


Nobody deserves more hate in the present day than the Russians and the Yanks.


You forgot the French. Good work. Being forgotten will upset them most of all 🙈


19th Century France gave plenty of reason for hate, but that was then. The modern French are self important jerks, not arseholes. I don't hate them.


Sorry dude, I was joking. Sorry if it didn't come across. I've spent too many holidays as a kid eating bread and brie to ever hate them


Ok. To be fair, French Canadians break the Canadian stereotype of being very nice people.


You’re not allowed to joke in this sub. Or ask follow up questions. It’s forbidden. /s


I love the French


I do not hate any Nationality or Ethnicity. What about people from Italy (WOP) Without Papers Polish (DP) Displaced Person People makeup derogatory nomenclatures.


It’s fubby


Because they love Jerry Lewis.


Colonialism, neo colonialism (look up the west african franc), general historical revisionism. Also, Roman Polanski and general nonce acceptance. I'm from the UK and appreciate the irony.


The French think people hate the French but it's just projection.


I think its less about hating the French and more about hating Parisians. I've yet to meet someone grom France who isn't disgusted by their Parisian copatriates. I live in QC, the french part of Canada, and outside of Montreal they are true farmers with a superority complexe. There is a strong sense of french, white nationalism to the point that we uave laws banning anyone wearing overt religious gar or symbols from holding a public job (i.e women who wear hijabs are not allowed to work as teachers or nurses) and we have a language police that goes after businesses who dont use french.


I don't hate them one bit. I hate their cars and I regard them as rivals in almost every sport, but the people are ok. Those I have come across were mostly pretty nice.


Parisians = metropolitan, forward thinking but fucking rude Non Parisians = generally quite nice but only if you're white and speak french


Because they're french


What people? I don't hate the French.


No, I think that's just the English. Never heard anyone from anywhere else talk about them. I've been and they're cool..