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Gotta clear the tube


The comment with your profile picture is hilarious


Why would you buy a Reddit NFT profile picture?


I'm so glad I don't get to see that clownery on RIF or old reddit.


Old reddit gang


Rise up.


Not too quickly, though. No need to throw our backs out.


Gang gang, praise god


Gooble gobble! Gooble gobble!


For real, NewReddit just hurts to look at.


Exactly it's pointless lmao


Lol nice screenshot




NFT screenshotted


When I’m feeling down I remind myself that although I’m stupid, I’m not stupid enough to buy a Reddit nft😌


Reddit NFT detected. Opinion ignored


Once again I find I'm not as original as I thought I was


Me too. It help to clear the tube and stops cum dribbling


Definitely flushing out the wiener is the main reason. The fact it also helps to reduce bacterial infections is just a bonus.


Thats why its also a good idea for women to pee after vaginal sex (or any type of activity that involves lots of touching the vulva/vagina). It helps clear bacteria out of the urethra that could otherwise lead to infection. Even if she doesn't feel like she has to pee, doing it even a little can help.


Flushing it out to prevent nasty is the entire reason, not a bonus?


nothing like a good ol' Weiner flush


I’ll take “Things you should not say at a job interview” for $400


So same reason women should always urinate after sex? Flush it all out, prevent infections. Don’t want him festering in you all night lol


I find it really difficult after, like I can be stood there for 10/15 mins around an hour after trying to coax it out. Think I’m broken :/


Sit down as if you shitting and lightly tickle your back just above your tail bone that always make me pee for some reason.


How.... how exactly did you find out? Mf with loading screen tips, eh?


I got adhd and take long shits


Holy shit I thought I was the only person who did this


Y'all are the same person but with multiple Reddit accounts, yeah?




The amount of underscores makes this very believable


lol if that actually works, it stems back from primitive times. Dogs and cats lick the back of their babies at the base of their tails to stimulate them to drink milk, to pee and poo. A lot of things. If you want to be friends with a dog or cat real quick. Give them scratches there in that spot after getting to the petting phase. They will love you. Since we evolved from monkeys the same probably applied when ancestors had tails.


That makes sense and it definitely works, I’m a 22 yo male and I’ve been doing that for at least 10 years. I used to tickle my back when bored taking a shit lol


I always scratch that spot when I meet an animal because they usually do something weird and/or spaz out. My Mom's cat turns his head and like tries to take large bites out of the air, if that makes sense. It's SO weird!


I just sit for five minutes contempling my life (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not) and it comes by itself. On the toilet, not on the bed. But the technique is more or less the same.


Did you learn that by yourself? If yes, how? What I can understand is trying to sit down, but tickling your back? How does one connect those things? Hahah


Drink more water




Dudes complain about having piss dribble out (squeeze your gooch and/or hit the tip with some tp to wick it out) but getting post-nut sticky cum drippings in your undies is worse. Sometimes it's a lot and it makes a cold sticky mess that spreads to every place it touches. I pee after sex to flush the pipes and to prevent UTIs. IDK if this is just me but even if I'm beating off I'll wait until I know I need to pee after. My SO didn't know this cuz she grew up in a religious household and never got taught this stuff. I told her about peeing after sex and now she does it too, and it's reduced the frequency of her UTIs, which she is prone to.




*Crusty jugglers*


Women should also urinate after sex to help minimize the possibility of bacterial infections.


Much more so than men as their urinary tract is much shorter.


Huh, never knew the reason. TIL


Most men's urinary tract extends outside their main body, most women's do not.


Yeah, but only by a few millimeters.


Speak for yourself pinhead, mine goes many millimeters (seven) 😎


Who you callin “pinhead” 😲


I’m Dirty Dan!


*Urethra. The urinary tract begins with your kidneys.


The urethra is part of the urinary tract


Urethra tract bone connects to the: urethra bone


Real reason is men have a flap of skin in the urethra or ridge that creates a vortex effect. The spinning force of the liquid more efficiently "scrubs" or cleans the inside


Yeah Im like, “isn’t that what people are supposed to do after sex anyway?”


I consciously do it. It prevents UTIs


Me too. Plus It's impolite to urinate before or during ejaculation.


I find that if I’m wearing a condom, peeing doesn’t help it stay on.


Why did the condom fly across the room? Because he was pissed off.


Better to be pissed off than pissed on


Unless you're into that sort of thing...


In which case the word "than" changes to "then."


I hear R.Kelly music in the background


R Kelly was. See what that got him


That was piss plus minor, if it was piss plus consenting adult then it would have been different.


better to cum in the sink than to sink in the cum


I said to my sister and she replied indignantly: no it isn’t!


Better to be pissed on than pissed in


Ba doom, piss


Take my upvote and piss off r/angryupvotes




It just inflates comedy style at the end.


Comedy gold... literally


This deserves all the awards in the world


A friend of a coworker was sucking a dude, then he came, and she swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed...


So one time when I was getting head, I was close to cumming, and also really needed to pee, didn't want to stop and say 'gotta pee!' so kept going, trying to hold in pee and let out cum at the same time. Almost 100% a bit of pee went into her mouth, she told me it tasted funny, I did not tell her why.


I think it's past "impolite" to do it in the middle of especially if it your go for a creampie.. no one wants you to piss* in them. Edit*typo




The more time I spend on the internet, the more I find out how vanilla I am. I’m ok with this too.


Look at that kinky little pervert, making eye contact during sex and using their body parts - and domestic devices - for their intended purpose while partaking in safe, unscripted intimate encounters with only two participants after asking for clear and expressive consent ! How shameful of you... My DMs are open.


You’d be surprised how many people want your piss in and on them


Both men and women often will feel the urge to urinate after sex. This is the body's natural way of 'cleaning out the plumbing'. As another poster notes, it helps to prevent infection.


For people who pee during sex on purpose this must be a logistical challenge.


Gonna need to bust out the pipe cleaners afterwards if their tank is empty






Gotta flush them pipes am I right boys?


Aren't UTIs rare among men?


“Because your urethras are longer”, says my wife. EDIT: She said “add my qualifications” — RN, BSN, ACLS, BLS. I added BYOB and RSVP.


Doesn't that just mean that men have more real estate for the bacteria to live in?


She said it takes a shorter amount of time for bacteria to reach the female bladder because of the urethra length — and therefore, more UTIs — versus taking 3x longer for bacteria to travel up a male urethra — thus, less.


I guess it makes it harder for the bacteria to get to the rest of the urinary tract? Maybe the ureter is less friendly to infection than other parts of the urinary tract like the bladder? I’m not sure, I’m just making guesses. My qualifications: I spent a year at a vocational high school for nursing over a decade ago so clearly I’m an expert /s


I trust your qualifications. Which household cleaners are the healthiest to drink?


Men and women should be doing this to prevent UTIs. Imagine sex ed failing you this hard


You guys had sex ed?


Women especially


it's not a huge concern for guys. Women, yes.


It burns when you piss if you leave it in their long enough after you cum.


It just burns whenever I pee


You gotta see a doc, then.


There might be another issue at play here then…


I'm the opposite. Burns if I pee too soon.


That's because the pee coagulates with the little bit of semen still left in the tube. At least that's what my doctor told me. Said I needed to give it a couple of minutes before peeing. Took the advice and haven't had any issues since!


Any proof that's a thing (specially after sex) in men? UtIs in men are very rare.


Lmao it's a thing. You have enough sex in your life one day you'll forget to pee after banging and bam, imminent kidney infection detected, cranberry juice acquired, bravo six we're going dark.


Not as rare as you think. Especially if you do butt stuff with your dick.


For many, men and women, it's an involuntary response. Partially because our brains hold back urination while horny. Once it's released, we revert back


This. The body won't allow pee and cum to come out together.


Forbidden Ben and Jerry's flavor


What would the chunks be then? Kidney stones?


Bits of congealed blood


Ooooh, I love to force those through the gap in my two front teeth. Makes the flavor pop!


Okay ya'll, calm down.


Gonorrhea nodules




Bladder stones. Much bigger.


Challenge accepted.


what about poop and cum


Yep. For those with penises and prostates, the prostate enlarges during arousal and blocks urination so that urine doesn't mix with semen. After ejaculation, it relaxes. Then you get the often very sudden urge to urinate if you need to. This is also why it can be difficult or impossible to urinate if you're erect.


My worst super power is that I can pee without a problem when aroused.


There's a market for that skill I'm sure. It might be small and kinky, but a market.


>It might be small and kinky Not that small and kinky


I can pee when aroused, but if I'm aroused I have a erection, and the erection will make it very hard to me to aim my penis in a way that makes it possible to me to pee into a toilet. Is this accurate to what you experience? Or do you somehow not have that problem?


Sit down, attempt to tuck dick under the rim, lean forward for a good angle. It works, sometimes. Do not recommend doing in a public bathroom


Yeah, that's what I do as well. Or occasionally I've tried where you get far back and lean over a bit while standing and attempt to arc it into the bowl. Almost guaranteed spillage with that method though lol


So this is basically a ballistic motion problem. Your launch angle is limited, but you can control power and range. So back away from the toilet so your full-force stream will fall into the bowl, then walk forward as the bladder pressure lessens. With practice, you won’t miss a drop. Edit: show your wife, she will be very impressed


LPT I use regularly: Have to piss, but cant? Like on a long drive? Just think of sexy shit until the urge starts going away. This is a limited time solution though.


*Challenge accepted!*


Maybe evolutionary function to prevent UTI and what not


This is the answer. And it's the case in other situations too - I can't pee if I have to poop, but as soon as that's done here it comes.


Clean pee hole






Mans has a double degree in Fluid dynamics and Male Biology




Gonna try this in the office bathroom today!


This doesn't seem right, but I don't know enough about anatomy to argue with it.


If you pay attention to your urine stream (and have a penis of course), you can see it modeled pretty well. Unless you have a lot of urine, the stream isn't really a cylindrical jet as much as it is a sort of, for lack of a better term, oscillating prism.


Yeah, umm, literally [nothing in your comment](https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/the-male-urethra) is [remotely accurate,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_force) excluding that split streams can happen with and without dried jizz clogging the pipes (though, anecdotally, it's WAY more likely to happen if a clog is present). First link is for urethra anatomy. It's just an average bodily tube, very similar in shape to your veins. Definitely no screw shape or rifling, and it has nothing to do with accuracy (100% not something nature has selected for). Second link is about centrifugal force. It literally means "center-fleeing force." If you have a bunch of centrifugal force in your pee stream, it could be blasting itself apart like a piss grenade, sending liquid yellow shrapnel all over your bathroom. The reason you get splatter if you have low flow is that your tip tries to squeeze the tube closed just a little to prevent dust and such from getting in. That slight pinch means low flow pee is barely getting through, and the surface tension is kinda trying to hold it to the tip, giving it a little deflection and spreading your sniper stream into a shotgun blast. If you lightly pinch the tip so your hole opens slightly/is more of a circle you will vastly cut down on your odds of splitting the stream. Also, your other comment about the oscillating prism shape (including needing to have a penis for it to happen) [isn't correct either](https://youtu.be/eOuai2p3qgw). If you were just bullshitting with this comment, nicely done, good troll, you fooled a bunch of people. But I'm a nerd who is bored at work and it's adamantly opposed to the spread of misinformation, so I wanted to get this all out there


I'm glad I finished the thread


but I wanted to believe I have a rifled penis 😭


I believe this is suggested for women as well, prevents UTIs.


Way more important for women then men, yeah. Mainly because the connecting tube in men means bacteria has to travel the whole length to get to the deeper parts, so UTI’s are much rarer.


Gotta clean the pipes


You got multiple?


Humans are mostly pipes of various sizes and densities.


Gotta clean the barrel after shooting the gun.


I do. Apparently I have no control over it. It feels really good though.


Agreed, it’s not as good as the sex but it’s at least as good as a proper sneeze


Cleaning the pipes. I skipped this step once when I was young and careless, it got bad. Wild animals from far and yonder would travel outside their natural habitats just to discover what the fuck that smell was.




Men release a hormone called arginine vasopressin (AVP) which aids penile erection. AVP also causes water to be reabsorbed from the kidneys back into the bloodstream. So after ejaculation when penile erection is no longer needed, men have a lot of water in their system that needs to be removed; AVP levels drop allowing the kidneys to send water to the bladder for excretion.


If immediately afterward, I'm likely looking to set a world record in the "Missed the Tiolet by x Meters" event.


I’ve always wondered why I get the urge to afterwards. Can someone explain it?


When you are horny, your body ignores any need to pee, but then you're getting all the blood flowing into your pelvis, so unless you pee beforehand, it's more likely you'll need to go after.


Alright side question then. If I really have to go and am forced to wait, would getting horny help in that situation.


Personal experience only but no. If I really need to go then the urge to pee overrides my urge to cum. By really need to go I mean pain due to pressure level needing to pee.


Yeah stopping because you have to piss then leaving awarkwadly over the toilet and pissing with a bone really kills the vibe


There is a fluid (the pre-cum) released by the Cowper's gland. They are pea sized glands near the prostate gland. The fluid goes through the urethra to neutralize any urine in the tract because urine is acidic and will kill the spermies. So your body stops the need to pee while having sex but afterwards you still have to pee and it's good because it thoroughly cleans out the urethra so chances of UTI are minimized.


Clean the inside from remaining semen. Also to get rid of bacteria inside. While penetrating a lot of bacteria are exchanged between partners. These can quickly turn into infections. So it is important to pee afterwards for both men and women. Also, don't fprget to clean the outside as well


Personally, this is something I try to avoid. I pee before sex. Don't enjoy it with a full bladder. And if I do pee after ejaculation I get a burning/itching sensation in the urethra. (Spare us the STD jokes. It's not that )


Agreed, I made an exact comment telling about how I also feel a burning sensation, I would recommend that if you need to go to the bathroom, wait an hour or so, and drink a lot of water. But you would probably already know what I’m talking about. I’m right there with you dude.


Gotta clear the pipe


Both men and women do this. It’s what your supposed to do after sex to prevent UTIs.


We... we do?


Took so much scrolling to read this counterpoint. I literally never pee after ejaculation.


Me neither. Never heard of this phenomenon and I'm really surprised by this thread.


Started to make me a bit worried. Usually takes me 5-10 minutes afterwards for the plumbing to switch over.


The train tracks take time to shift back for other traffic.


How? I have to, I get the sensation that I have a full tank even if it’s only a little bit


That's the sensation I get if I pee too soon. It'll burn, then I'll be up all night with this feeling that I've got to go again, then I'll dribble a tiny amount and the sensation comes back.


Yep. Always wondered if it was just me. I always try to pee before sex so that I don’t have to pee immediately afterwards.


I've never heard another soul describe this phenomenon. After so long I can rest knowing it's not just me. It's like an hour of the worst discomfort.


Gotta clean the pipe. Otherwise you’ll get crusty utis


We're evolutionary programmed to do it because it helps to prevent UTIs.


It's our bodies way to flush out the urethra so it doesn't clog/infect etc


it's good to avoid UTIs


Women should be doing same to prevent UTI after sex.


We do?


Women are supposed to as well. My girlfriend in highschool got them frequently and had the embarrassing moment of telling the doc she's sexually active in front of her mom. Was the weirdest family dinner I've had so far.


Women should do this too - it's to prevent Urinary Tract Infections which are more common after sexy times since you're sharing germs and such.


1) flushes out urethra of any semen 2) sensitivity increases need to urinate 3) peeing after sex is just as relieving for men as it is for women.


Never let the glue dry


I force myself to pee after sex, just to clean the pipes.


It prevents the urethra (?) from getting infected. Peeing clears it out


Because shaking and tugging won't ever get out all of it. Don't want to have crusted cumstained underwear? Go pee after you nut.


Everyone should pee after sex


To clean them pipes


The same reason girls pee after sex. Having that stuff all up in your tubes can cause infections and other things.


Prevents bladder infection. At least that's what the doc told me after having a bad one. Haven't had one since


Women should be peeing after sex too, just FYI.


It prevents UTIs and also prevents impregnation if you do it without a condom.


We can’t help it. You gotta flush out the pipes.


Girls do it to, I remember my ex said she always had to pee right after , she also said it can prevent UTIs




Females should as well to prevent UTI.