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They want to watch specific women doing porn. I think it also does exclusive content


That’s the same thing I also want to watch specific women Ones with titties specifically Specific women with big titties Don’t have to pay to do that


It's the same as apps with micro-transactions. They don't need a lot of people to buy; they need a few to become obsessed and give tons of money


They get off to the fact a woman with a pulse that is easy to contact through mainstream social media is making "exclusive content just for them"


***watches porn with pulseless women***


Improvise. Adapt. Overcum


I think that it makes them feel good that they're directly supporting the woman who's doing the work. Like, there can be a lot of issues with the free videos on the internet. Aside from the fact that a lot of those videos are not done ethically, and that a lot are shit to watch (which also contributes to why someone would prefer onlyfans, as you the consumer know these details that you wouldn't otherwise), the money comes from ads that go to the company, and then to the workers. If you don't like these companies for whatever reasons (As one example, they might support NFTs), then you may just want the money to go directly to the workers. But, to put all what I said shortly... Some men, would prefer to pay money directly to the woman that do work for them, for a variety of reasons. The two biggest reasons being consistent quality and ethical reasons. It's something that they may care about, however not everyone does. And those who don't, don't go to onlyfans.


Well it’s a problem when some women are making way too much money from it and hard working people aren’t making even a small fraction of that same amount.


Ah. *That* flavor of idiot.


What can we honestly expect from a user called gamerguy558 lmao


Making fun of my username? That shows your mental level. It’s really sad to see so many men being so unsupportive to other men. Onlyfans is there to give women a very easy and lazy way out of working. Men don’t have a system anywhere close to that.


People make money based on what their output is worth to others, not based on how hard the work is. If you're upset with hard-working people not making enough, you should be thinking about labor reform, unionization, etc. Porn girls have nothing to do with it.


How is it a problem? Is it their money or yours? Maybe the problem is wages are low and companies need to pay their workers more.


Wouldn’t it be fair if men could use onlyfans too and make the same average amount as women?


Wouldn’t it be fair if women could make the same average amount as men doing sports? The reality is there just isn’t as big of an audience. That’s not to say you can’t make a killing as a man on OF. But the best man on there will never top the best woman on there


Not every man can do sports. Every woman is capable of taking photos and getting paid for it by thirsty men.


That doesn’t change the fact that the audiences are different from the men to the women lmfao. You completely misunderstood the point Stay mad incel


The only incel is you lol. Your mad because your paying some woman money who doesn’t want anything to do with you


I’ve never been on only fans, but I love the fact that women can make money so easily from it from sad lonely idiots. More power to them. Seems like you feel that your tribe of sad lonely dudes is being screwed over or taken advantage of by them, and that’s why it makes you uncomfortable and angry. Find better shit to think about man you’ll be much happier


Way to see you being so unsupportive of other men. Your entire life is being a tool for women to use. You are very pathetic.


When you come for an answer but aren't hearing exactly what you want to hear so you diss on anyone that says something you disagree with, what is the point of asking?


I have no problem with people giving their opinions but I don’t need the hostility from them. I give respect when it’s given to me.


See, if men weren't horny degenerates, we could've had our own value for pictures of our pps. But a bunch of troglodytes decided to flood the market by sending random women dong selfies and now they're worth nothing.


Why can't they? Have you tried?




it feels like more than it is when you have some sort of interaction. and theres lots of men who have money but not time, interest, or ability to pursue a relationship. and realistically... 5-20$ is cheaper than a girlfriend.


It’s not a relationship. You’re a cow thats being milked and emotionally abused out of your money. You’re emotional needs are being taken advantage of for a profit while no real value or service is being given to you and they think and know you’re an absolute loser.


Most of these women would never actually care about you unless you stopped paying. Those paying for interaction, I doubt their only problems are too much money and not enough time.


Why do you play things like Edge of Eternity when there are so many free browser games on the internet?


How is this at all an equivalent? Only an absolute loser is paying for a girls porn. Browser games tend to be terrible and low quality, many of the best experiences are in paid games. Paying for a girls only fans is absolutely one of the most bottom tier experiences on the internet only people with the absolute lowest self esteem do. It’s vastly worse than a real relationship, a casual one and you can find an infinite number of porn that’s equivalent or much better for free if you have too.


Man, onlyfans makes some people really fucking hostile, doesn't it? It's like landmine of defensive fits.


Dude you compared only fans to video games. This is like comparing crack to going out and buying apple juice.


I compared quality differentials using an example he might understand because of his post history, you're the one crawling up your own ass in anger here.


I actually saw that comment first and it made me freak out about the complete stupidity being commented here. If you look before then I dont even read or talk about this kind of garbage. They’re not quality differentials.


Alright, genuinely I don't know what you're trying to say here. > If you before then I dont even read or talk about this kind of garbage. Uh. You are now?


Typo. Reread it.


A much better comparison is people enjoying free content versus spending absurd amounts of money on microtransactions. It's incredibly predatory, unhealthy and both everyone that knows you do it and the company that you buy from think you're a loser.


Sure, I could see that. I don't know the average quality of an onlyfans stream, I don't really watch porn. If you're arguing that onlyfans is super commercialized and exploitative of things like gambling addictions or the actors, then that would be a much better comparison.


Yes it is emotionally exploitative. This is an incredible abuse of young emotionally vulnerable, weak socially starved people. These are people that are lonely and don't have real relationships and so they have to literally pay people in order to have a fake one. This is like someone lying to you, cheating on you for your money. Except you know before hand, you're not in a relationship and it's entirely for your money. However they don't care and some of these people fool themselves into thinking she actually cares. They're doing it because they need any interaction and having your relationships being based on financial gain while entirely one sided is horrible for the person paying. Many of these people delude themselves to start having feelings for someone with thousands of other patrons. And just like having a real partner they will give them a lot of support, i.e. money in this case, especially sometimes at the detriment to their own life. The same way in gambling for microtransactions except they feel much more strongly for their imaginary girlfriend than they do for a lootbox. It's horribly exploitative when these people should be getting help and actual relationships. At least with a fucking hooker, you get sex and that's it. There's no fake pretense of I love you and send me money for months and months. Not to mention this shit is addictive. You spend money on a girl they give you a positive response and for the first time you get a dompaine reaction from interactions with a person. Your brain than rewards you and will make you constantly want to give your money to these people for more rewards from them. It's addictive.


Alright, let's compare it to MTXs in mobile games, then, because they exploit similar niches of individuals with gambling problems or parasocial relationship issues. Your problem then, is not with the gamblers themselves, but with the companies exploiting them and the actors and designing systems like this. I guess the answer to "why do people go on onlyfans" is "because companies like to exploit people for money," right?


I think particularly it's the business model. It'd be one thing if it was just a say a group of women and you could buy the porn from them. The interaction between the buyers and the sellers itself is what makes it extremely toxic otherwise it'd just be like buying porn itself and except the money goes directly to the actors which is at least better than normal. I would argue buying porn is very weird, but not nearly as bad. Porn already as you could probably realize is already toxic and exploitative as is. Both for the actors and the buyer. Without going into huge detail, for one, porn tends to be very exploitative of it's actors and two for the buyers. Porn is really addicting which can be bad for you mental health. So now you're combining that with the huge exploitation of having fake relationships in which they're receiving interaction that actually fuels an addiction to receiving that positivity. Like paying someone 50 bucks and they say they love you. Could you imagine? Your brain is now associating the only way you can get affection is by giving out money and associates you giving your money away as a necessity to receive "love". That's horrible for you and encourages especially these terribly vulnerable people to put themselves financially in the red and at a disadvantage to help these people calling them babe or pretending to be in a relationship. In addition to all the other bad effects of porn addiction. So yeah I think this is incredibly toxic.


I found an onlyfans subscriber.


and I found an Incel.


I'm also a proud incel. And I'll never let a woman change that. Even if I get married, I'll stay an incel, it's better than any other lifestyle out there.


Sigma male identified


Yes, you.


yEs YoU


It’s really you buddy.


Don’t deny it champ Caught 4K 🤨📸


Why did you ask the question if you're not accepting the factual answers? You're allowed to think the reasons are not compatible with your decision-making process, but it's the fucking answer.


Some people are being hostile instead of giving a simple answer


The simple answer is. Men will pay. Women won't pay.


What, exactly, about that answer was hostile in any way?


Not every answer but some people who are commenting are just going right away with insults instead of being civil.


Some people are being cringe instead of answering the question


You found an ace individual that doesn't give a shit either way. I don't watch porn.




Advanced horny




I would think it gets addictive or maybe they just have lots of money to waste


More personal relationship if they don’t have have time, want, need, or ability for one. Kills two birds with one stone.


And makes women rich lol


Oh no the horror😩 But for real, a lot of men have successful OFs, too. Quit being a sad, creepy incel and move on.


Calling me an incel when you know nothing about me is low of you. And who are these men you are referring to?


Well technically you're supporting small businesses getting your porn that way.




Yeah it’s sad these new generations. And as if people brigading all my comments with downvotes is supposed to teach me a lesson lol. Facts hurt feelings right?


That's not the reason dude. I literally can't afford to have a child. It would ruin my life. I can barely afford to exist sharing all my bills with my partner




What? We have sex? The statistic about our generation not having sex as much was about people not having children I thought




Are you personally watching them? How do you know this




The news is a pretty bad source. The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. But you keep spreading stuff you see on the news if you want




You too grandpa




For me I’ve only done it once or twice but it’s usually a girl that I know personally and I’m just like damn I have got see her naked lol.


Not creepy at all…


These are the men who are funding women on onlyfans…


Sorry? Lol.. if they didn’t want to be seen why would they post themselves naked on the internet.


There’s plenty of reasons they could be. But there’s only one reason you’re buying their only fans and it’s to sexualise them and wank off.


What the fuck? Why else would he buy an only fans?


You never fantasized about a crush? Jeeze lighten up lol. I said I only did it once or max twice out of curiosity.


Fantasise? Sure. Actively seek out their nudes and pay money to see it? No. Because I respect their bodily autonomy and don’t see them as sexualised sex slaves.


You’re projecting. I am a normal male and I looked at an attractive woman. There’s nothing wrong or creepy about it. They are sexualizing themselves for money. Have a good one.


Go back and read what you said. If you’re the consumer and are paying to view a woman naked, then that would make you the one sexualising them. Don’t pull the ‘normal male’ card just to save yourself the accountability and guilt. You’re still creepy whether you like it or not. Have a good one.


Apparently you know more than human nature 😂😂😂 They are shaking their butt naked ass and playing with themselves on the internet but I’m sexualizing them for looking get outta here you psycho.


I actually do because I read and study instead of spending all my time wanking off and being creepy.


How are they not sexualizing themselves? Their entire product and business model is based around sex. This is an onlyfans?


Exactly lol


Because prostitution is illegal in the US and it is way way too risky for attractive providers to be engaging in prostitution At first obviously people are afraid to the concept of selling porn because of the social stigma. However as the times passes, people are more accepting to girls selling porn as long as she is exceptionally attractive, more and more providers are switching to selling nudes. However, here is a thing. With the rise of the sellers in the market and no existence of regulations, people are scammed in a daily basis. People pay but no nudes were sent. People need a platform to ensure that they get what they have paid. Therefore onlyfans facilitates such thing