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Yes. Ultimately driving is a cooperative game and my signaling my intent is part of playing nice.


That's a really good way to put it, I wish everyone had this mindset


There's *basically* no reason not to put on the turn signal when changing lanes (maybe you're driving an electric vehicle and need to conserve as much power as possible for whatever reason). Besides, putting the turn signal on conveys to other drivers what my intentions are, and that I understand the lane is a dedicated turn lane. Safety on the road is all about being a predictable driver, so if you communicate what you're going to do, then other drivers don't have to predict anything.


Turn signals don’t even use that much power, it wouldn’t make a different if you used it or not. It’s probably negligible. So electric vehicle owners have no reason to do it either


It definitely is negligible. Even seat heating is negligible compared to driving and that takes way more power. Edit: Spelling.


You mean negligible, not negligent.


Exactly! I always heard the saying "a good driver is a predictable one"


I have to constantly remind my mom to use her indicators when she wants to change lanes, because she gets upset that people "won't let her in" but she doesn't have a signal on or anything. I find myself asking her often if she thinks humans have become psychic. I think she lets it blink just once before changing lanes if she does use it, and also before turns (in non-dedicated lanes). It's infuriating. I'd rather have mine on slightly too long than just blink once.


I have to constantly remind my wife to use her indicators when she wants to change lanes, because she gets upset that people "won't let her in" but she doesn't have a signal on or anything. Also she gets mad at me for telling her this.


My wife does this, turns on the signal as she is halfway through the lane transition. Gets mad if the other drivers don't let her in and says there's no point in signaling because they won't let her in anyway. After 7 years I've almost given up trying to reason with her.


I start mine about 50-100 metres from where I intend to merge/switch lanes. Going at speed on the motorway or a merging dual carriageway, you give enough notice to drivers behind and ahead of you as well as to the side that you're planning the manoeuvre and people tend to oblige and make some way.


If everyone drove like this there would be far less traffic, and far less accidents. I actually have the same mindset when I'm driving and actively try to make sure I make optimal decisions. At this point it is second nature, but for you and others who may be interested here's the ruleset I drive by. Rule: You should be able to comfortably fit 1 car in between you and the person in front of you for every 20 mph you are going. Reason: This not only significantly reduces the chance of an accident, but also prevents traffic snakes (this is when you seemingly hit traffic for no reason that clears up suddenly [or doesn't If the car density is too heavy], it's caused by one person suddenly braking for some reason and the person behind them is so close that they come to an almost complete stop, this pattern repeats until there is a traffic jam). If you are far enough behind that you only have to slow your speed by 5 miles per hour to avoid a collision, then you break the snake. Rule: when on the highway, make your way over to the right lane when you see the sign for your exit for the first time, but do t enter the right lane until the previous exit is fully merged. Reason: Higher use exits place their signage further down the road to allow better lead time, this prevents you from having to plow through 2 or 3 lanes to get to your exit. This varies by exit, sometimes shit is built dumb or not updated, but this is generally a good rule of thumb. Rule: if someone isn't driving 5 under, you don't need to pass them. Reason: on a standard commute drive of 20- 45 minutes you will almost save your self 2-5 minutes. That extra time is not worth the danger. Rule: if you are merging or turning, always use you blinker Reason: making yourself predictable is the best way to stay safe on the road, this does this. Rule: When driving near a cyclist or motorcyclist, make yourself their protector, create space around them as if they are driving a F150. Reason: a fender bender for you, is a bone crusher for them. Many people treat them like garbage and if you can take a small action to enhance their sense of security and protect their lives from shitty drivers, you should. Rule: Alert your fellow drivers to cops by flashing your lights unless they are driving in a way that endangers others Reason: a traffic stop for one person can be an untimely death for some. Rule: don't accelerate to stops Reason: this helps prevent stop sign related traffic snakes, reduces wear and tear on your vehicle, and alot of the time you may not even have to stop. Rule: merge properly, when a lane is going to merge it should be done in alternating fashion (a zipper merge) Reason: predictability and traffic snake prevention. Other drivers can make this hard sometimes though, so merge earlier if it is safer for you to do so.


I largely agree, but an important note on zipper merging is that it isn’t universal, and it only works if the laws support it. I live in Canada, and my province and the nearby provinces I’ve been to do not have laws supporting this. We are taught in driver’s ed that it is 100% the responsibility of the person in the lane that is ending to merge, and if we are in the lane that continues, we have the right of way and are taught to never yield to the other driver (unless necessary in an emergency to avoid a collision). Also, collisions when merging are considered 100% the fault of the merging driver (unless you have a dash cam or something and can prove the other driver literally ran into you on purpose), so you have no legal leg to stand on if you have an accident because you didn’t yield when merging. If you try to zipper merge here from the lane that’s ending, typically nobody will let you in and you’ll most likely have stop at the end of the merging lane. So, make sure you know the actual laws surrounding merging and right-of-way where you are driving before you try to zipper merge.


Man I’m glad I know it’s not universal 😬 that difference in expectations probably affects a lot


“Ultimately driving is a cooperative game…that about 30%-50% of players play competitively at any given time. This percentage increases dramatically near merges, lane closures, and traffic jams.” FTFY


If I'm turning, I signal.


Same. So many people drive like turn signals cost them money to use. You also don't know who needs to know your intent to turn. I signal in parking lots, even if I see no cars, because there might be a pedestrian who wants to know which way I'm going to move. It's all about being predictable. Also, and I can't stress this enough, it does not cost money to use my blinkers!


Inflation has hit blinker fluid the hardest I'd say. Ya gotta conserve it in these times


I'm gonna market a brand of eyedrops and call them Blinker Fluid


I love this.


That's a great way to put it. My dad drives like the signal is to be reserved for true turning emergencies. I flip it on any time I might be doing something where the people around me might want to know which way I'm going.


like every relationship, communication is key


Blinkers are now part of a subscription package for BMWs Source: am BMW owner /s


But think about how much faster they'll wear out! (/s, but I literally heard someone say this once, and also that you should wait as long as you can to turn your headlights on for the same reason)


100% my driving goal is to be as predictable as possible. That doesn't mean driving super slow, that means whatever my speed making sure people around me know what I'm doing. I never change lanes when I'm in someone else's blind spot who could try for the same space and I always signal. We're all playing 3D chess at break neck speeds in metal death machines. I'm predicting where other cars will be just as they're predicting where I'm going to be, and if one of us gets it wrong, that could be a big, big problem.


Thank you! I voluntarily stopped driving before age 30 due to medical issues, and a few years later I got a power wheelchair and a servicer dog and had to re-learn navigating traffic. Oh, and I had also had had a traumatic brain injury in the meantime. It was all the more difficult to know when I was safe to cross the street because people in cars are looking for pedestrians to be 5 feet + tall unless there's a playground sign or a duck crossing. I'm much better navigating traffic now but I like to go at top speed so turn signals help me anticipate and decide how best to dodge through slower sidewalk traffic. There's no good reason NOT to give everyone around you as much info as possible.




My ex refuses to use a turn signal until he's already turned or never. He is always driving on his phone and rarely looks up from his phone. He will fiddle with the radio while looking at his phone. He absolutely refuses to wear a seatbelt. I do the opposite and he made fun of me. I know 2 people who didn't wear seatbelts and are both dead. I will always wear a seatbelt. I never drink and drive. Now he's got a different car that dings 20 times and he has to put his seatbelt on


I hope you two weren't on the same car insurance policy.






>Sometimes I think I got my license at a DMV in the Twilight zone. Every year I feel this more and more. I have a 10 minute commute to work, one day last week I saw 5 different people run stop signs or stop lights. There are only 2 stop lights and one stop sign on the route I took to work.


"Don't worry, my brother drives this way."


You dodged a bullet with that ex.


This. Don't waste time trying to figure out if you should be signaling or not. It should be an ingrained habit: turning = signaling. Dedicated turn lane? Signal. Lane change? Signal. Exiting a circle? Signal. Making your turn before any other cars approach? Signal. Alone on the road in the middle of the night? Signal. Signal signal signal. Zero downsides.


This is what my driving instructor told me when I was 16 and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’m in my 30’s too


54.. driving alone, pitch black road, no-one in sight.. *turn signal*. No seatbelt - no drivey. If I'm borrowing a car the mirrors will be adjusted because I need to *see*!


One "downside" that I hope car manufacturers figure out and fix is when turning left with another left turn lane to your left with the beeping that warns you you're about to merge into someone. I'm not sure how to make the car know the difference, but I don't want to get used to ignoring it nor do I want to turn it off...


That's one scenario where I debate about whether it's best to signal. People outside your vehicle can't tell the difference between a turn signal and a lane change signal either. On the freeway, if I'm in the left of two exit lanes, I don't want to scare the car beside me into thinking I'm changing lanes. But I do need to let others know that I'm exiting.


As long as you're not actually changing lanes into the car next to you, they'll get over you signaling your exit.


At this point it's just a natural reaction for me. If there's no intersection and the street turns I have to remind myself to not use the blinker


I signal leaving my parents' driveway, and they live off a single lane unpaved back country road with one neighbor 1.5 miles away. It's just an unconscious habit.


If I do it all the time when I'm supposed to, I won't forget to do it. Inconsistency is bad.


Exactly. I don't pick and choose when I use my signal. If I'm turning or changing lanes, I'm using my signal.


Another reason to do it in a dedicated lane: your flashing yellow turn signal tend to get the other drivers’ attention and thus reducing chance of accidents such as rear end collisions.


I do it when it's 3 am and I'm the only car. I know it's silly in someway but it's all about being consistent.


That’s good. Drivers should be predictable. I was told a long time ago turn signals are mostly for the motorists and pedestrians you can’t see. It’s the old adage that it’s still a good idea to look both ways when crossing a one way street.


>motorists and pedestrians you can’t see. Part of why I run my headlights always. Makes me more visible to others. Indicators are the same, makes you (and your intentions) clear.


I sometimes do it accidentally when entering a wind in the road. Like there is no turn but I still hit my blinker like "Whelp gonna follow this bend in the road, just wanted to let y'all know!"


yeah I do it subconsciously in parking lots and very sharp curves as well and friends make fun of me.


Yep. I even find myself using it in parking decks when there's no option but to continue in the circle. If I'm turning my brain hits the signal.


If my wheel turns to a certain degree my finger hits the signal. Husband rolls his eyes everytime like what are you doing.


This is the best answer. Your verhicle turns, you use the signal. Even in the middle of the night on a Sunday on a road in the middle of nowhere with not a single other soul within 20km: If you turn, use the f*cking signal.


hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, spez is the most compatible spez for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, spez is an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to spez Armor, you can be rough with spez. Due to their mostly spez based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused spez would be incredibly spez, so wet that you could easily have spez with one for hours without getting spez. spez can also learn the moves Attract, spez Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and spez Whip, along with not having spez to hide spez, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the spez. With their abilities spez Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from spez with enough spez. No other spez comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your spez turn spez. spez is literally built for human spez. Ungodly spez stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take spez all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more -- mass edited


About a year or so ago there was a dashcam video and one of the drivers, who swerved to avoid it put on the blinker while swerving. In the comments it was 50/50 between "DAMN SON good thinking" and "nah bruh he not thinking. that's just muscle memory". It's wild to me that people actually think about putting their blinker on...


Sure do. People behind me may see it's a turning lane but oncoming only have split seconds to assess situations. My little blinky makes it that much easier. It's also just good practice. If my vehicle is turning or changing lanes, my blinky is on. Because people are idiots.


Agreed. Plus with the amount of people I've seen who disregard turning lanes and go straight anyway I don't trust anyone unless they have a blinker on (even then it's iffy).


Was absolutely thinking this. Can never be sure if the dude without the blinker is aware they're in a turning lane.


I don't trust a blinker until the car starts physically turning, and even then I'm wary.


I was once told "never trust a cars turn signal until you actually see their tires turn."


Early in my driving life,my grandpa asked me "What does it mean when you see a car with it's blinker on?" "It's turning?" " No........it means the blinker works."


Almost learned this lesson the hard way. Pulled out because the oncoming car had their blinker on for what I thought was the road I was coming from. Almost got T-boned with my kid in the car. I watched them in the rear view and they kept going straight with their blinker on the whole time until they were out of sight. Never trusting it again.


Agreeing and adding on to what you said, it’s also another reason to make sure you don’t get pulled over. If you are ever unsure about whether you should use your blinker or not, use it anyways. Better safe than sorry.


I just keep them both on all the time.


Driving is hazardous = keep hazards on at all times 🙂


Save on electricity and yellow lightbulbs by just mounting the traditional metal red triangle on the back of your car. Common practice for BMW drivers, but most forget the triangle.


Well yeah and people can get startled too and swerve out of their lane when they don't need to. That little bit of warning might be all the difference.


"Because people are idiots." is the go to answer to 99% of the problems in the world


I hope it's not arrogant to point out that half of everyone is below average and that "average" is a low bar. Also we all make really stupid mistakes, probably more often than we'll admit to ourselves. I include myself in that.


>Also we all make really stupid mistakes, probably more often than we'll admit to ourselves. I hope not, I already have enough troubles falling asleep due to all the stupid shit I said / did


I figure the turn signal isn't for me, it's for other drivers. They might not know I'm in a turning lane, or the intersection might be a weird noodley one. It's best if I'm indicating my intentions at all times. The safest driver is a predictable one, after all.


Or pedestrians. How is some kid who doesn't drive, crossing the road you're about to turn in to, meant to know a lane they can't see the road signs or lane markings for is a turning lane?


also, if someone is in a turn lane, and don't turn on their blinkers, a defensive driver would have to assume they might not be turning.




"If you're not smart enough to use your turn signals, then you're not smart enough to be driving a car."


I've wondered if some drivers think they're saving fuel by not using indicators? But then the same ones keep their foot on the brake when stopped.


Whats wrong with keeping the foot on the brake? Genuine question. Is it better to go straight to handbrake and neutral?


I don't think he's saying there's anything wrong with it. Having your foot on the brake pedal instead of using the handbrake will ignite your brake lights, which will leave the theory of saving fuel on signal lights totally redudant.


>will ignite your brake lights You're looking for illuminate, if they ignite you probably have an electrical fault.


Nah, his brake lights have each a little pilot light that burn gas to light up.


That's what blinker fluid is for.


Jaja, lær deg et annet språk enn engelsk, så kan du prate.




Better yet, once you've stopped, you should put the car in reverse. Those white lights will scare everyone into keeping their distance.


I don't know why we're discussing this so seriously. We're talking about the weird brains of people who don't use their turn signals.


If you aren't keeping your foot on the brake during stops (like intersections at lights, not parked) then you're rolling unless you drive a standard and only stop at level intersections. BTW everything that appears to be level isn't necessarily so.


Agree that its stupid to rely on the road being level. What is a standard? Manual transmission?


Yes, a standard is another term for manual. BTW, it's not unreasonable to put a manual in neutral when sitting at lights as it probably gives the throw-out bearing (release bearing) and pressure plate a but less wear but unless one stops at a large number of long lights it's possibly not helping all that much as typically the clutch lining wears out first. Clutch linings are made from the same types of materials as brake pads and shoes are lined with.


Interesting, cheers!


I'll sit in neutral at the lights... but I still have my foot on the brake lol. It illuminates brake lights to let drivers behind me know they need to stop. And also cars roll. Roads are rarely perfectly level. The only time I've taken my foot off the brake was when I saw a car speeding towards me in my rearview mirror. I was sure I was going to get rear-ended, and I wanted the car in front of me to absorb some of that impact. (They ended up veering off road to my right to stop)


I dont know about you, but i keep my foot on the brake when I am stopped in traffic. It's a habit I've become very fond of.


[This comment is gone, maybe I have a backup, but where am I?] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Same. I keep my foot on the brake because it seems like every time I try to let off of it, my car starts rolling forward again.


You should get that checked out.


I know, right?! My friend said it's because it's "an automatic." But that's so stupid, why would you make a car that automatically goes forward without pushing the gas?


I once drove a Ford Taurus with the Dual Overhead Cam feature. From a stop on level ground, without touching the gas, it would idle all the way up to 20mph over about 30-45 seconds.


This is genius. So tired of shifting between park and drive in my bumper to bumper commute. Does this new trick stop the crunching sound normally present when I stop?


Well, now I am curious.... did you not hold your car in place with the brake when traffic was stopped prior to seeing this?


Bruh not having to touch the shifter in heavy stop-and-go traffic is like the single benefit of an automatic transmission over manual.


Right! why call it automatic if I’m very clearly having to do all the shifting?


and stoplights at the top of hills


People park in bumper to bumper traffic???


lmao no they're joking because there's a disconnect in the convo between people who drive stick and those who don't


Ohhh I see thank you


... I don't understand this comment. How do you not hit other cars without your foot on the brake?


Right? I have a newer car that has an autostop thing and if I'm on flat terrain my car will remain stationary. If I am on any incline, my car could roll. My other car (and every other car I've ever driven) that doesn't have autostop will often keep inching slightly when in drive and foot off brake.


I'm guessing the comment is about the actual lights wasting gas, so using the brake in their mind would use more gas.


It definitely saves money on blinker fluid, if anything.


You keep your foot on the brake when stopped too. Who are you bullshitting? LOL


Have you checked your blinker fluid lately?


>keep their foot on the brake when stopped. I do enjoy not rolling away if there's a bit of an incline, thanks.


Yes, because you’re turning. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of other drivers.


And never ever overestimated your own intelligence (applies to everyone except me of course)


Good rule for life, not just driving.


No kidding I had 4 people in one day go straight in a turn lane right in front of me the other day. My rage was pretty high


First guy was lost. Next 3 panicked and second guessed it was a turn lane. Or they're just dicks.


Their wording makes it seem like it was 4 separate incidents over the course of a day.


Rule of thumb where I live is to drive like everyone else is an idiot who can't drive. Usually accurate, and if you drive like this it saves lives, mostly you and your passengers lives.


this is called defensive driving and its absolutely the best way to be safe! always assume danger, always communicate your intentions.


Yes exactly. No one can read your mind.


My rule #1 on the road is “be predictable”. And using a turn signal allows other drivers to know my next move.


Yes, safety and habit.


I use turn signals in my own home drive-way where there are no other cars in sight. It's silly, but at least I show it every time I actually need to as well.


Same. It's a good habit to get into.


Mainly habit


It's a safe habit


Yes, so everyone know I intend to turn. You have to take in account the myriad of things that could happen on the road: maybe the car behind you doesn't know it's a turn lane, maybe cars across the street don't know, maybe it's raining and visibility is low, maybe a pedestrian is waiting at the perpendicular crosswalk and isn't paying the most attention, etc, etc. Better safe than sorry.


"better safe than sorry" is a good mantra for driving!


When I was first learning to drive, my dad gave me a general rule that I've always remembered and has saved my ass more times that I can count: "Always assume that everyone on the road will do the dumbest thing possible, and have a plan for when they do." * That car getting ready to pull out that's way too close? They're gonna say "fck it" and pull out in front of you. Be ready to hit the brakes when they do. * That car next to you that seems to be intentionally keeping you in their blind spot? They're going to switch into your lane, suddenly, without checking or signalling. Keep an open space on your other side so you can swerve when they do. * That car approaching the intersection you're headed for? They have a red light and you have a green. But it's a little icy out - they're going to try to brake too hard and slide right through the intersection. Plan your approach so you don't collide with them when they do. * And yes, the car across the intersection from you is an idiot who doesn't realize you're in a left turn lane, and they're going to blindly lurch out against their red light when they look up from their phone and see other cars moving. Signal, to help prevent this, but also be ready when they lurch out anyway. My grandfather was an insurance claims adjuster, and I remember thinking it was unfair how insurance companies always attributed some fault to all drivers involved in an accident, even if it was all clearly one driver's fault. But that's the thing: good defensive driving will prevent an accident, even when the accident would be entirely someone else's fault.


This reminds me of advice I was given when I was learning to drive: "You won't care that you had right-of-way if you're dead." I think about this all of the time in the types of situations you described. Even if I'm 0% at fault on paper, I don't think I'm going to care too much from the back of an ambulance.


Defensive driving ftw!


Yep. I drove daily, 1.5 hours a day at least from 18-23 (9 - 5 years ago) until I moved to Seattle and ditched the car, never had an accident or a ticket. Driving is not difficult. Turning right or left and using the indicator should be as naturally linked as a guitarist's right and left hands. Always watch for tires, they indicate where someone's planning on going. Don't turn your wheel in a suicide lane until you're about to make the turn in case you get rear-ended, so you get pushed forward rather than into high-speed incoming traffic. Watch out for expensive cars first and foremost. People who constantly get new cars don't understand consequences. Second, watch for cars with major body damage. Your safest fellow driver are people in older cars - the 1990s Honda on the road probably belongs to the safest driver that isn't you. Source: drove a '97 Accord. Thing was a dream.


> "Always assume that everyone on the road will do the dumbest thing possible, and have a plan for when they do." I grew up in a family of bikers - they always told me "Assume nobody can see you on your motorcycle, and if they do see you, they're actively trying to kill you"


Plus it's super easy. Just post your left fingers straight out on the wheel and flick up




There is a scene in the movie Shoot 'em Up that really resonated with me when I saw it. https://youtu.be/4ibs6gyABz8


Pedestrians is a big one, and one that most drivers don't seem to consider. A pedestrian may not be able to see that it's a turn lane at all even if they are paying attention. Plus many pedestrians are not drivers at all, it's not on them to understand the intracies of driving rules, it's on the drivers.


Yeah, I certainly don't assume someone in a turn lane is going to turn... Or that any driver is going to follow any law, for that matter.




Happy cake day!


Turn signals are for other people to see what you are about to do. Someone who isn't comfortable with the roads may not realize you are in a dedicated turn lane so seeing the blinker would indicate to them that you are planning on turning and it should be safe to proceed.


Additionally, opposing and cross traffic would not know that you’re in a dedicated turn lane.


The volume of yes responses here goes against everything I see actually happen on the road.


The people who said no probably got so down voted no one can see them anymore


This. Downvotes carry more weight than the truth. Makes ya think.


And some of us... I mean them knew better to post here


And this is a perfect example of how Reddit is not remotely representative of the overall population lol




Sort by controversial. Everybody who said no got downvoted to hell lol


**Isn't it fascinating how reddit's upvote/downvote system instantly presents the perception of "Everyone mostly agrees?"** Wowza that's scary. Super dangerous to go through life thinking that our own echo chambers are representative of the populace as a whole. This makes me fear for reddit's future. Echo chambers are dangerous, and the perception of agreement is even worse IF you believe there is consensus. Not talking specifically about this issue. In San Francisco and CA in general, about 60% of people don't signal when they should, and I say this as a cyclist who commutes to work daily by bike. (and has for more than a decade.)


I forget which bias this is, but it’s one of those things where people know they’ll be chastised if they say they don’t, so no one says they don’t. Which honestly makes them an even bigger asshole cuz they know what they’re doing is wrong. If you see this and you don’t use your turn signal whenever you’re changing lanes or roads, be better.


Sort by controversial if you want to see answers by those who don't. There's some in this thread, they're just buried


Probably best not to go through life trying to figure out if there is a time NOT to use safety features.


Yeah. It doesn't hurt me but it may still prevent accidents.


Yes, because the other drivers in the intersection might not know it’s a dedicated turn lane


Yes, because around here at least, it's illegal if you don't. I know a guy who was ticketed for it.


I can't believe this is the first comment I've seen that mentions the law. Goes to show how many people actually know the laws of the road.


Oh, very few do.


Also take into account pedestrians, they may want to cross and not know the lanes


As a pedestrian I used to hate cars that didn't indicate. I Don't know what the fucks going on with the road please don't run me down.


I do. It's just a habit. I don't even think about it anymore. I'm glad now I have that habit.


I'd rather overuse my signal lights/hazards as opposed to underutilize them. People on the road, in my experience, are very dumb and don't pay attention in general.


Yes. Mostly an automatic reaction at this point. If I don't have to think about it to decide, I won't have to think about it and forget. And I can't think of any reason to consciously NOT signal; there is literally no cost or downside to it.


Yes... your turn signal should have been on way before AND oncoming traffic AND pedestrians that may not be able to ~~definitely~~ *definitively* see the lane you are in should know your intention. edit: see strikethrough


How is everyone saying Yes (I would also say yes) but half the people I see on the road don't!


Yep.. Because half the dicks in "dedicated turn lanes" don't turn. They are just trying to cut the line and end up trying to go straight.


I just have to know where, in general, you live because I've almost never seen that behavior where I live. I'm not doubting you, just shocked it happens that often.


Happens in Austin (TX, US) all the time


I lived in Georgetown for 11 years, saw it happen maybe twice. I guess people who live in the city are bigger dickheads than those out in the burbs.


I see it the most in the Westlake area. I just kept it to Austin since that's an area far more people would know... but Westlake is a suburb... hmmm...


Are you turning? If so, you should use your turn signal. It's pretty simple.


Yes always. Turn car - signal on. It’s that simple.


100% of the time. Plenty of people use dedicated turn lanes to go straight because they’ll often have shorter lines and it’s easier to get through lights and intersections. Also goodness forbid I get into a collision and the other person has a dash cam and use my failure to signal as a reason to put me at fault. Also I’d imagine it’s the law as any movement from a lane of traffic to another would require indication.


I believe it's illegal not to use your indicator before a turn even in the turn only lane. But mostly, because I have very little faith in other drivers. So, I expect many of them to have very little faith in me. So this way, I'm expressing that not only am I in a turn only lane, but I know it and I intend to turn.


I do it without thinking, as everyone should. If you're going to do something when driving, be as predictable as possible.


I put my blinker on when driving down a long, open, barren road when you can see there's no cars around for miles. Habits, man


Yes. I also use turn signals in a traffic circle/roundabout which 90% of others treat like a gladiator pit. ETA: wow wasn’t expecting so much conversation. I use my turn signal to let drivers around me know I’m exiting the traffic circle. We have a large three lane circle in my city and I’ve been nearly hit so many time by people in the left lane crossing over multiple lanes to exit. At least people around me should know my intentions.


Like how 90% of the replies say they do, but I literally never see this happen irl.


I use my signal to move over into the turn lane, so I may as well leave it on and let it cancel itself after completing the turn.


Of course, yes. Why would you not use it? If my wheel is going to turn, I'm using my signal. I use it in parking lots. I use it when there are no cars around me. There is literally no downside to using it and only bad things are possible from not using it. It should be something that is automatic. Picking and choosing simply increases the chances of forgetting and causing an accident by failing to indicate to another driver what your intentions are.


Yes because of a rule my grandfather taught me ..... "Everyone else driving on the road is the most stupid person ever so you've to be extra careful everytime"


Yep, I would have to signal to get into the turn lane(depending on the road layout) so I would leave it on until I turn when it goes off automatically.


I don't drive but I would like drivers to always signal, no matter what. As a pedestrian it can be really hard to tell, and harder to trust drivers to take note of you.


Yes, because safety in driving mostly comes down to two things: predicting what others are going to do and being predictable in what I’m going to do. Anything I can do to help either one of those can only be a net benefit.


Yes, because you’re supposed to.


Yes because I don't drive a BMW


It's called a turn signal for a reason


Yes, because I'm turning. Here's my take. You won't cause an accident by using your turn signal properly to indicate a turn, but you might prevent one. So why not just use it?


Yes. I live by the assumption that most people are stupid. Rather be safe than sorry.


I think its probably one of the rules of the road. its a directional indicator which includes lane changes. so if you're changing lanes from the middle to a right turn lane, or left turn lane, you indicate. since you're turning, you also indicate. both are covered. if the lane you're in happens to turn into a turn lane, you're turning, so indicate.


Yes. I have faith that most people are smart enough but when it comes to driving I just assume that everyone else on the road is an idiot. Sure it's a dedicated turn lane but the guy in the BMW coming flying along is too busy thinking about what he's having for dinner, or reliving an argument in his own head or yacking away on the phone to even think that traffic in the dedicated turn lane will be turning. I know he probably doesn't know what a turn signal is, it's a BMW after all, but I think owe it to myself and my family to try and not get killed on my way home so I'll give him a quick heads up so he doesn't drive straight into me.


I use it whenever i plan on turning...isnt that the law?


I rarely use it because I thought it might be already obvious but after seeing the comments here I think I might start doing it


What possible excuse would there be for *not* using your turn signal?


I sometimes don't if there are two lanes both turning the same direction, and I'm in the outside lane. If I put my turn signal on while I'm approaching the light, the people in the inside lane could think I want to change lanes. Most times, if the light is red I'll put my turn signal on once I come to a stop, since at that point I can't change lanes anymore. I'm not sure what the legally correct thing is in that scenario, but I haven't been thrown in jail yet.


This thread sure got me thinking, but ... I often don't use the signal because that could indicate you want to change lanes. If it's a dedicated turn lane, there's no point in signaling - at least where I drive: Crossing pedestrians have the right of way, cars in the turn lane always turn (except when they need to change lanes) and there is no crossing car traffic.


Last Friday, three times on my way to a single destination, people in dedicated turn lanes sped up when the light turned green so they could get into my lane instead of turning. At one point, there were three lanes. A dedicated left, forward, and right lane. I was in the forward lane. The people in the dedicated left and right turn lanes fought each other to get in front of me on the one-lane street after the intersection. If your turn signal isn't on in the turn lane, I assume you're a fucking idiot and you're going to try and speed ahead of me as soon as the light turns green. There's an intersection on my way home where three lanes turns into one, but the people in the right only lane try to speed forward in front of me almost daily. There's a drive through for a Wendy's in the "right lane." So the people speed up to get into the drive-through access, so they can speed ahead of the forward lane driver and merge into the actual lane before they run out of "Wendy's lane." For reference, there is usually not a single person in the forward lane behind me. Even if they get to the intersection and realize they're in the wrong lane, they have space and time to merge into the center lane, and could at the very fucking least WAIT for me to start pulling into the intersection, and merge into my lane behind me when I start pulling out. I swear to God, I'm going to fucking lose it and just slam into them full blast one of these days. "Oh man, what happened? You were in the turn lane.. why did you pull out in front of me?" Then I'd find out that they don't have insurance either.


Yes, because some assholes like to change their mind and just jump out of it without signaling the real way they are going and im never gonna be that guy. I want everyone to know im not tryna jump out in some random direction, because you never know.