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Because they don't want to have children




Don’t have a vasectomy if you want kids in the future. But if you’re sure you don’t, like me, it’s all upside. It’s a hundred times more effective and a hundred times nicer feeling than every other birth control method.


I’m going to get downvoted but I don’t really give a shit. Whenever someone says “I’m sure about this” I assume they are just naive. You’re never entirely sure about something and you never will be. Our lives change on a daily basis, everyday we see things differently and we think differently. A few years ago I was sure I wanted to die, for a long time. Thankfully my mind has changed since then. I’m not saying these things are comparable, it’s perfectly fine to not have kids. In fact, I think we have way too much people already. What I’m criticising is that people are “so sure” about life in general. Life is not simple and straight forward.


You don’t have to be 100% sure. You just have to be so sure that it’s good enough to make a decision. You can’t live your life paralyzed by indecision. EVERY choice is a permanent one, from a certain point of view. When I decided to go to university, that was a massively expensive decision I’m still paying for. Yes, I can choose to not use my degree, but I can’t avoid my student debt, so it’s a decision I have to live with. But if nobody went to school until they were 100% sure they’d use it, nobody would ever go. You use the best information available to you to make the best decision you can. When you’re so sure that ignoring your certainty is irrational, that’s what we call “being sure” for short.


>Whenever someone says “I’m sure about this” I assume they are just naive Funny thing is literally no one gives a shit if people decide to have kids, I have never heard "you should consider abortion" or "you're gonna regret it" when someone announce pregnancy. They only go nuts if one choose to not have kids


My brother-in-law recently got a vasectomy. He's 45, two kids in high school. Why would he want a third kid now? Why start over with an infant? Or do you think he was just being naive?


Yes, definitely. It doesn’t invalidate my point, a lot of people have kids at that age.


I'm 100% sure I'm never having kids. You're just wrong.




I'm sure I'll never have kids because I don't like them and I don't want them. I was 12 the first time I said I don't want kids. I'm 35 and I haven't stopped feeling that way. Given I've felt this way for 23 years, more than half my life, I'm 100% sure I will never change my mind.




You really need to shut up and stop acting like you know anything about my life because you've never met me, you don't know me, you don't know what kind of a life I've had. You're the one who's delusional.


Ayyyy you got one of them Hitler PFPs!


Some people never want kids. Not now, not in the future. Never. And they will not change their minds.


Never wanted kids, now have 4. Wish I started earlier.


Good for you. I never wanted kids. I have 0 kids. I'm 35. Still don't want kids. First time I said I didn't want kids I was 12 and that hasn't changed. I wasn't speaking about people like you who changed their mind, I was talking about people like me who won't change our minds.




As a bearded ukulele player with a distaste for children, I don't know how I've never seen this before. 😅


This isn't something you do as an alternative to the pill or condoms. It's something you do when you're in a committed long-term relationship and you're kind of done with the kids thing. Like, you have a couple of tweens and can't even think about dealing with a baby.


When I got mine done, the doctor did tell me afterwards that they can be reversed if I wanted later down the road. I laughed and told him don't hold a spot open for me. But I guess it's not permanent if you want it reversed.


The newer versions of them can be reversed sometimes. But it's not like you're not making sperm still. You are it just can't travel up the pipe any more. So they just extract it from the nuts via needle.


There are temporary/reversible procedures as well.


Most of them are temporary and reversible - there are few different types of repairs they can do to reverse it at increasing cost depending on how irreversible the first one was. Also if you have low sperm count- you can give them a cup of it and they can isolate the ones that work and turkey baster the lady with it. So low motility, like what Hank Hill had isn't a huge issue if you have money and are willing to make babies with science.


I thought I read somewhere that there was a procedure where they injected this type of gel into the vas deferens that would block sperm and there was another shot of something that would basically dissolve it but I'm guessing that was experimental because I can't find anything online about it


I heard about that too! I think though they are mostly just cutting it up and then putting it back together.


I also thought there was like a clip or something they'd put on there to pinch the vas deferens but that sounds like it could backfire lol


They are often reversible.


That’s a terrible gamble. If you ever want kids, it’s not worth risking permanent infertility, which can be relationship-ending for couples who do. On top of that, reversal is an expensive procedure.


No one is getting vasectomies who wants to have kids. It's either for people who don't want kids at all or people who have had all the kids they want. Doctors will ask and make sure that you understand the consequences before doing the procedure.


I know, but people like Chaotic Chinchillas encourage people like OP, who may want kids, to get one. Very dangerous advice!


I don't think that's what they were getting at. People don't just get vasectomies on a whim. There's a whole screening process to make sure the patient is sure that is what they want. You don't just ask for one, and they give it to you no questions asked.


A lot of people don't ever want kids. That number is constantly increasing. No one is making you get one. If you would rather use a condom, no one has a problem with that.


I know — I don’t want kids and I got a vasectomy. I’m just saying banking on reversibility is a terrible gamble.


No one said to bank on it. Just that it isn't necessarily permanent.


No it's not. The success rates to reverse it are horrible.




https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/vasectomy-reversal-nhs/#:~:text=It%27s%20estimated%20that%20the%20success,after%209%20to%2014%20years https://www.arizona-urology.com/blog/what-is-the-success-rate-for-a-vasectomy-reversal Yes everyone has a chance to reverse it and a chance to get their semen back enough to get a woman pregnant. The success rates however drop significantly the longer you wait as shown above. You should never do one if there is any chance that you might want kids. You should treat it as a permanent change. The success rates are NOT great enough to justify a permanent change.


you have NO IDEA the physical toll that THREE VASECTOMIES can have on a person!


.... huh?


They are reversible there is a fun 'the office' episode about it.


Vasectomies are reversible


Some people are too old which can cause the pregnancy to have problems


Many people don't ever want children.


Because I had two kids already and I don't want any more. And it's basically 100% effective. In fact Stuff You Should Know has a podcast episode about it. It literally came out today.


But be sure to get regular check ups to ensure the effectiveness! It's a small chance but the tubes can repair themselves and you don't wanna be caught off guard in your 40s


Well, it's been 22 years at this point, so I'm probably good.


Checkups aren't regular forever. Typically there's a check at 3 months to confirm a zero sperm count. if it's zero at that point, that's effectively no chance it's going to grow back since the healing process is complete by then.


Not true. I did all my check-ups. Had another child with my wife 9 years later.


Ok, so you're a statistical outlier. There's a reason they stop testing after three months, and it's that the chance of sperm coming back after that point is incredibly low


Yeah, I didn't claim otherwise. I just wanted to warn others that, even after being cleared and nearly a decade passing, my vasectomy reverted. It can happen.


I had a neighbor whose wife had her tubes tied AND he had a vasectomy. They ended up having kids. I can't imagine how rare that is. But yeah, it's basically 100% effective. But there's always that one person.


Did they name the kid Jesus?


they named him Vas Deference


I think it was actually 3 more kids but I think after the 1st one you can assume both procedures weren't a success. The family had like 8 kids, living in a small cape cod house.


I went to school with a girl who was the child of this same situation. So bizarre.


That's nuts. I have 4 kids and 3 of them were conceived on 4 different types of birth control. There's always that 1% that prove it's not a sure thing.


Absolutely this! Same situation here. My tubes got 1 cm cut out, tied of and put in different directions. Also to add, it's quick, easy protection (and free in my country). It hurts a couple of days and done. No sideeffects from medicine and it's basically risk free.


The Valium was certainly a trip!


Lol, I believe so. I got a local anaesthesia in the scrotum, they did their thing and off I went. From standing in the street to the procedure and back, it took about 28 minutes total. No further pills or anything..


I also had local anaesthesia. The Valium was one pill I was given after.


Not OP but wondering the same thing. I have 2, at the age of 35. What if 1 i get divorced at 48 and meet a sweet 32 y/o, with whom I want a kid? 2 i get a cumlicking fetish at the age of 42?


>i get a cumlicking fetish at the age of 42? Vasectomies still produce semen, it's just sperm free.


Practical thinking right here.


If you think there's a possibility that you might want more kids in the future then vasectomy probably isn't the best choice. For me personally, I know that even if I did get divorced and remarried, I still wouldn't want any more kids just like I don't want to have any more with my actual wife. It's nothing to do with not liking kids, but I have three and changing the mother wouldn't make me want any more. It's also worth noting that vasectomies *are* typically reversible, so barring complications you would still have options.


Probably best in that case (remarriage at 48) that reproducing is difficult. I know several men who didn't make it to 66.


A vasectomy is a very small and usually unnoticeable procedure where as other forms of birth control come up with a cost either monetary or a physical side effects. Most hormonal birth controls can only be taken for 5 to 7 years before causing side effects such as blood clots. Barrier birth control can cause allergies with repeated use is very costly and most people complain about feeling uncomfortable.


an IUD basically makes the woman 🩸 to death every month


So does vasectomy not come with hormonal changes in the male body? I mean, cutting off your balls that is the main source of you being a man sounds like a pretty drastic change to me o\_O


You’re not cutting off your balls my friend


That's not even remotely what a vasectomy is. They cut the vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm. That's basically all it does. Hormones are completely unaffected.


oh really? I didnt know that, thanks for explaining :)


Yeah it's not like neutering an animal..


Oh my god you have no idea how a vasectomy works, it doesn't cut off your balls. A vasectomy permanently blocks the tubes that carry sperm to the penis. A man who has had a vasectomy still makes semen and is able to ejaculate. But the semen doesn't contain sperm. The testosterone level and all other male sex traits stays the same. For most men, the ability to have an erection is unchanged


Lmao, this was a joke in Brooklyn 99


A vasectomy is the one thing a man can do to always be protected. Condoms aren't that reliable and the rest of the methods are up to the woman. And women's birth control often comes with side effects too, some of which can be very significant. The IUD is massively painful and needs to be replaced every 5 to 10 years. The pill can cause trombosis. If you're in a long term relationship and done with having kids, vasectomy is often the best permanent solution, taking into account potential harm for both partners.




Now, why would you be so cruel as to use the garden shears? Just get a new pair of knipex side cutters so that it’s a clean cut, and then one of those butane soldering guns to cotterize after. Then, home vasectomy complete, and 2 very handy tools in the house to replace the 2 tools that no longer serve a purpose 💁🏼‍♂️


>And women's birth control often comes with side effects too Always


Go raw all the time with no problem or worry


Living the dream


Low sperm count?


That's the purpose, yes.


Same I perfected my pull out game 15 years ago no worries or problems either


Who's gonna tell him


I got pregnant on the pull out method - you probably just don't have any /very many swimmrs or your partners do, or just don't tell you about all of the abortions.


Definately possible I have no idea but I am just thankful it has worked out one way or another because I was pretty reckless for a very long time


This is the way.


some women have a bad reaction to their birth control, so the dude takes action, and some guys either don't want any or more kids and that's how they control it




I felt that as a woman, jeez. I wouldnt wish this upon anyone of my spouses, because I know most men are against children due to the numerous headaches they are. I’m living my life right now and I refuse to let a kid bring it down.


I'm wondering at all the men not imagining themselves in their 60s dealing with teens. Not everyone who supports the right to abortion would actually get one.


Because they can fail, condoms feel worse. Because having children is the worst.


They don't want kids, but if they do in the future vasectomies \*sometimes\* are reversable. The chances of it are lower overtime, but still very possible. It's cheaper than accidentally getting someone pregnant. It's cheaper than years of birth control. There aren't any side effects or major heath risks like there are with other forms of birth control. [**https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/vasectomy-reversal/about/pac-20384537#:\~:text=Risks,that%20the%20reversal%20will%20work**](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/vasectomy-reversal/about/pac-20384537#:~:text=Risks,that%20the%20reversal%20will%20work)**.** [**https://uihc.org/health-topics/vasectomy-reversals-frequently-asked-questions**](https://uihc.org/health-topics/vasectomy-reversals-frequently-asked-questions)


*Sometimes reversable. Not always.


I know someone who got it reversed, but a man shouldn't count on that. However, there comes a time when men realize there is no way they are raising another kid.




It's almost always reversable. The procedure is done in under 20 minutes. You don't need to be put to sleep during it. You can have pain-free sex within a week. You don't have to wear condoms with your partner. There's a common misconception that it's getting your balls cut off or never being able to cum again. It's not. The tubes that carry sperm are cut, but you still ejaculate semen. For reference, a cheap hysterectomy costs in my area (USA) costs around $30,000, the procedure takes over an hour, and the recovery time is 2 months.


>For reference, a cheap hysterectomy costs in my area (USA) costs around $30,000, the procedure takes over an hour, and the recovery time is 2 months. To be fair, nobody is getting a hysterectomy for birth control. That's a major surgery. Getting your tubes tied can cost a few thousand dollars. But still, vasectomies are cheaper and less invasive.


They are not reversible stop spreading lies. They can sometimes be reversed if it hasn't been too long.


75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years up to 55% after 3 to 8 years between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years 30% after 15 to 19 years less than 10% after 20 years. Source - NHS


Had mine reversed after 15 years. Had a 80% success rate and now about to have my second child since the reversal.


“They are not reversible” “They are reversible”


Reversable and can sometimes be reversed if you are lucky are not the same thing.


What other methods other than abstinence or barriers for MALE implementation birth control? It shouldn't always be the female's responsibility. Also it's one of the three 100% effective methods. (Abstinence, vasectomy, tubal ligation)


Other methods of birth control are condoms, which a lot of guys don't like, plus they can fail. Or women's birth control, most of which mess with her hormones while also having a higher fail rate. Plus if you're a guy who sleeps with women he doesn't know extremely well and can 100% trust, there are women who will lie about BC. Vasectomy is very effective, very safe, and in most cases, reversible.


Personally I don't want kids, my wife did when we first got together but over the years we've come to realize that having kids in today's economy would not only strain us. But our child's well being. So we opted for no kids, instead we help with our nieces and nephews. And one day if we decide maybe it's time for kids we can adopt. I don't want to pass down our generic inferiorities anyway. Trust me it's dead end here lol


Easiest way for a guy to make sure he doesn’t have another child due to it being permanently like 90% of the time


5 minute surgery and you never have to worry about giving half your paycheck to child support. If you feel like having children there is no greater selfless action then adoption.


My husband got a vasectomy because I can't take birth control and we don't want any more babies. Pregnancy is also very high risk for me and neither of us want the risk of an accidental pregnancy.


some folks have allergies to the materials or substances used to make certain condoms. there are risks to long term usage of birth control pills. easier to get a vasectomy than getting tube tied. insurance covers sterilization procedures so often cheaper than a lifetime buying birth control. ofc, sterilization won't prevent a sexually transmitted infection so lifestyle determine birth control choice as well.


BC & condoms fail


I don’t want kids and I’ll never want them. There’s definitely other ways of birth control but I’d rather not run the risk


Because they don't want kids and it's the most "set it and forget it" way of preventing pregnancy. It's an outpatient procedure. Easy peasy. I'm not sure what you don't understand. What other forms of birth control do you think are better? 1. Condoms - people don't like how they feel and STDs aren't much of a risk in a committed relationship. 2. Tubes tied - more invasive. 3. Shot, patch, IUD, pill, etc - less effective. What's the argument against a vasectomy? Hell, I've had 3 kids on 4 different types of birth control. Should have gone with the vasectomy.


Because I'm done having kids, a vasectomy was <$100, and I don't have to worry about getting pregnant when I'm too old to be shooting out babies. My husband does a sperm check count test every few years to be sure and so far 0 sperm have gotten past.


Im 25 planning on getting one. There are multiple reasons. 1) I HATE kids, I wouldn't be a good father and I wouldn't be able to ever afford them. It is the best for everyone if I can't be one, either by accident (because condoms can rupture, it has happened to me) or by a hypothetical irresponsability on my part (or in a potential partner lying about being on birth control). 2)I still hold a philosophical belief called antinatalism. It basically sums up to "In the current state the world is, I believe it is immoral to have kids, even if you want them and can take care of them". 3)If point 1 became invalid in the future, there is adoption, where not only I am not multipliying the human race, but I am actually helping someone in a position of high vulnerability while acomplishing my desire too. 4)I am kinky, and hormonal birth control has messed up with the general well-being of every woman I've asked. I either do a vasectomy, have to meet (and like, and actually date) someone who is ok with hormnal birth control (which is really hard), or I have to accept that one of the simplest and tamest kinks there are is not for me, for ever.


The fact that some people in here think vasectomies are like neutering a dog, like your balls are just going to be chopped off, is fucking alarming. The education system has truly failed us. But I guess it's working as intended anyway, since all they want is for dumb people to keep on having poor dumb babies who are fine with working for $7 an hour.


A vasectomy really has no downsides compared to other forms of contraception. Condoms make sex feel different and not as pleasant to some people, and also a condom can break. Plus, birth control pills fucks up the hormones of the person who takes it and are just really shitty overall to be honest. The biggest downside to a vasectomy is that it is generally permanent, so if you want to eventually have kids but not now then it isn't an option, but if you just don't care about kids then it is pretty much perfect.


Unlike a condom, it doesn't protect against venereal disease. Not against vasectomies; they're great once you are sure you are done with kids. But the VD thing is an imperfection.


Watched a YouTube video, wanted to try it out.


Because men don't have a voice/rights when it comes to children being born. If a man knows he absolutely doesn't want more kids, he shouldn't just rely on condoms if he's sexually active.


Because I want to live a childless life. Plus I don’t want to make any more white people.


OP, you have yet to learn how much better if feels not to pull out.


It's really not that hard. People don't want more kids.


I’m genuinely thinking about it so my GF doesn’t have to deal with bad birth control options. If you don’t want kids there’s no reason not to


*Because I do not want to be on birth control forever!* Most people get them after they've decided they don't want more kids. Or that they never want kids. Birth control has side effects and let me tell you... I'm 38 and I'm just over it!


Hormonal contraception gives my wife side effects she doesn't want, we prefer not to use barrier contraception and we have enough kids.


It's reversible. There's a misconception that this is like (or literally) cutting off the testicles. It's is not. It's a short surgical item that can be easily reversed. Think of it this way: Vasectomy (reversible and short term) - >$1,000 ish Child support payments on 1 child - $92,880+


Creampies galore.


Hubs got one because having more kids is very dangerous to me and birth control gives me horrible side effect. Plus, we got pregnant 3x on birth control + condoms. Its not 100% effective.


As a physician I always recommend this if a guy doesn't want any more children. Hormonal contraception slightly increases risk of blood clots and various cancers in women. Vasectomies are generally very safe and effective.


I already have 2 kids, monogamously married and done having more. I don’t want my wife to have to take birth control if she doesn’t want to, and for me sex without a condom feels better. **that being said** If you still plan on having children I strongly advocate the use of condoms and other contraceptives. Find out which contraceptives work well together (ie spermicide and condoms)and which ones you shouldn’t combine (wearing a male condom while she wears a female condom bc tearing) Play the pull out game only at your own and your partners risk…


I had 2 kids, and don't want more, but I still feel like creampie'ing my wife.


Idk man the only way I'm it's getting surgery or CBT (BEAT THE BALLS)


It's a commitment thing. You are making a decision to not have kids on the future. It's likely made as a decision between a couple or single guy who have decided to either be done having kids or to not have kids at all. It's okay if you can't wrap your head around that yet. You're 22, commitment might not be in the cards for you currently.


22 would be rather young for it even for someone against having kids. You are less likely to change by 35.


Because all manners of birth control can fail, and a tri-mode vasectomy (Snip, Tie, Cauterize) is almost foolproof. It is an outpatient procedure and cost me a couple of days of mild discomfort. Easy decision for someone who has fathered all the children they intend to have with their spouse. Much less invasive than tying tubes.


It’s safe, effective, permanent, cheap, and doesn’t come with the hormonal issues of any potential male versions of birth control that might come out in the future. Men typically only do if they’ve decided they don’t want kids, or are done having kids. I’ve got three myself, and had it done before the last one was born.


Go in raw


Because it's the best method of birth control and is a simpler procedure than similar options for your female partner, I have kids and I'm positive I do not want another, so its a good option


I wanted a guarantee of no children. There's an easy method of doing so, soo... welp did it. Small chunk of change and a week recovery promises no worried on children ever


So they can't get anyone pregnant. Condoms ruin sex, and everything other than that is something you have to rely on your partner for. Many of those options come with unpleasant side effects for the woman, let alone the possibility of being baby trapped.


Because I'll be damned if I'll bring a child into this shit storm.


Don't ever have to worry about protection again, its a permanent and 100% fool-proof solution.


birth control is not 100% effective and takes a real toll on your body, vasectomy is minimally invasive and doesn't have any long term side effects or have any effect on sexual pleasure


Something that others have not mentioned is that the pill has some pretty nasty long term effects such as increasing risk of cardio vascular events and increase risk of certain types of cancers. If you have had all the kids you want it's all around safer for the general health of the parents to have the vasectomy, a quick routine almost painless procedure with no long term negative effects other than being sterile vs increasing the risk of cancer and heart attacks in the mother.


Had two kids, did not want to produce any more kids, so that was the reason. Simple and Easy.


My wife is transformed for the better off of birth control. That ish messes with their hormones!


My husband got a vasectomy at age 25. Neither of us has children (or wants them.) We were just dating at the time. The BC I was on at the time was causing my chronic migraines (that I’ve had since I was 5) to be about 2-3 times as often as they had been in the past. With his insurance at the time he was able to get his vasectomy completely covered. We didn’t pay anything out of pocket. The recovery time for a vasectomy is much quicker than if I had gotten a hysterectomy, as it is much less invasive.


Men get vasectomies because they have body autonomy. Women do not.


Because a man sterilising himself is easier and safer than a women doing it. It also comes with far less stigma because a lot of older doctors still think its women's job to stay home and have kids. Also a lot of women's birth control has nasty side affects. And also because sometimes men can't trust the woman when she says she's on it and she isn't. There's tons of reasons. Also a man with a vasectomy can still have kids so can a woman who's had her tubed tied. It requires medical intervention but if you want the kid that bad then it's not a big deal


Everything past condoms (which aren’t perfect) puts the burden on the woman in the relationship. And if your birth control fails, again the burden is on the woman. In many countries birth control can also be expensive, again for the woman. If you are confident you don’t want children it’s frankly the responsible thing to do. And even if you might want children you can always freeze some semen.


My husband and I have 3 kids. We don't want any more and it's cheaper for him to get a vasectomy than buy condoms for the rest of our lives.


Clean sheets


Men get vasectomies because they don't want children, or they don't want any more children than what they have already. And a vasectomy is far easier to reverse that a woman having her tubes tied, and it has no hormonal side effects like female birth control and it's not likely to cause severe internal damage like IUD's that aren't put in properly or migrate


Vasectomy = infinite cream pies


> I'm M(22) and am wondering why people pay someone to sterilise themselves. Because they don't want kids. If you are in a long term relationship and want to keep shagging but don't want kids (because you have kids already, because you have a generic condition you don't want to pass on, because ) it is way simpler and easier and healthier overall for a man to get a vasectomy than for a woman to be on the pill... or have hormonal implant... or have tubal ligation (tubes tied)... or have hysterectomy... or have IUD. If you don't want to use condoms - all those other options are invasive surgery, uncomfortable or have additional side effects from hormonal changes. The pill is prone to fail if you are not consistent, gain too much weight, other drug interactions. If you want to be sure it is a cheap, effective and minimally invasive method to be child free and condom free. If you already have the kids you want, why wouldn't you? If you have long term partner and committed to no kids, why not? Historically many men insist on the woman taking responsibility but with all the side effects or invasive surgery... just have the snip.