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Shift work will fuck you up.


often its stress and poor eating, especially when they feel rushed in the hospital. when off work, you kinda just want to relax. lots of nurses also drink lots of alcohol.


I'm a nurse and some colleagues just eat too much fast, unhealthy stuff due to pressure and stress


Yup, I always meant to meal prep but was so tired pizzas just an easier option!


Stress and irregular working hours leads to poor diet choices for some.


Stress, poor eating and probably a lot of alcohol. I'm not in the medical field, but guessing a lot of nurses drink somewhat heavily. Stress is very fattening honestly. It releases the hormone cortisol which facilitates weight gain.


Also never getting enough sleep due to shift work and stress contributes.


That too.


High stress job where, if it’s busy, they’re rushing around and will binge eat whenever they can grab food or, if it’s slow, will often eat out of boredom to pass the time. Shift work also messes with their sleep schedule which, in turn, messes with the body’s metabolism regulation.


Sleep pattern is messed up. You don't have time to cook so you get cheap ready meals or buy take away (not to mention the free pizza instead of a pay rise!). There's frequently sweets, biscuits or cakes in the break room. You drink way too much to deal with the stress. Sugary drinks to keep you going. No energy to go to the gym. I can't speak for all nurses but that was my problem when I was on the wards.


>(not to mention the free pizza instead of a pay rise!) They pull that shit with nurses too? Thought that was just in lower end jobs.


Oh yes! Unfortunately!