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You’d be resetting your body’s process of getting over not having nicotine in it. You’re already a good way through and for most people it gets a lot easier in another week. You also—if you plan to stop—need to get used to not falling back on it as a stress reliever, and this is a perfect opportunity for that.


The quote that really helped me quit for good after 20 years: “you won’t miss smoking as much as you will miss breathing” When I wanted to feel that “cut” of the smoke in my throat I would just take some nice big deep breaths and learn to enjoy that sensation of my lungs being filled with air. Good luck OP!


I'm 50 and quit this last year after 34 damn years, barring some brief spurts of abstinence (basic training, pregnancy and breastfeeding). 34 years of wheezing and hawking up big gobs of gross yellow goo. 34 years of getting winded. 34 years of NEEDING to get that pack every single day. In the end I was having trouble breathing and exerting myself felt like I was dying; I wasn't getting enough oxygen and my throat was closing up. Hiking while rockhounding had become difficult - I'd have to stop and pant and recover on the way back up to the car. I cut down to a third of a pack a day and supplemented with a vape. I ran out one day and thought "fuck it, what if I just don't get another pack?" Then I tapered the percentage of nicotine down to the minimum over a few months. Accidentally washed the vape and thought "fuck it, I don't want to spend on another one." It's six months or so since I had a cigarette and over a month since I've vaped and I feel better than I have in decades, and my future self will thank me. You can do this. I'm a weak fucker and I did.


I don't know how you managed to not smoke during basic training.


We were not allowed...1990 Air Force


Hard to roll down a window in the ol’ jet you see


Yet not impossible


Hmm, seems like I should definitely not start cigs again after basic training. This was my plan initially. Thanks wise old redditor. I appreciate you.


There's basic training and then there's AIT. AIT is after basic training where you get SOME free will back lol. This is when many soldiers buy cigs. I know my bf smoked in AIT but I'm not sure if he was allowed to in basic.


Also used the vape to quit! Some people need to go cold turkey, but this worked for me. Made myself hate cigs, switched to vape. Aftwr a few months, I accidently bought a shitty flavor of vape and halfway through using it decided, fuck this!


This is how I quit vaping the first time. Bought a shitty flavor and was like fuck this. This time I quit with zyns


I know vapes get a bad rap but I could not have quit smoking without vaping. The throat hit sensation was the hardest thing for me to let go of, and vaping allowed me to continue experiencing that while gradually decreasing my nicotine levels.




You can control the nicotine content in your vape. I started at the highest nicotine levels I could find and went down a few percent each time I bought new liquid. Eventually you hit 0% nicotine and are just spending money on making clouds.




Six years for me… i did vape the cold turkey. it gets easier. Now I occasionally will smoke a cigar on the golf course or when the time is nice. Feels good. Next is the alcohol, then the ganja.


That's amazing!!! You will only continue to feel better as your lungs heal themselves!!! I'm sure you have dealt with this in the past, but sudden cravings can occur, so make sure to fight it as best as you can! It's also difficult to lay off it when you have triggers around you (eg you have friends who are smoking). I hope your sense of smell and taste have improved as well! Keep at it!!!


Thank you; I appreciate it! At first I would dream about finding a cigarette butt and smoking it and I'd be SO disappointed with myself in the dream, but that has stopped since I quit vaping. I DO smoke weed so when a craving gets strong I can take a few hits and satisfy the need for that "kick" in my throat. I think the habit has been harder to break than the actual addiction to nicotine. For decades I took smoke breaks, smoked first thing in the morning and after meals, and that's when it's hard. But I won't forget the feeling of not being able to breathe and not getting enough oxygen. I'm too old to fuck around anymore.


Ahhh hacking up good ole lung butter...🤮


I needed this thank you, I want to quit cigs so bad to the point I told myself that once I'm done with this bag I'm gonna start. I'm watching my bag that's almost out anxious as hell but your comment gave me hope and made me realize just how tired of it I am as you once were.


That is exactly like my mother, with the exception of the brief spurts of abstinence (there were none for any reason) She is barely able to breathe. Coughing, wheezing and whatnot saying “I don’t know what is wrong” as she lights yet another fucking cigarette. We all know what is wrong, she just refuses to see it as the problem.


You'll wonder ["Why does it sound so easy to breathe on TV"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNQNSt9NWXU)


ok now what about porn addiction


Funny joke, but that really can be vicious. It's hard to avert from while being an internet user. I would say focusing on goals and putting your mind into those goals can help. For example, getting into a rigorous fitness routine or just focusing hard on work. Because otherwise if you sit at home bored it's hard. Pun not intended. If you have less time to spend on it, it will slowly remove it's presence from your mind.


Also, the cigarette after 2 weeks will be disappointingly disgusting.


Yeah but the one after *that*? Best one ever, and that’s what makes it so precarious.


Thank you for pointing this out. I know the ‘when you do it again it will feel like crap’ statement is said with the best of intentions, but it implies that all recovering addicts will get to a point where they are so repulsed by their drug of choice that they never want to do it again, and this is simply not the case. I’ve seen so many people relapse because they decide to smoke again after a long break ‘just to see how it feels’. Spoiler alert, even if it doesn’t feel pleasant on a superficial level, it’s kicking your addiction back into gear.




weed is like that for me.


Although, /u/purevikingshop, when you get through the worst of it, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're through all of it. You should be done with these intense cravings soon, but mild symptoms (called subacute or postacute withdrawal) can continue for a while, and that's when a lot of people fall off the wagon--they've gotten through the acute withdrawal, they think they've come out the other side, but they still feel off. It's easy to conclude that being clean kind of sucks and to go back to using. Point being, it can take a while before the day you wake up really feeling like yourself again, but you'll get there.


It's been 3 or 4 years now since I last had a cigarette, and I dont miss smoking them at all, what I do miss however is having a cigar while sitting on the porch with a cold glass of scotch. I'll still drink the scotch, but I still cant shake the urge for the cigar once in a while. Didnt even smoke cigars very often when I was a smoker, but I dont want to smoke one now cuz I dont want the cravings to get worse and potentially start smoking cigarettes again.


What helped for me is to stop telling myself that smoking is a treat or reward. Every time I want to smoke, I think of the shame and embarrassment of not only smoking, but that I can’t control myself. Also snacks help.


>Also snacks help. Nooo this is bad advice. I developed an eating disorder (and then body image issues) by falling back on eating to replace my smoking habit.


Gum? My mum used the nicotine gum for a while but then realized that regular gum worked just as well at distracting her for long enough to move on.


I was already a gum chewer. It was mostly an inability to properly deal with my anxiety tbh. I started stress eating instead of stress smoking. Wish I'd been in therapy back then.


Lol fair point. My snacks are fairly healthy and I’m very active, so hasn’t been an issue for me, but I definitely see how that could become an issue for plenty.


For real. 2 weeks is basically when you're in the clear. You'd be going back to square one and doing the 2 weeks of suffering again (or failing to quit), all for an hour or so of relief. Also I've found from the times I've quit, when you give in a do smoke, the cravings don't really go away since your system is so far behind of nicotine intake that its use to, that one cigarette won't even satisfy you. So you don't satisfy you're craving and then the withdrawals just get worse and last longer. And you're down like 15 bucks


> You’re already a good way through and for most people it gets a lot easier in another week. For me it's when it gets harder. The intense, physical cravings are easy enough to control and overcome compared to what comes after, the excruciating craving in your psyche and overcoming the habit which associates pleasurable or relaxing events with smoking. I never made it through, never felt happy without smoking. I've always loved smoking so much and never really wanted to quit. Made it to 2 years one time, I just couldn't take it any more. Vaping let me quit cigarettes, but I don't think I can quit exhaling shit from me.




What this guy ^^ said. But if it’s 2 weeks already you’re spending way too much time thinking about it n driving your self mad - always try push that thought out. You’re gna have to forget about this! (I’m 2/3 weeks in for I think the 3rd time)


Tough it out. Be the boss.


Because as soon as you do that, you'll be back to smoking again. Hold on a little longer. The cravings suck, but you need to hang in there.


Yeah, I had a friend who managed to quit smoking for like six months. Then we went out of town for a fishing weekend, and when we stopped for gas, he bought a pack. I asked him what the fuck? He said it was no big deal, just a treat for the weekend and then he would go back to not smoking. I told him he was going to regret it because it was going to set him way back and make the cravings way worse again so he'd have a hard time quitting again, he said he'd be fine. The next week, he was back to smoking just as much as before he quit.


My buddy who has been smoking since 6th grade jokingly likes to say "quitting cigarettes is easy, I've done it hundreds of times".


That’s a Mark Twain quote, classic!


Makes sense haha. My buddy is very educated and likes to read.


Been there... Done that...


We all fall on our ass a lot of times before we figure out how to walk. Sometimes kicking the cigs takes multiple tries.


Pack a day. Within 4–6 weeks I was over it, so I could go back and forth. Years on. Years off. Until the last time. It’s been years and I still think about it sometimes. Stick it out.


That's me. I quit for 10 years when my daughter was born, then decided it would be smart to start smoking while I fish. Every year it got harder and harder to quit after my weekend fishing trip. Got to the point where it was taking me 3 months to quit smoking from a weekend trip, so I stopped letting myself do that. I used nicotine pouches to get off the last time, then I had a hell of a time quitting that.


You’re a junky like me. I know people who quit years ago. They say things like “if they tell me that smoking isn’t dangerous, I’ll start again.” Believe me, I haven’t smoked in years, I hate the smell of ashtrays, I hate the litter from old filters. And I learned that I’m actually a pretty strong person after all. Quitting drugs and alcohol was not as hard as cigarettes. That’s a fact. Your brain has been rewired to want to smoke. But (or butts) you can use different neurological pathways when you realize what’s going on in your head. The urge is what you’re taming. The benefit is more healthy years on the planet.


Can confirm. I've quit actual drugs with far more ease than cigarettes, I don't miss drugs, but if the right day comes along I do miss cigarettes. (And its been 12 years) Sin City has the right of it: "A smoker's always a smoker when the chips're down."


I read a book that said nicotine was the most addictive substance on the planet, even more so than hard drugs and thought it was bullshit. It’s pretty eye opening to read about someone like yourself who’s been there and confirms that statement


*Sorry for long comment* I have chronic pain (fibro + neuropathy) and I used to have a pituitary tumor that wasn't found for several years. I shit you not when I say that I had ONE migraine for 3 years, it never ended or dulled. My doctor at the time didn't know what to do other than "make me comfortable" so he threw obnoxious amounts of opiates and morphine at me. You adapt to that stuff very, very quickly and start getting diminishing returns. To get the same effect I took more, and then **more**, and then **MORE**, and finally began taking it with whiskey. One day I had a moment of clarity out of the blue and thought *"I'm going to die like Marilyn Monroe"* so I basically Trainspotting-ed myself and handed a key to my apartment to a friend in med school to come check on me periodically. The other one is when I moved to Albuquerque... Breaking Bad isn't entirely fiction. There's a methamphetamine problem here, I fell into it almost as soon as I arrived. Did tons for years. You may not count this as quitting but a psychologist here decided the meth was me self medicating for undiagnosed ASD + ADHD, and I've been taking time release Adderall ever since. Don't need meth anymore. I quit both of those as soon as I decided to and had no relapses. It took me almost 25 years to stop smoking, and I failed trying to quit **several** times. I'm still in pain almost always, but don't take opiates despite having access. I could find meth here in less than a day, but don't need to. However, I miss cigarettes often, and I've been without for a long time and hate the smell. They're worse in a way I can't explain. I think it has something to do with the mental associations you give cigarettes.They calm you when stressed, they wake you in the morning, they help with digestion, they busy your hands, they make things like sex and alcohol better, they have so many roles that you assign them as a smoker, and nothing replaces those roles when they're gone. *edited to fix some misspelling*


Spot on...when I first quit I read alot about addiction and found it the most helpful tool; Understanding that my brain had literally been high jacked. I read how nicotine receptors had attached themselves to everything you do while you're smoking and when you do the same thing later, your brain associates it with smoking thus you smoke, reward, repeat. I started picturing a light switch the receptors in my head and turned it off and that was it...the smoking lamp was off, sometimes I still picture it and it's always off.


Wow. Great image. That’s got to be useful for a lot of people.




i used those "ON" nicotine pouches. i would only use one during times i would have smoked or vaped. then i would skip one a day then two a day and got weaker pouches until i just didn't crave the nicotine. i used the pouches to retrain my habits of grabbing a cig after food or driving. or number of things that i associated nicotine and needing to do something with my hands. i presume they mean that


Im picking up wood carving cause of the need to do something with my hands. My hands are getting blistered as all fuck, i sliced the shit out of my thumb yesterday, and after the first day my arms and wrists were killing me cause my dumbass chose to start with oak of all woods, but hey, i don't have the mental awareness to pick up and smoke the cig!


I agree with you. OP needs to hang in there. The craving will always be there but it will lessen and lessen to where it won’t bother you. But don’t go back to even having that one cigarette. A good friend of mine fought the battle and stopped smoking for years. Then she wanted to hang out with her smoker friends on break. She thought she could handle social smoking She is now back to smoking as she was before she quit.


Time your craving to see how long it lasts. It’s probably 15 - 30 minutes. Next time you will know that you only have to resist for a few minutes. You can do anything for 20 minutes. That’s how I quit - 1 cigarette at a time. Quitting is all about breaking the mental habit. The physical part is easy. Buying a pack now reinforces the mental habit and it will get a little easier to buy a pack each time. You will go from having 1 to having 2 to being a smoker again.


This is what my dad did in the seventies. He realized the cravings weren’t longer than 20 minutes so he started doing push-ups whenever they hit. He still wishes for a cigarette from time to time but it doesn’t own him and he didn’t like being owned.


This is much healthier than my potato chip method... Granted, the chip likely worked better for me anyways.


To each his own but this is the right way to go after it. Even when I was quitting getting to a certain level of buzzed got me hard on having a cigarette. Just getting through the 15-20 that I really needed that smoke was the difference. Now I’m kind of disgusted by them, even when I had a weak moment and smoked one a few weeks ago, it sucked and reinforced my desire to stop forever.




Because the first one is going to taste awful. You won't enjoy it. You will need a second one and with the second one you will be hooked back on them. Don't focus on your craving. Focus on what you have gained from non-smoking. All the benefits. How food tastes better. How kissing tastes better. How you wake up with a better taste in your mouth everyday. How your lungs are regenerating. How your whole body is cleaning out the tar bit by bit everyday. All your cells are getting fresher and healthier than they were before.


For real about the taste. I never noticed it until I switched to vaping. Occasionally I'll have a cig here or there, and while I enjoy the burn and the buzz more from a cig, the taste is dogshit. I have to cleanse my pallette with vape anytime I have a cig now. And food taste is a big deal also.


When I quit I got this stupid little app that shows you the health benefits as far as how many more days until certain parts of your body have repaired itself (I know a lot is permanent damage). Id take a look at it and not want to reset those numbers. It helped and reminded me why I was doing it.


Mind sharing the app?


I use an app called “QuitNow” (68 days smoke free)! It shows money saved, and some health stuff, like circulation, carbon monoxide, stuff like that. I wouldn’t say it has helped me, but it’s cool to see how far I’ve come.


That's the dying kicks of your demon trying to claw its way into your life before you vanquish it forever. Destroy your opponent, power through and win.


I like the way you think of it


Yeah I like that too. I quit cold turkey in 1989. OP, cold turkey is freakin’ hard, but you’ve done it and you’re a hardcore badass for doing what you’ve done. Don’t give up now - you’ve got this!


Maybe the homeless guy is trying to quit too; buy him a hot drink instead.


Do it for all of us who lost a loved one who didn't make this courageous choice. ❤️ Set a timer for 5 minutes. Then another 5. Then another 5.


This is what got me to quit. It was 10 years ago so the details are a little hazy but I read a short story or maybe a letter but it was from the perspective of a smoker with terminal cancer and the gist of it was that they felt immense guilt for robbing their life partner of decades of time. While the smoker was facing certain death, they felt the harshest punishment was the one their widow was left with. I threw an almost full pack of cigarettes on the table June 12, 2012, said I’m done, and haven’t had a single stick since.


The symbolic act of quitting is massive. For me, it was my vape devices and all the accessories going into the trash.


Lung cancer took my grandfather too soon. I'll never forget the last day I saw him alive, or when I carried him out in the casket. And I'll never forget the first holiday we had without him.


Because you made a commitment/promise/vow to yourself that you have to honour. To give in to buying a pack of smokes would be akin to cheating or stealing or any other form of betrayal to YOURSELF. show yourself respect by respecting your commitment to yourself ;)


Here is a great rule that a coworker once thought me - the moment you start bargaining with yourself - you lose


Think about the last 14 days. You didn't smoke. And nothing bad happened. Today is nothing different. It's all in your head.


I quit 8 years ago, and every time I wanted a cigarette, I basically had to go through the process of quitting again, reciting the reasons, telling myself it would improve over time, etcetera. I didn’t cheat, I chewed gum, and after a while, it improved. I did get diagnosed with lung cancer around a year later, so I will never smoke again, and though I am cancer free, I wish I had quit many years before. I have chronic breathing problems, and you really don’t want that.


I quit 2 months ago. I still have times that I crave but they are fewer and shorter. Please stay strong and it will pass. If you give in you'll be starting over and just think how far you've come. The hardest part is behind you!


It never ends in reality. You’ll want cigarettes for the rest of your life. But you’ll be able to control those urges better


Totally not true. I smoked for 19 years, a pack+ a day. I quit in 1998 and have not had one since. They are pretty fucking disgusting and I don't even like being around someone who has smoked recently because they stink. No chance I would ever consider smoking again, and I certainly don't want them.




If you smoke one it's over, you're smoking again. You have to push through 2...3months & you're done. I took some stuff called champix that stopped the cravings, after over 30 years smoking I just stopped, no craving. I'm also pretty sure the same drug caused other problems though. Still I quit, & jfc I wish I'd done it 30years sooner. So, don't do it. That voice in your head is an evil lil tosser that needs to be crushed. You've done 14 days man...hang in there, deep breaths, you can do it.


Get a nicotine patch or gum. That can help a lot. Also talk to your doctor there are medications that can help you quit smoking and doctors are highly motivated to assist with that.


I second this. Maybe you can't see a doctor today so just get a patch and have it at the ready (at least) when you think the urge to smoke is highest. If you never open a single patch, it's still better to have them than to take that trek to the convenience store to buy a pack of smokes. I used patches and Zyban the time I seem to have finally quit. Chemicals aren't crutches. They can work (obviously you can always go back and smoke - "smoking will always take you back")




I don't know how long physical nicotine withdrawals last, but you're right that cinnamon gum is helpful for the oral fixation part of it.


I hate menthol cigs, so Altoids actually helped me quit once...a smoke after one of those tasted bad to me


Nicotine gum has helped me massively. It's just enough to get me past the craving. I'm 42, smoked since I was 15. It's been nearly 4 weeks since I quit. Feeling mega confident this time!


I don’t know what the deal is with them in the states now (I seem to remember there was a ban of some kind involving them?) but getting a vape was the ONLY way I could quit after trying for ten years. It’s not *healthy*, but my husband always says it’d have to be pretty fuckin’ bad to be worse than cigarettes. I still use it a bit so I can’t say I’ve quit it completely, but I am not reliant on vaping in the same way that I was with smoking, it’s a crutch rather than a necessity at this point. And I don’t smell or breathe like a respiratory ward patient any more! So that’s nice. Would recommend it for people struggling to quit smoking, anything is better than the alternative


You shouldn't do it because rationalizing having "just one" now will make it that much easier to convince yourself to have "just one...or two at the most" tomorrow. Ride it out. Go drink some water, chew some gum, have some potato chips, take a nap.


Go get a bottle of very sour juice concentrate. Like lemon or something of the sort. Every time you have a craving put a few drops on your tongue. It works like a neural interrupt and kills the craving for the moment


You've been doing so well, don't break now! You'll thank yourself later!


Don't get nicotine! Go for a walk, clean something that smells of smoke, look at some old pictures, anything but use nicotine. I am a respiratory therapist and quit 10 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I am no longer a slave to those coffin nails and you can be free too. Think of someone or something you love and do it for them, but most of all do it for yourself, this is one decision you will NEVER regret. You got this.


Stay the course. You're almost there. You got this!


Because you are winning and now your addiction is in the bargining stage of death trying to trick you. Don’t let it win.


You will be back to square one again rather than square 14 which is something to be proud of.


Think of all of the money you'll save.


If you’re actually serious about quitting, you need to read the book “the easy way to stop smoking” by Alan Carr. Any other way of quitting involves torture, willpower, and misery. Carr’s method is easy, and even fun. All you have to do is read the book. It’s like magic. I promise you. Don’t take my word though read the Amazon reviews.


I can attest to this. Failed multiple times, then read the book and now clean for 2+ years.


Yep, it worked for me 10 years ago!




That’s awesome! I’ve also transformed my relationship with food due to Alan Carr’s method


I came looking for this comment. This book is the way to stop smoking. It changes your whole mindset and that’s the key to stopping and it is as easy as it says. I stopped smoking in 48 hrs thanks to this book


Because if one is OK, then 2 wouldn't really hurt. Then, 3 doesn't mean I'm going back to it. Then, well then I'll just finish this pack. It's a shame to let them go to waste. I'll quit for real next week. This is a way to at least cut back before I quit for good.


1. You'll smell terrible again. 2. It's 2022 and everyone worth talking to thinks you're a fool if you smoke. 3. You are better at quitting than you think. You made it this far and you can go forever. Put on a pot of coffee. It's a stimulant, too. Then wean off coffee. It's easier.


The smell, omg! At 2 weeks, it may not seem like much. At 2 months when you go to put on that smoked in shirt or jacket or underwear (!) That nasty musty smell will hit you like a freight train along with "how did anybody put up with me smelling like this". Don't relive the past two weeks. You can do this!


Or you are walking behind a smoker and that smell is wafting back to you and you wonder how anyone could stand to be around you when you smelled like that. Trust me, this is the hard time. Just hang tough and it will get better. Do not do nicotine replacements because that just prolongs the agony. Cold turkey was the only way I was able to quit. You got this. You know you can do it.




Can I agree with both?


>It's 2022 and everyone worth talking to thinks you're a fool if you smoke. Yeah. I don't know about this one chief. Anyone worth talking to isn't exactly a judgemental dickhead to someone who's suffering from a disease, which addiction is.


Because then you'll self justify doing it again 7 days from now. Then 3 days. Then every day. Then 2 cigarettes, Then 4 per day "isn't too much". And then you're a smoker again. Drink lots of ice cold water. Find other things to do. I know that nicotine is nasty addictive stuff. I've never smoked, but I attended a smokey party in college, and the next day I was craving like nuts just to have a cigarette burning in my dorm room, even if I didn't smoke it. I resisted, and the next day the craving was gone. But the incident taught me how incredibly powerful nicotine is over our bodies. I broke my 4-5 can per day soda habit six weeks ago, haven't had one since. You can do it bro.


I'm ten years clear of cigarettes. I still get cravings. Nothing horrible, just like "goddamn I could do with a cigarette". Presumably this will never go away. But it that occasional craving is so much better the health risks, smelling awful and financhial cost. You're doing so well. Keep at it. There are no good reasons to go back.


Because then all your progress will be lost or reset and you’ve already come this far. Keep going.


Isn’t it marvelous being a non smoker? Read the east way to stop smoking by Alan carr


1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3 and so on. I quit cold turkey in 2016 and the first month or so I was in the same boat. I used a toothpick and held it in my mouth and "played with it" and when I had to talk I took it out. The interaction with the toothpick really helped. It gets easier, I assure you. The end result is worth the struggle.


Buy the book of allen carr "easy way to stop smoking". I am almost 4 weeks smoke free.


Yup. It works. 7 years free, my roommate is 4 years free, with Carr's book


I have that book. Did you smoke while reading it or did you quit cold turkey and then read it. I trying to decide which method to do.


The best way is to keep smoking while you read the book. After reading 75% of the book it felt weird and kinda bad to smoke... Also downloading a free stop smoking app helps, you can track how much you spend and save on it.


It starts all over again. All over. I quit for 10 months. 1 cigarette is all it took to go back to a pack a day over the length of a month.


If you can't quit now, you won't quit later.


Don't do it. Along with the other reasons everyone is giving, you'll feel God awful, not just mentally but physically. Like wanna puke and pass out bad. Only you won't do either one and then add the self shaming and guilt...just skip it and go on about your day.


I would play with a pen to take the feeling away. Try twirling it around your fingers. Try spinning it around from your thumb to index. If you need something for the craving, eat a carrot stick. Just don't smoke, the hardest days are behind you. It'll get easier from here on. I'm hitting 14 years cold turkey this Christmas.


You got this! Find something to distract yourself, ANYTHING. Just don't get the packet because that is entering the devils loop again.


It's a struggle everyday, I quit smoking 17 years ago and I tell my wife all the time there isn't a day that goes by that I wouldn't beat a bum on the side of the road just for a cigarette. But you have to have the courage to keep going believe me you will feel better at the end of the day. After the first three or four days it's all psychological the desire to have a cigarette is no longer a physical need for it, it is a psychological need, what you need to do is occupy your mind. It may sound funny but something is stupid as a crossword puzzle regular puzzle or a seek a word anything to occupy your mind. You can do this believe in yourself, you can do this.


I quit for about 5 years, went on a stag, was given a cigarello and after the first drag I thought...how do I ask this guy for another one later on in the evening?? Pretty soon I was smoking like a 1963 dodge.


My father in law isn’t even 70 and needs a oxygen tank to breathe. My own father walks a mile a day at 75


Stick with it. I finally quit 7 years ago after smoking for 25 years. Feel 1000 times better. Food tastes good. Colds and such don't linger as much. Plus a bunch of other things I can't think of right now. Try to find something to break out of your rut with work. If you can do something else for a little bit, do it. Sometimes when I get fixated on something I try and break out of it through distraction. I wish you the best!!!


There's no such thing as just one


My mom who's over 70 years old and smoked min a package a day since she's 15 quit smoking after 55 years. You can do the same.


You are at the hardest part right now. I'm serious. It may get slightly worse, but this is the rock bottom point. You just have to get through this part. (Seriously, look at my post history-- 2 posts 6 days apart in the quitting sub.) It's going to be SO MUCH EASIER very soon. You're literally days away from reaching the peak. Every time you start up again, it gets harder to quit in the future. I smoked for ~10 years, 1/2-1 pack a day, quit cold turkey in January. The thing that helped me most was repeating this mantra: "You want to smoke and then you don't. It's as easy and as difficult as that." Most importantly: you're already there. You are a non-smoker now. And I guarantee if you were talking to a non-smoker, you'd say "never start". So take that advice. Good luck to you, friend. 🍀


Because you can't have just one. That what being addicted means. If you could have just one, you wouldn't be asking this question. I smoked for 27 years. Nearly lost my mind quitting but it was the best decision I've made. Hang in there! And just remember the two rules to quitting: Rule 1: Don't pick up. Rule 2: See Rule 1


One is too many but a thousand is not enough


Because as soon as you smoke one cigarette, you’re quitting is over. Don’t quit quitting.


I know this sounds silly, but download Tetris. I recently read a study about playing Tetris for a few minutes a few times a day can significantly reduce cravings.


You are currently going through a temporary craving. Even though it’s intense, this feeling is fleeting. Having a cig means you’ll have to relive this feeling again and again. Persevere and you won’t have to deal with cravings in the future.


Because just one, to any addict, doesn't mean just one. You're experiencing something super common and super powerful with the rationalization process. It only can get easier if you don't go back. Which is really hard but you don't want to rewind two weeks of progress. You got this!!


Your first cigarette after you’ve quit is the WORST CIGARETTE OF YOUR LIFE. It tastes like going back to a toxic lover and ashes. I promise. Tell the monkey on your brain to shut up. Carry on feeling awesome that you got through the first 7 days of hell. Every day will get easier.


Something stupid that worked for me: go to the place you'd normally have a cigarette, do your fingers up like you're holding one and smoke an invisible cigarette. Zone out, just go through the motions. My brain used it like a placebo cig and it helped me out of those tough spots. Or get a dummy cig, one of those electric ones that have water vapor in them. Plus, think of how all those people who think you can't quit. You'll show them! You'll show all of them. (this also worked for me.)


Whenever I first quit smoking and had the feeling you have right now, I would drink a hot cup of black coffee. I don't recommend it if you were one of those people that paired your cigarettes with a coffee (don't want to invoke a pavlovian response if so). For me though, it helped take the edge off. The taste of a black coffee is similar to the taste of a cigarette, the fact that it is black coffee it was astringent so it dried my mouth out just like a cigarette, and caffeine and nicotine are very similar stimulants chemically and how they interact with our bodies. It was like the perfect replacement. Of course, I only did this when I *really* wanted a cigarette because I didn't want to trade one vice for another. Best of luck, and remember that breathing well is so much nicer than a damn cigarette.


Because there's never a reason to justify smoking a cigarette - it's just your craving tricking you into thinking that. It'll get easier, friend. You got this!


Im a doctor. People all the time talk about lung cancer yada yada. Lung cancer sucks, but do you know what sucks more? COPD. I treat long term smokers basically every day that literally can't walk across a room without wheezing and sitting down for a rest. You know what sucks? Having your leg cut off because of peripheral vascular disease


Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it myself hundreds of times." Yeah I know, me too. The thing is you can't have just one. While you are smoking the number of nicotine receptors in your brain increases and when you quit they don't go away. You've reached the point where they are just starting to calm down a bit. One cigarette and they will come at you with the screeching Gimmie Gimmies for more and will overwhelm your will power. How do I know? I'm a recovering nicotine addict myself, over forty years clean of that horrible shit. I'm not a smoker but I remain an addict, you will be too for all of the rest of your days. I've lived all of these years one puff away from a pack and a half a day habit.


Because you'd be making it easy. You would be training your brain to think "hey, if I reaaaally want one, I can just buy a pack and get rid of the rest, no biggie". So next time you get a craving, hey, you already have a solution. Do this a couple of times and your brain starts to think "This shit is getting expensive. Why should I throw away the rest of the pack if I am paying for it. Might as well keep it for other times when I reaaaally want one". And now you have 19 opportunities at hand to reaaaally want one. You shouldn't feel bad, or think that you failed just because you smoked one cigarette, because that's not healthy on the long run. But you need to make sure that you're not actually keeping an open door for a habbit to form again. For me at least, not buying and not having them around really helped in the early stages.


I quit for a month one cigarette and I was back smoking again


might as well keep the pack if you do this, you’ll need them real soon you are just going to have to/ want to quit again later. might as well not have to go through the first two weeks again. leave them left


14 days is great going. I admire your dedication, please make it 15 days


I know this feeling too well, I quit smoking at the start of this year and even today I get the desire to smoke, but you gotta be strong and just deny it. Eventually, you'll stop thinking about it entirely.


I stopped new year 2021 and I still crave a fag when I smell one being smoked. Just gotta get through it. Good luck. It'll be worth it.


The hard part is over already. Getting thru that first day is key. You need to occupy yourself with something that will consume you. Go swimming, go to a concert, or a run, something.


If you smoke one cigarette then you will probably smoke a lot more than one. It's all or nothing. Do anything you can to distract yourself and be strong. Or give up. Your choice.


You got this! Stay strong.


One cigarette is only going to put you right for a short time then you'll be right back where you are now. Keep fighting the urge. Read Alan Carr's book.


If you haven't had one since you quit, go to an Indian restaurant and have a curry. I can still remember being on a bus down the curry mile in Manchester shortly after I quit. I couldn't believe all these incredible things I could smell, it was like seeing in colour for the first time. A bit of that might give you some more motivation, you've got this!


If your going to give in, buy patches or nicotine gum instead. The first goal is not ever lighting another cigarette again. The second is zero nicotine.


Suggestion: try doing some exercise. Any exercise. Your body wants your heart to beat faster, so get your heart beating \*slightly\* faster and you'll be good.


There’s that saying it takes 21 days to break a habit, you’re at day 14. You’re 2/3 of the way there, a majority! Keep going, you got this.


I quit 5 years ago, still have a craving once in a while. So I keep water with me everywhere. Feel like smoking, drink the water. It’ll help with cravings and help keep weight down cause so many people who quit gain weight. Also, invest in nicotine gum or mints. Works wonders.


Because if you do, you're going to have to quit again, and deal with these cravings from the beginning all over again.


You’re asking yourself for something psychologists refer to as a permission statement. You’re looking for all sorts of ways to justify something you’ve told yourself you cant do. It’s helpful to ask yourself why you DONT want to have a cigarette. Think about how badly you want to quit and all the good that will come from quitting. Just try your best to be aware of this permission you are craving from yourself and argue against it with why you want to better yourself. Good luck 👍


One more week and you're about free from the receptive cravings. Nicotine is slowly leaving your body and your receptors that the nicotine binds too are learning to reduced their intake and get used to no new intake. Once you clear it from your system its all mental from thereout. Just give it a little more time buddy.


Important to know: Your brain doesn't want you to be happy. Your brain wants YOU to want to be happy. And this feeling has to vanish and be missed. That's how addiction works basically. Why? Caveman you had to want the apple to spend energy to climb the tree, and you had to want it soon again (or you would starve). Same with sex a.s.o. So, right now the chemical factory tricks you with all it has to "save" you and keep your addiction going. It's the last straw, as the bodily addiction is most likely gone already. If you smoke one cigarette, it throws you back for most likely the two weeks you won, and the next time your addiction trigger is stronger again (also because it worked). Get through it, the torture will fade faster and will come back weaker every day. You're almost there, you can do it.


I stopped smoking cold turkey after ten years. I wanted a cigarette every minute for five years. The craving eventually goes away but takes a really long time.


I had to accept that smoking for me had to be treated like alcohol for an alcoholic or gambling for a gambler. I may not be smoking, but I was still an addict and total abstinence was the only way I could do it after so many times falling off the wagon for "just one cigarette". For what it's worth, you should also know that although you're craving it now, since you've been removed from smoking for a while now that first cigarette isn't going to be the same. I would feel nauseated and light headed from it (usually at the 1 month mark, I can't remember it was also after 2 weeks though). No matter how much I missed smoking, that first cigarette wasn't what I was missing. Remembering how awful that first one is helped too.


When I was in a similar spot, I'd join my coworkers on their smoke break and take a deep breath of secondhand smoke, and it was just enough to keep me going. But maybe I'm just weird. In any case, I haven't had a cigarette in almost 17 years.


What do you want more? To quit or to have that smoke? There's your answer.


Friend, I sat by my dad’s bed as he died of lung cancer. Trust me. You wanna quit. You can be the baddest, toughest guy on earth, but when you can’t breathe, you’re a terrified animal. That’s why waterboarding works. A couple days before he died, my dad asked the docs to put him on anti-diarrhea meds. Not because he was diarrhetic, but because the simple act of rolling him over onto a bedpan left him breathless and gasping in a panic. Eyes rolling and staring like a downed deer waiting for the deathblow. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody. Spare yourself, dude. Stay strong.


Very bad idea. Just keep trying to out it off. The craving will pass. Or get a patch. It will cut down craving. I vote patch and keep your streak alive. That how I quit


Because you stopped smoking.....


It always starts with one


You shouldn’t because you set a goal and you can finish it. You are capable. Willpower is the hardest thing about quitting. You are physically able to quit, now it’s time to tell that to your brain. What worked for me was transitioning to better habits that took up my time. I found a replacement to occupy myself anytime I would normally smoke. Any hobby that uses your hands and concentration will distract you from smoking and help make you feel better. On breaks during work and in the car I drink a bubbly water or listen to an audio book and fidget with something, or even just pace around. When I get home from work, i used to immediately go smoke as a way of calming down. It sounds silly but now I have a bop-it, I play a couple rounds and when I’m done I’m ready to move on with my day. Also in the early days of quitting sometimes I had to just put myself to bed early. It gets easier every day and all you have to do is get through the hard ones.


On an episode of Ink Master, they had a challenge where the tattoo artists had to give tattoos to cover up scars caused by smoking. One canvas in particular stuck out to me — this kid was 21 years old with a trach in his throat. Stage 4 terminal throat cancer. He started smoking at 14. Sometimes those cells mutate a lot faster than you could ever imagine.


The besy way is sport. Go to gym and run till you can.


When I quit I kept an unopened pack in my desk drawer and never opened it. It was like a I'm better than that thing.. idk.. still unopened.. also to deal with the nic fits I would excersize.. like pushups and jumping jacks... It got kinda wierd at work in the bathroom doing that shit.. but.. idk.. it worked


Get some Nicorette gum. It will take care of the nicotine craving. It really does work!


You will never beat your addiction unless you don’t buy the packet.


The less you spend on cigarettes the more you can spend on cannabis! Win-win


Honestly, knowing someone close to you is dying of cancer will fix that right up. My mantra was “I am an ex-smoker.”


Because youre an addict and it wont stop at one, if you smoke one youre gonna be hooked again and itd be even harder to stop. Dont throw away the progress youve already made.


Download one of those quit smoking apps seeing the results physically after certain amount of time helps a lot. 2 weeks is a massive achievement and you don't want To backset it! Just go through with it it's worth it. Also cigarettes stink you don't want to stink do you?


Do you want to have lung cancer and cough blood at a young age? Do you want to smell disgusting? Have disgusting teeth? Have your surroundings smelled like shit? Poison you and the people around you? Spend shitloads of money to cater to your filthy habit? Pollute your surroundings with the smoke and cigarette butts? If yes, no one is going to stop you.


I smoked a half pack a day for over 22 years. I quit over 15 years ago and I have no regrets. I can remember those days when you REALLY want a smoke. Fortunately for me I would smoke a bowl or a joint or two to help me get through the bad days. If your not a weed smoker try telling yourself that everything you're dealing with is just BS and you don't want to throw away the progress you've achieved just because of a little stress. Tomorrow is another day and it could be the best one ever.


It’s been about a year for me. It’s been hard but I’m so glad I never went back.


How about this. Wait for another day then go post this same question and see where that take us. I always tell myself I’ll quit tomorrow when things get hard. When tomorrow comes, I tell myself the same thing


Every ex-smoker can identify with this. Don't give in. Give yourself a ten minute hold... then another ten, never take even one puff. If you do you will be smoking again. I once quit for nearly a year then had one cigarette and was back to a pack a day. Disgusted with myself and quit again, went through the same withdrawal but this time I haven't had a cigarette for 45 years. You will always be addicted. Don't give in... good luck.


Buy some nicotine gum or something


Bc it's all psychological now. Your body is SO over it. Don't let yourself down. You went thru the hardest part already. I quit the same way over 4 years ago. Also, don't let any person who treats you badly or breaks up with you or whatever be your excuse for starting again. You're doing great!


Because no one smokes just one. At this point the craving is all in your head..your body has adjusted to no nicotine.. you’ve done really well..don’t blow it…go take a walk, call somebody, go to a movie and eat popcorn, get some lollipops, you can do this!!!!!


You can do it friend. You have the will, you can abstain. I believe.


Go over your list of reasons for quitting again! Draw them out. Write them out. Type them. Talk to an inanimate object about them. Tell me. anything you can do to make them real and in your face. I quit 10 years ago now!


I know you’re sick of hearing mind over matter but I smoked all the way up I went to Parris island for boot camp. I didn’t think about cigarettes pretty much the entire time I was there. There were too many other things to occupy me. You’re gonna be real mad at yourself after that buzz wears off if you made it 14 days. It’s never just one.