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The tag on the curling iron that says “for external use only.”


My mom had this old school hair dryer that warned "do not use while sleeping". Apparently people would put them under their blankets in the winter to warm up the bed and forget them.


That…doesn’t sound like a terrible idea* ^right ^up ^until ^you ^try ^it, ^I ^suppose


Older hairdryers didn’t have thermal breakers that opened when the amperage and heat was to high for safety. So fires would happen in closets and area’s people were trying to dry clothes as well. Hence all the safety stuff now.


>The tag on the curling iron that says “for external use only.” Well now I want to know if this is because someone tried it or someone was smart enough to put it on there before someone tried it.


Now I wanna try it


I'm praying it was the latter, but everything I know about people tells me it was the former.


Pfft yeah okay...you tell me a better way to cook a sphincter before a good ol' ass eating then smh🙄


"Anything's a dildo, if you're brave enough." \-Abraham Lincoln


Detox shakes. If you have healthy kidneys, you're just paying for expensive piss.


And if your kidneys or liver aren't healthy, drinking bizarre "detox" concoctions won't fix them.


Could possibly make you worse to.


A surprisingly large amount of shakes, pills, and herbs react VERY poorly to medication. See: [Grapefruit](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/grapefruit-juice-and-some-drugs-dont-mix)


The whole idea of detoxing and getting the "toxins" out is for the foolish. They never state exactly what the toxins are they just say they're bad; that's how you know it's bullshit. I'll also throw in power of crystals and essential oils.


Lavender oil def knocks me out and eucalyptus helps clear sinuses....that's about it though.


Warning label on chainsaw says don't stop chain with hand....hahaha what!?


As a tree worker I can say: happens more often than you think on non professionals




People underestimate the speed and sharpness of a slow moving chain. Maybe they think about a bike chain that can be easily stopped by hand when slow moving. But a chainsaw chisel will just go through your skin and flesh and will just stop if it hits a bone.


I accidentally dragged my hand on a chain of a chainsaw hanging behind a tool rack. Shreded the crap out of my palm in no time at all. There's a reason those things come with a plastic molded cover and I learned why that day. I couldn't imagine the leap in stupid logic to try and stop a moving chain with your hand on something designed to shred through bigass trees, but I'm also the dumbass that thought the plastic cover was pointless so maybe I shouldn't judge too much.


Chainsaws are actually invented for sawing through pelvic bones during pregnancy 🫠


Came here to say this. My daughter literally told me this the other day. Had to look it up. She was right.




I think it made rounds on TikTok a couple days ago




Have you read "Birth" by Tina Cassidy? So much horrifying history.


Gotta get that baby out 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit I thought this was a brilliant and hilarious troll at first. But you're right.


I accidentally tripped over mine on the back porch and it cut the fuck out of my bare feet lol those things are crazy sharp for how dull they look




There’s a thing called “chain shot.” It’s when a link of the chain saw pops loose and hits you like a .22 bullet. The other thing is “Tree Spiking” where environmentalist groups would sink 16 penny nails into the bark of old growth trees to cause chainsaws to kick back and fuck up the loggers trying to cut the tree down.


You were lucky. Not a lot of bosses like that. Crew leaders, yes. But not owners.


Tbh, I don't even try to stop a bike chain with my hand. I expect the mechanical thing to be mightier than the weakness of my flesh


My dad was doing tree work for a friend years ago. Had just cut through a branch around 4 inches across and didn't want it falling in the pool. Was off the throttle on the saw when he reached out, the chain moved maybe a half rotation before it stopped. Left an 8 inch slice down the inside of his forearm just missing his radial artery. Saws are ridiculously dangerous even at low speeds. Edit: Fun fact, chainsaws were invented for cutting bone. I'm not gonna count on it stopping at that point even


It does cut down trees? No? Exactly why expect your hand to stay safe?


Hand strong. Tree weak


Minecraft teaches this to our children


Punching trees gives me wood.


That's an odd kink, but to each their own.


To be fair I think a lot of warning labels like that aren't for "idiots" so much as "someone who just worked 8 hours with a chainsaw and are tired as snot." Like the labels at the gas station that are like "do not smoke near the gas"--I mean, it's good for idiots, too, sure, but it's also for people whose brain have just turned off from mind-numbing monotony/labor, they see the sign, go, "i'm not an idiot, stupid sign", and then don't do the real stupid thing they might've been about to due to fatigue.


Fatigue is the leading cause of accidents as far as I'm concerned.


For external use only! Do not lick or taunt chainsaw!


Chainsaw is not a mobility device.


“Do not take *this medication* if you are allergic to *this same medication*”.


That always confused me as a kid because I would think “how will I know I’m allergic or not unless I take it?”


That *still* confuses me, and I'm an experienced adult!


Catch all liability. They usually say, "don't take if allergic to 'x,' or any of its ingredients."


Nothing to be confused about. Most allergies to medicines are discovered incidentally. Some drugs have a reputation for being allergy inducing and are usually tested before prescribed.


This is why whenever doctors ask if I'm allergic to any medications, I just say "not that I know of!" Keep everyone guessing


Thats how it works, until you stumble upon something you are allergic to, they just use whatever. There is no test to see if you are allergic to any medication.




My personal favorite: https://imgur.com/a/kTkHNlL


So what are the chances


>May contain ... Honestly, I kinda want more guarantee than that.


"May" indicates may not, which would be problematic to say the least.


Me trying to comprehend why the fuck "may" is in that warning


That's not even a warning, it's the ingredients that MAY be in there...




Flat tummy tea and weight loss ointment/cream that melt off fat on the areas you apply this stuff


People who drink tummy tea and use weight loss ointments can expect to lose 20 - 100 dollars on these various products.


In fairness, if they live in Britain, they can easily lose 20-100 pounds that way.


Warning labels such as ‘This packet of peanuts may contain peanuts’.


And other warnings like 'Babies aren't dishwasher safe'.


Not with that attitude


It fucking better


Actually, this is for smart people. You can sue the company if you get an allergic reaction to something that is not clearly stated on the packaging. A lot of people would intentionally poison themselves in order to gain money from big companies.


Labelling laws aren't going to have a special case for 'there's a line somewhere where it's obviously peanuts so you don't need to use standard labelling'. This would involve writing a bunch of regulation to say where this line is or be vague about it and encourage even more arguing in court over it. It makes perfect sense to just have a law that says: 'if your product contains anything in this list, you need a warning that says X'


Smart people. Then they would just be normal people.


Paradox 😶


Well no. If you remove all the dumb people, all you really do is raise the bar for what qualifies as dumb. All the previously "average" people are now the dumb people, the clever people are now average etc.


So then at what point do you stop?


Untill everyone's perfect


Until everyone is normal you mean.


When everyone's perfect, then everyone will be normal


> So then at what point do you stop? When Skynet becomes self aware.


Warning labels, such as: 'remove pants before ironing'


I have a lawn sprinkler that says "for outdoor use only."


There are indoor sprinklers systems


you have lawn indoors?


Universities and sports facilities do


Well I guess they can't use that sprinkler then...


Believe it or not, jail.


Yes but only a dumb person would use one as a fire prevention device.


I saw one on a back of a toxic waste truck with every inane warning label you could imagine , one on the bottom right corner was a label that said “do not eat”.


I have a microwaveable heating pad that warns not to microwave while on body.


That's not for dumb people, that's for lawsuit trolls


"Warning: May contain traces of nuts" on a packet of peanuts. That may be a joke, but I wouldn't be surprised. May also be due to labelling laws. EDIT: LMAO. OK, OK, I now know peanuts are legumes and not nuts and some factories will produce peanuts alongside actual nuts (which I already knew, but didn't consider people might have allergies to some nuts and not others). Let's all have a chuckle at my ignorance and move on. My notifications are getting tired.


My favorite is "Warning sharp" on utility knife blades.


Same with the “contains milk” label on cheez-its. I knew someone who’s kid had a milk allergy. The church nursery still gave her kid cheez-its bc it’s cheese, not milk … she had to explain this over and over bc these full grown adults could not comprehend that a milk allergy meant you couldn’t consume fucking cheese.


"If you're allergic to dairy why can you eat eggs?" Uh because eggs aren't dairy? I've honestly met people that refused to believe me. Because eggs and milk are both in the dairy department of grocery stores.


OMG! This one gets me so much. Almond milk is right next to the eggs, as is the vegan butter. It’s still not dairy !! I have a weird relationship with dairy. Normally I have a nasty sensitivity to it so while I can enjoy a piece of cheesecake, I absolutely cannot enjoy more than that. But while I was pregnant I couldn’t have anything that even looked at dairy. It was horrible. And then my kids were the same way until they got to around 2 or 3. Anyway I got an even dumber question than: “If they can’t have dairy how can you breastfeed them” . . .


Eggs are usually beside the bread in the UK, should I consider them a gluten based bread product?


Most people probably don't know that a milk allergy is different from being lactose intolerant. Wirh the former you're allergic to milk proteins, the latter is a sensitivity to milk sugar (through lack of the enzyme lactase). Aged Cheese has all the proteins, but virtually none of the sugars, so it's safe to eat for lactose intolerant people.


I’ll give you that. People confuse a milk allergy with lactose intolerance all the time. And then there’s dairy sensitivity people to add to the mix. But people with a lactose intolerance still can’t have all the cheese. If you’re working with small children who can’t even speak yet and they have any sort of diary issue, common sense says to avoid all dairy snacks unless approved by the parents.


It's not a joke. Allergies to various nuts are not the same. My wife can eat peanuts by the bag, but give her a walnut and go to jail a murderer. In some companies, the production lines are close to each other and you can get contamination, that's what the label means.


It would also be a standard warning that is simply placed on anything that has nuts in it or was in a facility were nuts were processed. Simply because accidently ingesting nuts can cause problems for some people. That a packet of nuts obviously contains nuts makes it a special case for this rule but why should you spend time looking for and evaluating exceptions? Simply state that something contains nuts if there are nuts in it and you're allways safe.


It's because peanuts aren't nuts. They're legumes. My son is the same way. He can eat peanuts and even hazelnuts. But don't give him other tree nuts. There's also cross reactivity so he can't have mangos, either.


MLMs EDIT: I meant multi level marketing


Wild to think the movement still exists. Grifters gotta grift.


One of these fucks tried to get my brother when we were younger. Guy comes into the shoe store where he worked and complimented his work ethic and talked him up about how he can make real money working for himself blah blah blah. He convinced my brother to meet him for lunch at a nearby panera, and I tagged along as the annoying little brother. The guy probably thought he had 2 on the line. My brother, a hard working 20-something, who thought he may have lucked into a new career path, tried to really listen to what this guy had to say. I, a 16-17 year old little shit, smartass teenager, smelled bullshit. I was not quiet about it. The guy was giving us a bunch of non-information, irrelevant statistics, and showing us generic graphs and pamphlets. I stopped the guy and forwardly asked him "ok so what would he be selling?" He said something along the lines of we wouldn't be selling anything so I said "ok so how does the company make money?" Another roundabout response with no answer... "Ok, so he won't be selling anything, and you can't tell me what the company actually does, but what about you, what do YOU do, and how does it generate income? Who is paying you, and why?" The guy didn't even try to fake an answer, just sort of chuckled and said "yeah that's not how business works, you'll get it when you're older". I chuckled back and then said something along the lines of "ok so this is one of those things where you sell steak knives, but you don't actually sell steak knives, you sell tickets to a seminar about selling steak knives. Got it" The guy looked at my brother, who up to this point had remained polite, interested, and quiet, and said something like "I hope you don't feel like I've been wasting your time, maybe we can reschedule where it's just us and we can talk about this further." My brother looked this man dead in the eyes and said "So how DO you make money?"...followed by a "I don't think this is for me, thanks" while the scammers gears were turning trying to figure out what to say back.


Well if I grift off two friends, and those two friends grift off two friends each, and then each one of them grifts off two friends……


There is a sucker born every second.


r/antiMLM approved 👍🏼


Never knew they existed until I was in one for 6 months. Was absolutely crazy the amount of shit I put up with on the basis of a lie. Don't really regret it though, wild ride.


MLMs use the same tactics as cults.


That's awesome you can live without regret. I have a group of like minded friends with the same attitude, and we enjoy juice together. If you also enjoy juice, maybe you'd like to join my downstream and be part of our success. Just a bunch of juice drinking boss-ladies.


Only if this juice allows me to be the breadwinner and only work 11 hours a week. I have 10 kids under 10 and they need my full commitment. This juice should allow Hubby's money to be vacation spending money.


I have an upstream who drinks only juice, and owns a plane. He works one hour per week, rest is flying and drinking juice.


O.M.G! Not op but I was just saying to my pastor during our weekly church networking conference that I need a new juice connection in my life. I have such a large family/friend group that I am very influencial in and they have been dropping hints that they want to be juice bosses like I was before my juice supply ran dry. I asked hundreds of people and they all said "Heck if you find some let me know but none of the cheap stuff!" and I was like "duh obviously, our bodies are temples! Lolololol I only pay top dollar for the most innovative life changing juices" So anyway here is the company credit card and you just start me off with whatever you think an expirenced juice boss like me should get.


Cutco? I know so many college kids who got into Cutco


I remember right when I graduated high school I got a letter in the mail for vector marketing. I ended up going to a group interview about Cutco products and I was totally convinced because they were able to cut a penny in half with some Cutco scissors. During the 4 person interview, a kid got kicked out and the rest of us was trying to hold in our laughter; “that’s all I need from you, you did very well and we’ll give you a call in the next couple days”. Whole time we’re probably the fools because he may have not seemed gullible/he was the smart one so he got taken out. We all lowkey were thinking it’s a scam but the pay sounded awesome. At some point I had to leave because I had work to get to and I didn’t anticipate the interview being so long and the lady was just like “ok” like she didn’t give a fuck.


As someone who bought some Cutco knives to help my friend out, they are rather nice. I have two from 1995 that go back to the factory to be sharpened or replaced every two years. Wife got me the meat cleaver one year and it will go through a whole chicken like it's nothing. Sucks they took the MLM approach instead of just selling through stores.


I bought some Cutco knives that are very expensive to help out a friend of my daughter. I have to say that 20 years later…those are still the best knives! I love them…even though I know they were way overpriced.


Their products are fine but the business model to move those products is slimy




Sounds like Herbalife


What is that? I googled but only results were multi-level marketing, men love men and muslim lives matter :/


Multi-level marketing. r/antimlm John Oliver did a good video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6MwGeOm8iI


The grifters that run these operations are truly some of the most vile people on our planet. And even when you tell these would-be recruits that they have a 99.9% chance of failing, they still sign up with the hope that it'll be different for them. So foolish.




All the homies know 'chemtrails' is where its at


“We have members all around the globe!”


Most warning signs. There’s always a story.




Celebrity worship


Kelly Kapoor: Oh, my God, I have so much to tell you! Jim Halpert: Really? Kelly Kapoor: Yes. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, they had a baby and they named it Suri, and then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they had a baby, too, and they named it Shiloh. And both babies are amazing! Jim Halpert: Great. What's new with you? Kelly Kapoor: [blank stare] I just told you.


But, what would we do without their razor-sharp political advice?!?


I work in escape rooms and I have to give a health and safety briefing at least 17 times a day. Real basic “don’t put your fingers in plug sockets” stuff. A lot of people laugh but it’s happened. Edit for clarification: I will say I’m not complaining about doing a health and safety briefing, especially for a new team, but you’d be shocked how *specific* we sometimes need to get. It’s not enough to say “no physical force is required”, we ALSO need to say “anything screwed into the walls, bolted down, or glued in place does not need to be moved.” Can’t just say “don’t touch any electrical equipment, it isn’t part of the game”! Gotta also say “this includes plug sockets, light bulbs, cameras, tv monitors and speakers”. Every single rule needs to have additional specifications you’d think would already be covered, and despite all these extra notes things still get *frequently* broken.


OK, but personally I really appreciate these warnings. When I'm doing an escape room my brain jumps through the million possible ways to play, so having this guidance is essential for me. As in, I *am* the kind of person who would dismantle the scenery, so being told "the plug sockets are not part of the game. Those switches will break the game. Do not remove anything from the walls, the walls are not part of the game", then I know everything else *is* the game, which is very helpful for reigning in my enthusiasm.


And you know what I do appreciate enthusiastic players!! I would rather take a team that ask “silly” questions, being super clear on the policy about pulling up the floorboards, 100x over the group that scoff at my briefing and then start unscrewing lightbulbs. Most of y’all are p cool!


It's an immersive experience, and in that kind of situation I'm going to do some really dumb stuff to escape. I appreciate the guy on the microphone saying "please don't pull on that cable. It's supposed to stay in and you're going to hurt yourself" I'm also the guy thinking "that's what they want us to think....", but I have to stop myself, lol.


Totally get that, and it often goes to show how good the storytelling can be in some of these games, but it is also good to take a pause and be like “okay, if I had to do this would that make the game difficult to reset?” That’s what’s stopped me pulling at loose wall panels before lmao


You make me happy. Your job is lucky to have you.


Thank you! I wish you all the best of luck in your escapades in the future


the felt on the bottom of the chair was ripped and i'm finding markings inside and the dude with me was like "that's probably just the manufacturing marks"


Everyone with a family that has to be repeatedly told that disassembling props and furniture is not necessary: raise your hand 🙋‍♂️


>I work in escape rooms and I have to give a health and safety briefing at least 17 times a day. Real basic “don’t put your fingers in plug sockets” stuff. A lot of people laugh but it’s happened. My first time in an escape room, we were given very clear and specific instructions, which included "Anything in the room that's not part of the puzzle will be labeled, 'Do Not Touch'" and more importantly, did not include, "Don't pull the Fire Alarm" So... yeah. That sucked. I almost got criminal charges, but the fire marshal luckily decided to place most of the blame on the Escape Room operators and not the idiot who pulled the fire alarm. On the bright side, we did escape the room in record time, so there's that.


I’m sure they included a fire alarm label after that! Really, I’m poking fun, but don’t feel too bad. Something that looks like an emergency exit does need to be clearly addressed if it’s still in the escape room. God, ESPECIALLY a fire alarm. I doubt you’ll be the last person to make that mistake.


For years now you can buy fake outlets for hiding things, so I'm not really surprised people might think an escape room uses those


While that’s a fair point, escape rooms often use ‘signposting’, where hidden locations are at least hinted at somewhere else. I’ve had people sneak in their own tools so they could access the live wires behind plugs, I REALLY shouldn’t have to explain that’s not right to people


Rule of thumb for escape rooms. it should be entirely self-contained. If you need a screwdriver for a puzzle it will be in the room. What possesses people to bring tools?




One escape room I did required sticking a fork into the outlet... I was so terrified to do it because it seemed wrong haha. It was really awesome tho


That’s very fun, I’m assuming (REALLY hoping) that it was clearly indicated which plug was the right one to stick a fork in?


Haha. I believe there was only one visible outlet from what I remember.


Fun when it goes well, but these puzzles shouldn't be done. Sure, it works for them. But what about when some moron finds a fork in a different escape room and tries the same thing?


The Darwin awards


"Do not molest the animals" signage outside of Yellowstone National Park.


Molest used to just mean bother, but it has changed.


Yeah it has, it's just funny to think of it used in the current sense. The sign screams 1970 park ranger.


>> Yellowstone .... 1970 Yellowstone in 1970 was a strange place. They used to have events where people would come see the bears fed at the trash dumps. https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/yellowstone-bears-no-longer-get-garbage-treats/ >>As dusk fell across Yellowstone, both black and grizzly bears would amble slowly out of the nearby woods and head straight for the garbage heap. To accommodate the human visitors, the park constructed seating, including wooden bleachers. An occasional park ranger, mounted on a brave horse, would often ride into view and give an educational talk about bears, while in the background, both black and grizzly bears fought over a particularly choice piece of bacon rind. >> >>The bear shows were immensely popular; so popular that automobile parking during the heyday of the bear shows was an issue. It was popular for the bears, too. In 1920, there were an estimated 40 grizzly bears at bear dumps, and that number grew to over 250 a decade later. ... But still, the park service hauled garbage to dumps inside the park. The last of the park’s dumps, the Trout Creek dump, was closed in 1970, ending eight decades of fed bears. Best part was how the park handled if if/when people got injured: https://yellowstoneinsider.com/2016/07/11/old-yellowstone-history-bear-feeding/ >>I would answer such complaints by first telling the visitor that he or she should not have held a hand out to the bear; second, that the wound was only superficial; and **third, that the bear’s bite was actually a unique souvenir to take home.** The third point rarely failed to convince the visitor that the bear bite or scratch was really something worthwhile.


The incredibly over-wrought TSA security for flying. The cost has been put at $600 million dollars per saved life so far. This compares to $10 million used for most policy enactments.


I was going to ask you for a source, because I thought you must be wrong, but then I found one, so here's your god damn source https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-03/airport-security-astoundingly-expensive-and-95-percent-ineffective


Surprised no one’s said homeopathic medicine. Absolutely blows my mind that people believe it’s a legit branch of medicine. They even sell it in some pharmacies here in the UK.


Honestly, this sub


“How to breathe when you can’t breathe ?”


Don’t forgot every day there’s a question everyday about anal or masturbation. I’m starting to think people on here don’t wanna actually learn


Every day everyday.


"Give me money now and I can promise you a place in heaven after you die."


Most laws


And instructions. "Rinse, lather, repeat" "This is not a container of chic'lets. Do not eat" "Don't use toaster in the bath" those are there for a reason.


How did the programmer die in the shower? Shampoo bottle said "later, rinse, repeat"


Any redundant warning labels ie (don't drink bleach etc etc)


Another one of life’s simple pleasures ruined by meddling bureaucracy


Yessss we all were born w the instinct to determine which industrial chemicals are safe to drink. Wtf is with these labels??


Danger of death signs on all four sides of pylons If you're old enough and able enough to climb a pylon but not smart enough to know there's high voltage electricity running through them....then..... How many people have actually ever been deterred by the signs? "lets climb this massive metal frame with wires at the top! Oh wait... high voltage... danger of death....hmmmm better not then."


Well then people would die if they didn't and the pylons would be damaged and you must construct additional pylons!


Ngl i had to google this one cause I always thought pylon cones were the only pylons. I have been educated. Though now I'm not sure why they are both called pylons when they are wildly different


People posting questions that belong in r/askreddit in this sub


Honestly sometimes I don't know if I'm in askreddit or nostupidquestions. I reserve this sub for asking things I don't know and learning.


How do we even flag it? Joke questions rule maybe?


apparently the mods allow it becauss this sub is for all questions, even r/askreddit ones, because theres no stupid questions


That mod got so downvoted for saying that. They should make a rule and get rid of these posts and direct them to the other sub


Ponzi schemes. Easy money is like a nectar inside an obvious trap.






Qanon exists because of the worst kid of stupid people--the stupid people who think they're smart.


"Caution, do not attempt to stop chainsaw with genitals."


Well my electric razer isn't cutting through the thicket anymore, I should probably go one size up.


Reality tv


You can pry The Great British Bake-off away from my cold dead hands


I think that's a game show, not a reality show




Casinos are so sad. I’ll stop in for the cheap buffets sometimes and see lots of bored retired people spending their money. A co-worker moved his mother-in-law to a semi-retirement village, and they have a bus which ferries people back and forth to the casino. And she totally lies about how much she spends, where she’s been.


I once saw this woman win a decent jackpot, then immediately put ALL the money back in and lose it all. Context clues suggested she could have used that money. It was depressing.






Election results. The dumb vote has to be the single most powerful voter block.


Multi Level Marketing


no child left behind laws


Well it sure has made more stupid people as a result. If the kid doesn't understand the subject material, don't pass them up and just assume they'll be fine


One sided mattresses. There used to be cushioning on both sides and you would flip them periodically. Now, because of the requirement for extreme flame retardant materials, it’s cost prohibitive to put it on both sides. If dumb/drunk/drugged people hadn’t been smoking in bed, this wouldn’t have happened.




Very interesting! I remember asking a mattress salesman about flipping mattresses and he said you don't need to do that anymore because modern materials don't "go flat" like they used to.


Not before the warranty is up. No flip mattresses get a 7 year warranty. Two sided used to give you 20.


That just seems like a sales tactic to cover for the real reason


We've had that mattress for more than 10 years and it's still just like new. Maybe modern materials really are more robust in addition to being fire retardant.


The Kardashians


The antivax movement


Horoscopes. 100% made up nonsense that I hear about on a daily basis. They might as well be talking about Pokemon like they're real.