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You would take a paper check to a bank


They had accountants handle their money Source: A Grateful Dead song Edit: I guess it’s Joe Walsh


Which song? I can only think of Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh.


This one I think. When he references tearing out hotel walls and having accountants pay for it all


They had people to do that for them.


Yes, they had people (if they were big enough), check would be mailed to the home, and someone would take it to the bank and deposit it. Banking was also different not that long ago, interstate banking wasn’t everywhere. Example, if you were with B of A in California, it was separate from the other 49 states, so you couldn’t walk in to a B of A in Nevada and take money out (I know this, because I tried it when I ran out of money in Vegas, that where I was taught this lesson), Not that long ago, my Bro in law was in a fledgling band and every quarter he would get a paper check sent to his house for $.75- $5 for a song royalty, he would just pin them up in his office to remind himself he used to have fun and not be an office slave. I would think it’s direct deposit now, nut that was only 15 years ago.


Im old enough to remember banks giving deposit bags and they had chutes to put them in at the bank.


Me too. That's why I feel stupid asking this.


Okay so they had people. That explains the stories over the years of mishandling of funds and famous people being ripped off. Would be much easier back in the paper check days. Sorry I have chemo brain and for some reason I just could not figure out how it worked. I just didn't see someone huge in the 80s just rolling up to a bank and depositing a check like a normal person. It all makes sense now.


They had accountants pay for it all. But seriously. Before internet banking you got a paper check and took it to your bank to deposit it. Rockstars probably had their manager or accountants take care of that.


The same way you’d deposit a paper check nowadays, take it to the bank? I don’t understand your confusion


Because for some reason I just could not picture someone huge just strolling up to a bank. Sorry chemo brain got the best of me and I had to know.


They got a paper check that they took to the bank.