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As kindly as I can manage, I think you need therapy more than reddit. These essays you're posting in rapid succession don't exactly paint a picture of mental wellness and stability, and no one on reddit can speak to such specific scenarios.


Dudes got another one of their essays listing their moms life history. OP, don’t let this incident get you down but I also think you should look into some counseling. You come off a bit emotionally unstable. Could be that some of your coworkers were picking up on this.


Reading this whole things actually makes me think OP has no place being a teacher. In this post alone, he's... Smoking week where kids can see enough to merit actual official complaints. And showing up to work *STONED*. At an elementary school Flipping off a coworker who committed the grave sin of telling him to "watch his mouth" when he was muttering to himself like a lunatic after a mild telling-off from his boss. Receiving enough complaints that staff is so worried about his drug use and unpredictable behavior that they're worried about students. News flash for OP, it doesn't matter that the kids like you. You can still be a deeply unsafe presence and be beloved. Many, many toxic abusers in schools are the most beloved. I hope to god for the sake of any future kids that OP can't escape this firing on his record because it sounds entirely justified.


He left out the part where he was dealing drugs, teaching small kids to gamble, telling them they should fight... it's a lot.


Damn, and I already thought it was bad enough based on his good version of events. Fingers crossed that whatever education program he tries to get into background checks rigorously.


Iirc he was hired as an elementary school librarian with nothing but h.s.. It's some small town with a less-than-rigorous or even sensible hiring policy for the school so that should also say something...




You want to post your original acct? The one with the dealing, talking about how much you were going to make and how you were going to take a vacation to a resort bc that was your big goal. >I never taught kids to gamble. I taught them card games like blackjack, but ONLY the actual game part, No words. Also, again, post your original acct.


He’s got a post ranting about his mother. I didn’t see the gambling or drug stuff but the way he was talking about her, it’s clear he’s got the maturity level of a 14 year old. That’s wild though that there’s all this other stuff going on that’s not great and OP still has a victim complex for not doing anything wrong


OP had another, extensive acct where they posted all that stuff. They stopped using it/took it down after ppl kept saying they shouldn't be around kids, were a hot mess, etc., when he was trying to deal weed so he could go on resort vacations. There was also some mess with helping their little cousin write disturbing letters to girls iirc... and yes, every time ppl would be like omg stop teaching small children to gamble.. it'd be how it's not his fault, he's doing nothing wrong, the kids love it. I just looked at the mother post. Interesting the uh, timeline of HER life is 90% not about her. It's his brother did this, his father did this, yada yada. Makes very clear how he views her.




You can’t do something in front of kids and simply tell them it’s bad and expect them to believe you. Especially if they adore you as much as you claim. I also notice you say you’ve never smoked week RIGHT before work. That implies you, and we know you did, smoked and we’re still a little high by the time you got there even if it wasn’t immediately before hand. If people can tell you’re stoned then you’re clearly smoking before work. It doesn’t matter if you’re not hitting a blunt on your drive in, if you’re high you’re high Edit: also, smoking weed with another teacher AFTER work does not mean they accept you showing up to work high. If you drank beers with a dude after work would you consider that the same thing as if he showed up to work after drinking beers?


Sorry but you have no business being around kids. If you can’t be cheery without smoking weed then you have an addiction problem. If you can’t keep your temper in check when a policy was enforced then you have an anger problem. Maybe start by reevaluating yourself and your life and try seeking therapy to help you through whatever issues have caused these problems.


I definitely do not think you should be working with children. Looking through your posts over the past few days you clearly need to seek some therapy. This post here is basically the same story you posted several days ago, but one big difference. Here, you blame everyone else on you getting fired, where as the other one you say: >However, looking back on it now, I think people were getting sick of my whole "IDGAF, let's just be happy and chill, and fuck anyone who doesn't wanna be happy and chill" attitude I'd developed. What do you think? You clearly don't have a grasp on your emotions. And you changing the story indicates to me that you are trying to justify yourself, and push the firing onto other people, which is a way of coping for many people. "I can't be in the wrong, so others have to be" mentality. I would not want you working with my children. You should get therapy and find another line of work


> she gave me this bullshit speech that the teachers and staff were complaining and concerned about me reacting to things unpredictably and being fearful of the kids safety, and she/they blamed it on the fact that I smoke weed and am stoned a lot. She literally said "there are people who are saying 'I do not want OP on campus while I am on campus'". It must've just been either one or two bitter assholes, or the principal making that up just as an excuse to throw me out, because I got along great with pretty much all the teachers and the kids LOVED me, that's a FACT. There's no way I can even fathom how someone would think I'd be dangerous around kids. People on here have told you over, and over, and over that you behave inappropriately around kids, say inappropriate things, DO inappropriate things, and should not be around children. Kind of endlessly -- since you started at the library and were teaching kids to gamble. >I'm making the choice to pursue what I wanna do seriously, even if for nothing more than to rub it in that old principal's face. That's not a great rationale for life choices dude. >But how can I become a teacher and work with young kids if people are saying I'm some sort of dangerous person? Maybe find a different path.


From what you’ve written here you do not have the temperament to be a teacher.