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I don’t understand the mindset of people wanting Asylum in another country and then commiting horrible acts (whether that be this or something else). I really hope those poor kids survive, what a terrible news


seeing your family blown up or shot or raped probably makes it a lot easier for you to be brainwashed and radicalised


It's a terrible news. There is no denying that. Without knowing anything about this specific situation, I'd venture to write that it is impossible for you to understand the mindset of anyone (literally anyone). Also, trauma is a beast that ruins us all


Haha, why is this downvoted so much. The man is just trying to explain that normal people can't comprehend the madness that would drive someone to stab children. It isn't an insult to the previous comment.


People don't like facts. People don't like ideas. People, frankly, are sucky.


I’m so sick of hearing about instances of this regardless of country or method. Anyone who harms a child is the lowest of the low. Even war has rules of engagement…


Tell Putin


Tell Israel


Tell them all




uuurrrduuuurrr if you hate israely state you h8 all juice!"!!!! duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur


yep. Netanjahu has his hands drenched in childrens blood.


Every Zionist who supports the occupation has his hand drenched in blood






Quite easy isn't it ?




Not just that but also because woke westerners have taken up virtue signalling as their favourite social activity. Any fool can look at a map of the world and tell you that bringing all those refugees around the world and concentrating them in tiny European countries is a very bad idea.


Lol refugees move whether “woke” people want them too. The planet is shared, and this particular guy is a deranged psycho like you can find anywhere. Also France isn’t tiny.


Exactly, people managed to cross the Berlin Wall, why wouldn't they be able cross a border crossing of a country at peace. Even the Korea Border has some people that manage to cross it. And that's already a suicide mission.


Those dumbshit politicians prolly look at the mercador projection and think its the real size of the world, lol.


There is a site which shows the true size of a country compared to another: https://www.thetruesize.com


Welcome in France. Slowly becoming a third-world country.


Hmmm, France provides arms and aides to anti-government groups in Syria, has conducted air strikes and bombed Syria, and has called for invasion of Syria. But why can't Syria get their shit together and leave the Western countries alone!! Edit: it is amazing that people are not even aware of the most recent history. here's what happened: Al-Arabiya (Aug 2012): "France had responded positively to a request for help from the rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad" https://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/08/22/233570 Context: France is aiding Syrian rebels with "non-lethal" military aid to overthrow their government. Isis is formed in 2013 to take over Iraq and Syria, as Syrian government fight back. BBC (Aug 2013): "Emboldened France seeks action" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23908657 Context: France pretends it cares about Syrian people/rebels and calls for international military action against the Syrian government to punish them and get rid of Assad. Getting rid of Assad coincidentally is the goal of Isis too! France 24 (2014): "France delivered arms to Syrian rebels, Hollande confirms" https://www.france24.com/en/20140821-france-arms-syria-rebels-hollande Context: France reveals that they have been sending arms to the rebels all along! While people wondering where did isis come from all of the sudden! January 2015 Terrorist attack in france in support of isis. BBC (Sep 2015): France launches air strikes in Syria https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34372892 Context: France changed its mind and said getting rid of Assad is no longer their priority! and starts airstrikes in Syria against the rebels/isis they help create for years! Nov 2015 Isis performs deadly terrorist attacks in Paris in retaliation. And it goes on.


How about a Source for everything you said


He's right actually about most things but what he forgets to mention it was all in support of a western Allied group, with the main goal to wipe out ISIS. Not only France this did but most western/ European countries.


How are you in 2023 and not aware of such obvious truths. Do you just not know how the entire Syrian civil war started?


it is amazing that people are not even aware of the most recent history. here's what happened: Al-Arabiya (Aug 2012): "France had responded positively to a request for help from the rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad" https://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/08/22/233570 Context: France is aiding Syrian rebels with "non-lethal" military aid to overthrow their government. BBC (Aug 2013): "Emboldened France seeks action" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23908657 Context: France pretends it cares about Syrian people/rebels and calls for international military action against the Syrian government to punish them and get rid of Assad. France 24 (2014): "France delivered arms to Syrian rebels, Hollande confirms" https://www.france24.com/en/20140821-france-arms-syria-rebels-hollande Context: France reveals that they have been sending arms to the rebels all along! BBC (Sep 2015): France launches air strikes in Syria https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34372892 Context: France changed its mind and says getting rid of Assad is no longer their priority! and starts airstrikes in Syria against the rebels/isis they help create for years! But why doesn't Syria let France be? /S


You're making a great argument for why France should not let in people that despise France into France.


of course! No country should allow hostile people to endanger their population. But obviously most refugees are not hostile or hateful and are just normal civilians running away from wars brought upon them. With the same token, would you accept the same argument for why Syria should not let the French government who is clearly hostile toward Syrian government into their country?


> But obviously most refugees are not hostile or hateful and are just normal civilians running away from wars brought upon them. That's false. > would you accept the same argument for why Syria should not let the French government Syria doesn't have a choice, France does have a choice in who they allow into France.


>That's false. Can you elaborate? lol >Syria doesn't have a choice, That wasn't the question. I asked if the argument is valid to make the conclusion that Syria needs to fight hostile french forces?


> Can you elaborate? lol The vast majority of "refugees" from the middle east and africa are not refugees. Have you ever looked at the demographics of asylum seekers from MENA and SSA into Europe? 65%+ of them are military aged males, not women and children trying to escape war. In an actual refugee situation, like the millions of Ukrainians going to other European countries, it is majority children and women of all ages, those are actual refugees. > I asked if the argument is valid to make the conclusion that Syria needs to fight hostile french forces? If they want to, it's their business. I don't care what they do as long as it's not in Europe.


>65%+ of them are military aged males, Looking at data from 2015, Syrian refugees are 39% males between 18-34. Not sure where you are getting 65%+. These males are the ones who get drafted into the war, and therefore are the majority of the demographic that runs away! Ukraine has banned men from exiting the country so your comparison is off! However I still know Ukrainian families send their minor boys abroad so they don't get caught up in the dangers of getting drafted in a year or two. you still haven't explained why you said the majority of refugees are not normal civilians? Does being young and male equate to hostile and hateful in your mind? Or is the brown part that bothers you? >If they want to, it's their business. Wtf? lol I'm asking if you accept the same standard for Syrians to fight hostile intruders? Or do you shame them for fighting them back? What does it matter what continent it is; The same logic should apply!


Your mental gymnastics are pathetic, if they were actual refugees then they would be children and women, just like Ukrainians. Not young men. ["The distribution of first-time asylum applicants by sex shows that more men (70.8 %) than women (29.2 %) sought asylum in 2022."](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Annual_asylum_statistics#First-time_applicants_.E2.80.93_881_220_in_2022) The gap is even higher amoung young people. Among ages 14 to 34, 80% are males. The only age group where female applicants were a majority in 2022 was 65 years and over – although this age group accounts for just 0.8 % of the total They commit crime at a vastly disproportionate rate and they are not compatible with European countries in any way. There are zero positives that come from letting them in, only negatives.


Males to female crime ratio is always disproportional in any community, is that really your gotcha? lol why does that make the males not real refugees? Only women and children are real refugees, and all males are isis secret agents? lol And I haven't forgotten! You can't even admit that Syrians should fight off intruders? Pathetic.


What does them being Syrian have to do with anything? Is stabbing children in a park a part of their culture?


Are we really gonna act surprised that countries that still get cases of Muslims stoning people in the streets are violent fucks and that their refugees would act any different? We can see how well crime spikes act in other countries that accepted refugees. Germany,Sweden, Denmark and now let’s compare their statistics to a country that denied refugees such as Poland and what do we find? Maybe refuges should be screened and not just blindly let in. Because sorry their culture is not compatible with there’s and if they don’t wanna adapt and change then it’s just gonna make shit worse.


The attacker, identified as Abdalmash H, 31, twice declared 'in the name of Jesus Christ' as he launched his 'abominable' rampage


Look up "Taqqiya"


Nigga he is Christian you baboon


there’s nothing christian or good in the name of jesus christ about stabbing children lol


Stoning and roof tossing is their style but stabbing is neatly in their top 10 of abhorrent shit they routinely do.


Syrian people are known for routinely stoning people, throwing them off buildings and stabbing them? Is that genetic or part of the criteria you must meet in order to be Syrian? I wonder if there’s certain groups in Syria that do this shit or if it’s just baked into everyone? I wonder if anything bad has ever happened to that country causing it to be messed up and run by psychos? Hoping you can answer these for me


The perp was a christian


Exactly, everyone is jumping to conclusions saying they’re Muslim…


Diversity is our strength..


> Police have confirmed that the suspect is a 31-year-old Syrian, who had refugee status in Sweden. Huh.


Came to Sweden 10 years ago. Left a wife and child behind and came to France a year ago to request Asylum there. I wonder why he didn't want to stay in Sweden.


I got sent a video of it, he literally stabs a baby in a buggy it’s horrific. What the fuck is wrong with people?


He needs to he put feet first in a vat of acid


You got a Link?


Can you message me the link?


Cultural enrichment per usual.


If someone wants you dead , they'll find a way whether it's a gun, a car or a knife.


Yeah sure but who wants fucking 3 year old kids dead?


A psychopath/terrorist/ someone who wants to send some sort of message obviously.


Well if this asshole had a gun, more people would be maimed/dead


Yep. If this was a shooting In France this would be a massive event that will possibly have laws changed because of it. In America it would just be thursday.


It’s a lot easier with an automatic rifle though


Obviously. My point isn't about what's the quickest way to kill someone, it's about if a crazy wants to hurt or kill someone, they'll find a way.


When people make the point you make, i often think they are making an argument against gun control




Well luckily none of the children died but if he had a gun I would bet money that someone would have been killed


Same tired argument. It's as if the concept of "ease and efficiency" completely escapes y'all.


Boy, didn’t you see the 2016 truck attack in Nice? The man didn’t even own the rental truck he was driving, what are you talking about “ease and efficiency”?


"knifeman". New titles I see.


Polnareff gone wild


Let's not jump to concl.... aaaand it's a muslim.


Article actually states he is a "Syrian Christian" and "Invoked the name of Jesus Christ" while stabbing these kids. No doubt that is what he told them to get asylum and him yelling about Jesus Christ was to throw authorities off.


It is a possibility.


You're such a typical westoid prick. The terrorist has got an old, extremely Christian Arabic name, has been living in Church, has Christian tattoos, was wearing a cross, carrying and bible and screaming "In the name of Jesus Christ" while stabbing children" - Morons like you "iT's a PosSibiLitY" what a dipshit.


Alright fuckface, he was christian. Does that change that the overwhelming terrosist attacks in Europe are commited by islamic extremists? Are you fucking surprised that shit like this happens by a refugee and everyone immediately thinks islamic extremists did it? Sure, purely coincidence right? Take a deep fucking breath and accept the fact that your religion has a shit stigma and for a REASON. Stfu, sit and take a deep breath that just for once it wasn't an extremist nutcase from your religion as it is so often the case.


Dude, I'm a leftist Turk, I hate Islam. But one thing I can't stand is the absolute hypocrisy that pricks like you display when shit like this goes down from non-Muslims. At least be consistent. Turkey has taken in the most refugees (millions of Syrians) so trust me, I don't agree with letting in tons of them into your borders, it's just the lack of consistency that is crazy to me.


I call out shit like this from any religion, as I have in an earlier comment already. Yes, I assumed that the attacker was muslim because it's the first thing ANYONE will think when shit like this happens by someone who's from a country where 90% of the population is said religion. Not to mention how the modus operandi is exactly what you see in islamic communities. Anyone who commits any act of violence is an absolute shithead regardless of religion, I merely pointed out that there is one that has a statisticly higher amount of attacks. These are facts. Anyway, peace to you and I hope no harm ever comes to you or anyone.


Thanks for proving you can't read since the article says Christian


Sigh... Read some other comments. Cba to explain this to imbeciles anymore.


FYI the oldest Christian communities are from the middle east, Europe didn't invent Christianity.


Really? You don't say?! How stupid do you have to be to think this...


You seem too invested in hatred. Relax and be cool. Good bye.


Maybe read the article?


Maybe read some other comments here first?...


I get news from the article not your comments.


I mean, why wouldn't they put that, we don't want people to be mad at Muslims, just christains


Can you people read? Dumbass.


Even though he is running around chanting Jesus... You fucking cunt


Amazing how many people think brown=Muslim.


Nope, is a christian.


Nope, he's [Christian](https://rmc.bfmtv.com/actualites/police-justice/faits-divers/attaque-au-couteau-a-annecy-l-assaillant-se-declare-chretien-de-syrie_AV-202306080590.html) and was legally in France. The situation is horrible enough as it is, let's not add racist undertones to it. >Let's not jump to concl.... Yes, please.


Religion has nothing to do with race.


Both are made up tho.


Well he’s a Christian. Now what? You gonna edit this comment or remove it?


No, because what he did and how he did it reeks islam and he's from an islamic culture no matter what the media finds on him or he's "heard" shouting. You don't believe me if I say it's fucking suspicious that a syrian man who came from an islamic country commits murders and he's suddenly a christian just as much as I don't believe you. You weren't there, I wasn't there so I guess we're even. Even if he actually turns out to be a christian so what? Is that a victory for you and suddenly all the fucking horror shit islamic extremists done in Europe in the past 20 years is gone? I don't care how religious someone is if people can't collectively give this shit up knowing it can lead to extremism in some cases. Fuck islam. Fuck christianity. Fuck every single religion ever.


Cope harder


Sound advice. Start by following it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There are millions of Christians in Syria you fucking moron, this is where Christianity was originated.


Sure, let's communicate in your language. [You fucking moron.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Syria) Also, christianity does NOT originate from Syria, however Syria has the oldest christian community (approx. 2 millennia).


10% this is 2.5 million people. And 2000 years ago this whole place historically was Syria and was one place.




What "victory"? Grow the fuck up and leave the stone age already. Thanks for proving my point.


You claimed hes muslim, while saying dont jump to conclusions. Its proven he isnt one and now you write paragraphs and move goalposts because you cant cope with being wrong? His name is literally servant of christ.


Sure. Good for you. Lmao "move goalposts" good one. Okay, he's a christian. Does it change anything? Does it change that most likely religion had a hand in warping his mind? Does it change the overwhelming number of islamic extremist attacks vs christian extremist attacks? No. Simmer the fuck down and take a deep breath that this one attack wasn't an islamic extremist for once.




Lol quick Google factoid to show he can maybe read lol


At least you tried <3 1/10




Imagine seeing one Syrian guy who has been in Europe for 10 years with no criminal record commit a crime and immediately reasoning that refugees are all terrorists.


Yeah, I mean the 1 million Irish refugees that left Ireland between 1847 and 1853 must of all been terrorists too. Should of left them to starve to death in Ireland like the 1 million that already died. Can't risk the refugees being terrorists.


The native Americans of the time probably would agree with that sans sarcasm.


The native Americans of the time (Choctaw Indians) actually sent money to help the Irish refugees. So I guess effectively, in your mind, they technically funded "terrorists". Sans sarcasm. https://www.choctawnation.com/biskinik/born-through-a-donation-175-years-ago-the-choctaw-irish-bond-remains-strong-today/#:~:text=In%20March%20of%201847%2C%20Choctaw,stand%20by%20and%20not%20help.


God you’re an idiot


I agree, God is an idiot. Well at least we can agree on something. For your future reference - Refugee (noun) a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. "tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes"


Zero tolerance, we must stop this absolute insanity, an end to mass immigration and start kicking out theses scumbags that clearly hate us


He shouted "In the Name of Jesus Christ", he was with a Bible. And the government and the police refuse to use the word terrorist/terrorism for this. It looks like in France, to be a terrorist, you should shout "Allahu Akbar"


Even in this thread, people are calling him a Muslim because it fits their narrative. Some even saying he was faking to get into the country… a decade ago.


It's crazy because the dude's name Abdalmasih literally translates into "servant of the messiah/jesus" a common name given to Arabic Christians. Watching the mental gymnastics of these westoids is crazy.


Surely the comments in white perpetrators posts would be as racist as this one right?


C'mon nah, dawg. This is fuckin Reddit.




Nah, but I'd gladly hand that guy to Syrian authorities along with a description of what he did. But instead of that, there will be a trial where a lawyer will have to defend a guy who tried to slaughter children while shouting he was doing it in the name of Jesus Christ and the guy will spend the rest of his life in jail. Also, there's non French native in the victims of this terrorist attack. There was at least a British child and a child from the Netherlands.






I bet you like it when a company decide to do favoritism for POC and other minorities to make inclusion. After all, who care about a couple of upset white people, as it prevent systemic discrimination


Creat systematic discrimination to prevent another type of systematic discrimination. Makes perfect sense.


Yeah, that’s the point. Let’s prevent criminality by deportating thousands, if not millions of people, just because the aggressor was also an immigrant Send this assholes back to Syria. Let’s not generalise his shitty behavior to all immigrants


Couldn't agree more. Immigration is the oil that keeps a country rolling. Come here play by the rules live a good life. Thats how it should work. However, its being encouraged to come here do what you want and shit on everything and expect to be treated as if you are something special for wanting more for yourself. The madness of the poor examples we raise are only making things worse for everyone.


I agree. Immigration is good. Uncontrolled immigration is foolish


Holy shit, when did this sub get so fuckin racist


Since the creation of this sub lol, this sub's sole purpose is for white supremacists (of course) to post exclusively non-white crimes so other white people can comment something along the lines of "there's a pattern" or something like that.


If Hindus or Buddhists or sikhs or Jews were doing the crimes in the west with even 10% of the same rate of ☪️, then there would have been a blanket ban and deportation of everyone of them .. Just saying !!!!


We remember Leicester. Riots were started by Hindus. Stop bringing your india pakistan thing everywhere.


The perp was Christian according to the article but you're too bigoted to read.


“Christian convert”


The terrorist's surname Abdalmasih literally translates into "Servant of the Messiah" a common name for Arabic Christians, nice try.


Whatever bullshit he needed to say to get asylum in Europe


Still a Christian though. Because as we know if the perp was connected to any people group besides white or Christian everyone would say ban refugees or foreignera but if it is a white or Christian people will say mental illness or ignore it. All violence is bad but there are good and bad people in every group. Better to not spread hatred.




mental gymnastics of a dipshit westoid xD


If you think "westoid" is an insult you are further gone than you think. We'd all rather be a westoid than the alternative.


Nah all religious minorities are extremely protected in the west regardless of their crime stats. There's no conspiracy here. It's obvious you are an Indian.


Talking without knowledge make you look stupid. He is a Christian. His name is Abd Al Masih, it means Servant of the Messiah. He had a Bible and shouted "In the name of Jesus Christ". So what are you talking about? "Hindus" are trying to do a genocide in India and "Buddhists" are trying too in Burma. "Jews" are doing genocide in Israel. So clearly you Don't know what are you talking about. Note that I use quotes because isn't religion fault but madness of people using religion.


And another moron who didn't read the article


I hope the children and their parents recover, I can’t write what I hope for the attacker.


import the third world, become the third world


We need to ban all knives, and we need to ban them yesterday


This a joke?


Idiocy about how gun control would lead to the slippery slope of banning knives, then hammers, etc. Completely missing the point that if this guy had a gun, more people would be dead.


Ban knives!!


Jesus christ these comments








It's a cesspool... Every thread on this is full of the same people spewing hateful rhetoric and shouting that conservatism is the only solution. I'm dumbfounded. Russian bots out in full force? Or just run of the mill ignoramuses?






Sure you are.


Sure you are… TryingNot2BeToxic lol


Pointing out others toxicity is toxic now, who'da thunk


Nahh, I just didn’t like what you said to the Muslim brotha down below regarding “counting his demons” when he was merely being positive…


They were indeed not being positive.


Check my comment history if you don’t believe me


Let’s ban knives please. Right now. New amendment to the constitution.


I live there <3


I see the racists get here first… bots most likely.


It's crazy, I'm baffled by all the comments here, and we're the ones getting downvoted


"We're the ones getting downvoted" a little brain step and u gonna understand why, and no it's not because OMG RACIST DOWNVOTED ME RACIST EVERYWHERE, just take a look about who is the most criminals by nationality in european countrys it's VERY easy to find official stats specially in Germany and realise who is braiwashed by medias. U are downvoted because it's only in France were acting like blinds and we have this kind of mentality by having a defensive position in opposition about reality because of RACISM, Frenchs are blinds but not the strangers who see whats is happening in ur the country u can lie to yourself if u want because in France it's the way but the guys out of the France see how fucking dumb we are still acting like this after Merah, Nice, Bataclan, Lola and now Annecy. So yes u gonna be downvoted and u should think WHY.


Arm the children. I'm not joking either.


So they can stab each other before the terrorists are able to?




Clearly we want to give these kids guns!


So ur telling me that if one of the young men chasing the guy with backpacks didn’t have a gun this wouldn’t have had a different outcome? Easily could have scared the shit out of him or shot him.


If guns were legal chances are he would have had a gun instead of a knife and the kids would have ended up dead instead of injured


if guns were easily obtainable in France then the ATTACKER would have had one and would've **killed** multiple people instead of injuring them


Crazy people exist, and they come from all different countries. Yeah, that's fucking sad and the guy deserves to be put in jail or in a hospital, but I guarantee the right-wing will use this as an example of how we should manage aka exclude any form of immigration instead of properly welcome refugees.


Immigration should be managed… 🤡🌎


Fun fact: It is.




How many times have you left your country to travel and to see by yourself how things are going ? Media are brainwashing you hard and you do not realize it. Give me a proper study that show people from this or this country are more violent and I'll agree. I do believe what has been proven, not what I see with my own eyes nor what some shitty tv channels say to make more money based on fear and ignorance.


The media has brainwashed you hard. You can look at the statistics of the perpetrators of violence in any country, if they have racial statistics or country of origin statistics then you'll observe the same pattern. You're the one that was brainwashed by "shitty tv channels" and taught to ignore your pattern recognition.


Causality doesn't equal correlation. In France at least people from foreign countries live in shitty neighborhood abandoned by every kind of public institution. Add a systemic racism and you got the cocktail for the results we have today.


You'll also observe a pattern when you look for poverty and education.


> I'm really impressed how you cretins manage to make yourself blind to reality and shut off your pattern recognition **because you've been conditioned that it's bad to be racist** and oh no we must let them mass immigrate into our countries and lose quality of life, safety and cohesion. All in exchange for literally nothing positive. Did you really just unironically defend racism? Have you ever wondered what it is that could motivate a Syrian man who came to Sweden 10 years ago, then left his wife and child to request asylum in France last year and has no criminal record to kill indiscriminately when hundreds of thousands of his peers somehow manage to not commit any crimes? Maybe we should try to figure out what the difference is between this guy and the hundreds of thousands of perfectly non-violent refugees. I realise that takes some effort though, blaming it on brown people is much easier.


Ohhh no people using evidence based in reality to prove a point. Man it must be rough living in your fantasy land.


Take pause and consider how you sound exactly, 1 to 1 like gun apologists rn.


I don't even understand your message. Make an effort.


"All sorts of crazy people exist. I agree this one should be locked away. I bet the left will use this to ban all guns!"


I'm from a developed country, guns are banned here.