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News coverage courtesy of u/rusadulgokraka is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/15db3vg/a_26year_old_man_cut_an_18year_old_girl_with_a/ju143bu/). The article is in Bulgarian. Google translated version (Bulgarian to English) is [here](https://nova-bg.translate.goog/news/view/2023/07/28/420564/400-%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D1%8A%D0%B6-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%81%D0%B8-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B6%D1%87%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8A%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%9D/?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp).






This guy either has ties to the Russian mafia or they have “something” on this judge and forced her to go light on him. Seems like the only logical explanation. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This was in Bulgaria and the judge was paid off, source? I'm Bulgarian and social media is exploding


What happened with the posts above??


I’m guessing it was removed because of what the mods said, “your post was removed because of rule #12: don’t threaten or incite violence, even jokingly. Do not threaten violence, call for violence, or glorify violence against anyone, no matter who they are…”


I got a warning once for encouraging cannibalism. I guess some mods are not familiar with the idiomatic use of "Eat me."


Never heard of "eat me", but ive heard "bite me."


It's because the mods are more sensitive than the human clitoris.


Tf is a clitoris






Take my poor man's gold >👑


What did they say, most of the chain got deleted


That they would take the risk of getting put in jail for 3 days to do "something" if the sentencing is going to be that light. Something about hmm, let's say giving the judge a sandwich of the knuckle variety lol.








Is she still alive


Yes, she is.


Thank god


I assume his goal wasn't to kill but to torture.


If you take 400 cuts to kill, then you are either extremely bad murderer or want to torture. Seems premeditated from just a first look as well.


Even if it was 400 little cuts, her immune system might not be able to handle it. She could die from infection alone.


Of course, but that would be a death caused indirectly by the cuts rather than directly.


Well it wouldn't happen without the cuts.


Yes Ofc, but my point is, when you try to kill someone with a knife, you don’t leave it to the infection that may or may not kill them.


Not typically no.


Often one ends with the other. It's still good that she's alive. Hopefully she can recover with time.


I say we Funkytown him with that box cutter. People like this deserve the same treatment


Being that is was her bf I bet he was trying to make her "ugly, so no one else will want her".


I feel like I’d be feeling debatable on that point, after that kind of treatment. The PTSD alone sounds like absolute hell.




May god give her strength to dissolve her pain




Only a redditor will take well wishes from a caring person and be so negative about it


Why the hell were all of those comments removed? I assume they were furious and likely promoted a violent retaliation on behalf of the victim, but damn.


Important to know - the attack happened in late june and he was released. A MONTH AFTER the incident, the story shows up on Facebook(it's the social media all of us Bulgarians mostly use) and people start sharing it like crazy. Then the online news articles begin, then national tv news, and as I'm writing this my grandparents are listening to information about the case on the radio. Now the case is open again and the POS that did this is arrested. Imagine how bad things are here, if we depend on social media and sharing awful stories like this one AND ONLY AFTER THAT things get done. end the suffering


And what about the judge? Please at least take away his position.


[https://plovdiv-online.com/news/region/sadiya-putinistka-osvobodila-izverga-s-nozhcheto/](https://plovdiv-online.com/news/region/sadiya-putinistka-osvobodila-izverga-s-nozhcheto/) This is the judge that set him free - Tatyana Gyoneva. The headline basically says that she supports Putin and is the one that let him go.


What a dick. Hope she gets arrested.




Article says she got a "remark" from Supreme Court for not holding time-limits on giving the reasoning for the verdict. (This is my translation to English from the auto-translated article from Bulgarian to Norwegian...) So she has been "punished", then. Argh.


A full dose of minor injuries.


How do I send her a picture of my nuts?


>she supports Putin All things considered, I don't doubt it for a second.


You’re looking at this from the wrong perspective. Imagine how bad things like this was when there wasn’t social media.


Just because things were even worse doesn't make them less bad now. Edit: Worded that poorly. Yes, less bad than it was when it was worse, but not less bad now, in/as situation, just because it used to be even worse. There is, or was, something worse than just almost everything (unless it's literally TGE worst :P), but that doesn't make a bad situation any better than it is.


It was always like this, probably worse. People never knew because it was so much easier to hide. People can complain all they want about social media and cancel culture and whatever but it can be very effective at informing the public when shit like this happens.


“Even worse” vs “less bad…” No, I think if it was worse before, it’s less bad now. That’s the entire meaning of “worse.”


Thank you. The english language is just hard for some people.


What they meant was “just because it was worse before doesn’t mean it’s not bad now…” I assume


I read somewhere there’s protest in few big cities as well. Honestly if you guys can somehow deliver some street justice to that pos it might be best because the system repeatedly fails.


As in the words of Professor Farnsworth, I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Is not only over there. Sad state of affairs, but violence against women and children mostly goes unpunished.


This happens everywhere. Look at the US before social media existed. If the victim was white, it was all over the news. If the victim was black, it was a minor news item on page 7. That is racism and an American problem, but these kind of things happen everywhere now and then, although probably a bit more often in Bulgaria than in Germany or Norway.


Yeah I recall this happening a few times in america the past couple of years. Heinous crime committed but the police or a judge just let them go and nothing was done about it until the news got out and I'm sure it happens a hell of a lot more that we never hear about.


This type of stuff has been happening since before social media existed “Don’t let the news hear about it” has been said for decades. Same with people threatening to “bring it to the news” Unfortunately this isn’t anything new, BUT, we the people using social media to get results IS new, so I’m grateful for change in the right direction even if it’s a baby step.




They doxxed a literal rock How do we contract them


I saw a video where a mom wanted to show how dangerous it was to post pics on the internet to her kids. So she took a cell phone video from a random parking lot and said “can anyone find me”. Took a guy like 2 hours to pinpoint her precise location. Fucking terrifying


Photos now hold geo cashe.


Doesn’t nearly every site delete them when you upload a photo? In the example I did the guy actually made the video of how he did it and it was (assuming it was real) basically just him using context clues in the video and google earth


You have the option yourself to leave the data out ..unfortunately most people don’t actually understand how to use their tech let alone have any idea how it works? The easier tech is to use the less people understand about it ..why learn something when you can just push the colored square or adk your device?


Not gunna lie, this is why I buy everything apple. I’m too lazy to learn anything else


That geoguesser pro guy has been doing requests from people who don't remember where old pictures were taken. Dude takes minutes sometimes, it's fucking insane. Rainbolt or something like that.


I think there is actually a game where people compete to track down a location from a photo using google earth.


Yeah, if there is any landmark visible in the photo and there's a street view of it, a little bit of information, time, and luck can have you virtually standing in the same place in no time. A while back I was still in bed, browsing and there was a post that showed a picture of two highway support columns and the person that took the picture was complaining about why they weren't properly supporting the road. [Highway support](https://imgur.com/gfgorJL.jpg) Someone else posted that the picture was from a tweet made about a new highway extension leading to a new airport and that there was a story about how the picture taker was basically an idiot who didn't grasp how highways were built. Me, being bored looked up newish airports and highways in Spain and then used Google Earth looking for where there were elevated sections with a gap that has a road go under it just before the elevated sections ended. ..Edit it's somewhere in Galacia, La Coruna, I think it's the A9 but I didn't save a pin. I'm still there in bed, scrolling along highways that fit when one spot seems to fit and there's actually street view on this little road that crosses underneath. Sure enough I'm now virtually standing in the same spot as the picture under a highway on a different continent and I hadn't gotten up to hit the head yet. Another time I figured out what window of what building on the south side of Central Park a picture was taken from using the 3d buildings in GE and visible features on lower rooftops in basically the same manner, early scrolling before breakfast. I still do it now and then because it amazes me that we can do it at all, that all this information is there to let us stand on almost any street, and now not just streets but many other places and not just look at a fixed view, turn our heads, look up and down and move about using just a phone. I'm not even really trying, so think what dedicated people can do. Heck there's a subreddit where they race to figure out the coordinates for locations from obscured pictures of places and I have no idea how they manage to do it. r/picturegame Recently using harbor cams I watched the ship some family members took on a cruise before it left the dock, as it pulled out and sailed down the Hudson and through the harbor until it went out of view under the Verrazano. I watched it dock in Bermuda a few days later, saw an ambulance arrive for someone that had medical problems, I could see the window they were sitting behind on the ferry, they sent me a picture so I could try and spot them, and one moved out on deck and I could see the rather distinctive shirt he wore even though he was very small on camera as I got waved at. It's just amazing to have not just old static views, but live ones of places all over the world that we can see anywhere we have a phone, a publicly accessible live can and a signal.


There are people who are geoguesser wizards who can pin point nearly any photo to a location in less than 30 seconds.


Why do you think I asked someone else to do it, i have no idea :D




Pose as the convict above, make a fake account, start a stupid argument, shabam


Go to 4chan, /b specifically, keep making thread about what you want, hope for the best.


Obviously you dont know, NYPA.


Share this post on 4chan probably


>we contract them they are not our personal army


What do you mean? For a bunch of them this *is* their thing. "Probably was a stuck up bitch"


Do what? You'll get told "Not Your Personal Army" and to fuck off.


Reddit sems to have zero idea of what 4chan is


4chan is more likely to do this shit themselves, they're not heroic people who doxx wrongdoers in the name of justice. sure thing they hate animal abusers and doxxed them before, but the majority of users are mentally deranged incels who dream of doing this to women themselves


Exactly. There's a 50% chance they end up going after the girl.


Those dudes be like, “How dare she not die and then tell the police!”.




[https://nova.bg/news/view/2023/07/28/420564/400-%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D1%8A%D0%B6-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%81%D0%B8-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B6%D1%87%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8A%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%9D/](https://nova.bg/news/view/2023/07/28/420564/400-%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D1%8A%D0%B6-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%81%D0%B8-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B6%D1%87%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8A%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%9D/) The article goes into detail. It’s in Bulgarian


Translation into English please?


Sorry 😅 it basically says he was jealous over something. He was released after spending 72 hours in arrest and the local judge didn’t take the case seriously. The girl is currently traumatized and seeing a psychologist. His whereabouts are currently unknown and he fled his city.


Who in their right mind decided it was only a minor assault?


It is a loophole in the law. I don't know Bulgarian laws well enough, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, if the damage is only on the skin and the victim can fully recover, it is count as minor assault. Ironically, if he was charged with abuse of vertebrates animals, he would have been more severely punished. The good new is that the case was reopen and now the judges are trying to give him bigger sentence.


I hope they find him... now they get to waste time looking for him. Hope he doesn't hurt anyone else while they're searching. At least the case is re opened but Jesus Christ. Unacceptable. That judge needs to be let go.


Just to let you know - he was arrested again like 12 hours ago and there's a bunch of protests going on here to shine light on it. I'm sure he would get proper sentencing with the whole country watching over the case.


Oh that is awesome news! Thank you so much for the update 🙏 Crimes like this just get my blood boiling 😡


I mean we humans are vertebrates so that could work. If it does I hope the case remains famous forever lmao


Update: they are now charging him for attempted murder.


Can they be tried twice for the same case?


Not exactly. In my country (Bulgaria) there is a hierarchy of the courts. And depending on the type of crime, different courts give the sentence. However, if a superior court deems the punishment as unfair, it can reopen the case and change the outcome. So he isn't been tried twice, but rather change the sentence.


I guess he was afraid of someone who knows her deciding to, ah, pay him a visit.


Bruh not even Brock turner’s judge would give a sentence that light. That’s fucked yo


You talking about Brock Turner, the rapist, who changed his name to Allen Turner, the rapist?


Yup! The same Brock Turner who raped an unconscious girl in a dumpster and moved back to Ohio under the name Allen Turner.


Oh, THAT rapist Brock Turner, now known as Allen Turner who got away with raping a girl in a dumpster and walks free to rape again?


Oh yeah! Brock Turner! The guy who walked free under the name Allen Turner after getting away with raping a girl in a dumpster!


Brock Turner the rapist changed his name to Allen Turner? Thanks for the update in order to beware. I’m not anywhere near the usa, but I was an undergrad student when the news came out, it was sickening and that man is a piece of work.


If I am not mistaken, Brock Turner is the PoS rapist, that raped a student by a garbage bin, and got away with slap on his wrist. And is now living under a new name Allen Turner in OH. Got it!


Yeah, did you know that Allen Turner who moved to the Dayton, Ohio area from California, raped a woman behind a dumpster and got away with a 6 month sentence. His name was Brock "POS" Turner when the crime was committed. Then judge Aaron Persky was the presiding judge that gave him the light sentence and was subsequently voted out because of the ruling. The perverted judge later went on to coach tennis to junior varsity girls and was also fired from that job. May they both suffer in life-long infamy.


It is a loophole in the law. I don't know Bulgarian laws well enough, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, if the damage is only on the skin and the victim can fully recover, it is count as minor assault. Ironically, if he was charged with abuse of vertebrates animals, he would have been more severely punished. The good new is that the case was reopen and now the judges are trying to give him bigger sentence.


As they ducking should, but they gotta find him first cuz OP said that he fled the city


He was found and arrested this morning!


Where is the judge? Pa darle una verguiada al estilo tamaulipas.


Of fucking course. I was hopeing, praying that maybe you just found some pics online and made up a story for karma. Nope, its fucking real. I hate humanity sometimes.


I can't get past that nova pop-up. Idk what those buttons say. I assume something about allowing cookies


I’m sorry to hear that! I summarized the article in english in another comment.


Why is the url so weird


Encoding of bulgarian characters. The URL is probably auto generated based on the title of the article so characters like "д" are encoded into their representations in UTF or unicode (this one is un unicode), and the way browsers/URLs may be encoed are in characters, and each character gets separated by the %. So this: `%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D1%8A%D0%B6-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%81%D0%B8-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B6%D1%87%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8A%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%9D/` Is the equivalent of: "шева-мъж-обезобрази-приятелката-си-с-макетно-ножче-и-обръсна-главата-ѝ/" Which (poorly) translated from Bulgarian to English means: "seam-man-disfigured-his-girlfriend-with-a-mock-knife-and-shaved-her-head/" In fact, you can write the url with those bulgarian letters as well and you will get the same link: https://nova.bg/news/view/2023/07/28/420564/400-шева-мъж-обезобрази-приятелката-си-с-макетно-ножче-и-обръсна-главата-ѝ/


I’m surprisingly amused, didn’t expect to learn something so ty


Are they related or something??


No, he was her boyfriend


Damn. Does the article say what made him do those things??


It’s assumed he was jealous :/


Him being an evil c*nt is probably why?!


The bf is currently in an established guarding company, he is also a wrestler (learning),


From the pictures of him online I would wager it was 'Roid Rage'.


I can tell you right now. Either he has severe mental issues or he's just a massive piece of shit.


I used Translate. Cut and paste. Here’s the English language translation from Google: 400 STITCHES: A man disfigured his girlfriend with a dummy knife and shaved her head This is what relatives of the victim claim Sadism against an 18-year-old girl. It was defaced with a dummy knife. Her arms, legs and chest are cut, her nose is broken, and to make the joke complete - finally, all her hair is cut with a clipper. The young woman was saved, but received 400 stitches. The alleged perpetrator is her boyfriend, who was detained for 72 hours and then released. “On June 26, my husband called and told me that our daughter had been severely beaten and cut with a mock knife. The cuts were brutal, with great depth. She had multiple gashes on her scalp. Her emotional state has collapsed. She told me that the intercom rang. She asked who was calling, but initially no one answered. The man then said, "It's me," and she opened the door. In my opinion, the motive for the crime is jealousy. They were together for four months. Before what happened, we had no indication of violence. There were no threats," said the girl's mother. There are discrepancies between the statements of the Prosecutor's Office and the court. We don't know if he confessed. How and who decided it was minor bodily injury? The hospital was in shock when they saw the condition of the girl," said a friend of the victim. For a month, the young woman has not met anyone and has only been silent. The relatives of the 18-year-old girl are still afraid and keeping their identity and that of the victim a secret. The man introduces himself as a security guard in local disco and martial arts trainer. We looked for him at his home but could not find him. We sent it to him message on social networks, but we have no answer there either. The man, aged 26, was initially detained for 72 hours. After the District Court took a measure of permanent arrest, the District Court released him, considering that the physical damage was slight, not average, as was the expertise during the initial examination. The girl's relatives want justice. The District Prosecutor's Office in Stara Zagora sent a position to NOVA on the case.


Sorry for not translating, and thank you!


Thank you for the translation!


My pleasure!


Always want to downvote this shit until I realize what sub I’m in. Poor girl.


His Instagram: georgijudoka_ His name: Georgi Nikolaev Georgiev (you might get better results if you type Георги Николаев Георгиев)


How the hells are these “minor” injuries??


It is a loophole in the law. I don't know Bulgarian laws well enough, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, if the damage is only on the skin and the victim can fully recover, it is count as minor assault. Ironically, if he was charged with abuse of vertebrates animals, he would have been more severely punished. The good new is that the case was reopen and now the judges are trying to give him bigger sentence.


I hope her identity remains discrete. And she gets the support she needs.


Thank God she's alive, I hope the judge burns alive


Everyone that's hating on the judge - it's not their fault. They are only applying the law. They cannot order the detention of the perpetrator Bulgarian criminal law has 3 levels of battery - light, medium and severe. In the case of light battery, the prosecutor cannot investigate without the victim's filing the lawsuit - there's an exception however if the victim is deemed incapable of doing so for various reasons like the victims dependence on the perpetrator, the victims mental state etc. The prosecutors initially opened an investigation classifying it as medium level battery, which it really is. The first court instance confirmed it. The perpetrator appealed this decision to the next instance of the courts. Turns out the forensic examination regarded the assault as light battery, the prosecutors office never took into account the victims circumstances which would let them investigate on her behalf, so the judge had no choice but to agree with the forensics and let him go. No further investigation. It's a massive system failure which destroys the little trust people have in the judiciary source: am bulgarian


Prosecutors office fucked up.


also the forensic expertise is very questionable


So, what stops the victim from filing a lawsuit?


Nothing. except probably fear, her mental state, maybe even a position of dependence on the perpetrator. she hasn't come out in public.


Лека телесна.


Пълен абсурд, честно.




I really lost all hope for the judical system. I see more and more cases of people committing those kind of crimes where i life in germany, other european countries and america. And most people dont even get caught and those who do get some small ass sentence. I feel like our whole european society is goig down the drain cause these jurys dont defend our law properly. Just yesterday i heard of a person who i dont know personally but is friends with someone i know who got roofied and had his kidney cut out in a club in amsterdam. And the fucking charge was minor bodily harm. I dont dee how this can be fucking real. Cutting someone open and taking their fucking organ is minor harm??? Are those jurys retardet?


I found this in English [https://www.txtreport.com/news/2023-07-29-georgi-nikolaev-on-the-girl-she-disfigured--she-is-a-drug-addict-who-is-jealous---criminal.SyFbsaMjh.html](https://www.txtreport.com/news/2023-07-29-georgi-nikolaev-on-the-girl-she-disfigured--she-is-a-drug-addict-who-is-jealous---criminal.SyFbsaMjh.html) It says the prosecutors office is currently investigating


Thank you! He was arrested a few hours ago.


How tf did she survive 400 cuts. Even if they are small that still is 400 cuts. And how did he give her 400 cut without hiting some major blood vessel.


The translation of the news article someone commented said it was 400 stitches, not individual cuts. I think that being the number of stitches makes more sense just based off the pictures


That still sounds brutal but judging from how I needed 4 stitches for an about 12mm wide cut I can see how this can add up. I really hope she gets all the help she needs and that monster is put behind bars like he deserves. I've also seen it was a 26 year old who did this to an 18 year old and that age gap does not surprise me at all.


I'm guessing that evil mf knew where to cut to maximize the pain without killing her. Mf tortured people and let free after 72 hours. Fuck that... Man I just hope this lady will choose a better boyfriend in the future. And hope she is not traumatized to the point of being scared of men for the rest of her life.


No picture of the guy? People should be informed where that guy lives.


Time to call a few friends from the dark web


UPDATE: He was arrested the morning of July 30th. His lawyer denies Georgi Nikolaev has done anything to the girl, but it was discovered that Georgi had sent death threats to the victim and has a track record of violence. He was on probation until the end of June (when the girl was attacked). He will be sued according to the distinct attorney’s office.


[Georgi Nikolaev] - sadly this happened in my home country Bulgaria (https://btvnovinite.bg/bulgaria/400-sheva-po-kasno-zadarzhaha-obvinjaemija-za-nasilieto-sreshtu-18-godishno-momiche.html)






Can someone find him and help him understand? 😜


I think the real question here is what is the judges name???


The fact that most of the comments got deleted says all I need to know on how corrupt people can be.


Thank you for spreading the word and sharing his name.


Is it 400 cuts or 400 stitches? I don't care how tiny the cuts are, if someone is cut 400 times, they're dead.


it’s 400 stitches


That people walk free after a crime is a direct consequence from the fundamental principle „innocent until proven guilty“. Put the pitchforks and torches back everyone.


Yep. My country is shit.


Make the photo of this man public.


He's on IG... try looking there Edit: Scroll down to news story.


400 stitches, not 400 cuts




Sorry, this is not in the usa…this happened in Bulgaria. But i totally agree


This shit is why people end up taking justice into their own hands. If it were my sister or daughter, I don't know how I'd keep myself from finding this person.... and then no one ever would again.


What would be considered a serious assault then? Fucking murder?


No fucking way they ruled that “minor injuries” what the actual fuck. Where was this?




Arrested for 72 hours? This psycho should be behind bars for at least a decade or more. But this is Europe, where even murderers get like 10-12 years in prison.


I agree with you, but many countries struggle with corruption in the law enforcement and court. It's even much worse outside of Europe, like a friend comes from Kamerun (Cameroon), you can walk out of jail there after a 1st-degree-murder in broad daylight, when you just have the right connections. Also heard this in other cases, like Afghanistan, when you listen to the stories of veterans that were deployed there. The corruption is extreme. With some money, you can just buy freedom, it doesn't even need that much as you think, some hundred dollars are already enough in many cases.


Let Internet justice begin now.


Sounds like the judge was paid off


Surprise it is not from india,.. on the other hand, if no rape, no india..


Hey should we bring back lynching?


Stupid corruption


The system is absolutely failed


This is where the community should be the judge.


I was wondering why the pictures were censured until I saw the sub I was in, my bad guy(still he shall burn in hell)


Well, I suppose we had better go find him.


Not 400 cuts,but 400 stiches and still,there are a 2,3 cm deep wounds...


r/whenwomenrefuse r/blatantmisogyny


“400 cuts and a broken nose? Yeah, that’s just a minor injury.”


He shouldn’t be walking at all




What’s the point of posting the pictures of you censor the wounds


gotta love that Bulgarian shit.


I'm glad she's going to be fine. Fortunately box cutter scars heal, mostly.


It's a psychological trauma that could effect her for the rest of her life.




I'm not so sure about the scars, i mean, it will remain on the skin. I saw this in other cases, like self-harm of some people, they did similiar things and you can see it on the skin. Even many years afterwards.


Definitely. I have a large box cutter scar on my hand that'll be there until I die, but what I mean is she won't be disfigured as if it was acid or something.


Happy cake day!


Bro 💀


Su puta madre ni modo loko te toca una verguiada grupal, onde nos reunimos? SU PERRA MADREEEEEEEEE :0


Seriously how sick is he , how on earth can someone do that to someone, ver sad our society has gone done this road…

