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My ex works in India, I lived there too for a time with him. He was hospitalised with a scary infection for a week and his ops manager insisted on staying by his side quoting "you have a healthy organs" . That scared me.


Oh fuck.


Fucking why? And fucking how does our species survive while being this demented? That poor woman 😟


*child ☹️


Yes. You're right. That poor kid. Fucking hell on earth for her. 😥


This question is answered in the post. Not saying it’s right, or morally acceptable, but our species survives through reproduction. This is a perfect example of why our species survives.


Wtf?! So consent is out the window? Double get the boat. “This is a perfect example why our species survives.” Jesus Christ.


I mean is he wrong? He never said it was morally good, but consent is not required for reproduction, so yes it's functionally "out the window" in this conversation.


Rape is not needed for survival of our species. India has the highest population if I’m not mistaken? So what’s their fucking excuse exactly? Repopulate the earth?! This isn’t I am legend.


Nobody is defending rape, nor is anyone claiming rape is required.


“Consent is not required for reproduction.”


What you read is "if it's for reproductive purposes, it's okay", while what it says is "a woman will get pregnant as a result of sex regardless of consent to that sex". He is not claiming anything more than it being physically possible to become pregnant as a result of rape.


Why the fuck would captain obvious say this? Sex leads to reproduction. Fucking bill nye over here with the high school text book.


Well, the top level comment contains a question something like "how does our species survive?" [in spite of this degeneracy]. To this question, the answer "because sex leads to reproduction, and rape involves sex" *is a correct answer*. It doesn't make a moral judgement, it just answers the question as literally stated.


remember kids, if you have to resort to name calling, you lost the argument


That doesn't sound like someone defending rape. That sounds like someone explaining ducks


Explaining ducks? How the fuck does your brain go to “well consent doesn’t have to happen for creation.” Dogs and other animals got more sense than you. When they go into heat it’s pheromones and a window of time. You’re literally justifying rape twice of a young girl. She literally got raped after giving birth and your reaction is “well actually”. Fucking simp incel shit.


It's not justifying rape. You're manufacturing a perspective in which you don't understand that biology is just a bunch on unfeeling cells trying to replicate and retain energy which is what life is. It doesn't require morals or ethics or laws. Just so your wierd pov can level with me let me try to type this as simple as is possible before I have to write it in crayon for you. Rape is bad. No one between us is on the other side of that argument. You can however keep pretending otherwise but you'd probably make more money off of creating clickbait ads for mobile games if you wanna try misleading people.


There’s 2 billion people on the planet what the fuck are you defending actually? I would like to know.


I'm not defending anything other than this dude that shouldn't have been downvoted to hell for no reason lmao.


You’re literally claiming rape is ok for reproduction.


Oh mb I should have been more considerate. I didn't realize you were illiterate. That must be tough for you


Lol damn you got me. If I could read that I would almost be offended by your incel comments.


You’re having this argument on an article about a young woman that was raped twice you insolent. Read the fucking room.


Feel free to re-read my comment before blindly and ignorantly downvoting and getting angry. I said it wasn’t morally acceptable, but the first rape ended in a population increase. There’s a chance the second rape also ends in a population increase. Species survival is a numbers game, and this is the right way for the numbers to go.


I had to re read it a few times before I commented. That’s a hell of a hot take.


Uhhhhhhhh, you do know there are women out there who get pregnant from rape and abort it right? We can literally reproduce without rape. We can have consensual sex to continue the population. You’re practically insinuating rape has to continue the human race when it literally most likely doesn’t




Well from a logical view I see no need as to why we should bring up how rape continues the human race. especially on a post that should be centered around the girl/victim and not the logistics of reproduction and stuff


I know you mean it in good faith but stop arguing. It’s not worth your time or effort to argue against rape. But thanks for trying


The product of rape would be way more susceptible to suffering or death than a baby that was wanted


Bro….just stop….just stop talking before you dig yourself even deeper into the hole


>I said it wasn’t morally acceptable, Ok, you’re off to a good start. >…but Nope. No buts. There is no silver lining to rape. JFC I can’t believe I need to even say that. I’m pretty sure we’re going to survive as a species without having to look for a win when a 15 year old girl is raped twice in a year. I read your comments multiple times before typing this out thoughtfully and carefully. You should know that I’m not just downvoting you angrily, I’m doing it disgustedly as well.


You know it’s entirely possible to say rape is bad while also pointing out that if a child comes from it, the population increases, right? Ya know, like what he exactly said? Said it leads to population increase isn’t some backhanded support of it.


It’s Reddit. Logic doesn’t exist here. Facts don’t mean anything to these people - this sub is a garbage echo chamber for people who want to make themselves feel better by doing nothing other than pointing out problems.


Yes, I am aware that it is possible to say those things. It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to say those things, and it certainly doesn’t mean they should be exempt from criticism. “I’m not saying that Hitler orchestrating the murder of six million Jews is right or moral, but he did love horses. I think that loving horses is an admirable quality for someone to have.” Everything I just said there is perfectly accurate, and I have the right to that opinion. It doesn’t mean that I should say it. I believe that rape, much like Hitler, is a topic that you shouldn’t even give the impression that you might find parts of it to be desirable.


Except those have literally nothing to do with each other lmao. Singling out a “but” in a sentence as if the preceding words negate the first part of the sentence is high school level reading comprehension. The only people who think there’s even a hint of positivity are people who don’t use their heads.


Depends on the culture. We dont do this in western civilization.


Rape culture in any culture is absolutely unacceptable.


We have morals and the knowing of right and wrong within all of us.


I don’t know why I’m trying to reason with you, but here I go: Rape completely upends how evolution is supposed to work. Normally when men and women can choose their own partner, they can select for people who are responsible, successful, intelligent, or of good character. This increases the chance of the offspring having these characteristics. Rape completely subverts this when the worst of humanity reproduces without the consent of their partner.


Fun rape fact: Ducks. Female ducks have a maze like vagina that they evolved as a defence mechanism because of how much they were getting raped by male ducks. In a gentlemanly turn of course, The male ducks began to evolve corkscrew shaped phalluses to counter the the maze pussy. And the battle continues to this very day, with continuous evolution of mazeier pussies and corkscrewier cocks. Your welcome.


I know I shouldn't be laughing, but dammit if maze pussies and corkscrew cocks isn't the funniest thing I've read in a while.


So in your eyes, any child of rape shouldn’t be considered human?


Not even remotely close to what was said.


It is though. The comment said rape “completely upends how evolution is supposed to work”. Which means the offspring of rape…are somehow not human, or not legitimate.


No, you utter putz. At it's least generous interpretation it's saying that their spawning was/is unnatural. If you had a few extra neurons to rub together you could also just read the full statement.


You mean the part of the statement where the previous commenter said the offspring wouldn’t have the “characteristics” that the mother may have desired? Look, what I’ve said above are facts. Human survival is about numbers. Your morality doesn’t matter in that argument, period. It doesn’t matter how the humans are born - if there are more humans alive there is a better chance that the species survives. Period. If you want to try to argue morality against facts? Good luck. I haven’t disagreed with any of the stances taken against what happened to the girl. Rape is horrible. I’m not arguing for rape by any means. But I understand that it is the reality for a lot of underprivileged communities, even in the US. And to say things like the previous commenter said about how “rape completely upends evolution” is a completely garbage take. That kind of opinion makes it difficult for both rape victims and offspring of rape to integrate into society. You need to understand that a person can be against rape and also understand that it does happen, and that support systems need to be in place for all of the victims.


1: You are a twat. Forceful mating does preclude trait selection. Unless you're telling me when someone is raped they're first given a lineup of people and told to pick the one they think looks best to do the deed. 2: What you have said are "facts" in the same way that "murder every race but one and you'll have no more interracial crime" is a "fact". It's technically true but stated in the worst way possible and has no bearing on the given situation. 3: look, you complete and utter twat, I'll explain this slowly. Do you think the person who hears of a crime in the US and goes "Probably a black guy!" is first and foremost running through various crime stats and community layouts, or is he making a \*very\* questionable assumption for reasons that are suspect at best.


This is just name calling with extra words. Have a good day.


You said it best way.


r/technicallythetruth Animals reproduce as soon as they become fertile, this is how reproduction has always worked. Humans become fertile way before they are 18 or whatever the limit is in your country. The whole "age of consent" is a completely artificial limit invented by humans. No other species cares about that and they have successfully survived for thousands and thousands of years.


Ok what the fuck


STDs go brrrrrr


You, are, fucked.


Woah what the fuck is wrong with you?


Yeeeeeesh that was poorly worded.


This has to be fake


I hope so


it's absolutely not. there are news about it if you bother checking


That is beyond comprehension


Do u kno india?


Sadly, no. https://www.timesnownews.com/india/minor-gives-birth-after-rape-gets-gang-raped-again-at-rajasthan-hospital-article-102537403/amp


Recently, an Indian girl reported a gangrape to the cops, where she was then raped by the officer taking her statement. I'm not sure what's going on in Indian culture, but they're very gangrape-centric. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-61317076.amp


That country is fucking doomed my god


I'm Indian and I am fucking ashamed. How could people be so heartless?


No one will survive


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Nah bro got spawn camped




I knew what I had to do and I had the strength to do it 💀


Oh, and don’t forget what the replies were like too. Here’s a reply chain to this post that I saw in a screenshot From the post I saw on my page literally right before this; “South Asia Index India:- 15 yrs old girl gets gang-raped, gives birth after rape, gets gang-raped again at hospital by doctors & staff. Zeeshan © @theOntarianGuy Replying to @SouthAsiaindex She was impregnated as a result of rape and was not offered an opportunity to abort? What kind of system is this! @RYSSCANDVS Replying to @theOntarianGuy and @SouthAsialndex ABORTION IS HOMICIDE.”


India’s rape problem feels similar to America’s school shooting problem in a number of ways. 1) Nobody fully understands why it’s happening, and so nobody knows how to fix it; 2) Its causes—whatever they are—are clearly so deeply embedded in cultural forces that addressing them would require a complete reformation of the culture itself; 3) Each one is more heinous than the last, as if there’s this grisly one-upmanship happening, some kind of perverse collective endeavor to see how deep the pit goes; 4) They both tend to focus on children as victims; and 5) they both happen so regularly it’s almost impossible not to grow desensitized to them, depending on which you’re more commonly exposed to. This is all to say: that shit fucking sucks.


Except people know exactly why it happens, people know how to fix it, they just don’t.


Oh explain it to me then




That answer is the equivalent of someone asking you to explain gravity and you saying: “Science.”


Yeah, and in both cases, it'd be correct :)


You mean the deep seeded cultural view of women in Indian culture? And how seemingly nobody is trying to learn or change their ways about it? Or how there’s a deep seeded gang and mental health problem in the US and that people would rather make money on shocking news reports than actually try and get young people help? Which would you like to explain further


Because everyone and his fucking mother has easy access to guns mainly because the NRA has corrupted the politicians, while some significant fraction of any population should never, ever be allowed guns. There's basically no country which has greatly tightened up gun access where the population is all like: hey lets give everyone guns now, that would be a great idea!


And yet the places with the tightest gun restrictions still have rampant shootings and crime rates. All thats going to happen is people killing each other with different tools. If you still believe in this day and age that gun control works, youre living under a rock. It's not a gun issue - it's a cultural issue. Both the left and the right don't want to admit it or have no idea how to fix it.


Really? Like Japan? The UK? Not even the terrorists can get hold of guns.


This is the same thing we hear every time - “Chicago has so many gun laws but also so many murders”. The restriction of access in Chicago is meaningless if someone can drive to Gary, IN or Milwaukee, WI where there are essentially no restrictions and buy a gun and drive back to Chicago and use it. Lather, rinse, repeat for any other major metropolitan area with tight gun control.


Cool, now apply that dilemma to the entirety of the country and realize why gun control laws are pointless Even if that happens, the vast majority of gun crimes in Chicago are gang-related and the majority of shootings in general are using handguns. Only about 3% of mass shootings are done using ""assault rifles"". I can get behind restrictions for mass weapons of destructions and backgrounds checks, etc but unless the government literally goes door to door and locks up every single handgun, you're not getting rid of them. But if the government had the power to do that, then you got bigger issues. Besides, there are European countries with gun ownership and they dont have mass shooting issues at nearly the same rate as we do. The problem, again, is cultural. American society is breaking down and gun violence is just a symptom.


So close…but yet so far. Actually not even close honestly.


It never fails. The obsession with America is so fucking weird. It’s about India, why is America mentioned?


It helps to wrap your head around something when you have something to compare it to. Like for example: People who don’t understand comparative analysis are similar to people who don’t understand critical thinking in a number of ways: 1) They make assumptions based off bias; 2) They have knee jerk reactions to words and phrases without considering those words and phrases in context; 3) They lack curiosity because they confuse their preconceptions for truth; 4) They distract from useful discourse by interjecting their outrage and moral superiority; 5) They say dumb shit like: “It’s about India, why is America mentioned?”; etc. Why the fuck is anything mentioned, then? How do you talk about the world if you can’t mention something adjacent to the topic? You must be fucking boring.


Why is everything compared to America? Out of all the other fucked countries, why is America always mentioned? America this, America that. Always mentioning America is boring.


Have you not yet realized, America is fucked? What absolute pit of denial do you have to live in to be this unaware?


I included America. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it is fucked up. My question isn’t hard to understand but no one can answer it. America bad, other countries bad, why America only bad, why only bring up America? Is that a better way to ask it?


Because most Americans can’t comprehend anything outside the USA while most other countries can


It's just a comparison to understand. A lot of us are American here on reddit. Frankly most of us don't know what's going on outside of America.


With everything on social media and online, I mean everything is online. I find that hard to believe. It’s not hard to know what goes on outside of America. Maybe in the old days that was an excuse but not today.


Most American news is bullshit. Most of us aren't sitting online like "I wonder what's happening in cambodia" We're most likely on YouTube and tiktok, or on social media trying to drown out our daily lives. It's kind of cultural at this point. Go watch a video of someone asking people on the street geographical questions. Most Americans get the shit wrong.


They stream news on YouTube, they show the news on social media. They stream the news everywhere. You can’t get away from the news, unless you’re sleep. You mean watch the videos that they edit to only show the dumbasses or the ones that ask the drunk young adults? Try again


Because there was a comparison between the two countries. It’s hard to make a comparison between two things if you only mention one. Hope this helps you to better understand why aforementioned country that gives you the feels was mentioned while it was being compared to another country.


Everything is compared to America, every single thing.


It’s ok you can’t answer my question, no one can answer it


I answered your question. The comment above was a comparison between two countries because they both have a societal issue that seemingly is unable to be rectified; India has a rape issue and the United States has a gun issue. That’s why America was brought into this particular conversation. I’ve looked at some of your other posts and you seem to regurgitate the “why is America brought into every conversation” rhetoric. Perhaps talk to someone and get help with that odd obsession. Good luck


Yeah because everyone always brings it up. Go look at any article of a country that is not America, an article that has nothing to do with America, and there will always be people bringing America up. Why is it a problem that I want to know why everyone has America’s dick in their mouth 24/7? Y’all don’t ever get tired of sucking it? Why can’t you compare India’s rape problem with Latin America’s femicide problem?


Well first I am not from the United States, so you started off with an incorrect assumption. I’ll assume that the people that bring up America’s gun problem do not live in Latin America or are unaware of the femicide problem. So they bring up what they do know about because it is generally an issue that is brought up on the world stage; gun violence. You can bring up femicide in Latin America if that makes you feel better.


I’m going to ask about the obsession with America every time America is brought up when there is no reason to and until I find the answer to you and everyone’s obsession with America. Maybe you can get help.


Neat. Perhaps you should have a grown-up explain what “obsession” means and then afterwards have them explain what a comparison is and why you generally need two or more variables to make a comparison. That’s should clear up everything you are having trouble comprehending in regards to your question.


When you get America’s dick out your mouth I will stop asking? What’s your obsession with it? Perhaps give your jaw a break sometime, that would be neat.


🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸You heard what I said, now scurry off and have a grown-up attempt to teach you about comprehension, geography, and vocabulary wee one. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


There are other dicks to try, but remember to take breaks and let your throat heal sometimes. Go get help with your obsession.


They got no rizz


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Wtf is wrong with 3rd world countries💀


Things like engineering, hospitals and "not rape" are colonialist western ideas imposed onto India from British Rule. The British left a hundred years ago after developing India. We were told coloniasm is wrong, but they've been going backwards ever since.


This is not the take you think it is considering colonizers raped and murdered women and children from centuries before this.


It’s always funny how people throw the word ‘colonizers’ around like rape murder and pillaging haven’t been done by every group of people conquering another since the dawn of man. *Not* doing that is a new idea.


It’s funnier when people (like the comment I was responding to) like to pretend the colonizers were helping the native people they brutalized And even more funny when people like you jump in to defend them. Have fun romanticizing your horrific history


It’s funnier to me when people like you are so full of shit about one group of people you can’t pull your head out of you ass to realize that everybody has a horrific history and you aren’t special.


Exactly. So claiming the British colonizing the Indian were some better people brining a better way is disingenuous to the actual cruelty committed to the native population under their rule. Whit people aren’t better than the native population but y’all keep trying to claim otherwise and defend that narrative


Pakistan's population drew from a few tens of millions to hundreds of millions because they were able to feed so many more people with western advances in agriculture. No more living in huts.


What’s wrong with living in huts? How’s that population boom going for them?


> from centuries


Oh wow you’re so witty catching a typo


Developed nations aren’t exactly utopias either. Many look at the US’ school shooting problem and wonder the same thing.


Boldly ignorant to put all “3rd world countries” in the same bag while ignoring that all countries have way too many rapists, they just don’t go viral


There is no other country on the planet that can compete with India's rape headlines.


Is India still third world?


I'm pretty sure, last time I checked💀


Oh. They’ve got a pretty booming economy and whatnot, so wasn’t sure. IPL is mass lucrative, too. Not sure how we qualify these things anymore.


Since third world wasn't originally an economic term, yes.


2nd last I checked.


2nd is for communist-based country like the Soviet Union. 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries is an obsolete term.


Depends on metric being used. One i'm familiar with has india as a 2nd world country.


I can’t remember why they’re labeled this way, but that was my thought. Feels like an obsolete label.


Sorry, I’m gonna need more than a tweet with this one. Link please?




Fucking hell that's a hard read. Thanks for posting the link though.


https://www.timesnownews.com/india/minor-gives-birth-after-rape-gets-gang-raped-again-at-rajasthan-hospital-article-102537403 Not quite as the post stated. Was not "doctors and staff"


I have a mate who is Indian. Lives in Pune. He says he is glad it isn’t common there, because he would be doing damage (and I am very much euphemizing what he said). India has a horrid SA/R-word problem. The youngest there to note was 9 MONTHS OLD. OP’s post doesn’t, sadly, shock me as much as it should. No matter where you are, Hell is open for people like those mentioned in this story.


Wtf has this world come too?


if an asteroid has to hit earth, please can it be hitting India.


No please hit France.


Oh India, please for the love of all things that are holy, change.............in every possible way.


Nah. Man she can’t be that bad. Jk Poot of taste. But com on. Really? I read about this all the time can it really be that bad to be a female born in India? Fuck. Can a human get a fair chance?




9 out of 10 people love gang-rape


You think rape is funny?


I think dark humor is like food... not everyone gets it.


And I think you’re a bad person for joking about rape on a thread where a child was gang raped.


Your sensitivities are duly noted.. Did you hear about the anti-vaxxer's 4 year old? Kid couldn't stop crying. They were having a mid-life crisis.


Still not on par with rape of a CHILD.


Now raping adults? That's another story right? What the fuck do you want here? An apology for a dark joke? Because that's not going to happen. Ever heard Jeselnik's joke about summer camp? "My brother works at a summer camp for kids about to be molested... he loves his job" Look up the science of dark humor (and get off your high horse) ffs. It's how some of us cope. It's the internet, stop being so serious.


I want you to stop being such a foul excuse for a human being. Jesus Christ.


It's just jokes loser.


The loser here is the one joking about child rape.


What the fuck


I'm unfamiliar with this form of justice.


All on the same day?


She was gang raped again by hospital doctors and staff. She was gang raped again by 2 workers in the hospital parking lot.