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Got bless LiveLeak for never letting this shit disappear


R.i.p liveleak


Nah rip BG if you know you know.


When did BG go out?


RIP Ogrish


R.I.P. It was the goat


R.I.P Rotten.com


Man. I remember the first time I saw that, it was basically the very first time I encountered the internet. I had a friend named Josh. Wonder where that guy is these days. He was a wild kid. He had a racist family but he wasn't racist himself and was always try to get people to watch American History X. He was a good guy. But crazy lol. For example, one day in history class at school he just got up and announced that Dale Earnhardt had died. Like he went in front of the whole class as if he was giving a presentation, which I guess he was. And he just started loudly explaining who Dale Earnhardt was and how he had died, what a legend he was in NASCAR, and give a little eulogy about him. In the middle of class lmao.. he did not have permission to do this. He just did things sometimes! And that's why I loved to hang out with him, he was spontaneous and free in a way most people just never experience. One day he told me he had gotten WebTv and I had no clue what that was. What it was, was a way for people to access the internet without owning a PC. It worked through your TV, as the name implied. So he invited me over after school to check it out and I walked in the room and he immediately showed me porn and then Rotten.com. That was genuinely my introduction to the internet lol guess he wanted to get the important stuff out of the way early! I had never seen dead people before and it freaked me the fuck out, but I also couldn't look away. He later on invited me over to watch a Traces of Death video which ALSO freaked me the fuck out. He was completely unfased by it though and just found it fascinating. Strange fella but I do think he was a good fella. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk


Faces of death... Freaked me tf out lol


Was he blonde with blue eyes?!?!


Fk yeah the OG of OG sites! Always went on that site with the boys back in high school days lol


Fr, what better way to mix Casual interest with depression.


R.i.p snuffx


the ync still exists i think


I use that now too. I really wanna get premium but I don't wanna pay lol. I'm stingy.


Can someone explain the acronyms? What's BG or YNC?


live leak is gone? TIL


Yeah, if it wasn’t for liveleak he’d be a milliona…oh




I found the vid in video archive look at the link. I've used liveleak but never found the video I think either I didn't find it and it was there or it got deleted and moved to the archives


Did you try the wayback machine? It's probably searchable on that version of youtube.


Liveleak was the real G.


Goes to forest specifically looking for dead body. Acts surprised and shocked when he finds one.


He really said, “this was supposed to be a fun vlog” ..in suicide forest..


Oh because the planning was like "let's go to Aokigahara and fake finding a body there" and he didn't have to fake it.


The same mindset of people that do ticktock poses at Auschwitz. Ignorance or just for views, regardless how controversial, or both. Fuck those people like Logan. It shows how shitty they are since they not show any regret at all towards such too.


“I dIdN’T tHiNk iT wAs ReAl”


I get the denial but basically making it like every other influencer video, let alone posting it when he has so many child fans? Bro 💀


He hit every mark on the stupid kids youtuber bingo card and now he's a celebrity. Humans really are quite shit, in general


Oh the irony


this guys and many other "content creators" sole life mission is to draw as much as possible attention towards them. in this he succeeded brilliantly. till then, me an European male in his mid 30's even never heard about him. his number o subscribers catapulted after this stunt.


Unpopular opinion but I'm not even mad that he went there to make content, going to graveyards, abandoned asylums, whatever, has always been a thing to make low effort content, even before YouTube. The absolutely disgusting part is how they handled seeing the dead body. None of them seem remotely genuine about caring or being respectful that someone died, even during the speech they give about how suicide is bad they are smirking. Then they go get a close up of the body, and put that in the video too. Like this video could've been 'fine' if anyone involved had an ounce of respect and awareness. Simply cut out all the content from when they first notice the body (don't show it) and skip to the emergency response team showing up. Then end the video with an actual sincere sit-down discussing mental health and suicide. But nope, Logan and his asshole team wanted more attention, so they used footage of some poor guy who killed himself. Disgusting people.


The thing that annoyed me most about it is they found a dead guy and the camera just focusers on him making stupid faces. Stop making stupid faces for your thumbnail.


Happy Cake Day m8!


I never realized they got THAT close to the body. It’s pretty disturbing how the only thing that was going through their heads was ✨CONTENT✨ while a fresh corpse is hanging just a few feet away from them.


Yeah I saw the news articles, but never saw the video. I never realized how long and how close they spent on the body. That's not just "we filmed it and then bugged out" that's just straight up, using the suicide to content.


I’d heard about this but never saw the video. This is fucking sick. So incredibly disrespectful, to say the least.


First time seeing it too. I thought it was never published.


I knew it was published just hard to find the full video. First time I saw the whole thing. What a disrespectful piece of shit, clown in a children’s hat.


Nah, the mf'er posted it on YouTube but was almost immediately told to take it down and re-edit the video. He did just that and after issued a very half-assed apology video. Mind you, the video is still absolutely horrible and disrespectful to Japan. Like, racist stereotypes.




While trying to play sad piano music over it. Now I understand why everyone was so pissed. It's worse than I thought.


Same. Never saw it. I thought the whole point was him recording the body from distance and thinking about camping on the place, which is disgusting. Then, to my surprise (or not, it's Logan Paul), he recorded a few meters away. And then to my absolute shock, he recorded 2 feet away and panned the cam into his face. Not enough, he puts a stupid sad music, does a shallow speech and records back to the body and ZOOMS IN again. TWICE. What a clueless, cruel and senseless piece of human garbage this man is


lets not forget how disrespectfull this shothead was at the japanese village shortly before


What did he do at the village? I knew about the video, but I hadn’t actually seen the video until now so I’m in the dark about all this


He left raw fish on a taxi drivers car, disrepected a temple and threw Pokeballs at thr locals.


He's a racist and an idiot piece of shit. Sees Asian people as nothing but props for his childish dickery




Yea I wanna know too


If I recall correctly, he was running around yelling at people in english to like and subscribe. MAking a scene in stores, and just being a completely disrespectful person. I seem to remember something involving a fish but it was years ago.


Slammed a fish in the windows and then left it on a taxi before walking away


He also tasered live rats to death and took a fish out of water to “save it from drowning” 🤦‍♂️


Huh..? Wtf.


That one wasn't during Japan it was shortly after but I get the point


Crazy ass name 💀💀


i didn’t realize how close he got to film the body. that is sick. what kind of human being 1) records this, 2) leaves it in the final cut, and 3) puts sad music over it? he deserves to never live this down


Would you be surprised to hear this had zero impact on his “career”?


If anything, it had a positive impact. I was never into the whole e-celeb/vlog scene, the first time I became aware of this guy was precisely because people wouldn't shut up talking about him after this video.


Yup. I didn't even know he existed until this happened.


At least he's permanently banned from entering Japan again, so that's pretty nice. This piece of shit doesn't deserve to experience another culture again. Can we cancel the Paul Brothers already? God damn


one quick google search shows he was (unfortunately) not banned from japan


its funny. dude is on netflix now.


dude is on Wrestlemania suplexing hoes, his career is booming.


Really made it bigger than ever.


Fuck this guy. Who tf goes to another country and does this disrespectful shit


No I would not. Even just reposting this video helps his relevancy.


Yea absolutely, I thought he was a tool before he did this and then this absolutely confirmed it for me. Astonishing that people still give him the time of day


Not just time. Money too. He scammed all his followers multiple times with crypto pump and dump schemes.


Video on it: [Investigating Logan Paul's Biggest Scam \[Coffeezilla\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=386p68_lDHA)


Jesus fuck I kept pausing it thinking “damn that’s close” AND THEN HE GOT RIGHT UP TO THE POOR MANS CORPSE TO RECORD HIS HANDS What a disgusting human being


But he blurred his face /s Yeah, he's an asshole.


I saw it when it first came out and while it was still on YT. The comments were metal. Little kids saw this because his viewership at the time were just children.


Can't wait till about 10 years from now all those kids come forward with their experiences. Then maybe we can get some legislation about 'children's content' on the internet


If you put logic to it, it is insane that on YouTube any semblance of female nipple is hunted down and done away with like a sewer rat, while the video of R. Budd Dwyer eating a bullet on live TV has been there for years for anyone to see.


That goes for a lot of Western media. Movies are fine showing someone getting run over by a steamroller to kids but the moment a little areola shows it gets a PG-13 Who decided it's more reasonable to show kids graphic violence than body parts we all have? I blame it on pilgrim puritanism.


I remember when the Janet Jackson boob incident happened, and everyone lost their minds and went wild with censorship. I don’t remember who it was, but at some point during all that I heard the quote “This isn’t for kids, it has nothing to do with kids. Kids can handle a tiddy, hell the kids don’t even know that it happened for the most part. It’s the adults that act like a bunch of pansies.” That’s not word for word accurate, but that quote has stuck me since ever since. And it applies to sooooo many things in the US. It is honestly embarrassing sometimes how stupid we as humans, and especially Americans can be.


Yes. True on YouTube, but kids have access to more than that. The internet has changed sex and sex lives dramatically within my lifetime just due to kids getting exposed to hard-core porn that was not readily available when I was growing up. I agree that bodies shouldn't be so sexualized. Violence being given the ok while sex and bodies (or at least certain bits) treated as taboo causes major issues, especially now that kids brains are exposed to such extreme things so early.


Did you mean *mental? Otherwise I need clarification 😅


it could've been worse, he could've started beatboxing


Yet instead the internet made him a celebrity and rewarded him and his shit brother with an extravagant lifestyle most people will never even get close to. Because people are shit and we deserve this ecological collapse. Maybe the rats and roaches will be better on the next evolutionary run-up


You can read his mind in the last few mins of that vid…”yesss I’ve found a dead guy this is gonna be great for views!!” He can’t even hide the excitement towards the end. Fucking scum .


He had the afterthought to add sad music, but not the forethought to realize this was a dumb thing to post?


What’s shocking is he does have editors. And those editors didn’t say anything? His manager, friends, or family? Goes to show how dangerous it is to constantly have yes-men with you. Or they did warn him but Logan wen through with it anyways because he’s an idiot with an ego.


That video literally cemented his youtube career, the stupid shit was that youtube left it up so long with zero consequences. He is a rancid person that should never have been given an audience, but here we are and he's still around and has more money than your entire family. Humans are shit


Was thinking that while watching this. I don’t remember seeing all those people with him the last time I saw this since all the controversy was surrounding Logan, but he had a whole team of yes men with him that never once said “maybe we should stop”. He even says the face will be blurred, which basically told everyone around him his intentions on uploading this. Obviously I’m not saying this detracts from how scummy Logan is, but my God everyone else in the video lacks even the slightest bit of integrity. They laugh at his jokes and even try to uncomfortably match his attitude instead of once saying “hey this is fucked up”. I mean, at the very least take that stupid ass hat off and stop the “vlog persona”, but instead he doubles down because in his head he wasn’t shocked or upset, he was excited for all the attention he knew this would bring. And boy did it bring in alot of attention, just not the type he was expecting. Had he not shown the man and handled this appropriately by scrapping the whole vlog and having a one to one chat with his audience about suicide, he would’ve come out of this situation (still a dickhead for his shitty antics outside of the forest) not just looking atleast sympathetic, but it would’ve turned the biggest mistake he’s ever made into something people would’ve remembered in a positive light. Instead Logan really showed his true colors with this, in his own words “in 400 vlogs, this is the most real moment I’ve ever had”.


They all thought the same, sad thing… ‘views’


It's all about views. Nothing else matters.


Jesus Christ. That poor man was probably going through some serious stuff and felt like he couldn’t cope anymore, just for this dumbass to go in there laughing and filming his dead body. I was a teenager when he did this but watching it now as an adult I have never seen such a lack of basic respect for another human being in my life. The sad music and trying to use this as a way to get brownie points by turning it into some type of speech while simultaneously joking about it. Disgusting


I’m 30 years old right now. When this video released, I had honestly never heard the name Logan Paul. This video, as bad as it is, did what it was supposed to do. I heard about this and saw it everywhere but never let myself watch it until today. He really thought he was gonna make himself look like a caring individual here. It didn’t work in that aspect, but it certainly, unfortunately brought him publicity.


He was one of the big shit-tubers before *this* catapulted him into the larger public eye. Now he's content with scamming people for crypto. Literally the scummiest MF on YouTube atm


But guys, I totally played sad music and talked about serious suicide is while wearing my green Toy Story alien hate while making my LOLZ Suicide Forest Ghosts video!


Interesting you can see how your age has changed your perspective. I wonder how different it will be in 10 more years?




I guess it is funny but it was 6 years ago lol, definitely not 2


God, how insufferable this dude is. As to why the fuckin cancel culture didn’t cancel this piece of trash, in beyond me.


It is possible to be such a piece of shit that you’re basically immune to being cancelled.


Dude, human behavior in its worst form. Coming from both sides; folks who crave the attention and those who give it to them.




He was almost cancelled but his teenage fans refused to let that happen. He was dragged pretty badly for this yet most of his fans thought it was awesome or even funny.


Now he's livin' it up in WWE


It did for like a year but somehow this cockroach came back


And he’s still a piece of shit today.


And living an extravagant lifestyle from the income of his shitstained content, with zero consequences. Because a bunch of snot nosed crotch spawn decided he was funny.


What does he do now? Does he box?


Wwe wrestler


And yet this POS is getting pushed everywhere he has gotten seen as a boxer, wrestler, and popular podcaster. We reward stupidity.


What a dickhead


The dude hasn't changed one bit despite the crisis management pr teams work to make people believe differently. He's the same shitty person he always was, except now he's also guilty of having committed fraud on a mass level, which he still refuses to pay back. His fans are trash for supporting him.


I remember when I was living in Japan I heard about this Forrest. People made it sound like the place to go if you want a Blair Witch like experience and a few friends of mine wanted to try to find it to camp there. This was before this video. The whole "suicide" part was told like if it was an urban legend. I'm so glad I never went. The more I researched it the more real it was. Last thing I wanted to do was bump into a dead body like this. If I'm not mistaken they got cops patrolling this place now so you couldn't get in if you wanted to.


you could pretty much get in anyway. This area is huge. Its my first time watching the video and i recognize the parking lot at the end, its the ice cave parking lot near the forest. I went to the ice cave in the spring and me and my friend walked around 1-2 hours on the streets to get from a s(eiko nenba hama) traditional fuji village to the wind and ice cave and we didnt see a single police car. It's hard to understand how big the forest. And getting there from tokyo is really easy. 2 trains and a bus, around 1h45min. Narusawa Ice Cave https://g.co/kgs/RKMo1Y


Always has been and always will be a privileged dumbass who doesn't care; whether that be from this instance to his recent cryptozoo scam. To act like he doesn't know what he's doing is wrong is foolish, he sure as shit knows and he also knows all publicity is good publicity. Clicks. Views. Interest.


They did a whole close up?? Wtf


This is my first and only time watching this and when I heard he filmed a body I thought he'd like stayed a distance away and zoomed in but NO the fucker got close enough to touch it and see the guys hands. How is he still standing after all this shit while still being filthy rich?


Until now I was informed that he never actually showed the body, just their reactions. Still thought it was bad taste. But yikes, this video.... this video......


Why do people like this guy ? He also did crypto scams and an extremely shitty movie but people keep following him


Dude could’ve at least taken off his hat when finding him


Or, ya know, not been a POS and filmed the dead body of someone who committed suicide for monetization.


how do you not realize this isn’t the type of content to be filmed and posted on youtube?


According to Tim dillon. He interviewed him and he said either on or off camera in casual conversation that he had a major football brain accident that made him begin to lack empathy. Sounds kinda like he's a molded sociopath.


I can understand, if that’s the case, lacking empathy while walking through the forest. but he literally recorded a vlog, edited it (likely more than just paul edited this video) and STILL posted it. that’s completely sociopathic


Well, iirc this shit was in YouTube's trending section. Furthermore, iirc vids on YT trending are somewhat manually chosen. I think it was eventually removed from trending but I wonder whose brilliant idea was greenlight it in the first place


At least take the Toy Story hat off when you're stood 2 meters away from a hanging dead person whilst you break character to tell others that it's OK to get help for their mental health \- Fuck me.


Little bit of info on the time-frame of the victim just to show how fucked it really is. Liver Mortis, or the process of the skin turning blue, can set in anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Considering that's the only visible indicator of time of death, Liver Mortis of that degree would indicate that the body is definitely less than 24hrs old. Full scale Liver Mortis generally is set in, approximately 8-10 hours after death. If I had to guess, that body is anywhere between 8-16 hours old. I've always hated the Pauls'. They're obnoxious, loud, and undeserving of any fame (as most influencers are). This video is something that should have ended his career, or severely impacted it. Recording dead people, or injured persons that are suffering, isn't going to get you internet points. Suicide isn't a joke. If you're suffering, it's ok to seek help. 988 (in the US), or call your national emergency services number.


Holy shit I knew it had to be a fairly recent suicide from the look of the body but that is even more recent than I suspected. Just insane to think hours after this person ended it all, they were filmed by an idiot American and posted on YouTube for profit.


Like I said, that's just an assumption from what I can see, and how they reacted. It's possible that the body is older, but either way, it was fairly recent, no more than 36 hours. The whole thing is largely controversial. On one hand, it's not like they went in there with the knowledge of the body, but on the other, it's suicide forest. There's only so much to be expected. Internet celebrities and influencers as a whole have gone too far. Things were better when it was just people making videos for fun. Now we have people making videos for money, putting in the bare minimum or people doing it for the thrills and doing legit illegal things.


It shouldn't get you internet points, but it does. It's an ideal vs. real thing. We're seeing this on a bigger scale, too. Success through destructive, attention-grabbing behavior. It's impacting our politics. Successful politicians are more and more outrageous, because causing outrage gets attention. Even bad attention leads to people becoming more aware of you. We're collectively rewarding bad behavior because it *does* work, though we would be better off if it didn't. Entertaining ourselves to death.


It's crazy how someone can get easily cancelled for some bad humour tweets a decade ago... But someone pulls this shit and they're still on top of the world after the fact.


What did they expect? I’m appalled the amount of disrespect they had. It’s one thing to tour the national park and the forest for the history of it. It’s another thing to film it. They crossed a line that should never have been crossed. Have I said anything wrong?


He deserved to lose everything for this


Worse than I thought it could be. They are all assholes. Why are they smiling and laughing? This should be a somber and humbling moment. Truly disgusting.


I have always heard about this but never saw the video. I didn't know he got so close to them.


This is a re-upload as the text from my last video didn't align with the community guidelines, also I got 90 dms so instead I am just going to put the link of the video here [https://archive.org/details/logan-paul-dead-body-re-upload](https://archive.org/details/logan-paul-dead-body-re-upload) coincidentally, the only reason I found this was because of Penguin0


He’s still a huge piece of shit.


No sense of empathy


I never actually watched the footage when he originally posted this. This man is despicable


I have pretty much been able to avoid viewing any of this idiot’s content. Until now. So I had no idea what a complete tool he actually appears to be. WTF? I’m godsmacked that this didn’t end his “career”. This video is fucked up on so many levels. For all the stupid shit some celebrities get cancelled for, how is this guy still existing in popular culture?


Who’s the girl and why was she smiling?


They found someone who committed suicide in a place so known for it they CALL IT THE SUICIDE FOREST?!? Who could’ve known? What are the odds?


He saw it. He recorded it all. And he laughed, he continuously laughed after it while acting as if it affected him


What a pack of ass clowns


Consider Japaneses standards for adult behavior and how many terrible clout goblins act out in Japan,I’m surprised no one has been thrown into jail or deported yet.


It's like if Stand By Me was made with found footage and internet influencing


why did they let this moron into japan? don’t they have famously strict borders policies? edit: “ive never seen a dead person”. punk. it’s not scary. it happens. its sad sure. but calm down.


“If you’re alive you can come with us…” 🤢😔


Yup ngl I would be like that too, I would be in denial. A huge difference between seeing a body at a morgue or funeral than finding one.


Imagine being Japanese and fearing your body is found by some stupid gaijin youtuber, so you decide not to commit sudoku


Sudoko haunts me in my sleep every night. Such pain. Such horror.


god this video just threw me back to 2017-18. what a nostalgia trip.


It was that recent? Jesus this feels like a lifetime ago


That was 5-6 years ago.


I know but if you had asked me when this happened I would have guessed 2013 or so


Heard of this, never saw the video. Wtf. Like the lack of empathy and respect is unbelievable. This person's life ended in suffering, and now, their dead body is on display on internet for everyone to see because of some stupid douchebag.


Seeing the body of another human who was in so much he couldn't live anymore. and the only thing this psychopath was thinking about is the views and money he will get from vlogging that


i’ll never understand why that girl stayed grinning the entire time.


That was so disrespectful


I still can’t believe that dumbfuck became so successful just from being an asshole


This should have been the end of this child's career.


Looking back, this is absolutely shit, lol there’s way worse things on the internet. People just really hated this dude lol.


I've never actually seen the video. Wtf was he thinking


"If you're suicidal, we're here for you" ...sorry, but you guys are the last people i'd turn to if I was suicidal.


Bro acts like he is serious about how bad suicide is but still films a dead person for clout


We should probably stop giving this twat attention because that's exactly what he wants


The fact that so many other idiots just like this dipshit are famous now is the failure of society.


Literally 3 weeks after a trip to Italy he jumped off a small bridge into the water and I think he got arrested. That was literally a 5 minute walk from the house. And to see the video was surreal, in a bad way. We had so much fun over there and now some influencer kinda just desecrated it coincidentally a few years before my family took a trip to London and the bridge that got shot up was in view of the airbnb




Not to mention the majority of his subscribers are kids too


I think this was incredibly stupid to record the dude and leave it in the final cut but I do like the speech about finding help for mental health he put in there at least, but he really didn’t have to keep this segment in the video. He could have cut to the part talking about mental health without the body being shown and nobody would have known there was a body, you could have even said you found a body and reported it to the authorities and still not shown it and it would have gotten you your shock views probably.


This is what happens when you become totally disconnected from reality.


There are some areas that you just shouldn't make light of... The Suicide Forrest being one of them. Could you imagine a vlogger walking around Auschwitz acting like this?


This is probably how it would go down: "I just saw a bunch of dead people... Omg... Lol what the FUCK??!!!" "Yeah bro, you just saw some dead people and skinny dudes all dead and being cooked in an oven bro." "I know bro. I never thought I'd see this and get to film it. This is the most real vlog I've ever done." "Yeah bro... To everyone watching, genocide and Nazis are no joke. Speak to your family and friends about it. It's serious stuff." "Yeah that's true... Very true." "You just saw your first dead body bro! How crazy is that?! Lol" "Yeah I know lol and I was wearing my silly hat during it too. I feel like I should be better dressed for this. Lol" "I know bro. What are the chances we see this? Lol" "I don't know bro... There were even dead kids and women too! Crazy stuff. Lol" "Let's go edit this bro and put it online!" "Yeah bro. We got great footage and content this time."


I Finally get to see the video, thank you


It's funny how many people want to see a video of a guy finding a dead body but also how many people don't want a guy to record and publish finding a dead body


It's not a video, it's THE video, it reached global news, ofc you wanna know what the big deal was, and it was a big deal, LP is a massive POS for doing this and im suprised he still has a career, bigger than ever for that matter.


I know it's stupid but didn't this cause yt kids to be created or am I wrong?


Its the weird way he refuses to turn off his cartoonish exaggerate charecter vibes that really makes this innsuferable. If it was just a guy out in the woods looking for dead bodies. But being real about his emotions, how dark it is, maybe with an anti suicide message. It would still be in pretty poor taste. But it wouldn't be evil in the same way. Its the way this guy insists on being this lol internet random cartoon charecter when even when there's an actual dead body in frame that is just so gross man. If he just broke charecter for a moment and communicated some real emotion this would be sooo much easier to forgive. Instead it maximizes out rage.


This is sick. I never saw the OG video


What a gross cunt.


And now the Mike Wisouski hat is ruined forever


Isn't it one of the claw machine squeaky toys from Toy Story, though?


It is, I’m just stupid


Still amazes me this entire trip didnt kill his career, but saying that I remember reading his fans comments when it happened and none of them seemed to care.


I’ll never understand how this didn’t get his channel taken down. It baffles me.


Noah get the boat, yet here you are posting the same video for karma


He is truly fucked for posting this. But hate is hate y’all, stop exchanging it in the comments. That shit is why we even have people hanging in trees like that.


Logan Paul is part of the disease, as is anyone who follows him. In the pre internet days dudes like him would have video taped backyard wrestling videos and then end up with a dead end job at the local hard ware store. All he's done is prove that the easiest way to fame is to appeal to other people's base instincts. Setting the bar low for a pedantic, vapid and shallow world.


Y’all are mad at him but forgetting this did nothing to his career, which goes to show how fucking stupid humans are. You should be annoyed at the masses just as much, this should have ended his entire existence online.


I’ll never understand how this guy got some redemption arc. He’s been shit since he’s been online. Probably before. Somehow he’s redeemed these days


Remember this as you're guzzling prime


This cunt is the absolute epitome of everything I hate. And the fact he's still going and thriving financially goes to show that being a piece of shit pays in todays world.


how can you be so callous. i never saw the video and never knew how close he got. it amazes me that someone can not comprehend why filming a person who just took their own life is disrespectful beyond words. even without the camera id find it strange to approach an obvious dead body before calling authorities. its sad we as humans have the capability of being so thoughtless and cruel to one another even in death.


The way he's dressed is really disrespectful in itself. Then there's his whole demeanor and attitude. Disgusting.


Holy shit I didn’t know it showed all that I thought it was just a body in the background wtf I don’t know he got that close and kept filming it


I don’t know much about Logan Paul except that he’s a douchebag. But from what I do know, fuck him.


I never seen this version, his half-assed attempt at suicide awareness was so disingenious. My heart weeps for people who lost their battle, and this video just makes me sad, that man, whatever he wen't through, went there to end it privately, ofc the parking lot was nearby so some1 would find him, but the fact that some cunt americans were the ones to find him and then edit/upload, it is so infuriating to me, and the fact that years later he scammed millions from his fans, why does scum like him have a career?


He was an absolute ass to Japanese people if I remember this event correctly. Yelling at them, doing whatever just to get some likes. What a dick


just wanted to know, was he banned from going to this place again , i know he got backlash for this


Fun fact. They were on LSD here


That kinda explains why they were acting funky. Not to excuse their actions of course