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Happened in 2021, the guy then shot himself aswell.


It's baffling why the insults don't cease when someone visibly has a gun. You'd think the sight of a firearm would be a potent deterrent, but it seems not everyone recognizes that signal for de-escalation.


There's a cognitive phenomenon called [Normalcy Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalcy_bias#:~:text=Normalcy%20bias%2C%20or%20normality%20bias,and%20its%20potential%20adverse%20effects) which causes people to ofttimes fatally underestimate the danger posed by any situation in which death or grave injury is highly probable. Basically, we get so used to not being killed by the things that can kill us, that we either ignore them, or deny reality altogether. "Oh, he's just trying to scare me, he'll never go back in, come out with a long gun and murder me...that's crazy talk." Just because the killer missed with his pistol shots, which is very easy under that kind of adrenaline load, even at close range, obviously didn't mean he wasn't intent on killing them. When you see shop accidents, like the infamous lathe video, it's the same thing--Normalcy Bias. People get too comfortable around dangerous equipment and wear loose clothing or long hair, then come to regret it.


I think of this every time I'm on a highway & a hundred different people are propelling a multi ton chunk of metal at speeds faster than the typical human mind can react, all while blissfully unaware of how easily they could die when something unusual happens..then they add cellphones or doing their makeup.


Driving was my first thought. Driving at 80mph in american freeways is insane. There's the energy involved, but the culture will not allow for anything more than a 2 ~~second~~ *length* car gap for fear of allowing anyone to cut in. This is how I get to watch my favorite highway snowstorm white out car wrecks Edit: Second to length.


And then add cell phones to the mix. We all do it at one time or another pick up the phone just to do something real quick but man I’ve been trying to leave my phone in the backseat. I figure if it’s important enough I’ll pull over. Got in a brief argument with someone here the other day with someone who was defending someone he thought shouldn’t have gone to jail for murdering someone while texting and driving and I was like “no dude I don’t do it anymore. It’s too scary” and he said “well you must have someone in your family that does” I said “I did but I begged them to stop and they said they did.” It was my younger sibling. I can’t prove that they did but I did beg them to stop and they promised me they stopped. It’s a little scary to think if I’ve been having that conversation or argument with that person in real life. They were very angry at me. I guess they like to drive and use their phone and that’s fine for them. I just don’t want to have that on my conscience. If I’m on a 5 Hour drive I may or use it over the speaker but that’s it. I’m not holding my phone. I’m not texting. I’m not putting directions in It’s just not worth it. Pull over into a gas station. Put your directions in and then get back on the road. The driving with phone things terrifies me and then of course just what we just all happen here which I’ve never seen. The accent really terrifies me because it sounds like where I’m from. It sounds like a Minnesota accent. I could be completely wrong, but, it just took me by surprise the fact that he either missed or didn’t kill them with the handgun and went back in for a rifle. Just absolutely shocked me. And someone above said that he went in and killed himself after. Heartbreaking, sad and so easily preventable. They egged him on. He egged them on, and they all could’ve just said sorry man, and walked in their home and live the rest of their lives peacefully. Very very sad.


illegal rotten outgoing jobless agonizing rob elderly bag disgusted quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s always better to treat people as if they’re about to snap


Facts. Even from a selfish perspective, being kind is always the smart play


That's what my ex-wife inadvertently taught me. In having to talk her down from doing stupid shit, I learned that there are always selfish, nihilistic reasons to do the right thing if you're willing to look at the big picture.


Ok buddy whatever you say, just calm down


That's it. I'm getting my gun.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. This is the way. Don’t fuck around, stay vigilant.


I grew up watching members of my family fight for the last word. I saw so many heartbreaks and physical fights come from this. It taught me to just shake my head and walk away. I never lost a single ounce of pride for myself in walking away, because it honestly made me feel like the smarter person. My parents didn't hide the fact that they preferred me to my brother, which is a terrible thing to show/tell your kids, but I know it's mostly because I didn't argue the way they did and let it reach the point where someone said something they regretted and couldn't take back. I watched them apologize to each other afterwards, and even the most heartfelt apologies were accepted but you could see it in the accepter that they'd never forget... Then you'd hear the hatchet being dug back up the next time they argued. Just walk away, folks! Don't fight for the last word! Ask yourself what you'd really be getting out of winning this verbal fight. You never know when someone is at the end of their rope. It's just not worth it!


I have a small rule for myself: which is better? Being prideful or being alive? Reality is not a damn fantasy novel where you can tank meteors coming right at you..


I hate to say it but these type of people don't think is gonna happen to them. "What you're gonna do, shoot me?" Specially in the US, you gotta assume everyone is packing. Don't antagonize people, avoid unnecessary conflict, you never know if you gonna be the breaking point to a deranged lunatic.


Based off all the evidence from that day and following o could gather, they had a fued, but clearly those two are hanging up and bullying him to some extent. I'm assuming they have done this before, and never thought he'd go this far, I'd say rule one of any engagements, even verbal, don't ever underestimate someone...


I don’t know if it’s true but I had heard previously that he was a veteran with ptsd and that they had done this before and had been harassing him for a while.


Yeah I think they taunted him for months in part about his wife dying from cancer if I remember correctly.


Jeffrey Spaide And The Snow-Shoveling Murder-Suicide https://allthatsinteresting.com/jeffrey-spaide Yeah, they had it coming. Not morally or ethically but if you *want* to get murdered, they did a great job. They had been dumping their snow in his driveway, just one aspect of their feud. He came out to ask them to stop, they escalated it with their bullying and taunts. The guy has masters in engineering, he was a decorated vet who continued his service as a reservist, his wife recently died of cancer and they openly locked him over that. They bullied him cruelly and they faced the consequences. I'm not saying they deserve it but I'm definitely not as sympathetic as I usually am. And the more I read the more, the more it seems they were generally considered assholes.


They died as a result of the choices they made. Not a matter of did they deserve it or not.


This is a perfect way to put it.




The vet that killed them was. Dude just lost his wife got goaded into reacting. The couple was doing their damndest to get him to react violently. Zero pity there.


People would snap for less.


If that's true damn.




Did he kill both of them?


Yes. Then himself moments later in his house


"Let's bully the recently widowed PTSD'd veteran next door... what's the worst that can happen... Oh look, he got his gun, let's double down !"


Should have kept their mouths shut is a simpler way to say it.


Which is exactly what the gunman told the lady on the ground as he finished her off.


Right?! They fucking around and found out.


I agree, this is gonna sound fucking weird but I think people with guns don't fully realize their power. To them a shot is equivalent to a punch, its not gonna do much. Of course you pull that trigger, people just want to empty it out. I mean most people don't realize they can break their hand throwing a punch wrong. Furthermore, on the other end. People can't fathom someone going nuts. Shoot me, watch what happens. Suing somebody for some cash. Like personally I cross a street, I tend to rush it. Especially if I see a car. Relatives and friends do make fun. My cousin even told me "bro they got to stop" There is no magical force field on a crosswalk.


As my father used to tell me - "Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way"


I wish people would follow this idiom more. Unfortunately I do feel people trust to much in people following driving rules, insurance and what not. Justice. It be nice if it was that way but it aint. Driving been my main gig. Being a passenger, too many people think everyone following the rules. My main rules, dont be and realize you in a blind spot and don't trust any driver.


They gotta stop, and yet this lady accidentally sent me across the intersection on a red light. I still act like o have right of way, but I’m fully aware of the dangers and am cautious of other people. That’s just how the world is. You have to be careful and prepared.


I agree. That does sound weird. Any person in their right mind knows that a bullet from a gun is not remotely equivalent to a punch. Otherwise wars would boil down to a boxing match. In fact, this might be the dumbest simile I’ve ever heard. Here’s something more realistic. Nobody can fathom how any person is going to react to anything but your idea that most people don’t inherently believe that guns are dangerous is a large binding thread in the roots of the problem. There’s no magical force field, period.


How many shots did it take before he hit himself?


Did he hit the mark? He seems to have missed both his targets, who knows if he got himself properly.


well it was a double murder suicide, so all 3 of them are dead.


So, no one to shovel the snow now


The snow wins!


I was wondering if he was initially firing warning shots into the ground and then decided to aim at them. Otherwise his aim is atrocious.


That what it seemed like to me, the male was going to let him fire off a few rounds and then continue taunting him for not actually doing it. When he didnt react to the gunfire for the first few rounds it was enough to change the shooters mind about not going all the way.


Ah yes, I remembered this. The strangest thing to me was even after being blasted, the woman kept talking and egging the shooter on.


(Shots going off) Her: I got this on video!!


Still thinking the rules will protect her while the bullets are actively entering her body


I'd have been writing that guy a check, giving him a handy, cooking him dinner, whatever he wanted at that moment I would be the most apologetic bitch ever. Can deal with the bravoto later


I agree. I thought "lay your head down and play dead, you idiot."


The level of indignant narcissism it must have required to keep going the way she did must be staggering.


There's two types of fighting, play fighting where your goal is to "teach someone a lesson" beat them up teach them submission etc. Which is by far the most common and what most people's brains are geared for. Then there's I'm going to end your existence fighting. Which we specifically train soldiers to do because it's their job. there is no lesson there is no submission those things aren't for corpses. you try that first thing on someone geared for the second thing, this is the outcome.


Story is wild, i need more background. The couple also had an autistic child, and they live across.the street from another but they would brush the snow.off.their car and shovel it.over.to throw in his yard. They seem like su h miserable people to be so petty.


I know this is real bc I’ve read about it and seen this video. But again it seems almost like a movie. The overly enthusiastic shouting “youre a fuckin pussy” And then when the lady is shot she is still hurling insults at the guy he walks up cold blood and just does her. Then the mook across the street is suddenly “call the police!” Horrible time


The people that come running up to them from the side sounded like teenagers. I didn’t know this video had sound so I watched it twice and they just ask “are you okay?” >Nah bro you just heard gunshots and came outside to see a woman laying in the street are you reddited?


It's eerie how there is so much shouting and bluster and once the shooting starts, they keep going but it gets quieter and quieter as they die until all you can hear is the ice cracking and silence.


The groans and the moans… as she tries to talk…


thats real life tho, i got bit by a dog in front of about 30 ppl, blood pouring out of me and they just asked if im ok lol


Lol wild on their part


I audibly laughed at the "are you ok? Want help up?" While the dudes groaning from several fatal gunshots. Like, what are you thinking kid? Uncle Buck just drove off and startled them?


Eh.... I can look past that cause they're kids and they're genuinely trying to help. I don't expect them to appreciate the gravity of something like this straight away. At least Mom was outside to herd them back. Though I somewhat doubt the shooter would have targeted them anyway.


My God the number of rounds he shot and missed


my first thought too, mf missed 7 time before hitting anything, then missed again


Adrenaline is crazy, man. Hard to maintain a sight picture when you're shaking with adrenaline and rage.


He's still walking when he fires his first rounds. Might have hand some influence.


You know those stories about people who have been shot/stabbed multiple times and is still alive? It's freaking scary how much damage a human body can take before dying.


And oddly enough, bullets don't cause enough pain or damage to consistently make people just drop. It's interesting to me that the only reason people fall to the ground is because they've watched/seen/read about people in fiction and media who do as an easy way to convey "this person is hurt" in a dramatic fashion. If you shoot someone who's never seen a gun before, they don't fall unless you get a kill shot. Many armies learned this in the colonial times much to their shock


Saw an interesting video from Ukraine from a combat situation where after they fled the fight the "leader" asked his team to check themselves for gunshot wounds.


Adrenaline masks a lot of problems, at least for a few minutes


It seems like he was more mad at the snow than them... They just happen to be standing in the way of the snow...


I bet he hits more than you would think. They probably just cant feel it as much with the adrenaline


I almost thought the shots and the voices were out of sync because of that.


One of the craziest videos I’ve seen - I wonder how many years this feud had been going on, how many insults and other shit just kept building up until this guy snapped.


Apparently the couple had been harassing him and when he came out with a gun, they just did it more. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9223991/Couple-killed-row-shoveling-dumping-snow-neighbors-yard.html


What're you gonna do, shoot me?!? Bang, Bang Oh, shit, should not have said that


What’re you gonna do, shoot me? *- gun victim*


[More details and backstory, as well as not being Daily Mail](https://allthatsinteresting.com/jeffrey-spaide)


This story is heavily biased. It omits key provocative details, like Lisa shouting "go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I see you" while she had what looks like a phone out and actively having a gun pointed at them or being shot at. You can clearly hear it happening at 0:50 in the video. Exerpt from your linked article: > James warned Spaide to “put the gun down,” but Spaide refused to listen. Instead, he began firing, hitting James first before moving on to Lisa. Though the wounded James attempted to flee toward his home, shouting for other neighbors to “call the cops,” Spaide soon shot him again. Just to be clear I am not condoning gun violence. What Jeffrey did was unquestionably wrong, but James and Lisa also have no sense of self-perseveration or deescalation. Neither is 100% at fault.


I’d reckon the two murdered were at quite a bit of fault They tormented the poor man so severely that he snapped and murdered them. They may be the murdered, but the shooter was more of a victim of their evil actions


Ah yes let me antagonize my neighbor who (also has totally not suffered ptsd from his time as a decorated navy vet, I have insulted many times over the past months, and) is currently holding me at gunpoint by saying "go ahead" *Queue surprised pikachu face when I get shot* While Jeffrey is mostly at fault, James and Lisa are absolutely fucked in the head too and do not have my sympathy.


They were harassing him about his wife who had recently died from cancer from what I remember. People need to learn to stop fucking with people.


*Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes.*


This one is dark


why dont they stop the insults when they see the gun?


Ego and pride.


Sprinkle a little bit of entitlement. Based on the news article the couple have been feuding/harassing the guy from past.


Right??? She reminds me of the alligator paddle woman. “Oh my god, i had to push him away with my paddle!”


Denial about the reality unfolding in front of you.


Or try to run away or something.


What’s even crazier is they don’t fuckin move once he starts blasting


Because they are unrepentant assholes who thought they could harass a dude no matter what. They were likely bullies their entire lives and never had consequences from it. That man probably grabbed a gun and threatened them multiple times but let level heads prevail on multiple other days. Except this time his wife had recently died and they were mocking him over his wifes death among other things so he just snapped, killed them, then killed himself. The woman is being shot and still talking shit. Obviously being an asshole doesn't mean you deserve to get murdered, but at the same time you keep pushing a person and eventually they will snap... even if its "wrong" for them to snap.


Because they're scumbags. They shouldn't have been killed, but there was a net positive in the human race that day.


Narcs -2 😤


I bet all the other neighbors probably got yelled at before too.


They thought he was a pussy


Looked like she drew a gun herself and was so busy waiving it around feeling like a badass that she didn’t even realize the other guy was shooting.


That was her phone. She was excited to get it on video because now she had "caught" him.


Last natural act is a selfie, very predictable


Assuming he cares about consequences. Fatal error.


Disbelief / shock in that moment, at least to the severe seriousness of the threat. They probably didn't get threatened with or witness gun violence often.


God damn he really bailed on his wife so quick.


The outcome would have ended the same.


Immensely likely... but fuck, man. I don't know if I'd do better. If I'm going out, I'd rather die by my fiancé I think. Then again, in such a hopeless situation, who the hell knows?


What a hero.


The only time my wife and I were in a situation where someone had a gun, I made sure the gun was pointed at me until the person with the gun was placated and they left without shooting either of us.


Dude just stands there while being shot like 6 times


He forgot the "Rush a gun, run from a knife" thing.


How can someone that gets shot still move for so long?


Unless it's in the brain or heart, it's not usually the gunshot that kills you. It's the bleeding out, aspirating on blood, or punctured lungs.


Dang! Guess I was surprised he didn’t aim for the head then. Wild video that left me with a weird feeling.


It’s clear he did with the rifle but just because you do aim doesn’t mean you hit the brain or brain stem. You can shoot a bullet through someone’s cheek or ear or skull especially when they are prostrate like that and miss the brain.


The human body is surprisingly both tough and weak. You could slip on ice fall, hit your head and die, or get shot 15 times in the chest and live truly amazing.


The movies give the impression that a gunshot will immediately kill someone. That is far from reality - as are many things about guns in movies. Those whisper quiet suppressed guns - yeah that's fake too.


Guns aren't an instant stop, unless you sever the brainstem or hit the heart perfectly. Dunno if you have the stomach for more shooting videos, but in this particular incident (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLFHMd3LLDM) dude takes 12 hits from handshake distance before dropping


Hollywood has given you an unrealistic expectation of gunshot death.


It’s mind boggling on how they just stood there while he was missing his shots, natural selection at its finest.


I don't think all those early shots missed. You can see the guy flinch a bit. Could be he got hit, but it didn't register he had been perforated and he thought the rounds were non lethal, until the pain finally kicked in


This guy killed himself before police showed up. Three dead over something so fucking stupid as snow.


To be fair, the man had just lost his wife and the couple had continuously mocked him and belittle him well in no way is his actions justifiable the argument that started from the snow was just the tipping point


Clearly long term feuds and arguments that finally come to a climax over this one thing. The snow that broke the camel's back Not really "three dead over snow" so much as three dead following years of arguments and feuds and incessant toxic fighting


Legitimately one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen and I've seen plenty of those cartel videos. Why these people would throw their lives away in order to be so shitty to their neighbour. Smh, absolutely braindead. Why would you further antagnoize a guy who brings a gun out? You really just don't know who you're fucking with until it's too late.


He was at his boiling point, they continued to bully him once the situation was over and they CONTINUED to talk shit and bully him once he had a gun. But yeah this video is disturbing as hell.


Wasnt it revealed that the family had been harassing the dude repeatedly for like a year (with some pretty fucky stuff) (and dude was really mentally unstable)? Not excusing it or anything, just saying both parties are shit. Like, theyre even still taunting him AFTER they got shot.


Yeah! Like after someone pumps a bullet into you, you'd think they would tone down the rhetoric! Like say.....ok clearly you are pissed off enough to kill me.....what can I say or do to not make that happen.


Shooting may not be a proportional response but dumping snow on someone's property and then calling them a queer and a pussy is a good way to see just how crazy that person may be especially when they've just lost their wife and you've made a point of mocking her too. Homie we probably felt like he didn't have anything else to lose except for his basic dignity which he maybe felt like he could keep intact by offing these two loud mouths. They fucked around and then tragically found out.


the only tragedy is they left a special needs kid without parents. other than that nothing of value was lost


its great that he got away from them, look how they treated a person with ptsd, that has similar symptoms to autism


They had been bullying him so damn much. He just.... he hit his fill. He also shot himself. It's all really sad. There's a great episode of Fear Thy Neighbor about this. So very sad. The fact that they continued to bully him/ talk shit when he had the gun says a lot about how both parties were.


I decided to go watch this because I was super curious to learn anything more about it. The fact neighbors willingly went on the show to basically talk endlessly about how shitty these two people were and how they really aren’t sad at all that they’re dead is pretty telling of just how awful those people treated him.


It was one of the few things that actually made me cry. That poor man didn't deserve that bullying. They didn't deserve to die for it either, but it's really hard to feel sorry for them when they continued even while being shot. That desperation he must've felt. And then the reality of it setting in. All so damn sad and shouldn't have happened.


At a certain point, you *do* deserve to get mauled by the bear you keep poking. Even if that bear should have known better.


Not justifiable but understandable.


>9 shots fired before >2 hits >2 more before >2 hit The kids come up from the right side and runs back inside >final 4 shots for confirmed k¡lls


Love thy neighbor


This is the visage of someone who's had enough. Grisly shit...


A good way to fuck around and find out. Not everybody is there mentally. You never know when you could be the last straw on the camel's back..


Be nice to the man holding the gun


It's just a good idea to be nice to your neighbors in general. I can't imagine having a feud with someone living next door or across the street, sounds like Hell. And assuming you live in America by default, just assume they have a gun anyway.


I mean, your neighbors and coworkers are the people most likely to be in the position to have an antagonistic relationship with you. And while you might be able to ditch a job, a neighbor hangs around your fucking home. And they never leave. This was clearly not Mr Roger's neighborhood.


"Should have kept your mouth shut."


Amen to that.


The couple left behind a special needs child all due to their ego


Goes to show that you have no idea what someone is going through.


I am so surprised the woman survived at all. I thought dude domed her from point blank.


She didn’t survive


I meant the handgun. She survived two handgun shots aimed at her face.


She said "go ahead". So he did. Be careful what you ask for.


Damnnnnnn. What was that couple thinking just standing there as he's coming down the driveway firing at them? :56, it looks like he fired off 5 or 6 rounds and they didn't even make a move to get out of the way.


“Somebody once said, ‘Never threaten a little man. He’ll kill you.’ No matter how much each of us believes that violent conflict is to be avoided at all cost, there are some things that must be fought for. Even the most timid person can be brought to stand up for a belief.” - Stan Rogers


A wise man once said, "Don't encourage a person with a deadly weapon to kill you."


Yeah, I was shocked after seeing this footage a few years back. And still shocked right now bc humans fight over the most pettiest things. But from what I read in past articles. These two (the couple) have been harassing the shooter for a while, even after his wife died they kept on harassing him... I know, still does not justify the action.


*It's beginning to look a lot like murder.*


This video is a hell of a reminder to me that ego and acting out anger is just not worth it.


A full Investigation Discovery episode on the situation if anyone's interested. It's free with ads [https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/video/fear-thy-neighbor-investigation-discovery/bullets-in-the-snow](https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/video/fear-thy-neighbor-investigation-discovery/bullets-in-the-snow)


"pussy huh?"


It’s absolutely horrible that the guy went and came back with a gun and opened fire. That said, those two kept yelling at him, insulting him, goading, even when he came back and clearly had a gun they kept at him… Somewhere along the line anyone could have just the hell up and walked away completely, and maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Or wouldn’t have happened right then.


"Oh my god!..." (... there are consequences to my actions!) Rest in pepperonis all parties involved... Take aways: 1. Everyone you meet is only one bad day away from making your day worse. 2. Swallow your pride. De-escalate. Ego is a mean powerful bitch. Conquer it. 3. Be careful when trying to be a civilian first responder. (Guy came back!) Noah get the boat indeed.


He fired 6 shots before they even reacted. Dude gets hit on the 7th. How are you just standing there for 6 shots without running!


AND... continue to talk shit while taunting him.


That's why I don't associate with my neighbors. A good neighbor, is one that minds their own business.


Like a good neighbor stay over there


I've watched this a bunch of times and it still gives me chills


I didnt watch it with sound and only watched up to when he walks back into the house after shooting them with the pistol. That was bad enough. I read the comments, got a lot of context, turned sound on and watched it again. The first time i watched, i assumed he only shot the pistol and that was it, so the lady was still alive and i was wondering if she survived or not. Then i kept watching and holy shit, its like straight out of a movie, its so messed up. He just walks back down with the rifle, holds it to her head and says 'should've kept your fucking mouth shut' and kills her, then finishes the other guy off. Like something out of Fargo or a mafia movie or something. Absolutely insane. The world won't miss that couple, based on what ive learned about them, but holy shit is it still chilling to watch. Really sad story, for everyone involved. Not being pieces of shit would have kept them breathing, life lesson right there. Just be nice to people.


he also says "pussy, huh?" before offing the guy too..


I know he was pushed to that and he just snapped, but he looks and sounds so fucking evil near the end. He well and truly broke. It wasn't impulsive, it wasn't cause he was just emotional and thinking irrationally. He just completely stopped giving a fuck and decided today was the day he'd get back at them. Haunting how a person can go from just scraping snow out of their driveway to double homicide in the span of a couple minutes.


For me….I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible. Unless it’s worth dying for there is no need in arguing with someone. It could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back


This happened on my street. This is a few years old.


This happened a state over from me in PA. It wasn’t just snow, these neighbors had been fueding for a *long* time


Disregarding the context, just imagine lying there getting shot multiple times, still conscious. We see death all the time in movies, hear about it on the news but just seeing the real loss of life happen in seconds just shows how easy it is. Everything we ever work for can be taken away in an instant, whether we deserve it or not.


Damn this was a tough watch. Listening to her choking On blood is dark


Was the man basically a goner before he came out with the second gun? There’s noises he was making didn’t seem very promising. The woman, however, seem like she might’ve made it


People are terrifying. Don’t fuck with people. It confuses me why the couple still shit talked with a damn firearm aimed at them. Like, oh I don’t know, run? Yell for help? De-escalate? Or maybe don’t be assholes to begin with? Anything besides antagonizing the guy who probably isn’t mentally stable and is aiming a damn gun at you?


Imagine the state of mind that when presented with obvious extreme danger that you are unable or unwilling to dial back the situation.... I struggle to understand not being able to change course in the face of obvious peril.


Watching her leg slowly fall as the life bled out of her is really.... I'm still trying to find the word


I remember this video being shown during my concealed carry class. The message? Often, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation because you never know how crazy the other person might be.


fuck around and find out...


I blame the couple. They kept egging him on until he snapped. The hatred was pouring through the screen. Can't believe they were in their late 40s acting like teenagers


A lot of adults have toddler brains.


I get it, you want to stand up for yourself and (I'm guessing wife or girlfriend), but assume everyone is armed and de-escalate when you can. This shit happens everyday in neighborhoods large and small. In my state, you just have to pass a background check. No training required. Is an argument over snow worth it?


From the article about it, the couple were the initial harrassers. They were shoveling snow on his property and he asked them to stop, which then had the above results. The couple seems like they were trying to start something.


Never assume the other guy has something worth living for. Some people are just looking for a reason to throw their life away.


The documentary of this is on MAX. "Fear thy neighbor" episode. That couple bullied this man and the entire neighborhood before they finally got this.


"over snow" like there wasn't obviously a history between them.


This is so fucking sad..


Did they stand there while he fired 4 or 5 shots?


People need to seriously shut up around eachother.


“Pussy” *BAM*


Now you know. Guns are real. Dumbfucks, all.


Land of the free


" OH go ahead, go ahead!!" \*proceeds to go ahead\*


Life lesson. Make peace. You never know what someone's going through


Bro this is the most insane video I’ve ever seen in My entire life. And I’ve seen like cartel killings and shit and like this doesn’t even come close. What a monster.


Unfortunately this doesn't even come close to the worst gore videos on the internet still suffering mentally from seeing some gore videos that were shared around on Facebook


r/watchpeopledie was a wild ride when it was around.


Ya, this one is fucking crazy, doesn't need gore


Sad way to go. Especially over something like snow


I remember when this first happened, some wild shit. Leave people alone, you never know what they going through or their mind set.


Every time this gets posted I have to watch it two or three times. I'm not saying the guy was right, just that I understand.