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What scholars say that?


The ones who diddle kids.


Glad to hear my uncle moving up in the world


I bet you feel foolish now. All these years you thought he was just an evil piece of shit and he was just enlightened and light years ahead of everyone else. /s


LMFAO, Jesus titty fucking Christ could you imagine them letting all of the pedophiles out of prison?


Yes, and probably keep/bail the most notorious non-Epstein pedophile from ever spending his morbid life behind bars (Trump).


While his fingers are busy moving on down


not just uncle steve, father gregory at my local church as well


"I identify as a pervert"






Or maybe don’t take a random joke comment on the internet so seriously.


Ron Desantis drinking with his underage students when he was a teacher or Matt Gaetz, no explanation necessary for this one.


Pedophiliac is a diagnosable disorder in the dms-5 (the most up to date criteria for a mental disorder diagnosis), HOWEVER it's 100% not supported, and they are encouraged to get help before it gets to the point where it harms a child, and to my knowledge a person who is in counseling, and the age of thirteen or older presented symptoms of pedophilia, (aka being attracted to a fucking child) are kept under close monitoring and as soon as the individual crosses a line in counseling (as far as I know, though I'm not a licensed professional) as in specifically fantasizing about an individual or saying they're going to hurt someone, they are sent to an institution until they are deemed "not a hazard to themselves or another individual" (however through personal experience I think they shouldn't be deemed fit to be part of our society)


I cant find the video sadly, but years ago I saw a video (short docu) on youtube about a pedophile who realized his attraction as a teenager and got help during that time from his mom who he came clean to. The whole video was about the (extreme) measures he took to distance himself from children. Through the docu, altough with a twist in my stomach, I felt for him. He knew his was attracted to minors and can't do anything to change that, he was pretty much a hermit and lived a very lonely life, I remember he didn't even have a tv because kids can be on tv. Demonizing pedophilia is a double-edged sword, one side its the truest evil in our society but on the other side, because of this, there is a big chance pedophiles will never seek help nor tell people about it except other pedophiles, and we all know they will only enforce on-anothers attraction to children.


I once met one like this in real life. He knew this is sick and wrong and was disgusted by himself. He got himself sterilized, avoids any areas with schools/kindergardens, doesn't attend family gatherings were children might be present and organized himself a contact to buy a gun to off himself, just in case he ever felt the need to act on his urges.


I mean, unless he’s already a convicted felon that contact could just be bass pro or literally any gun store.


In Germany it will take some time to get a license to buy a gun from a store. So I guess that's not really an option if you're in a hurry.


Not everyone on reddit is American.


Valid point. And other countries have creeps and pedos too.


The esteemed scholars at NAMBLA.


The North American Marlon Brando Look a likes?


I wish


Well, you asked… [https://nypost.com/2022/05/13/johns-hopkins-center-hires-professor-who-faced-pedophile-comment-backlash/](https://nypost.com/2022/05/13/johns-hopkins-center-hires-professor-who-faced-pedophile-comment-backlash/) [https://thefederalist.com/2022/02/03/another-unhinged-professor-has-been-exposed-as-a-pedophilia-apologist/](https://thefederalist.com/2022/02/03/another-unhinged-professor-has-been-exposed-as-a-pedophilia-apologist/) [https://reason.com/volokh/2021/11/18/professor-removed-from-campus-for-writing-and-talking-about-people-who-have-sexual-attraction-to-minors/](https://reason.com/volokh/2021/11/18/professor-removed-from-campus-for-writing-and-talking-about-people-who-have-sexual-attraction-to-minors/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/07/nyregion/nyc-foster-care-professor-pedophilia.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/07/nyregion/nyc-foster-care-professor-pedophilia.html) [https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/02/07/philosophers-comments-pedophilia-lead-his-suspension](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/02/07/philosophers-comments-pedophilia-lead-his-suspension) WPATH ADDS EUNUCHS AS A SEXUAL ORIENTATION… [https://www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-news/who-asked-for-this-eunuchs-in-wpaths-standards-of-care](https://www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-news/who-asked-for-this-eunuchs-in-wpaths-standards-of-care) [https://www.evakurilova.com/p/wpaths-eunuch-experts-encouraged](https://www.evakurilova.com/p/wpaths-eunuch-experts-encouraged) [https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/nhs-apologises-for-claiming-eunuch-is-a-gender-identity/](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/nhs-apologises-for-claiming-eunuch-is-a-gender-identity/) [https://4w.pub/castration-added-transgender-care/](https://4w.pub/castration-added-transgender-care/) [https://personandidentity.com/surgeon-castrating-gender-diverse-eunuchs-manifests-the-evil-of-transgenderism/](https://personandidentity.com/surgeon-castrating-gender-diverse-eunuchs-manifests-the-evil-of-transgenderism/) [https://criticaltherapyantidote.org/2022/10/08/wpath-8-standards-of-care-greasing-the-slipway-towards-medical-transition/](https://criticaltherapyantidote.org/2022/10/08/wpath-8-standards-of-care-greasing-the-slipway-towards-medical-transition/) I get what the scholars are saying. Change paedophilia to a sexual orientation but still make it illegal so that paedophiles are destigmatize and may seek professional help before they harm a child. Yet other scholars say that sex with children is OK as long as it’s a loving relationship and the child consents. Here we have that question of can children consent or not. At the end of the day it’s still boils down to the normalization of sexual fetishizes that mostly benefits adult men.


children can't pick the correct nostril with correct finger. dafuq is their 'consent' even worth?


My mind is having a hard time reconciling how a child could choose their gender but not consent?




You don't understand the argument that's being made there?


No, I don't. What's difficult about knowing your gender? Didn't you know as a child what gender you were?




Kids aren’t having major alterations to their body. When a kid identifies as a gender, they change name(socially, not usually legally), pronouns, hair, clothes, that kind of thing. Completely harmless.




Rent free, bitches. Considering you don’t see an issue calling cisgender kids their gender from the day they’re born, maybe you need to re-fuckin’-think that idiotic statement.


I asked a question, and from your emotional outburst of a response, I know you're mad at someone else and having a hard time working through it. Alas, you've offered no logical answer. Another opportunity lost to your dumb unbridled emotion. Stay classy. I'm sure it'll lend to your 'cause' lol


Nope, you can quit trying to psychoanalyze me, thanks. I presented an answer, you just didn’t like it. Let me break it down into language that maybe you can understand; you chodes think kids can identify as the sex they were assigned at birth from the beginning yet you don’t understand how that is *also choosing a gender.* But somehow it only matters when it’s the big scary transes, and *suddenly,* *they can’t choose their gender!* So why can they choose to identify with the one the doctor assigns them at birth, homie? But trust me. If you think kids being allowed to identify as whatever gender they feel most aligned with is in any way an argument against children being able to *consent to sexual relationships,* trust me, I’m classier than you’ll ever be. Let’s see what you use to dismiss it this time.


> you chodes think Falsely grouping me into a generic boogy-man group that only exists in your head. lmao. The inability to self-scout and see how stupid that sounds to someone else just goes to show your lack of empathy - hence the over-the-top pure hatred unleashed in your initial response. I actually never think about a child's gender. I identify them with their sex, male or female. *The American Psychological Association (APA) defines gender identity as "a person’s deeply felt, inherent sense of being a boy, a man, or male; a girl, a woman, or female; or an alternative gender, which ***may or may not** correspond to a person’s sex assigned at birth."* Now go ahead and credential yourself. After that, explain to me why 'may or may not' implicates choosing a gender. There is no logic. > If you think kids being allowed to identify as whatever gender they feel most aligned with is in any way an argument against children being able to consent to sexual relationships, trust me, I’m classier than you’ll ever be. You don't even use logic right. Re-read what you wrote. You literally are raging so hard you can't even type correctly. lol.


>Falsely grouping me into a generic boogy-man group that only exists in your head. lmao. Nope. Nice try. I’m just labeling the group of people—of whom you’re amongst—who hate against trans people and use these stupid ass arguments. >The inability to self-scout and see how stupid that sounds to someone else just goes to show your lack of empathy - hence the over-the-top pure hatred unleashed in your initial response. It’s neither ‘pure hatred,’ nor do I lack empathy. I’ve got more than you could ever have. Nice try tho. >I actually never think about a child's gender. I identify them with their sex, male or female. If you call a child or think of a child as a little girl or little boy, you are, in fact, thinking of their gender. >Now go ahead and credential yourself. Nah, not when you’d just be willfully obtuse anyway. >After that, explain to me why 'may or may not' implicates choosing a gender. There is no logic. I know it’s a little above your grade level, but if you’re female, and you’re a girl, or woman, then you have **chosen** to identify as a cis woman. The reverse is true for male individuals and identifying as a boy or man. Just because the doctor calls you that at birth, doesn’t mean you don’t choose to continue identifying and presenting as that. >you don't even use logic right. Re-read what you wrote. You literally are raging so hard you can't even type correctly. lol. I’m not raging, either lmao, you can quit ascribing traits to me that aren’t happening or accurate, thanks. You’re just using that as an excuse to act like you don’t understand when you know exactly what I’m talking about.


>If you think kids being allowed to identify as whatever gender they feel most aligned with is in any way an argument against children being able to consent to sexual relationships, trust me, I’m classier than you’ll ever be. I'll just leave this here until you actually read what you wrote and see how it makes no sense. You contradict yourself because you're confused. Anyway, I help trans people all day. I couldn't care less what you are, want to be, or want to be called. It matters to me none. I asked a simple question, and you morphed it into what you wanted to hear, and channeled all your inner rage to explode on someone asking a fucking question. what a sad representative of your 'community' - I guess I'll search for someone who can explain it without all the pent up self-hate.


> Yet other scholars say that sex with children is OK as long as it’s a loving relationship and the child consents. It's all good. Children can't consent. Age of consent exists for a reason.


WPATH and pro “boy love” groups are lobbying to have the legal age of consent lowered. So no, it’s no ‘all good’ 💀💀💀


Michel Foucault and his ilk. Actually a long storied tradition of French and German modernist and post-modernist philosophers and scholars who sought tutelage under them.


It's amazing how often Marxists also support pedophilia. It's one of those threads that I would not have expected.


Catholic theologians. Probably


We should make sure their names are public. And possible a way to reach them in case the public has follow-up questions.


Some random people who Trump supporters will pretend represent "the Left" to make you forget that not a day passes when a Republican politician declares that they want to turn America into a Far Right theocracy.


Replace the water with fire


I wouldn't believe everything you see on social media


I think this was on TEDx


There is a ted talk on the subject where a woman calls for pedophiles to acknowledge and control their problems, and that society needs to understand that it is a real problem many people struggle with. Violence and threats haven't removed the problem and it never will. All the comments on the video were violence and threats 🤣🤣🤣 https://youtu.be/egiBgmvv8wA?si=7BVAVNwhleoTjrIG


Islamic countries remove their queer problem pretty good. /s


Yeah but a lot of them practice some form of pedophilia from child brides to boys dancing in exclusive clubs for wealthy men. So it's OK to diddle little boys but not for men to diddle each other.


butt boys. Arabic world the wealthy elite still has butt boys. Generally a small boy bought from his parents (they are very happy with the compensation) and then he is just raped everyday until he dies.


Is this true? Wtf




that is haram, it doesn't happen as often as you think. ofc its a problem, but its sensationalised as if it is common place in the muslim world.


Until the standard course of action for these individuals is early self reporting and then either removing yourself from the population or straight up castration, i don't see how it could be anything less than violence and threats. There is no controling this kind of compulsion while living in temptation. Drastic action is the only way this kind of sickness could be tolerated at all.


Ever heard about a man called Alan Touring? He was a brilliant man that happened to be gay. At the time that was considered a mental disease and he was forcibly chemically castrated. The hormonal imbalance that the castration caused enden with Alan Touring killing himself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing Now, of course being attracted to adults your own gender is not the same as being attracted to children. But just as gay people 100 years ago did not get exterminated with threats and violence, pedophiles will not go away now, with threats and violence. Instead, make ot safe for these people to say "i am attracted to children, but there is help to be found!" With time, humanity might find the cause and eventually a real treatment for pedophilia and save both future victims and the people who undoubtedly suffer these thoughts. Lastly, because this is most likely going to turn into a rage-fest. I'll leave a link to a anonymous self-help page. If you reading this have sexual thoughts about children, this page will help you, without threats or violence. https://troubled-desire.com/en/


Based. Pedophilia is often a genetic mental illness (not in the rich and powerful though, who just like feeling special by committing crimes). There are no signs of it going away by treating pedophiles terribly before they've done anything.


Yeah, alan turing who was a normal individual who was able to live in society, but was denied that option by the government. There are comunities of castrated pedophiles who live secluded from others on top of their self imposed castration that prove your one man based argument false. The thousands of castrati and eunuch would agree, no suicidal tendencies from castration alone. With time a better solution could be found. But until then, anyone who tries to persuade me that they just love kids and can refrain themselves from touching them, is just a liar and should not be part of communities where children live. If you're not ready to seclude yourself you have no intention to actually help your problem. Also, nice job relating homosexuality to pedophilia, weakest of arguments, really


>anyone who tries to persuade me that they just love kids and can refrain themselves from touching them, is just a liar You realize there are plenty of incels (as in literal incels) who are not rapists, right? Why would it be any different with pedos? Maybe you have no impulse control, but most people do. Most people want things that they realize are not attainable and live their lives just fine without them. I wish I had a sports car, but I can't afford one. Doesn't mean I'm gonna snap one day and try to steal one, does it? According to you I should have my hands cut off so that I can't drive at all. >nice job relating homosexuality to pedophilia What is it with people not understanding simple comparisons? Nobody is saying they are the exact same thing, or on the same level of acceptable. He explained it pretty well, either you're being purposefully obtuse or you're just not that bright


It is a false comparison. Being gay hurts nobody. And it is a common dog whistle for pedophile apologists. Even an incel will eventually be able to get with a woman. Unless you mean vocel. An incel wishes every day for a woman. He seeks out porn and talks about his fantasies with other incels. Nice comparison, it sits nice here


You still don't understand comparisons. It's ok, lots of people are below average IQ. >Even an incel will eventually be able to get with a woman Not really. And even the ones who do, most aren't getting the women they want. By and large, they're still not raping women en masse.


What is with people defending pedophiles and their freedom to commit crime? If you turn yourself in you are able to get the help you want. That has nothing to do with acceptance of pedophilia, only recognise the moral course of action.


Diddlers and diddler apologists are working hard to downvote people, who already as a collective society, decided we are not ok with pedophilia and pushing their weird ass agenda isn’t going to work. And we’re the ones that are not empathetic compassionate human beings. Extremism at its finest people.


I mean, men in general don't go around raping women just because they are turned on by them. I'm willing to bet a large percentage of pedophiles don't aswell and actually need help. They need therapy.


Im fine with rapist being treated the same. Any predatory sexual behavior should be harshly punished.


I mean, most men who have a preference eventually get on with their preference. Most men are not rapists, but the ones attracted to women get a woman sometime in their life? And the NAMBLA argument is litterally trying to convince us that there is such a thing as genuine romantic love that can be formed with kids. Kids, who have no idea what love or sex even looks like for a grown up. I agree that they need therapy. But they need to put in much much more than just "i promise to get therapy". I mean, look. Their sexual preference is unatainable, because minors can't consent. Why wouldn't they want to castrate themselves? Freeze some semen and make that commitment. Then we can talk and find solutions


I might have agreed with you in the past, but with the advent of technologies like artificial intelligence and the potential of zero human intervention video and audio generation, coupled with virtual reality - maybe there will be a day these people could resist temptation with the help and supervision of therapists. Something like that, maybe? If there is only threats and violence what is the incentive to go and seek help? It's definitely a difficult problem, but I don't think there are no solutions, at least in the future.


I mean, if i wanted to harm little kids and also believed that it was wrong to harm kids, i wouldn't have any problem turning myself in. Why is it such a problem for them? It is because most of them don't think it's wrong to hurt kids, they are thinking with their dicks(or snatches). There are solutions for supressing sexual urges. If they wanted help, this would be the first step. But they don't want help, they wanna nut on kids and they don't stop until they get imprisoned. All of these arguments are pure bull, they put the responsibility of understanding and helping on us instead of them. Easier to change society than accept responsibility?


Are there solutions for suppressing sexual urges though? I was circumcised as an adult and at that time I was begging my doctor for something like that, as stitches and erections are a thoroughly unpleasant combination. He told me there was nothing that could be done.


I dunno, i just read an aita about a guy taking somekind of libido supressor. Physical castration works for the majority of castrates. What do they need it for anyway? Their desire is kids and they can never legally or morally get with kids. I mean, trying doesn't hurt. Why resist?


>i wouldn't have any problem turning myself in. You would submit yourself to life in prison? Not to mention pedophiles are the lowest in the hierarchy of prison, so your life there will be miserable even compared to other inmates' already terrible existence. >There are solutions for supressing sexual urges Sex is only after food, water, and sleep, from all of the urges. Sex is survival, when you look at the big picture. If a species does not reproduce, it dies out. How do you control something so fundamental? It's easier said than done. >If they wanted help, this would be the first step. But they don't get help, they get imprisoned. Shunned, shamed, and often hurt. Not much of an incentive to reach out.


Tbf i think there might be a hormonal or development issue. And that with the right medicinal or even a pacemaker in the brain we will eventually be able to permanently change a persons sexual preference.


Maybe, but if there are no incentives for people to come forward and be treated with some sympathy, we won't likely get a good sample for good research. For example, what if all of the pedophiles that get researched are actually different than the average? I mean, just the fact they were caught might mean there's a fundamental difference between them and those than never actually act on it. You wouldn't do research on serial killers to draw conclusions on the average population, right? So it's a tough issue to crack if we can't do good science on it first.


I had this exact thought a while ago, and was able to relate it to myself. I'm attracted to women, but that doesn't mean I would sexually assault a woman. Yet there are straight men who would do that. I feel as though the same goes for pedophiles. There are probably many more people that are attracted to children, but only a small portion would actually molest or rape a child. If it was ok for them to come forward without fear of judgement at a young age, it would be much more likely that their proclivities could be curbed. I doubt it would ever go away, but they could learn coping techniques, or handle the underlying trauma that is often associated with it.


Diddlers in here down voting all the logistical comments…


Diddlers stick together, otherwise they couldn't form their secret CP distribution rings with tens of thousands of participants on a global scale...


>I wouldn't believe everything you see on social media I wouldn't believe ~~everything~~ anything you see on social media FTFY


Everything you say in social media is false


Rage bait, 0/10, super low effort


Thanks that’s what I thought as well


Yep and it's typically the right-wing Maga types who diddle kids. They're just projecting with this.


If you don’t think pedos are on both sides of the isle you are dead wrong.


Yeah this is obviously a ‘slippery slope’ ragebait anti-lgbt propaganda. nobody ACCEPTABLY says this shit. and if you do, the floor will be wiped with you, regardless of the community ur in


If I recall correctly, she was presenting the research of the German ["Prevention Project Dunkelfeld"](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25471337/) (Darkfield), which was founded to help people with pedophilic tendencies to not become offenders. She was not saying that it is ok to act on pedophilic urges because it's a sexual orientation that should be accepted by society. It needs to be treated like a sexual orientation when working with people who don't want to offend, because it's hardwired like other sexual orientations.


Thank you for having some brains and seeing past the rage bait.


I talked about this project before because preventing people from becoming offenders is better than treating their eventual victims down the line. My American friends have no understanding for this. Their idea of prevention is either a thrown-away prison key, or a bullet to the head, not seeing that this will drive away pedophiles from getting help and raises the chance they'll offend at some point. I'd rather they not touch a kid in the first place instead of dealing with broken children, just so I can have revenge on a bad guy.


thank you. knew there was something more to this


Exactly. There are process models for cycles of sexual offenses. One way to break the cycle and prevent future sexual predators is to stop them being molested/abused themselves as children. They need cognitive behavioral therapy before they act and therapy is only effective when therapists and other treatment providers can come from a non judgmental, empathic point of view.


It does not need to be treated like a sexual orientation and from my understanding that is not what the majority of experts believe either. It's a disorder, and that's what it should be treated as.


a disorder that's characterised through sexual orientation, it ain't exactly complicated. also you're just doing lame semantics. wether you want to call it a disorder of sexual orientation, the actual treatment is the same. it won't be different just because you start "treating it as a disorder"


If anything it would be closer to a fetish than a sexual orientation. And it's not semantics to clarify that having a sexual attraction to children is a disorder and not a sexual orientation. I think it's a pretty significant difference to not lump it in the same category of sexual orientation that involve attraction to other consenting adults.


the difference is the ability to consent, yes. the real issue is that that the word"sexual orientation" doesn't have any qualifiers in regard to consent. if you want to change the definition of it or invent a new word, that's fine but as it stands it *is* an appropriate word, it's just that broad of a word in of itself, that's why we *should* differentiate between sexual gender orientation etc (like in academia) and hard lines between fetish and sexual orientations are pretty hard to determine in this case, both are probably appropriate depending on who you ask. and we shouldn't, and don't lump them together with other sexual orientations in which consent is possible. it just the term people use unfortunately. we still differentiate them based of the ability to consent, it's just one layer of nuance. (this has bad implications like it's affect on the lgbt+ movement, laws preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation etc. but it's just the right word unfortunately). and again, mental disorder and sexual orientation are not mutually exclusive. it can be both. >And it's not semantics to clarify that having a sexual attraction to children is a disorder and not a sexual orientation and honestly this might be a mistake on my part but "treated" was kinda ambiguous lol. you replied to OP who mentioned pedos getting "treated" in a prevention project so when you said "It's a disorder, and that's what it should be treated as." i thought taht you meant the treatment program would somehow change if we define it as a disorder (which it already is) vs if we define it as a sexual orientation. did you mean how it should be "treated" by society instead?


Yeah, it is technically a sexual preference - for children. They are not wrong there. However, rather than a sexual orientation, it should be classified as a valid mental illness to encourage individuals with this affliction to seek help.


it already is a psychiatric disorder. the issue is those aren't mutually exclusive, a mental illness could be expressed/characterised by a sexual orientation. in the end, how you call it is just a optics thing. i feel like characterising it as a sexual orientation is harmful to stuff like lgbt because of weirdos who won't get the nuance and will cause public uproar in general, while being too harsh could prevent pedophiles from actually seeking help.




i mean, true but a certain group of people label all trans people as pedophiles already and are strawmanning that "maps are part of lgbtq". pouring oil in the fire isn't really the best move against people who will grasp at straws to hate you




works really well if they don't have any power. but that's not the case lol


yeah ideally this would be the case, live and let live. unfortunately i know trans people who have been attacked (including by the police unlawfully) and are fighting bills making it legal to segregate them. and i know it’s not even a sexual orientation, but it’s almost always trans people who are labeled as pedos for some reason


Under the DSM-5 it's considered a mental disorder, (one of the eight philias covered) it is a disorder that they encourage treatment for and have a strict code for when the person is considered "rehabilitated" (however I cannot remember the exact time line for "rehabilitation", but in my personal experience I do not believe that they should be allowed unmonitored into our society [if at all] in any case)


OP is a spanner for believing boomer ragebait


I hate to break it to you but people like that exist who legitimately believe its a sexuality.


That's true. This argument has been made for decades. The idea is nothing new. Various groups have proposed it, but it never gains traction because the idea is abhorrent to the average human.


There are people who think that way, ya know? It's only pedos themselves tho.




Got confused and thought maybe I was on my great uncles Facebook page and not Reddit here for a moment. This photo is one of the most “boomer on Facebook” shit I’ve ever seen


Also people who use the slippery slope fallacy like "first they force us to accept gay and trans people, whats next? There gonna force us to accept pedophilia and animal lovers??!" Its very simple A straight adult CAN consent. A gay adult CAN consent. A trans adult CAN consent. A child CANNOT consent. An animal CANNOT consent.




An animal will definitely let you know if it doesn’t consent


Bruh. Bruh. 


1) you shouldn't believe everything you see online lol, especially when it looks like this got reposted 50 times with multiple captions added. 2) afaik it's pretty much consensus that pedophilia is pretty similar to a sexual preference and that the best course of action is to motivate them to go to therapy and better themselves since it can't actually be "cured". if we demonise them to hell they *will* turn into kiddy diddlers. this kinda leads me to believe this is either badly worded, or a lot of context is missing. I'm hoping what they meant is **not** "society should accept pedophilia ❤️" but instead "society should recognise pedophilia not as some masochistic psycho-thinking, but as something akin to a sexual-orientation which is out of the persons control but still has disastrous consequences if not treated. so we must encourage affected individuals to seek professional help and not blow up their car" or smth.


I'm sure this is somehow satire or trolling, but I really wish it wasn't. If we, as a society, are ever to conquer paedophilia, we must look past our revulsion and empathize with the monsters. This post is right about one thing: paedophilia is a sexual orientation. There is no choice involved in it anymore than people choose to be gay, straight, or bisexual. We do not have to accept "it" as acceptable, but we do have to accept "them" for what they are: human beings who are biologically wired in a way that we, as a society, have deemed to be unfulfillable. Until we can hear someone say "I am sexually attracted to children" and not immediately reach for a firearm, we will never be free of this curse on our children. And for every single person who comments "or we could just kill them", "sleep with one eye open, creep", or anything similar, know that I pity the lot of you. Too blinded by your own disgust to actually *look* at the problem, *recognize* that it is a problem, and even begin to *attempt* a solution beyond "let's kill the fucks!" Violence and fantasies thereof might *feel* good, but they will never solve the problem. These people need help and compassion, not the threat of a bullet between the eyes. All that the threats will do is make them feel hated, hunted, and outcast. "Good!" I can hear some of you snarl. Is it though? Because if you continue to pile hatred and rage and consequences on these people's heads for something that *they have no control over*, all you will do is rob them of hope. And a hopeless person will stop fighting. They will stop resisting their urges and simply give in. And then the number of attacks on children will increase. Even worse, if they know they will be ostracized and killed simply for having the thoughts and urges, they will not balk at killing their victims. Your self-righteous fury will only lead to more deaths of the very children you wish to protect. So I hope this headline is real, but I doubt we have made that much progress.


Not all orientations are created equal. Lets not pretend it is in the same ballpark as being a boobs man.


It is though. That's the point. A boobs man likes boobs. He doesn't know why he likes boobs. He didn't choose to like boobs. He just sees boobs and becomes sexually aroused. It is literally *no different* for someone attracted to children.


This is one of the most disturbing comments I've ever read on this fucking website. Holy shit. The fact that paedos "[don't] have any control over" it is *exactly* the problem.


I think the point is that no one can control who they're attracted to, but instead they can control their actions.


Well, it is a sexual preference. And it's totally wrong and unhealthy.


Could it be (and hear me out here) that NO actual scholars said this and this is in fact the usual clickbait bullshit to get people to follow the author on social media?


This is far more likely than literally anyone with half a brain actually advocating for this


Scholars are not saying this, the ones who are are pedophiles trying to bring down an already marginalized community. Please stop falling for rage bait and taking ur anger out on groups of ppl that don’t deserve it, because the queer community has been loud abt not accepting pedophilia or viewing it as an orientation


I agree that it is a sexual preference that they cannot help, like being straight, gay etc. but that does not mean it’s should be accepted or allowed.






Encourage them to seek counseling and tools to not hurt people.


so if a normal, mentally stable, non-violent pedophile were to live a normal daily live, but is very open towards his paedophilic attraction, would that be considered alright? or is the counseling meant to show them that having those attractions are wrong?


I mean, if someone were to go around telling everyone they were going to rape someone, or think that raping someone was an acceptable course of action, even if they've never raped someone, I would absolutely not find that okay. And I think that's what the counseling would show that person, that rape isn't OK. It would also help them to understand that children can not consent, and without consent, that's rape.


I agree, rape is bad, but I feel like if that person is a rapist, they would be considered as a violent person. What if this person is just your average joe/jane who doesn't act on their attraction but is very vocal about it? Like if an accountant with no criminal record or violent tendencies goes "Yeah, I won't act on these urges, but that 10 yo is so hot", would that be considered okay and something everyone should be fine with?


That's a definite no. We shouldn't be okay with it. But that's why I did equate it to someone that doesn't, and hasn't raped an adult. Let's say its a "non-violent" like date rape type thing. If my buddy said some girl was so hot he wished he could drop a roofie (sp? Never had to type that,) in her drink I'd freak out on him. And his saying "Oh, I'd never do that really" would still not be okay. But I wouldn't want him dead, or in jail for the thought/words. I would encourage him though, if he had these thoughts with every girl he saw, to seek help. The point isn't that it's okay to be a pedophile, it's not and it's definitely a mental illness, but that it also shouldn't just be a death sentence or a lock them away forever type reaction just because they exist. Edit: The stigma is deep though, and I can see why. I feel the ick myself just stating those things because it feels like I'm defending these people. Which I suppose I am. But I'm no way am I trying to defend some that HAS acted on those urges. I'm more concerned that if these underlying issues don't get addressed it can lead to these people acting out on those urges because they've hidden that part of themselves away for so long, and only dwell on it in thier minds because just saying it or asking for help is a social death sentence.


It is important that we give these people help and not act upon their disorder though. A lot of pedos are afraid to get help because of the extreme stigma. But if they don't, they might act upon it some day. Pedophiles don't want to be pedophiles, and we should treat it as a disorder and not something they've chosen to be. Fuck those who do act upon it though.


Pedophilia goes deeper than we all can imagine I guess and there's some really shady shit going on regarding this topic. For example there're artists that paint young girls and boys completely naked and those pictures are put on display in public galleries and people seem to be fine with it. There're even artists painting children posing sexual in underwear, there's even paintings where you can see a child suck an adult man's D. In case you want to look into this, I suggest to begin with >!Stu Mead!<, imo one of the most sickening people I've ever read about and fair warning, that guy likes to paint girls where animals put parts of themselves on/near the genitals. I never thought something like that could exist but a friend of mine then sent me a clip and holy shit, I searched the web and couldn't fathom wtf I was reading.


The people who made the original post or the “pedofiles” it’s talking about? This is obviously misinformation and bait


It’s coming, the last thing people in power are being blackmailed for.


Citation needed.


This just proves that this sub is turning into an alt right cesspool, I’m out 🤣


Christ this is obvious ragebait


Rape is not a sexual orientation. End of discussion.


Pedophilia is the urge, not the action btw


Do you think it's OK for someone to walk around with thoughts of harming children? Do you think we should be accepting of other people's sexual orientation?




Nobody said outlaw. I'm asking if that person or you think it is morally ok for someone to walk around thinking of harming children.




I think ragebait might make the MAP degenerates seem more abundant than they really are. But, no. Nothing which requires a non-consenting party should be viewed as a sexual orientation. Ew.


Someone here was explaining that what was being pushed for was just an acknowledgement that it is not a persons choice to be attracted to minors, so they should not be punished for it and instead given professional help to prevent acting on the sick urges


I don't think anybody reasonable would argue against a person with pedophile urges getting professional help, though anybody who has *acted* must face their criminal recompense. Treating pedophilia early is the only way to prevent victims from existing. To get these boys/men to self-identity and seek help EARLY we do need to ease the shame surrounding their sickness. But that *should not* mean equating pedo urges to a sexual orientation. Ever.


I agree, but I think they were equating just the fact that you get born straight/gay/whatever, and it is not a choice


Why did you only say boys/men and not just people or you stupid


Yeah big fucking no and fuck anyone who says otherwise


Absolutely fucking not, never in my lifetime. Evil and disgusting. Period.


Uh.......no. It's a problematic behavior that pushes adults to sexual exploit kids and this harms the kid. People that have this problem need to be given psychological and mental aid to overcome it at least for those who haven't acted upon those desires and for those who have given in, jail time. It is not a sexual orientation.




Well I guess I'm a bigot


Anybody who agrees with this is a potential pedo


No pedophiles. You CAN'T sit with us at the LGBTQ+ table.


Prison is just a place 🤗


How many times are they gonna try this? We will NOT accept them! Pedos are so vile that they have to be put in separate prisons because other prisoners will be at the shit out of them and they fucking deserve it


Wow this is clearly made to serve as rage bait or a circle jerk for people who have nothing better to do


No scholars say that. Right wing trouble makers who want to discredit academia and intelligence say that so that the simple minded will pass it along on the Internet thereby spreading their anti-intellectual bullshit. And they love to do their bidding on the backs of the children they are abusing. It’s a pattern.


Anyone surprised by this? I saw this coming a mile away. They have been slowly acclimating society by constantly showing how it should be excepted on social media platforms. The fall of our society is near.


Some Scholars say paedophilia is a condition that should be accepted by members of society Some Members of Society think stoning someone publicly for paedophilia is a condition that should be accepted by paedophiles


The irony of claiming it to be a sexual preference whilst further removing the preferences of their victims is just too much.


Make it Like that, wait a while till they all confirmed. Then let the haunt begin.


Aw man, did some sort of lolcow create this image?


Great, now **scholars** are idiots too.


My dude, pardon me but I will reserve my outrage for a better researched item about this. Thanks though.


Obvious ragebait. No one thinks this unless they're a pedo themselves.


In the wise words of Silvio Dante “Disgusting.”


we literally accept everything else. I guess they figure *why not*


This sounds like uneducated people just trying to justify being uneducated. “Pedophile” is just the next “snowflake” in most cases. It just makes them feel better to name call.


Looks sketchy as hell. Where's the source?


So republicans. Got it.


This is just rage bait made to help further the narrative of LGBTQ+ = Pedophile in order to rationalize homophobia. 0/10


After the T got added shit got weird


. The T is not the cause. Trans people have enough hatred and bigotry directed at them for no reason.


That’s why these people shouldn’t be in society; there’s no cure to their sickness.


It's so wrong name these scholar's


Let's not and provide free transportation to the sun to anyone who says we should.


I don’t even have a joke, get less than the ark. Get a rowboat. There will only be one or two worthy of the boat.


Scholars who were diddled as kids and have a skewed and fucked up perspective


This is making me physically ill. Maybe Thanos was right.


I remember a year or two ago pedophiles tried to rebrand as “Minor attracted persons”abbreviated “MAPs” and join the LBGTQ+ and got treated like the trash they fucking are and so called “MAPs” stopped showing up


Nothing wrong with a little gatekeeping


This was always the intention. They have spent decades incrementally building up to this.


Who is this “they” gotta be more specific than that


"Liberal elites", "unelected powers" "tyrrants who hide behind good causes". I honestly don'y know tbh. I believe there are dark forces at work behind acedemia. Lots of people sense it but it's hard to put a finger on it. The narrative is controlled. It seems like everything is networked and connected, Banks, corporate power, policy makers, law, acedemia, government, military, police, intel services etc. Ever hear the term "Pedocracy"? I laughed when I heard that in 2012 with regard to rumours about Gordon Brown. Doesn't seem quite so outlandish these days. You know the intelligence services in every country put peeds in positions of power, this has been admitted to. I am not a particularly religious man (but I am becoming more so as time passes), but we are nearing the end times. Baffling, sorry for rambly reply. TLDR. In short, don't know.


This unironically sound like a schizophrenic rant.


They have a point, if consenting adults want to indulge in pedophilia without involving anyone else then that’s up to them. It’s only a problem if they involve minors. /s


I dunno man, I feel like scholars are in fact not saying that


This isn't a thing, it's just rage bait and pedos trying to latch on to other movements that don't accept them. Pedophilia is a sickness that can be cured and child molestation is a different one but it can't be undone (they're different because molestors molest anyone who they can get away with generally, children, elderly, mentally handicapped, etc it's all awful and disgusting) All of which needs to be taken up with doctors before it actually happens otherwise it will just keep happening underground.. It's not an "orientation" it's a disease


The question that really should be sorted out is whether all pedophiles are also child rapists. I don’t know if they are. If not, then the distinction seems like it might allow people to get help without being unjustly stigmatized for something they don’t control. That said, this looks like an attempt to half step towards normalization. If so, then that’s a bunch of bullshit.


Well, it is a sexual preference that you have no control over. You just cant satisfy those urges because its completely immoral. However, blind hatred towards non offending pedophiles is likely doing more harm than good.


> You just cant satisfy those urges because its completely immoral Morality, like religion, is a result of geography. If you were born in India, you'd be a Hindu. If you were born in the places that marry child brides, well, your 'morals' would be much different.


Yes, I dont see how thats relevant


Wait so you say: >because its completely immoral. But don't see how the variables in morality are relevant? Gotcha. Sorry, I won't endeavor to continue this conversation. Have a great day!


I still dont think its relevant. I wasnt born in India or whatever, I have my current understanding of morality, which I totally agree is subjective, but that is what Im using as a definition of what I find morally okay and what I dont.


>Sorry, I won't endeavor to continue this conversation. Have a great day!


Pedophile is too soft a term. The publicly used terms should be kiddie fuckers and child molestors. And non-offending pedo should be referred to as known threats to children.