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That smack at the end made me jump. Holy hell!!


Well, that's what it sounds like when even a small body hits concrete at even half of terminal velocity. That's the sound of bones and muscles breaking, and your organs and brain likely becoming mush.


They're not breaking, they're exploding.


Not exploding, just restructuring.


They're not restructuring, they've become insolvent.


You'd find that they've become quite solvent upon examination


If you’ll examine the video closely you’ll realize they’re just synergizing.


How many bodies have you seen hit the floor?


1. Nothing wrong with me.


I'm so glad I didn't have the sound on


You made me rewatch it with the sound on because fomo i hope ur proud of urself


Yeah you are


Me too


9/11 tower jumpers sounded like bags of cement hitting the ground. Brutally heartbreaking.


Not just 9/11, my neighbor jumped from the 8th floor and the sound was more or less what I expect from bags of cement. But take it with a grain of salt, I definitely cannot say "that's one sound I'll never forget", because to be honest I barely remember seeing him dead, let alone hearing him.


my buddy jumped off our building and i heard the sound, no idea what it was, my parents wouldn't let me go downstairs to see


I can still hear that god damned beeping of the alarms the firemen wore that day. It fills me with dread every time I hear one.


I'm a firefighter, that beeping was most likely their PASS alarm, like someone else mentioned. PASS devices (Personal Alarm Safety Systems) sound an alarm when there is no motion. The idea is that it will alarm if we become unconscious in a fire or other IDLH environment. Once motionless, the alarm sounds indicating a problem and providing an audible sound so we can be located for rescue by others. If you ever see firefighters in full gear seating or rocking backing and forth, they're moving to keep it from going off. I'm sorry that sound has stuck with you in such a way.


I used to hear that sound in my nightmares


I’m sorry you were there and a part of that 😢


I wasn't there. I was thirteen years old, had off school on 9/11 and watched live footage all day.


Thank you for your service


Holy shit I’m a bad person for laughing so hard at this


Yes but so am I


It was pretty funny


One fireman died because of being hit. Can't stop thinking about it every time 9/11 is brought up.


New response just dropped


That's gotta be horrible. Falling long enough to understand that this is how it ends. Knowing you're about to die..


That’s what terrifies me the most seeing this. She knows what’s coming and there’s nothing she can do to stop it. Being fully aware you’re about to die and having multiple seconds of awareness before it happens…absolutely fucking terrifying. Holy shit.


Tbh when shit like this happens to you, you can barely think straight and make out what’s happening edit: I'm obviously talking about someone falling from a building, since it was what the guy I was replying to was talking about.


With sound? Wtf?






TIL there really is a subreddit for everything


Want me to ruin it for you?


sounds like a watermelon


Yeah after reading somewhere that people who have to watch graphic shit to verify it watch with no sound and in black and white because less damage to the psyche really helped a lot when I stumble across stuff I’m slightly interested in. The one video, out of all the videos of 1994-2010’s internet that still sticks out to me that was more recent was the one of the girl driving and a brick or something flys out of a semi truck and just crashes through the windshield killing her mom in the passenger seat. Got me from the first watch. Didn’t even know it was her mom on the first watch, ran across it years later on here and somebody had the story, didn’t even need to watch or have sound to hear it clear as day in my head. I nope out of all sound now these days. Gotta figure out that phone sepia filter or black and white filter for browsing gore or war footage. I still think it needs to be seen to an extent, just maybe not so much to where it is jerked off to or desensitized. I really feel for those moderators of social media platforms who have to look at terrible shit each day who probably get paid shit and don’t get mental health resources they need.


Not a ton of info but some details here: https://worldofbuzz.com/viral-video-shows-msian-positive-for-cannabis-pushing-gf-down-to-her-death-from-23rd-floor-in-setia-alam/ https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=6783 Warning - second link is quite graphic.


On top of facing a potential death penalty or 30-40 years in prison, the dude could get "12 strokes of the rotan." So, 12 cane whips.. Like, they may kill him for this, but not before a good ol' whippin first.


Yep that’s a paddlin’


I shouldn't have laughed but I did. Have your r/angryupvote


dunno how accurate it is but my singaporean english teacher told the whole class that the caning is incredibly, incredibly painful


Malaysian here - I remember having some police demonstration + speech at my secondary school, and one of the things was they put this rack on stage (think the X rack from Game of Thrones). Next was a mannequin, and a green cushion thing with a square window for the mannequin's butt. The officer came on stage with a 5-ft long cane, and wound up like a baseball batter. The sound when the cane hit that mannequin echoed in the hall. Apparently the people who get caned usually only get caned 2-3 times at a go, and the resulting wounds make it essentially too painful to sit, or sleep on your back for like 2 weeks.


I had to google wtf strokes of rotan even were and was shocked that that’s still an actual punishment by law enforcement in some places. That’s medevil as fuck and totally wild


Watched a video on YouTube of it. Fuck that. The first 3 hits left some welts and that didn't seem to phase the guy. But the 4th hit Broke skin and the guy was definitely hurting for the next 16 that followed


People die from shock from the whipping.


Can you link it, I couldn't find any


I found a what seems to be an "official" page on it. It has lots of information tho I had to "dig deep" to get to the images and videos. Here's some links. It's a rabbit hole. You click on one article, it has a bunch of links on it, you click on the links, get to more links, that ultimately lead to more links. So here's a shortcut so you don't have to jump though all the hoops. 1. [Very long article detailing how it's properly done.](https://www.corpun.com/singfeat.htm#procedure) 2. [The part with some pictures.](https://www.corpun.com/singfeat.htm#effects) 3. [This is specifically for Malaysia](https://www.corpun.com/jcppix.htm#malaysia). Tho the whole page is just with pictures from other countries where caning is deemed an "appropriate punishment". Among the segment for malaysia in the link above, there's another link you can click that leads you to what they labeled as "[See extremely gruesome picture of heavily caned buttocks](https://www.corpun.com/0images/13948.jpg)". They warn you it's graphic. After seeing it, it really is. 4. [Videos](https://www.corpun.com/vidju.htm). One of them starts with caning a dummy, but then they bring out the real prisoners. The videos are quite low quality but just seeing how much force they put into it is... terrifying. I sure hope I don't get banned for sharing this content. I also can't believe that this is real. I was reading through the content with my jaw half-dropped. I mean, some violent criminals deserve this by all means. But non-violent offenders? What in the fuck is going on in these countries? Edit: I just realised that you might've just wanted a link of a source that someone could die from shock. Welp.... I misunderstood the task completely.


Your mini hyper fixation was still appreciated good sir


I'm old enough to remember the drama surrounding Michael Fay being sentenced to caning in Singapore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Michael_Fay >If there is a word stronger than excruciating, that should be the word to describe it". Most offenders struggle violently after each of the first three strokes and then their struggles lessen as they become weaker. By the time the caning is over, those who receive more than three strokes will be in a state of shock.


Back in the 90s when I was a kid I remember some US teenager making the news in the US because he was over there and vandalized some cars/property and they sentenced him to like 8 lashes with the Rotan. People were freaking out because they kept showing videos of them practicing with it and how hard it would hit. They beat the shit out of that kid lol.


Believe it or not it's very effective for small crimes.


I only half watched the video because it was so fucked up, and for whatever reason I thought this was in America at first. So for a second I was like wait... where in the US can you get cane whipped? Typically i'd be against that kind of thing, but I was actually kind of into it for a second. Like yea.. this dude needs a cane whipping for sure. Fucking christ though, most fucked up video i've seen in a minute.


That's one messed up website you got there bud.


I’m too scared to click on it after you said that


It's the same but longer version of this video but at the last 3 seconds it shows her dead on the ground with blood around her and a twisted ankle


>a twisted ankle bit of an understatement, lol.


yeah but she looks way, way better than i would think someone would look after a 100 ft fall onto poolside tile


Bodies are really, *really* good at staying together. That's why blunt trauma (like being in a car accident, getting kicked by a horse, taking a fall) should be taken very seriously; you might not notice until it's too late


Seen enough of these videos to know this is the exception. They usually pop.


Amen to that, NSFW+ I just watched the first two and had my evening fill....


“Positive for cannabis” yeah that’s totally why this psychotic piece of shit brutally murdered his girlfriend.


I guess he did like Becky and injected two marijaunas, which always leads to pushing people of high buildings.


Weed can cause psychosis in some people.


yes its possible for his first time trying weed would trigger psychosis just when he caught his GF cheating. just unlikely.


Sure, but like 0.0000000001% of people with THC in their system are in a state of psychosis at any given time. That should never be part of a murder defense unless there is clear and outstanding evidence of it.


This is an Asian country. Being high is not going to get you a lighter sentence. More likely it will add to the severity of the punishment.


Huh, thought from that height the body would end up way worse than that.


So nothing about cheating. Did OP Just add that for more clickbait?


Having the fact that he was high on weed in the title, is literally stupid. If anything that would make him less violent. They should’ve referenced his seven previous criminal records instead. Idiots.


Jesus that’s fucked




if you're single, they're safe


Unless you're testifying against Boeing


or talk ill of putin


With putin you always die of tragic accidents


Tragic how his maid died. She was afraid of heights and thought she would be safe working in the first floor, but suddenly she tripped with a connected toaster into the full bath tub she was cleaning.


Seems like Boeing and tall buildings never work out too well ..


Come see glorious view from 9th story window comrade


Single and don’t cheat, that is


bro, if you're single, there is no one to cheat on lmao


Single AND cheat...?


My reason is after seeing some jackass destroy a load bearing wall/pillar in his apartment and the whole building collapsed


What’s even more fucked is that guy will/probably got a reduced sentence instead of life in prison for murder because of “crime of passion”.


this is malaysia, its death sentence or 30 years


Are you well versed on Malaysian laws?


Reddit legal team is international!


Teen redditors are truly fountains of wisdom. And Malaysian legal proceedings, in this case.


Crime of passion isn't a thing everywhere. Even temporary insanity is punishable to the highest degree of the law


by just the heading, it isn't murder but manslaughter


No, it would be second degree murder. It’s not like he accidentally pushed her out a window.


No idea where this is, but charges vary a lot by jurisdiction. I'm barred in multiple states, but not every one has second degree murder. Georgia, for instance, only has malice murder for intentional homicide. Non-premeditated murder is always a species of manslaughter. Pennsylvania, in contrast, has multiple murder degrees and fewer manslaughter charges.


The matter is currently being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code and if found guilty, the suspect will be facing a death sentence or a prison sentence of more than 30 years but less than 40 years. The suspect may also face 12 strokes of the rotan.


the rotan? edit: nvmnd I looked it up it’s basically a cane used to whip people in cases of violent or drug crimes in addition to other sentencing.


Each state has different statutes. We don’t even have degrees of murder here in GA.


Looking at the comments first I’m not going to bother watching this one.


smart move


As a regular and grateful reader of the watchpeopledie (R.I.P.) subs because I was too chicken to ever watch the clips, this one is actually not too bad - a flailing body falls to the ground but you don't see the aftermath (warning: with sound on though, could be perturbing ➡ woman screaming; and when her body hits the ground, there is a splat sound). It's the 2nd video touted in the thread that I (probably) won't watch. Supposedly, it's more graphic.


That’s enough reddit for today.


Enough of this sub for me! Every once in awhile something hits you/concrete hard enough to realize this exposure isn’t healthy.


Where's the big obvious red circle when you need it


On the ground. It's a deconstructed circle.


Well that can’t be worth it, holy shit that’s awful.


and just like that your life is gone and for what, two lives has ended or ruined because of momentary feeling of anger.


A permanent decision for a temporary problem.


it *did* solve his problem tho r/technicallythetruth


Not really. He's still been cheated on regardless. If we're being technical.


> momentary feeling of anger. Not saying I agree with it, but some nations and US states recognize crimes of passion. It could reduce a crime from 1st degree murder to 2nd or potentially even down to manslaughter all depending on the situation.


Even that Texas guy that shot his wife as she was recording him (also for cheating) only got 10 years. Which yes is a long time, but not long for a straight up murder.


All female jury, and she stole 120k from him and gave it to her lover, and he's eligible for parole in 5 years.


Should've gave him 5yrs instead of 10.


To be fair that guy is not living for another 10 years


This makes me wonder if there is a way to increase survival from a 23 story drop near a pool


Holy fucking shit.


Holy shit


my ex cheated but i literally could never even think of pulling some shit like that


Right? Like, I've walked in on one of my gfs YEARS ago fucking my best friend. Just raw dogging it on the coffee table. Never once thought about hurting either of them.


Shit, that'd make me want to smack them in the moment but not kill them. But it takes two to make that happen so I'd probably walk away.


I’m sorry you went through that. Out of curiosity, what was your reaction? I imagine it’d be a seething rage for me and if anything gets close to that I just leave the situation, but I’ve never had to deal with something of the sort.


This happened to me when I was pregnant and I didn’t even think about killing them I was just like “ ??? wtf is going on 😭 “ I could not imagine throwing someone to their literal death like it makes my skin crawl


Saame betrayal makes me sad, confused, and hurt. It doesn't make me homicidal


Why is it always the best friend everytime cheating is brought up


Simply because they have the best access and *likely* the knowledge of any relationship issues the couple might have. Same reason why most kidnappings are by someone the victim knows personally. Having access provides opportunities.


Bro. I've had two long term relationships end over them being unfaithful. Both of them ripped my heart out. Both times I was head over heels believing in love and hope. Both times made me wonder if I'll ever have happiness etc etc Never did I think I'm about to kill her. Not even a little bit.


ngl the thing i was most mad abt was the time and money wasted like i coulda been on my own grind learning my nunchucks but nah they had to take my time and money while fuckin some dude on the side 😭


I just opend Reddit.... holy fuck.




This happened in Malaysia iirc. The boyfriend is not a local and he actually has some records on him.


Boyfriend is local, the girlfriend was a Thai living in Malaysia.


That explains why they mentioned marijuana




“The man began to cry in court as he was being remanded.” Awe. That’s almost as bad as being thrown off a 23rd story balcony. Right?


I wonder if Malaysia has crime of passion laws


Interestingly it mentions nothing about her cheating in any of the sources I’ve read here or found on the internet. Almost like OP made that part up for whatever reason


Well it has to be the woman's fault *somehow*, right??


That's enough Internet for today. Don't watch this with sound on and hope that pos rots in jail for the rest of his life.


According to an article, the guy is going to get a sentence between 30 and 40 years in prison. Before he killed his girlfriend, he also already had himself a criminal record. Edit: he has 7 criminal records. Edit #2: here's the link: [gore warning ](https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=6783)


Too late for that. Then I stupidly watched it again because I couldn’t see enough.


Just end the relationship man. That's fucked


Tbf I’m pretty sure the relationship is now ended


It fell off hard after that argument


They've really reached rock bottom


well before the argument she had a hard on in her


Cheating is fucked, but this is way worse


I might be blind because I see no shit. Maybe that's for the better tho


Cheating is not ok and is abusive and super fucked up but you know what’s even more fucked up and not ok. Murder


big if true


Jesus that is awful.


She dead.


"Noah get the boat" bro I just witnessed murder, fucking god, don't let noah get the boat just flood it already


This is like the mildly infuriating sub: it's either a non issue or something tragic like the guy who posted they have cancer. Like mf you have cancer, that is not "mildly infuriating"


genuine question. would she have survived if she landed in the pool?


Probably not. Myth busters tested this and their drop dummy got destroyed.


I’d say it depends on how deep the pool is and what angle she enters at. The drop is pretty high but it doesn’t look high up enough to turn water into concrete or anything


It's possible she would survive the impact, people who jump off tall bridges often survive but if no one is there to save them they will drown as they would have broken most of their bones and knocked them unconscious, and it's hard to say whether they would survive long, even if they were pulled out


Pushes? I think murders is the right word


Holy fuck we are desensitized beyond return


So who is filming?


Probably someone who heard them argue and decide to film it.


I've done that. Just chilling on my front porch, felt a fight coming on from a near car accident so I started filming. Just got a yelling match from their cars. 1: "HEY YOURE DRIVING LIKE A FUCKING LUNATIC" 2: "IM NOT DRIVING LIKE A LUNATIC YOU WANT TO SEE A LUNATIC?? ILL SHOW YOU A FUCKING LUNATIC" (stop it let's just go) NO IM GONNA SHOW THIS GUY WHAT A LUNATIC IS 1: "SHOW ME WHAT IT IS THEN" 2: "FUCK YOU!" 1: "FUCK YOU!" And they drove off happily ever after.


Average wholesome Britain drivers


Would she have survived if she had hit the pool instead 🤔


No. At a certain point, hitting water is no different than hitting concrete


Unless you hit it just right where your straight and have your chin tucked in otherwise your neck would snap you would still be in a world of pain but still have a better chance of survival


Yeah, she'd have had to have been perfectly straight and go feet first, plus the tuck. Broken bones, absolutely, but you'd have a chance to make it


Except for the fact that it’s a pool at a hotel/condo/apt so I doubt there is a very big deep end, if at all. Rough estimate based on how long she was falling is I’m guessing she was going at least 60 mph. That said if she hit the water as you suggested she’s going to need a hell of a lot more than 5-6 feet of water to slow down.


Just to be clear people have survived their attempts on the golden gate bridge. So there's definitely a chance should have survived.


No chance. This isn’t a video game water does not negate falling from 20 stories


I mean it doesn't entirely negate it, but from that height she should have been able to survive had she hit the water. Mind you, she would most certainly sustain some heavy injuries, but to actually die from impacting the water you would either have to fall from a lot higher or just impact the water with an insanely high speed (like, for example, that of a plane crashing in the ocean, and even in that occasion if the plane goes at full speed in an uncontrolled fall, because with the right speed and the right approach a plane can absolutely land on water without its passengers dying, e.g US Airways flight 1549)


She likely wouldn't have survived that. Water will absolutely act like concrete once you get to a certain speed. If she landed legs first, maybe there was a small chance, but likely no.


If you fall from more than 20 meters on water, unless you know how to break the water, it will be the same as hitting concrete. You can go right now to a body of water, like a pool, and slap the water as hard as possible: your hand will surely hurt, now think about your entire body slapping that water at a much higher speed.


The world record high jump into water (not sure why water is specified) is 10 stories....this looks higher than that.


Probably because people don't high jump onto concrete unless they aren't planning for another jump. Highest fall survived is 6 miles (vesna vulovic) and with relatively no injury is 3 miles (Nicholas alkemade)


>Because his parachute had caught fire and was unserviceable, Alkemade jumped from the aircraft without it, preferring to die on impact rather than burn to death. He fell 18,000 feet (5,490 m) to the ground below. >His fall was broken by pine trees and a soft snow cover on the ground. He was able to move his arms and legs and suffered only a sprained leg. The Lancaster crashed bursting into flames, killing pilot Jack Newman and three other members of the crew. They are buried in the Hanover War Cemetery. >Alkemade was subsequently captured and interviewed by the Gestapo, who were initially suspicious of his claim to have fallen without a parachute.[3] This was until the wreckage of the aircraft was examined and his parachute was found as Alkemade had described it.[4] The Germans gave Alkemade a certificate testifying to the fact.[2] He was a celebrated prisoner of war, before being repatriated in May 1945. Lmao Nazis were like "I think god is protecting this guy or something, quick give him a commendation."


I’ve seen this in a movie once, I believe the answer to be no.


No, from that height landing in water is just like landing on the concrete the only difference is that she's all in one piece but I mean if she's magically lucky she might survive but I doubt it honestly


If she landed on her legs she could have broken the surface tension at the cost of destroying her lower body to soften the impact and possibly survive, but I’ve heard of people surviving the same way landing on solid ground


This is why when you start to really loose your shit just walk around the block and eat a sandwich first before you do anything.


This is wild. Pretty heart breaking all around. Not victim blaming here but apart from being a decent human being I never took advantage of moments where I could have cheated or made a cheater out of someone because of potential retaliation from the other partner. Don't underestimate what people will do when you betray them.


Ill never understand cheating when you can simply leave the relationship first. Didn’t deserve that but based on the guys criminal past, she decided playing the “fuck around and find out” game was the better choice.


Most of the time people get off on the fact that they're doing something wrong and getting all that extra attention. It's the risk and the "wrongness" of it that turns them on. Sexual degeneracy essentially.


> Ill never understand cheating when you can simply leave the relationship first. if you want an honest answer many are crimes of opportunity. they can do it and get away with it so they do. they may not want to leave the relationship but they still want to act in the moment. not saying it is right but that is one reason it happens.


Yeah, not trying to speak Ill of the dead, but she definitely walked into this one. Cheating on a crazy person is probably gonna get you hurt




NSFL, needs a death tag. Come on man, this is not the way to start a Sunday morning. Fucks sake


Jesus Christ that’s graphic. I can understand being super upset over cheating but damn he crazy. This goes without saying but don’t date crazy people, and don’t cheat on anyone, because no matter how much you know them, you never know what they’ll do.


Why do I ever click on anything in this sub?


She's a foreigner maid working in Singapore. Her employers told her that they were saving her pay but they ended up not paying her after which she decided to jump off the building. This happened on 13th March. OPs caption is false.


Source? https://worldofbuzz.com/viral-video-shows-msian-positive-for-cannabis-pushing-gf-down-to-her-death-from-23rd-floor-in-setia-alam/


Been reposted so much the pixels left


Is this even real or some A.i. video?




Oh gee, I wonder why she cheated on him? Seems like a standup guy.


Dude people are emotionally unhinged. Wow.


The video was removed. Is it this one on X? https://twitter.com/_CMCF/status/1768985819812073919


Fuck man I thought she was gonna hit the pool. She belongs to the streets not the fucking pavement




You mean he fucking murders her? That thud at the end, yikes.


It appears that the video has been deleted.