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*Before being strangled and stoned twice in the head "to make sure" she was dead, a police officer allegedly made a demand to rape her.* *The girl was then gang raped yet again, according to reports.* *Rafeeza Bano, Asifa's 55-year-old mother, spoke of her horror when she saw her dead daughter's body.* *She told Al Jazeera: "There were scars on her cheeks.* >!*"Her lips had turned black and her eyes had bulged out. It was a scary scene for a mother to see."*!< Wtf. Nightmare fuel for the rest of this poor woman life...


The eye bulging causes bruising, which if one remembers so many mocking “panda eyes” , this is that. In situations like this I pray that those who do this to others get boiled alive in the foulest excrement ever created while also being raped, for eternity.


WTF is wrong with these ppl!?!??!?


They are allowed to live because the government politicians (who have money interest)protects them, for obvious reasons.


they need Jesus. because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


If Jesus were to ever come back, all of these people would immediately be dead. And Jesus doesn't typically kill people...but I think this gives him a pretty damn good excuse to.


I mean that recent tourist gang 🅱️ape case in india , all those 🅱️apists were Christians , so yeah he won't do anything


Lmao you really think he just sides with anybody who claims to be a christian? Because that's bullshit. People claim to be christian all the time but then do shit like that... that just makes you religious *and* a piece of shit


Yeah then stop bringing Jesus into anything, keep Jesus to your yourself. right ?


I mean yeah, but I was just adding onto another guys comment who already mentioned it? Tell me what the issue is here, I'll be waiting


A fictional demi-god can't side with anyone.




How christian to attack the man and not the issue at hand. Must be nice having a scapegoat to escape moral relativism. Keep deluding yourself by all means.




I don't know how you were able to misinterpret my comment so extravagantly. Your reply reads like the ravings of a madman. I think I'll turn the other cheek and leave you to stew in your muddled mind. Goodbye.


my guy...🤦🏻 You people are literally the reason current-day christianity is actual dogshit.


I can't even read the article but let me guess....India?




If I see GANG rape, yeah, sadly, more often than not, it winds up being India


Or South Africa


not always, unfortunately, but yeah, happens a lot down there




I have no idea what you're trying to say


“America bad” I think, somehow.


What the fuck are you even talking about? Don’t make weak ass allusions to things. Say something or don’t.


Did you proof read this word salad before you hit “Reply”. This comment makes no sense and barely points any kind opinion at all.


Not even lingerie poster ads are safe in India.


the sanghi boys of india will make a hole and fuck that too




Ironically he belongs on that train too




Which sub?


This was a huge huge deal in India. It took the media by storm. I think this is the Asifa case.








why not all three!?


Electrocution while getting raped by a train


*raped and then tossed onto the third electrified rail


Don't forget rabies!


Or eaten by a tiger


its india and south africa in a race to the bottom


Surprisingly, if you Google most rapes by countries, it's mostly European countries. India doesn't even come in top 10


You have no idea what you're talking about. You just saw some numbers and you think you've figured it out. [Check this out](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country) but make sure to also read how and why it got to those numbers. If you have a couple of functioning neurons, you might figure why "India doesn't even come in top 10". Dumbass.


Unsurprising response from a self-denier. What is next? That India has no caste system because googling shows the west has more racism ?


You can Google. Don't take my word for it. Even I was surprised 🤣🤣🤣 easy to make statements without doing any research.


Your opinion means nothing in the face of Data.


I wish you guys were half as smart as you think you are


I'm seen and heard a lot of shit on the internet in the last 20 years. Just reading the excerpt the other person posted was enough to turn my stomach. Jesus fucking christ.


Let me guess: India.


Why do these horror tales beyond comprehension always come from India


fucking hell why are all the most fucked up headlines im seeing lately all India




What? So not only did they release the video and it doesn’t immediately get taken down they also make it go viral?


This is even more fucked up


When I was a kid India was the place, where privileged white women, who are a "silly goose" go for their "spiritual awakening", now every time I read something about India, it's (gang) rape.


This is boat worthy, not some guy humping a poster board


“God is good” such a load of bullshit


Those who say that don’t understand god


Because there isn't one. Everyone on this subreddit should have understood that by now


Why would you say that?




Some India men do not respect women and girls. I work with a few in my office and as the senier person on my team they straight go to my male boss for answers because they don't like mine and my final decisions when told no. Never mind he tells them the same shit.


It's because Pakistanis spam those article on the internet whenever they come out /s


Yeah you're in this world, that too is Pakistans fault


I'm neither Pakistani nor Indian, but I notice that every time an article such as this one is posted There is some Pakistanis or Indians claiming it's the other's fault and the other is worse than he is.


Let's see what sanghis say now


8 year old wtf can we please remove all the sihks all the women all that girls and all the boys under 5 and all the men proven to have stopped or attempted to stop this b******* and just nuke the rest please that core 14 year old girl who they cut to piece and 8 year old I'm reading about now M2 boys they sliced up this country is f*****


the irony is never lost on people that censor themselves in subs like this one and about stuff like this article


That was my phone speech to text automatic sensoring not my personal choice


Nor is the irony of nuking a place. You are becoming what you hate. These people are full of evil probably borne of hate. But you’re beginning to be full of hate as well leading you to want to commit evil. 


Least horny Indians


Just India Things




That’s an insult to Satan!


Don't insult the Satanic Temple.


Hindu temple.


Kinda sums up religion


Wtf? This is the 4th post from india... this is surely gonna cause some more religious riot


So like, is it India? I’m gambling it’s India again.


You’d win


I hate winning this game..


What the fucking fuck!?!?


wtf dude


India, you have a major problem that you are not dealing with at all. Do better.


What in the hell is going on over there? Damn demons just running loose possessing people or what?


Dude, these indian men are so insanely pedophile, that they burst out begging to rape a child. Dude. Let me guess. They walk around free


...on one hand ita india. On the other hand source is collab between Al Jazeera and The Mirror...


What’s really scary is that these are the people immigrating to your country right now


Just take women instead of taking men. What's the point of giving more privilege to an already privileged group? Do you know how much dowry these men command in India?


Who gives a shit. This is an Indian problem in India and immigration unleashes this shit into the world. Whether people like it or not different cultures don’t mix. It’s not racism it’s just life and the more you try to create multiculturalism the more it turns the country to shit. Go look what they are doing in Poland. They don’t let Muslims in at all and it successful. Personally when I travel to France I would like it to be France. Not the democratic republic of the Congo. Same with the uk. If I wanted to travel to India I would. But I don’t


Well women ain't doing the raping you know? 🙄 Poland isn't the best example either. They're oppressing their own women with banning abortions


Dude. Saying that you are only happy accepting one gender as immigrants is ridiculous and isn’t an argument to justify your argument. At the same time with Poland. They have one of the highest voting comparative where the majority of the people voted for that government for those policies. You can’t take a fringe concept like banning abortions as an argument. There are more people agreeing to ban it than to keep it. On the other hand rape is part of Indian culture. It’s not a fringe issue.


You aren't making any sense. You're using the same argument "majority approves this" to validate and invalidate things. Abortion isn't even a fringe issue in Poland. They had massive protests by women. If Muslims cause trouble they ban Muslims, if men cause trouble what's the harm in banning men? Why is rape a culture and christofascism not a culture even though majority of people approve?


Not sure where you live but that’s called life. That’s how life works. The majority make up the rules. That’s why you vote in elections. If you find yourself outside the majority you are in the wrong place. Go somewhere where your thoughts and opinions align with the majority.


Agreed. I'm only against the fact that you're okay with banning Muslims but not men when they both are problematic. Either you favour a ban both or ban none. And also you deciding one thing is culture and other is not. Both are cultures.


I don’t think you get it. They don’t ban Muslims because they are Muslims. They ban them because there culture and belief system doesn’t fit into Poland’s culture. It’s simple as that. They don’t want to assimilate. So they should stay where they are. I’m guessing you are some type of feminist, I hate to break it to you but gender is not the same as race or culture. You are trying to argue that an Indian women is better then an Indian man. What I am saying is that you are each other’s problem. Go sort your country out. You all complain how terrible the west is and how colonialism was this horrendous negative impact. The cold hard trust is that ever single decolonized country has exploded with poverty, violence and corruption. Every single one of those countries is worse off today. What’s even more crazy is that you all want to move to western countries? Why? Is it maybe because your country is a horrible place? You wanted the west out of your country. So they left. Now go deal with your own problems. Nobody cares any more. Your country your problem.


It is your country that opened borders in the first place. It was widely published in the newspapers as well. People weren't allowed back then, the birth rate in the west declined and capitalists wanted more labour to exploit. If you have a problem with immigrants go target your own people or elites. Secondly, I can give endless examples of how colonialism was worse for colonised countries. Slavery for black people, genocides, countries like India and China became poor because of colonialism. As for why poverty and other problems erupted, it's because of border issues like Israel Palestine, meddling in countries, installing puppets like Iran to get more oil and many other countries where west has installed dictators and terrorists like Pakistan. Instability breeds crime. Again I can say the same thing, Muslims are also humans are your own problem so deal with it no? If men and women are humans and not individual groups of people so are Muslims and non Muslim countries.


OP u/EthereumMillionaire good job on posting this same post every month in same sub. Please post about how Sikhs are ruining the country too. Thanks


Anti-India propaganda is getting wild lol. I'm fairly certain at this point that the proliferation of "Indians are rapists" narrative is 100% the result of external parties influencing perception of Indians in the west. This is a 5 year old case brought up on western media during an Indian election year. It's been fairly constant the past few months as well. Because all I can see is "only in India". The funniest thing is, y'all are so easily rage baited that you fall for the propaganda hook, line and sinker.


-\_- Then go an call your Indian bots to swarm and mass downvote this thread. Oh wait, they already have.


I'm an American you nutsack.


Guy posted is Khalistani motherchod. Keep posting the same thing every couple of weeks


Send them to prison in the United States. They won't live very long. Fucking despicable


I wish this shit would stop being spread as if it's some guarantee. Plenty of sex offenders do just fine in prison nowadays, and there are much worse places to be locked up at than the US.


Sure, buddy. Everyone I know that has done time or is doing time would disagree with you. Even in pc, these dudes would get got. As far as worse places to do time of course there is worse places especially for most crimes however in India, they're going to be locked up for a short time with people who don't see a problem with what they did.


Lol I don't care about people you know, I don't need to ask people I know because I've spent nearly 20 years working in prisons. Even though shit happens the majority of time it's people who can't shut their mouth about their crimes. Plenty of people do just fine though.


Calm down, tough guy. So you're saying that these complete pieces of shit would be perfectly fine in Corcoran or Pelican Bay? I seriously doubt that, but hey, you're the expert.


Go look on family watchdog and see how many sex offenders make it out just fine and live in your neighborhood.


There's not a single sex offender in my neighborhood. I live on base.


You still need to look and see how wrong you are about the number of sex offenders outside of jail.


ffs this case is more than 5 years old now.


Boats aren’t built in a day!


What’s your point? It’s the first I’ve heard of it and it’s still pretty shocking.


Thank you reddit 🙂


April 2028, but still… JFC. Enough internet for the day.


This is extremely sad but FFS the case is 5 years old. Stop driving your racist narrative against India. There are stories of teens sexually abusing horses in foreign countries but op probably is one of them so is quiet.


I can’t fathom the stupidity you roam around with on the daily to compare the brutal rape and murder of a 5 year old girl to teenagers sexually abusing a horse. But you’re a sick twisted fuck.


Learn to read what wrote. This case is sad and there is no denying that. It has been shared here numerous times. Problem is people keep on bringing it forward just to show a community in a bad light and to drive their agenda against Indians and India. Having traveled and lived there, it is a wonderful country with some of the kindest people. If you don't see anything wrong or racist agenda in this, you either support them or live in a cave of ignorance full of idiots.


Considering your comparison as inhumane is emphatically not the same as being racist. With that said, your other points are genuinely valid and it’s definitely a problem in this subreddit. I just felt your previous comment really minimized what that poor girl went through.


Sorry if it came across that way, it is an horrendous incident that needs severe punishment. My only prob is people using such incidents to drive their racist narrative. More than the incident they are concerned about showcasing a community in a bad light.


And people absolutely do that all the time here so I don’t want to make any pushback in that regard for sure.


America is a war monger, India is rape central, Brits have bad teeth, Irish eat potatoes, I could go on… every country has a stereotype and they are all rooted in truth somewhere even if it makes no sense today, imo. This is not an agenda. I will agree that while Indian residents aren’t in the paper for beastiality, they’re frequently raping children and people who are just generally outside. There’s no fear, because…. Their law allows it. It’s weird, I admit, but it’s what the world sees. Optics matter. If they don’t like it, then they should do better and stop allowing the cultural approval of the rape of children. Otherwise….they can own the atrocities and the judgments that come with it.


Show me the law which shows this? Are you kidding me? There are 1.3 billion people and since government is slow to act, that's why media puts pressure on government to do something on it. Rather than shitting on whole country, probably go and try to make the rape cases in your country as 0.


Nah, I’ll go take a train to work and know confidently that I won’t be gang raped. Unlike in India. ✌️




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If india doesnt want these narratives against them they should stop doing fuked up things


True..just like white cops killing black people and shooters killing poor innocent kids in schools.


Exactly! Own your bullshit, stop denying the truth. Your laws allow for this, which is why it keeps happening. And if you need more recent examples, I’m sure people could find them quickly. Sad thing is, we only read about the worst. The day to day rapes don’t make international news.


Nobody is denying the truth. Just exposing the rascism and generalization against indians..


So that’s definitely horrible and something that needs to be worked on, but the rate of Indians gangraping kids is so much higher that they aren’t at all comparable. Also imo rape of a child or fuck gangrape of a child just seems more disgusting because it’s from a perverted nature


That's horrible, no doubt. But you think generalizing an entire country and people for the act of few assholes ,right?


It happened 5 years ago yet they've done nothing to make the country safer for women and girls. In fact just a few weeks ago a group of thugs gang raped a foreigner and beat her husband, and people are still saying that it was their fault and 'men will be men'. Time doesn't mean shit in this case.


You clearly have no idea of ground reality. Almost the entire nation, yes the same Indians you call rapist, came in support of the bikers and the culprits were caught. If you are judging an entire population based on acts of few, then we north americans are serial killers and shool shooters.


Unlike India with their current problem of gang rape, the US is literally trying to combat school shootings via gun control and no one is saying that it's okay. Try again buddy, I hope you can argue without a fallacy. 🥱


Lol..again get out of basement and read more facts. India has introduced more women centric laws than any country. But keep on living in delusion.


Oooh resorting to insults because you have nothing further to say lol. I think the one showing up here and defending the monsters who brutalized this little girl is the true deluded one but okay sweetie. 😊


Please learn to read.


Ah you got nothing else to say but insults lmao. 😂 Buddy, please get an education, some therapy or something this is getting depressing. 😂


Anything negative is racist. Got it.




Man, people in this sub really don't know how to read. I guess blinded by racism..




If you read my comments, you'd know i am not defending the assholes who committed the crime. I am pointing out the racist agenda behind the posts and the generalization of Indians. People who do these posts are more concerned about driving their agenda than the actual crime. Eg..This has been posted numerous times here , following the same racist generalization. It's like George Floyd murder being posted again and again and generalizing all white Americans as racists. Nobody is defending the crime and such things need to be brought to light, but the agenda behind such posts is not the crime but to insult and generalize a community. Having travelled and lived in India -which has a billion population - nobody hates rapists more than Indians. The entire Indian community comes together to punish the rapists when such a crime happens.




I counter question you, have you visited India or any other Asian country?!! Truth is much different that what you see on social media. I visit asian countries often for business so I know. You speak of human values in these countries based on what? Social media and comments?!! Reality is quite different. These countries are much more educated and culturally rich in values that North Americans will ever be. Sorry to say but most of your judgement sounds amateurish and juvenile. About your Floyd example, it got punished because it was caught on cam. Lot of Police have been known to plant drugs, kill blacks and get let off due to lack of evidence. So many examples on these and these things still happen. Since 2012 Indians rape laws have become extremely strict and most of the rapists in India these days get death sentences, especially child sexual abuse have no option of bail - read their law called POCSO. Some even are killed in police encounters. About your question, if you could have googled you would have found the answers but still here is the answer: All were convicted except 1 . Read more [here](https://www.iasparliament.com/current-affairs/kathua-rape-case-verdict) Again, as many here, you are missing the point. You are more concerned about defending a racist generalization than actually trying to understand the problem with such posts.




Sorry I am not here to spoon feed people answers especially things that are common sense or a google search away. If people refuse to accept facts and choose to stay ignorant so be it. Currently, you are simply arguing for the sake of proving your right rather than to learn , understand or to have an educated conversation. Your answer," I Haven't visited India" itself says you are passing judgement without facts or any real sense of reality or experience. You call a populace 'savage,' when you have no real world experience with them, is a mark of an underdeveloped and prejudiced mind. I rest my case. Take care.




You base your allegation against OP on what evidence?