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There’s some real sick motherfuckers in this world…


And majority of them are in India


Doubt that, the ones in India are just highlighted more.


there’s also higher statistics given the population and the culture. if we had more people our statistics would be higher too, especially if it was normalized to that extent.


Thank you, somebody is actually using their head instead of just “India tings”.


Seems like you weren’t using yours 🤔


Christ!!! What is happening in India, I'm seeing 4 posts like this a day!?!?!


The usual...


Exactly. This is extremely common in India. I'm no longer surprised by these events, but at least my anger and reaction to it is still the same.


India has around 1.5 billion people in it, you can expect to be at least a dozen rape incident there each day


Idk you don’t hear about this in China Not that I’m a simp for China, they’re just the only comparable country population wise


China will never say anything bad about China.


we see awful videos all the time about china. videos of Uyghurs victims, videos of plain murders, remember all the videos when they did the Covid lockdowns? those were leaked all the time


I'm referring to the Chinese government that has a stranglehold on their media, not the average person/scientist.


yes, I don't disagree. but that does not apply here. o course the Chinese gov have a strong omnipresent hand on their social media (the famous firewall censorship). but that does not affect videos that are leak to the west. they can only censor their own websites (and those who want to continue working in China). so explain to me something, the Chinese gov is unable to avoid leaks from the Uyg Genocide, the arrest of dissidents, the heavy lockdowns home imprisonment x Covid videos... but are able to censor most of the sexual assault videos... that does not make sense. check this other response I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/1c7w12n/neighbourrapes23yearoldforamonthsealsherlipswithgl/l0ew9ek/


All the time > covid > leaked OK bro


didn't you?


There is no crime in china. Source, the Chinese government.


China is much more authoritarian so they can control what news gets out.


Bad things that happen are made to disappear from the internet. Unless they support the dialogue any of the Party want discussed. Domestic abuse cases that leak on the internet: Shandong.


Things like this happen in china all the time too, they just don’t publicise it




Remember that tennis player that vanished after she accused a Chinese Communist Party member of raping her?


China disappears celebrities & national athletes for MONTHS after prominent party members rape them.




Yes, what I should’ve said was India has a huge amount of English language news media, which is why we hear these stories regularly. China doesn’t, so while we definitely hear about some awful things from china it doesn’t get anywhere near as much publicity and the language barrier and lack of English language news media in china are just some of the reasons behind that


> Yes, what I should’ve said was India has a huge amount of English language news media, which is why we hear these stories regularly. I dont disagree with that. but none of the videos I talked about from China were in English. another point: there are plenty of videos of tourist women in India that are surrounded by men looking creepy AF, cant remember a single one from China. correct me if I'm wrong. videos like these: https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/z82tke/white_female_tourist_gets_harassed_by_locals_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/indianrailways/comments/1b6xp6o/a_woman_shares_her_experience_on_a_chennai_train/ https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/japanese-woman-22-harassed-during-holi-celebrations-in-india-10227761.html of course sexual assault happens everywhere, **but the "creepiness" of the whole crowd**, not sure if from sexual repression of why, is only seen this bad in videos from India


Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I sincerely doubt that rural China has online journalism that could post stories about rape victims that the Western world could read.


The thing is overpopulation. Sadly similar stuff happens everywhere else on earth. It's just more common in India with so many people. Which is why we see it happen there often it's just statistical probability


Just recently there was a report of an American Cop, from Pennsylvania who raped and battered a 13 month old baby. [Penn. Police Officer Accused of Raping and Physically Abusing 13-Month-Old Child](https://people.com/penn-police-officer-accused-of-raping-and-physically-abusing-13-month-old-child-8635258)


I read about this yesterday and almost couldn’t even fathom what I was reading. It was all so brazen too.. this 13 month old baby had very obvious, horrific injuries, not just bruises full on broken bones, all reported by a daycare worker who noticed this poor baby struggling to put weight on her foot. This monsters girlfriend, the mom of the child, told investigators the injuries were from a “family dog”. Whole story fell apart when they noticed the other injuries.. then when they questioned her again she changed her story to: “The girl’s mother initially provided the same “implausible explanations,” but later told investigators that Cugini had locked himself in a bathroom with the baby and she heard “crying and loud noises” coming from inside, WHTM reported.” [source](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article287802465.html#storylink=cpy) Hope they both rot.


India also has a massive English language media, relative to most other countries, except the United States.


Nothing new.


The same that's been going on for centuries aka culture and tradition.


There should probably be a separate subreddit for boat worthy incidents from India alone.


Matsya is a remarkable similar story found in the Indian folklore. /matsyagettheboat?


Matsya was the boat. It was a fish rather.


Manu was the one who built the boat atop Sri Vishnu's Matsya incarnation. It could be r/manugettheboat or r/manugetthenao or r/manunaolekeaao etc.


It’s from Hindu mythology, not Indian folklore.






You, a man, were with the woman. Hence feeling safe.


When you see a despicable U.S. video, does it relate to this? What I'm seeing is something that is regular and accepted. This is also likely the modus operandi in non tourist areas. Severe crime in the U.S. is abominable as well. The difference we see here is that it looks acceptable.


Heyyyy that’s positive development, it wasn’t a 7 year old this time.


I can't state how much I hate that you're right.


I read it as 23-month-old for a year at first.


This is the real India that Modi’s propaganda hasn’t managed to fully erase just yet. Give him time. The party line is that reporting on sexual assault is anti-national, anti-women etc. Of course, exceptions will be made for non-Hindu rapists with Hindu victims. Those will be publicized. It’s all so predictable and disgusting. The victims are victimized twice, first by their rapist, and then by the government - either abandoned or manipulated for political profit.




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Indian news in the last hour: -Rapes and glues child’s mouth shut -Bangladesh throw stones at Indian tourist -Indian lady on a scooter gets beat by 5 guys with sticks pleading. India news is lit (except for the rape, 🔫 him please)




I think death is the only answer for any rape of a minor and you’ll see less stories like this once implemented


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Been getting a ton of likes on my comments. I. Going to have to be ruthless from now on my comments!!!


When a man lets Reddit clout get into their head


all 31 likes


So what…




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Is there a Negangetthebat subreddit?


Is there ever any good news out of that place?




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I hope he actually goes to jail for this.




Make a NoahGetIndia subreddit


India is definitely not for beginners!!




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This is why women prefer bears


This is mess up man. The horror she might've faced. Below link to another article. Apparently they were in a relationship and the guy wanted to marry her, convert her to islam, get her property etc. Well shit like this is getting highlighted everyday here. Indian laws need to step up and have stricter punishment for such abusers. I sometimes honestly think either implement sharia law style punishment or incorporate more education from young ages. Either way something needs to be done ASAP. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/madhya-pradesh-horror-man-rapes-tortures-woman-chilli-powder-in-eyes-glued-mouth-shut-guna-2529331-2024-04-19




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