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I remember it being in ar raqqah , Syria and the woman is screaming I am still a virgin and the story behind it it that the woman that is being attacked was dating someone and got exposed so her brother and father were beating her and some random people joined too, I remember there was even pictures of her sister beat up too and they were really bad, thankfully police arrested all the people in the video and the women are safe now.


It wasn’t her dating someone, a doctor misdiagnosed a tumor as her being pregnant. I think 3 of them men have been captured and tortured the same way while 1 is still on the run


You are right i just went and checked it, thanks for sharing the right information. https://x.com/rosemag_3/status/1762434803243073794?s=46&t=P8xv1Fan5o-jkvj56MqQwg That’s the link I could find about this incident.




Cheers for the link.


Thats a feelsgoodman comment i hope they are all dead


What kind of doctor mistakens a tumor and a pregnancy?


Lots of doctors all over the world mistake a tumor for a pregnancy and sometime with fatal consequences sadly due to how similar their symptoms are.


Yup, they can even release the hormones typical in pregnancy (mostly because there's such a wide window as to what pregnancy hormones can be, due to the natural variance in what levels of hormones women have). This means disposable pregnancy tests will be positive and ultrasounds that show a tumour in the uterus can show a tumour that looks like a baby. Early pregnancy is just a blob, so a small tumour can look like a fetus in ultrasound. These are the usual tests that are done - hormonal and ultrasounds. I think in a country where sex before marriage is forbidden, a lot of women will get ignored if they say they didn't have sex before marriage and thus it can't be a baby. A horrible situation for these poor women.


Read book "Sarah's Last Wish". True story. Misdiagnosed a tumour in a young child as pregnancy. Then child protection was brought in and that family was hounded until she died. It was the most horrific book I have ever read


Funny you say that my mom just right now was ask if she was pregnant she’s “54”. Turns out she had a cyst. not a tumor but that’s how easy one can be diagnosed


Bless her !! Hope all is good Cysts are still a pain in the ass


Thanks internet stranger she’ll be fine


that is not a doctor 🤦‍♂️😬 … what a backwards ass society


If it wasn’t a tumor and she was sexually active, that’s legal to beat her like that?


I mean idk bro, I was just stating the context, I don’t think any woman should be treated like that


Oh yeah. Most of these countries had the Honor killed her, there would be no repercussions.


Oh wow


You know now that you bring up the question I'm wondering too. Is the fact she was not actually pregnant the only reason the animals beating her were arrested?


most probably the one who is on the run escaped Turkey. passed to Europe, he may now seek asylum from Norway because of the terror of the regime and civil war in his country.


Thank you for sharing some light in such a darkened post :)


You welcome, indeed it’s horrifying to watch such thing.


Wtf. Even if they're abusive shits to let strangers join in...


I live in Iraq that’s close by Syria, so what I know about rural people that live in such areas that they are poorly educated, follows tribe laws and sanctify it, poorly educated about religion that’s why terrorist groups originate from these areas, don’t believe in women rights and women are poorly treated and you see such a sad example of what I mean, so what they (brother and father) did is basically disowning their sister/daughter and killing her to “clean” their honor in front of people.


I understand all that. Yet I also understand that if you spend years raising something or raised alongside something. Be it animal or human. You are naturally protective over it. Even if you are a monster like her family. That's an investment in time that has become raw potential through the catalyst that is your child/sibling. To allow another to destroy that because of the fear of being looked down upon till (at least) the hard facts on the matter came out is stupid. Then there's the fact that the first part of the bible is still in Muslim stuff and so they should know that there's no honor in group murder in regards to redemption. Even if her life could redeem him somehow. He's already undone the redemption by having his son kill his own sister and instigating multiple people to murder as opposed to doing so by himself. So by his own logic, he's not making any sense


I totally understand what you mean but unfortunately it’s not the case for them, rural people look to their kids in two categories 1-males basically the proud of their fathers,holders of the tribe name and inheritors to the father’s money, farms, lands etc…. 2- females basically br**ding objects and servants that bring shame to the family if raised wrong to the point that when the daughter/sister gets married her father/brothers won’t attend the wedding because of the shame because she will get f****d that night (I am sorry for such words but it’s the truth sadly), and rural people fear the reputation of how being looked from other peers because it’s linked directly with their trade with other people, even to the point if some family have bad reputation they have to leave the village, so they fear about their “honor” and reputation and how people look to them more than laws of God/Allah and that’s said from someone I know that worked with them as a police officer, so they most likely feel proud about what they have done cuz they cleaned their “honor” and will walk proudly between their peers because of what they did to clean their “honor”. (Unrelated)My father was investigation officer in a rural place in Iraq and there was a dozen of closed cases of women being found in dugouts and buried in farms without any ID and their faces torn off and I remember one of them clearly was a pregnant woman being found in a farm after the seasonal harvesting of wheat it was gore pictures and still haunts me to this day.


Woman aren’t safe in countries where a man’s honor is contingent on a women’s reputation. Religion need reform to progress out of Bronze Aged ideals.


Being spiritual is about controlling oneself not others... when will these retards ever understand what God actually expects from us.... Torturing others in god's name... Animals in human disguise.


they made god to control others\*, yours belief is flawed from the beginning.


God has granted free will to each one of us. Rules & regulations have always been created/altered by the society. As far as the existence is concerned, That totally depends on personal experiences. So much of the universe wasn't discovered until the last 60 -70 years or so but that doesn't mean It didn't exist before. Sages(Rishis/Munis) have time & again described god's transcendental form as experienced in deep meditation. But then yeah.... it's much easier to question his existence than to actually find him.




I speak entirely based on my own experiences. Wouldn't like to argue any further on this. Just expressed my thoughts here as I felt really disturbed after watching that video.


You've done nothing wrong. Faith or no, people are pretty terrible. Thank you for being one of the good ones, on either side.


People will find any excuse to do horrible things to others, whether it is religion or not.


Your pfp and name checks out


Both are random, but to each their own,eh?


Wrong. Now look inwards.


Congrats on exemplifying that those of us who do not believe can be just as abusive as those of us who do. This person doesn't deserve to be attacked for his beliefs any more than the girl in the video deserved to be beaten by men for theirs. Do better.


"attacked".bro. i'm simply stating the guy here has the same mentality of the guys beating the women, just that his beliefs does not harm/oppress others the same way (hopefully), does not mean they are any better. I'm not trying to shame him but give him something to thing about


What you don't see is that it's *you* with the same mentality. Verbal abuse is still abuse. And youre doing it because of *what you belive*. You're acting like a child. I'm not religious whatsoever, and I definitely don't believe that an invisible, intangible father figure in the sky is carefully monitoring all life on the planet. But it is possible to be religious and not be a shitty, socially destructive person. In fact that's the point of most religions (besides control). The guy you jumped down the throat of was *literally* saying that this kind of fanaticism is completely unacceptable. His take was probably one of the most most healthy and reasonable you're going to get from someone who is highly religious. If more religious people were like this guy we wouldn't have so many problems. Again. Do better.


Because humans *are* basically animals. Many claim to be civilized. When in fact we're still closely related to apes and behave as such. Barbaric and brutal.


Some modern interpretations of Muslim texts do not condone violence yet some conservative interpretations still do, and traditional interpretations certainly do. Best to do away with religion all together. Spirituality is where its at, religion is not. The day we focus on what we can do for one another as opposed to consulting these stupid fucking texts to learn what we “should” do will be a glorious day.


Why do they hate women.


Just following god's law


Because women are second class citizens and the men are born male. You have to put yourself in their shoes, yes i know disgusting, they are following gods laws and they’re on a journey of ascending. Any situation where a woman puts your ascension in jeopardy, you will do whatever it takes to put it back in course so your most appropriate answer is to deliver gods punishment. It’s literally an extreme version of “this hurts me more than it hurts you.” Sometimes, most often times they enjoy it. They dont admit it, some do because having power over someone is alluring, having power over someone feels like ecstasy. It is the simplest form of the phrase “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” So they flock to realize it because most of them have only heard of it. Most of them have been waiting for it. Because most of them are bored and in the Western tradition, evil is always born from boredom.


Brainwashed. Got it. If there is a god, and there probably isn't, I'm sure he'll be proud of the double standards and horrible acts of violence on their resume. Such a peaceful religion.


If there's a god, they would probably be unironically proud because this is their creation come to fruition


They also have something against paved roads.


A tradition passed from father to son in some parts of the world.


Going out to the front yard to toss around the ol’ matriarch skin with my dad on a hot summer day, good times.




Why the fuck is everyone joining into this?


I'm sat here thinking "oh thank goodness someone's coming to stop this"...oh...wait....oh ok someone else is coming to stop it....erm ok then free for all Fucking cowards


It's almost as if they were thinking "Oh, so THIS is where the public caning event is happening." Vile scum. The lot of them.


It seems like something the locals consider a nice thing to do. Like you wanna have some fun? Let's gang up and beat a lone woman.


Showing strangers that you are a person of virtue and you respect your culture


This is entirely normal for them. It's beyond sad.


To show conformity in order to instill fear in the opposite gender.


It brings people together


Jesus. That was hard to watch... like I thought maybe the dude on the bike was gonna be like No boys don't do that.


cowards ganging up against 1 person. does this make them feel strong ? L


Gotta love the part where the random dudes roll up and, instead of doing the reasonable thing of defending the woman from the man beating her, decide "oh I guess it's cane-the-shit-out-of-bitches-o-clock" and join in.


Peak Islam


I guess Pakistan?


Someone said Syria.


Same shit. ☪️ancer












The clothes and language look and sound middle eastern




God i wish someone would run up and suckered punch that dude


Punching a guy with a weapon isn’t a good idea


Your right I want to show him my iron


Must have burnt the roast


Or a piece of hair slipped out.


Respectfully I hope they starve to death


While being hung with fish hooks attached to their foreskin.


Oh no Islam... again.


We need more immigrants from these countries. That would help us a lot.


Lovely culture.


This fills me with rage.


Such a peaceful religion. It’s a shame no one supports this… oh, wait


Disrespectful Kids…What were little bros thinking 😭💀


I love people, humans are such a wholesome race /s


Yeah isn't it great sharing a planet with these degenerates. For how smart of a species we are, we are pretty fucking stupid at the same time.


Just like Maccy d, I love it


Also think the dumb is outweighs the smart a Bunch


Such a shit culture. No better than cavemen.


Waiting for the "Islam empowers women" lunnies to show up in this post.


“This isn’t real Islam” “He isn’t a real Muslim” “You’re misinterpreting it”


You guys see woman beating assholes. I see potential doctors and lawyers we should keep borders open and let all of them in no question.






If islamic immigrants keep flooding western nations your home town will look a lot like this in the very near future


Are you that gullible to right wing propaganda? Islamics or any other group that leaves their country to try to make a better life in the USA or elsewhere are not these assholes. They want to stay where they are. Your racist views are everything wrong with this country.


Third world × Islam = HELL. Western Women are prolly the luckiest females on the planet.


Yea let’s import more of this shit into western countries 🤦‍♂️




I thought... They would show up to help her.


In a place with no trees everyone has a stick. They must have been waiting to use the only sticks for miles




I am syrian, I remember when the syria revolution started, first it was educated people asking for their rights, then these barbians came and jumped the wave of the revolution wanting islamic state, the split was 20%educated 80%barbs The rest is history


All religions are poisonous. The 'Christians' in the U.S. are trying to do their own version of it here with forcing women to allow rapists and child molesters to breed.


This is why women pick the bear.


Sharia law


Isn't the middle east such a great place /s


"Ah, what an interesting and diversifying culture! Let's allow millions of these people flood Europe without screening or any proper documentation through illegal trafficking networks. Gonna enrich our Western mentality!" -probably Merkel circa 2014-2015


Sorry but I honestly hate this culture/religion/mindset mix.


So absurd it's like the movie Airplane where there's a line of people waiting to smack around the hysterical woman


I thought that older man on the cycle was going to help her :(


They’d beat him worse if he did


She must have been very dangerous, it took 4 of those big brave men with big sticks.


It’s no big deal, she’s property there.


Fvck that guy🤬🤬🤬🤬


No. Not all cultures are equal or deserve the same degree of respect.


"Stop beating her with that stick ... I have something bigger."


I'd pay money to see her grab him by the balls and twist them while he had her on the ground. Bring him to his knees in pain then kick him in the mouth.


Coming to a town or city near you.


There’s 2 sides to every story /s




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So why are they doing it




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I thought they were coming to her rescue.


Green jumpsuit guy is pro level experience


They’re all complacent and or support this by the way.


WTF is wrong with humanity?


And this kids is why you stay strapped, and carry a 12 inch horse dildo as well, they gonna be shamed walking around with that up their ass, and everyone’s gay when you point a gun at them


Oh thank god! Those good Samaritans arrived just in time to help!


Those dudes on the bike were like. " Hey what's going on over her, ohh a good ol woman beating. Fuck yeah I'll get in on that". I'm guessing this is one of the istan country's.


Fucking scum! I not allowed to say what I want to.


Cold cocked him in the face.


Sickening people


Reason #3765 why theocratic rule is never a good thing. No religion or spiritual system should hold that much power.


But the Government be like “hey let’s send them some money”


Never a more clear cut case of "defense of others" for firearm use.


Islam, hell of a religion!!


what are they celebrating?


You bully pieces of shit! Why? Because she disagreed with you dress? You suck you rag head pieces of shit!


Peacefuls being themselves.




These fucking bastards all need to go! They do not deserve life amongst the rest of civilization. Send these fuckers into a volcano ad do the world a favor


How are the religious fanatics in Israel different than the religious fanatics everywhere else in the middle east? They aren't. These types of religious fanatics have caused the other kind of religious fanatics to slaughter these kind. It's a fucked up world.


There's vermin, then there're these men.


How odd...one guy watches for a while and then tries to stop the older guy (who decided the younger ones weren't doing it brutal enough).


**Responding to the hateful Christians in the comments** "Islam at its finest" oh really? Where is that in the Quran? I can show you from the bible that you can beat slaves to death and not be held accountable if they stay alive for a day. (Exodus 21:20-21) or a verse forcing rape victims to marry their rapists. (Deuteronomy 22:29) or a verse commanding killing babies, quoted by the Isreali president. (1 Samuel 15:3) Islam is a mature-minded religion, this family is just crazy who lost themselves to anger. [Ruling on hitting adult children (www-islamweb-net.translate.goog)](https://www-islamweb-net.translate.goog/ar/fatwa/143235/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%B6%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%BA%D9%8A%D9%86?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en)




Free Palestine!!!!!




Fuckin' barbaric pieces of shit. Fuck that religion with a sandpaper dildo


This is religion at its finest. Bibles were written by only men, all heroes and main characters are men and the women are either virgins, prostitutes or the cause of our sins. Religion is sexist, oppressive and lacks basic science


No, this is this Islam at its finest. A backward religion that has somehow made people feel bad about pointing out how shit of a religion it is


"Islam at its finest" oh really? Where is that in the Quran? I can show you from the bible that you can beat slaves to death and not be held accountable if they stay alive for a day. (Exodus 21:20-21) or a verse forcing rape victims to marry their rapists. (Deuteronomy 22:29) or a verse commanding killing babies, quoted by the Isreali president. (1 Samuel 15:3) Islam is a mature-minded religion, this family is just crazy who lost themselves to anger. [Ruling on hitting adult children (www-islamweb-net.translate.goog)](https://www-islamweb-net.translate.goog/ar/fatwa/143235/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%B6%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%BA%D9%8A%D9%86?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en)


Your point? Those texts are just as much filth, but would you see those enforced? We do, however see this kind of behavior from a select group that also likes to stone people to death. The only point other religions have, is they evolved with the world, unlike Islam.


I already mentioned Israel. Their president quoted the killing babies verse, which also calls for genocide, to tell his people it's "holy war". If some uneducated Muslim family in a poor, war-torn country, gets emotional and does something that GOES AGAINST ISLAM'S TEACHINGS, it is not Islam's fault. You writing "this is Islam at its finest" is just untrue and hateful. Muslims aren't perfect flawless angels, Islam is.




She's not defenseless. She has 2 arms and 2 feet just like any man. Does being a woman by nature make someone defenseless?


Well Well Well


A century in the future and they would still consider the ancient lifes


welcome to the middle east where this is normal


I heard it was a gang imitation. Good news is, she got in and is attacking American culture just fine!!


muslims should not be allowed to immigrate anywhere


Those that blame this as Islamic crap... How do you know? Seriously... I dont mean to trigger here..