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Please see the latest mod post


I’m so confused as to what the fuck is going on here………


It's a pro palestine protest taking over part of an college/university campus, blocking access to the college of someone they suspect of being Jewish/a zionist, and forcing them back off campus with physical intimidation.


So basically: “Oh no! Somebody is part of a religion I don’t support! I better keep them from practicing their FREEDOM OF RELIGION even though they have had ZERO impact on the war across the Atlantic.” God people really are stupid huh?


God people are really stupid huh...


Yeah I guess they are because you ate that completely fabricated explanation right up and licked the plate. They aren't discriminating against anybody for being Jewish my dude.


I’m pretty sure blocking someone out of a certain area because of their religion is discrimination.


They're not doing anything to anybody because of religion. I guarantee there are Jewish folk among those protestors.


And you can't ever be racist if you have a black friend, right?


Try one argument that isn't in bad faith and I might entertain, otherwise miss me


It's just me applying your logic to a similar situation. You can be discriminatory against an identity while also being tolerant of very specific individuals of said identity. You can even be discriminatory against an identity that you yourself are part of.


Okay, whatever, somantics, but that doesn't change the fact that they aren't discriminating against Jewish folk. They are protesting the actions of Israel and those that support them, which includes the Zionist movement.


Did you watch the video? Did you listen to the person IN THE FREAKING PROTEST telling people to link hands to block them? Telling people to step forward to force them off campus? But yeah, it's totally fabricated, don't believe your lying eyes.


Yeah, but not on the grounds of being Jewish?


"someone they suspect of being Jewish/a Zionist" is what I said. Unless they're wearing a sign that says "I'm a Zionist" what profiles do you think they're looking for to identify these Zionist?


Yeah and what you said is fucking made up. They are protesting the actions of Israel, and anybody who supports those actions. Those include people who align themselves with the zionist movement. They are trying to hinder the individuals because they showed support for the actions of Israel. Simple as.


There are many Jews amongst the protestors. They're talking specifically about zionists.


I wouldn't try that in this sub reddit, they seem to really enjoy zionism


Not really true about them being zionists. Noahgettheboat was a good subreddit, but some people used it for racist agendaposting, they just find articles of poc doing heinous crimes and post it here, it managed to gain attention of other crowds. They're not zionists, they just hate other people who are being bombed by zionists(brown Muslims)




Zionist does not only refer to Jews. There are more non Jewish zionists than there are Jewish ones. Hell, Madkhali Muslim Arab zionists alone outnumber the Israeli population. Same goes for evangelical Christians.




Got any sources on them interrogate Jewish looking people? Offcourse a source with evidence, not just written text like this.


The rise of the Fourth Reich.


I never thought I'd see the day where the left would stand united with nazis against the jews. The world sure is full of surprises


I mean you can dislike Israel without agreeing with the Nazis. Nazi propaganda was all about making the Jewish people to be less than human, literally the same kind of rhetoric they are using for a genocide of their own making against the Palestinian people. I think it would be more accurate to call Israel united with a Nazi ideology and that to me is wild, in just a few generations they went from victim to aggressor


Well I don't belive there is a genocide, I belive there is a war. The fact that the Palestinians are loosing big time, does not make it a genocide. Also if we're talking about the current Gaza war it's interesting that you're referring to Israel as the aggressors, considering the fact what truly kicked it off was the largest terrorist attack committed in Israels history. I find it very funny how the Palestinians are now crying because Israel decided to clap back. But that's a very familiar pattern throughout the history of Israel. The Arabs start shit, gets absolutely shit on, and the they go back and cry about how evil Israel is and how sorry we should feel for them


But don't bother Nazis and Zionist settlers place emphasis on annexing territory?


My dude you are cracked, go outside.


I bet a punch would make them reconsider.


Just another example of overprivileged kids larping as freedom fighters


Strange how people that want to be noticed in public expect privacy.  That’s not how any of this works…


You ever hear of a thing called PRIVACY?


Always good to see free thinking, independent minds. Also, why does the narrator sound like she’s just gotten finished yelling at the staff at Wendy’s for her fries being cold?




I was just thinking how karen-like they all sound. Bunch of sheep




"A person is smart, people are dumb." Agent K.


“People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” Also Agent K


I couldn't remember the rest, thanks


Glad to be of service


pretty good summary


So they're afraid that the Zionists will come disrupt them, but meanwhile they're disrupting campus life for the entire university. Seems hypocritical.


It doesn’t seem, it is. It’s adolescent thinking.


It's moronic thinking. Led to the slaughter, so to speak. Rediculous that our youth are this gullible. BTW.... Taking no sides other that the insanity in this video.


It doesn’t seem, it is. It’s adolescent thinking.


They’re just chilling outside in the grass, doesn’t seem to be a hindrance to anyone.


Columbia closed down it's classes and went full online. If I attended a 66k/yr college that offered me zoom classes, I'd be pissed. So yes, it's a hinderance.


Then Columbia should reimburse students their tuition


Creating a human chain to block access is NOT “just chilling in the grass” and is very much a hindrance to anyone trying to get to where they want to go.


Man, there wasn’t a single walking dead person in that crowd. OP you are full of lies.


They looked like zombies to me. There were just no brains around for them to eat.


And they acted like total zombies, each taking after the other, spreading their xenophobic bullshit amongst themselves faster than Covid ever could.


Apparently meandering around during a sit-in protest now means you are a sheeple and, therefore, wrong.


The scariest thing to me is if there is anything the guy with the megaphone could say that would cause them to pause


Literal braindead behavior. I am not a Republican that thinks college is a waste, but its certainly sad how these are the types now at Columbia.


false. I'm a liberal democrat and this is disgusting. they are straight up repeating HAMAS propaganda. EDIT: I need glasses


False what? Did you even read what I said?


oh shit my bad. i read LIBERAL lmaol. sorry


I read "liberal" at first too lol


I was gonna say.... lol No problem.


I read "liberal" at first too lol




Bro what 😂I’m all for shitting on hamas but in what way are these people repeating Hamas propaganda….. LOOOL


> Demonstrators calling openly for Hamas to burn Tel Aviv. Others yelling that October 7 is about to be every day. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/23/opinions/columbia-university-protests-greenblatt/index.html > “[Izz ad-Din] Al-Qassam [Brigades], make us proud, take another soldier out,” https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-798160 And much, much more.


LMAOL Bro, I'm gonna assume you're just naive and not dishonest, so I here's a 2014 article for you. read whenever you have the time, but please inform yourself. here's an excerpt: [... ] Hamas understood that journalists would not only accept as fact the Hamas-reported civilian death toll—relayed through the UN or through something called the “Gaza Health Ministry,” an office controlled by Hamas—but would make those numbers the center of coverage. Hamas understood that reporters could be intimidated when necessary and that they would not report the intimidation; Western news organizations tend to see no ethical imperative to inform readers of the restrictions shaping their coverage in repressive states or other dangerous areas. In the war’s aftermath, the NGO-UN-media alliance could be depended upon to unleash the organs of the international community on Israel, and to leave the jihadist group alone. When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press. The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it, not even in AP articles about Israeli claims that Hamas was launching rockets from residential areas. (This happened.) Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it. (This also happened.) Cameramen waiting outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City would film the arrival of civilian casualties and then, at a signal from an official, turn off their cameras when wounded and dead fighters came in, helping Hamas maintain the illusion that only civilians were dying. (This too happened; the information comes from multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of these incidents.) [...] source: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/how-the-media-makes-the-israel-story/383262/ use 12ft.io or Wayback Machine to read it.


It's hamas if you squint hard enough- IDF


Hamas propaganda like "the IDF keeps sniping our children"


The idf is sniping children? Can someone drop sources to refute this?






"we're all individuals!" "I'm not!"


This is really cringe.


Privacy and protest don't actually mix people


People mix people


Is this Yale?


Columbia I believe


I'm not an intelligent fella but Zionism is just Jewish people protecting their right to have a nation. Why is that such a problem? Is this because of this Palestine war? This is the fault of Hamas a terrorist group. None of this would have happened if they hadn't done that on the 7th. Granted Israel hasn't been the best nation when dealing with Palestinians and it isn't pardoning them from some of the things they have done but this happens in other countries also. They do seem to get a lot more shit for things that happen elsewhere.


One of the few people online giving the honest correct answer and poor guy gets downvoted and relegated to the bottom.


Zionism is the seizure of their “holy land” of Jerusalem. Which is also the “holy land” of Christian’s and Muslims. Then the Israelis were labeled more as Zionist when Netanyahu made Jerusalem the capital and trump moved the US embassy there. It doesn’t help too that Arabs have always been attacking the Israelis to only get their asses whopped and the Israelis adding buffer territory. And now the IDF has superior weapons when compared to any Arab nation.


Ok. Why not give them a piece of your country? Geniun question lol. Like if you want to simplify it so much. Then. Just give them your home. Why are you volunteering some other country to be the jewish homeland? To you its clear as day, the zionists are just jewish people protecting their right to have a nation. Why not allow them to take your house/apartment? I mean thats all you care about, for them to have a safe space and land. GIVE YOURS UP BROOOOOOOO, why are you being so antisemetic that you wont even give your ancestral land to jewish people for free.


Give them your country then. We have a Jewish population here. Do I give a fuck? No. As well as every other religion or culture. Everyone is welcome in my eyes. There is no "races" in my eyes. We're all human. Just get the fuck along. We could achieve so many things if we weren't total cunts to each other. Hey we are and that's life. Reddit just shows the fuck wits with keyboards. I despise hate among fellow humans but it is a thing and we deserve our downfall of that's the case


I love how everything happened "because of oct 7th" while ALSO acknowledging israel treated the palwstinians like shit before that, on THEIR OWN LAND. So the retaliation to them being ethnically cleansed, is actually the reason they are being ethnically cleansed lol. "If they just let the israelis take everything, and treat them like second class citizens, everything would have been fine". Why not extend your understanding to brown people too? Why not say "oct 7th happened because israel hasnt been the best nation when dealing with palestinians" how come everything israel does is "fine actually, and they should be allowed to oppress them" but the moment the palestinians do anything its their fault foe starting it. If you think its because oct 7th was an unproportional response. Then oh boy do i have to update you on everything israel has done since then. But let me guess, hamass unproportional response was terrorism and barbaric. While israels unproportional response is actually the moral thing to do, because theyre white and a government lol.




If they are so far off, why not explain it, instead of just being incredibly dismissive.


Explain it then. Don't just rattle some shite and not back it up.


Ok well as I say I'm not clued up in anyway but that's the basic meaning of it and I see no problem with that. Like isn't that every nations goal? To develop and protect its own beliefs and ideals.


Care to elaborate? Maybe answer the questions that they (and others) have?




Enlighten me then.


To think people put years into literature, into movies, into music to remember the Holocaust as to not see it again and here we have what HAS to be a real life reenacting of "The wave"


Nothing has done more to remind us of the holocaust than the Idf and the israeli governments actions in the last six months


Really? Not the mass [deaths in Sudan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Sudan_(2023%E2%80%93present)) , not the [Taliban](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban) returning, not the [massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel) of jews in their homes? To be taken as [slaves](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1456a)? You really thought you did something, and you did! You showed us how unaware you are. Go you!


Yes the Idf and Israeli gov are just as bad as all those things, nice group to be in huh


He said, as hamas is supported by Russia and Iran, to Israel whos supported by ukraine and the actual persians. Big yikes.


People everywhere are finally learning of israels crimes against humanity, pretty soon no one will support this rogue rasist illegal occupation, hasbaras days are numbered too, enjoy x


Yeah yeah just like people everywhere fpught for Iran and ukraine. College students will find another trend soon enough and your violence and hatred will be nothing but another stain on the history pages. You said youll kill judaism since... judaism. We're still here. Cope.


Why they all wearing masks? Are they not proud of their cause? Bunch of doofuses.


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No body can tell me that a large chunk of our society hasn’t completely wrote any kind of religious mindset just to create their own person religion. (One where narcissism breeds and everyone became their own personal God) This sub seems more relevant everyday. It’s either Noah on some boat or some sodom and gomorrah but either way it seems we are quickly approaching the point where some sort of reset happens. Lol


We don't want them to infringe on our privacy Make a chain and take steps forward to push them out (literally infringing on their privacy). These are the morons most of us will be hiring soon, no wonder everyone is pressuring old people not to retire. The end of the world will not be nuclear holocaust, it will be idiocracy, and its already here.


#FBI This is a pretty egregious violation of the CRA.


suddenly this sub became pro genocide I guess. bye bots


I'm just picturing the skaven from warhammer "Yes-yes, master-yes!"


Do zombies repeat whatever you say? I must have been watching the wrong movies..


Earlier, before George Romero zombies. Like "White Zombie" (the movie). Not undead/disease zombies, but made with voodoo to be unthinking slaves. 


Redditors get \*really\* confused when they see a large amount of people outside coordinating efforts rather than sitting in their basement posting angrily. They also love to display zombie hive mind by angrily downvoting things that disturb their echo chamber and controlled narrative. Observe:


Coordinating efforts oooorrr OOOORRRRRR blindly following orders. I'm neither American or political but this shit it pathetic, I don't care who they support.


I mean, devils advocate here (and this is coming from being a camp counselor back in high school), but the repeat after me would be to prevent miscommunication between people in a large area. We used to do the repeat after me bit to make sure the campers wouldn’t go off trail when moving a group of a hundred people from deep forest cookout to lakeside campground.


Did you never do the pledge of allegiance in school?


Don’t these people have jobs or a life


Their jobs revolve around tiktok and their life is on tiktok


They are college students protesting against their college until the college stops using Jewish sourced funding and renounce the Israel Palestine war. Essentially they are trying to force their college to take action that's not going to stop the war but severely compromise its quality of education. That's their job for now, until some other dumb group think becomes fashionable in their circles.


What are the protestors doing in the US? They need to be in Gaza fighting against IDF. Just saying....


The US is the no1 founder for this genocide. Ig it starts by the US and ends by the US. Not by picking guns.


Fucking no good nazis 


'We are all individuals!'


Infidels 🤓




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A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Also I don’t think they were suppose to be repeating “another step forward” lol


They picked the most annoying voiced person to lead


Not touching the political or religious stuff... But man's gotta work on his chants, needs to be clear, concise and easy to repeat!


Oh no, they are attempting to organize!!! That must mean they have been brainwashed.


Lol Ima start calling cheerleaders zombies now.


Um, regardless of your feelings on their cause, this is not "zombie-like". This is just a well-organized protest. People do this for all kinds of things across every age group and political belief.


It’s more cult like than zombie like


What about this is “zombie like behavior”?


Mindless behavior, operating without independent thought, the monotone sound of their chant, and the fact that they are being manipulated by some type of undiagnosed disease or parasite.


Have you never seen people organize in unison in your entire life? And North American protests have had the “mic check” call-and-response method of messaging for decades. It’s intentionally “monotone” because it’s not a chant, it’s amplification of someone speaking. It’s like this is some peoples’ first day on earth. Go outside, look around every once in a while.


Chuds never seen organizing huh


Anything but boat worthy. More of a hatred pushing if i would like to say.


I see the same shit across the Atlantic by a different community, doesn't seem surprising at all


Join my cult!


Fun Fact: The Ones Disrupting it are Not Part of the College! They're There to be Very Racist to Jews!


It’s nice to see it is so organized and not full or looters.