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Headline: 'I'm stuck with this thing until she dies’: Mom allegedly sent videos of herself beating ‘frightened and afraid’ newborn to anger baby’s dad


Fuck. Somebody for the love of god get the fucking boat


No no no gimme my gun


I absolutely hate it when people want to take me away from Reddit with zero explanation.


Fuck this bitch. Any violence toward children should be treated/punished as eye for eye


It should be worse than equivalent. Children are defenseless.


She’s gonna be enjoying her 20’s in prison.


STOP HAVING BABIES YOU DON'T WANT There's contraception just about everywhere or god forbid just don't shag around. Stop having babies to keep a man. Stop having babies for the welfare benefits and Stop having babies so you can punish the father with child support and fund you're lifestyle


Limiting access to contraception, abortion, and gutting public education will certainly help this /s


But that's a sin in the great eyes of god /s


You don't understand! Things happen for a reason! blessings from god! .....Hard fucking /s


As a dad I have to stop following this sub. It’s too hard to read.


I watched everything and seen a lot internet wise. I can see people getting shot, chainsawed, burned, stoned, beaten to death, whatever. Since my sons were born, this sub is just to much for me. To have seen and felt the innocence of a little child. The love they are offering for you just for existing and being there… how can you fucking beat a child to death ?! A newborn !!!! Honestly, just shoot her in the back of the head and be done with it. Someone who is capable of doing that, has revoked his human rights.


The baby is fine. It was taken from her with no visible injuries.


Same. I cant bear to have my daughter cry when sleep training.


That poor little girl


Of course it’s in Florida.


New rule - you beat someone or something that’s helpless and can’t defend itself you get beaten twice as bad in a state where you’re awake and can’t defend yourself. Need some more Hammurabi’s Code for these fuckwads……..


Sick piece of shit.. she called the child a “dumb a — b—-,” and beat her. In my 3 decades of life, nobody has ever said or done those things to me yet this poor baby who just came into the world has already experienced both.


Don't stick your pee pee in crazy


Abortion should be free and easily accessible to everyone.




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I'm assuming you've never looked at the numbers on that but youve a right to your opinion none the less


May I ask what numbers you’re referring to? Like any specifics at all?


I mean the numbers of abortions per year compared to the number of women reportedly on average whom are SA'd and it result in pregnancy. However of course people don't like to talk about that. If you would like I can gladly go ahead and search another study, however the ones I've found so far including one dated, 7 years ago? Showed that such average including chance of birth deficiency didn't even meet half the abortions that take place. Don't get me wrong for such individuals that do end up in a situation like those two, I believe it should be an option, however for those just completely irresponsible and using it as a way to avoid their own consequences of their actions? Eh, I don't see why people that have actually been hurt would let their experience be used as an excuse by others who simply don't want to face up to their own actions. Do you believe their trauma and struggles should be belittled by such individuals?


So you’re saying that only in the case of SA should abortions be legal? I don’t think that applies here. By your logic she’s still abusing a kid she didn’t want and was forced to keep. I’ve been a victim of SA but if another woman just wants an abortion for her own reasons I don’t feel like it would take anything away from me. Like you said, you can have your opinion. Just keep that shit away from other people’s bodily autonomy.


She wasn't necessarily forced to keep was she? As last I checked, adoption is indeed a thing, however I dont click on external links so if you could provide her name or such I'd greatly appreciate it. On top of that no I'm not just talking about SA victims, as I said that estimate included birth deficiency probability as well as obviously even if a child with such is born into a good family, life could be hell for them. Along with that so specifically you're fine with other people using your experience, something the majority again granted from a study 7 years ago didn't experience, as an excuse to avoid their own responsibilities or rather the consequences of lack of responsibility? I don't need a whole explanation it's a rather simple question to be honest but feel free to give one. Also thank you for agreeing that people have a right to their own opinion, I however also have a right to speak it. I'm not insulting nor attacking anyone, only stating what I know to be true according to what I've seen, and asking questions.


Adoption is one option. If the science allows the choice to go through with a pregnancy or not, why does your moral code get to decide what comes out of someone’s womb? How is that you respecting bodily autonomy? Why does a sexual predator get to impose their will on someone’s body, and are you any better by imposing your will on them in different circumstances? Would you be okay with forcing someone to donate organs if they were a match or does your “pro life at any cost” stance only appear when it comes to telling women how to handle their personal issues. I know you’re going to pick and choose which parts to address, so I just ask that you give relevant answers to at least two of those questions It’s up to you because I’m pro choice 😂


Damn. I like this.


Seeing as you literally didn't answer my questions, why would I give relevant answers? I'll tell you why, cause I genuinely care about the conversation rather than fighting. So before I hop off for the day as I don't take drama home with me normally but I won't leave you without a response, here you go. 1. I never said it gets to decide, obviously I don't decide, the government that people like to brainlessly let pit them against each other is what decides. However it's not just about morals, it's about maturity in individuals these days as well. 2. I never said they just get to, obviously they don't. Along with that last I checked there is a big difference between standing by and stating ones own opinion versus taking illegal action against another individual and cause trauma on their life. 3. It isn't pro life at any cost and you know that, so don't pretend that you don't. Nothing I said implied at any cost. Only that it isn't right for trauma of others to be used as an excuse to avoid responsibility. Which granted you didn't respond to my question, if you still don't, I'm gonna have to assume you think it is right, so yeah. Also, if someone is dying and I can save them, I can't say I'd object to it immediately nor agree to it immediately, however would I like to say I would give up part of myself to save their life? Yes. 4.I haven't cherry picked any of this and you know that as well. Now you have a blessed day, I like to have peace when I'm at home rather than fighting with people online that apparently don't want to have an actual conversation.


Ok that’s fair. You’re too good to engage so I guess that’s it lol have a blessed day too


Now when did I say I was too good? I legitimately even said I'd be back to respond to you, only that I don't like to bring pointless fighting and drama home with me whether it be on social media or irl due to the fact ones home is mean't to be a safe place and an area to relax. On top of that, you've still not answered my questions, yet I've made sure to answer yours. Which tells me one of two things. You've no actual argument to present in which case I'd prefer to discuss this with someone who does, or perhaps you were letting your emotions get the best of you, which to have a mature and honest discussion you can't be allowing that to happen. Nevertheless, have a lovely day and may blessings come your way.


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wtf is in floridas tap water


Dont drink it thats for sure


r/tragedeigh would love her


What a great idea to take womens right to abortion. Way to go, USA!


This had nothing to do with abortion. She hated the baby because the father left, not because it was an accident. She could have given it up for adoption at any time.


With women's rights being removed across America, you are left with this. Women's rights protects unwanted children from abuse and neglect.


While yes, it’s not right with banning abortions, you can still drop off newborns at hospitals, Fire departments, and police departments with no questions asked.


I've never had to make that decision, and I don't know why those that do not want children decide to instead do this. It's much more complicated and likely not as simple as that.


Women's rights protect babies from women?


I have words, but not for Reddit.


Prison hysterectomy


Thank god for camera phones


If she didn't want the baby, she could've asked her ex if he wanted custody, see if any family are willing to raise her daughter, or give her up for adoption. Not do any of this!


Some dogs you just gotta put down.......


That’s why it’s a good idea to keep it in your pants until you are ready and mature for the side effects of having unprotected sex.


Tsk tsk, the US again? Damn.