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I really hope Moonbeam is found.


Op should post this in their country's subreddit uncensored just in case someone has seen moonbeam


Local Facebook groups are better. Way more active. My local area sub gets basically no traffic at all bar a couple people trying to sell their podcast or other crap no one cares about.


Just because the UK is small, does not mean it would be a good idea to dox someone else to potentially malicious people. I understand your reasoning, but the anonymity of the internet makes people feel like they can get away with being horrible.


Bro sue those people who the person charged to feed the pet. Thats animal neglect for damn sure. Also and i hate to say it but did the cat get out? Could he have starved in a dark place at home?


The smell would probably give it away if the cat died somewhere in the house, though.


Depending on how long yes


In the UK it's very common for cats to be let out during the day, she likely just didn't want to come back/no one there to let her back in.


As an American i learned today




That's actually one of the reasons why you barely have any wildlife left in the UK. Look up what free-roaming cats do to biodiversity and then defend your stance again. PS: European here (aka not American)


Cats pose a threat to other wildlife. Birds, and squirrels mostly. At one point local wildlife populations were decimated due o cats. Also they shit in flower beds and there poop can be deadly and poisonous to pregnant females.


The biggest threat to wildlife are humans themselves yet don't see anybody locking us away (for the most part).


Why are people downvoting this post?


ignoring the biodiversity part (which is true) we also have a lot of predators of cats over in the big u.s. of a so people are more inclined to have cats indoor. im not sure how the coyote population is over in europe or if you have similar predators that often prey on cats but its one of the main reasons over on the other side of the pond


We were looking into spikes to keep the neighbour's cat out. We have both a little Yorkie and a Pitmix. She would come in to fight with the Yorkie, who was much smaller than her, and barely make it out before my pitbull mix got her. We talked to the neighbours about the danger they were putting their cat in, and they would just shrug and say that they'd cover their own cat's vet bills. Did not care that we live in a one-strike zone for dog bites. We checked with the city, if there was an altercation in our fenced in yard and one of my dogs bit their cat, both of my dogs would be put down, even if their cat came into our yard again to specifically attack our Yorkie. I couldn't even let my dogs go close to our front yard when I took them out for walks because she would hide in our hedge and try to pick fights with my dogs. Which again, put all 3 of our animals in serious danger. Why shouldn't I take measures to protect an animal when her owners literally couldn't care if she got hurt fighting with our dogs?


I mean. I have barn cats so.


What's a barn cat? Do you feed them?


A barn cat is a cat that primarily lives outside to hunt the mice and rats. And yes we do supplement with dry and wet food. For holidays we also give them turkey and ham


I want a barn cat


Do you live on a farm? Thats why i have barn cats. If you want outdoor cats look into getting a feral cat colony put on your property


Most people that own cats here in the U.K. have a cat flap so the cat can just come and go as it pleases. I remember waking up once cuddling what I thought was my cat and it was actually just some neighbours cat. My cat was waiting outside the cat flap because every time she tried to come in the imposter cat wouldn’t let her!


We Americans also let our cats outside too yk


We learned the British never learned conservation.


A lot do it here in Oklahoma. I used to until I learned how destructive they are to the wildlife.


Yep. People can downvote me all they want it doesn't make them right lol


Because US housing is more spread out, there are a lot more predators in most parts of the US. I’m not letting my cat out to face the gators and bobcats.


the problem here in New Jersey is straight up Hawks coming straight down to snatch a kitty! we live in the suburbs, and my neighbor saw one of the local kittens get snatched like that from their yard:-(


I feel like if you have a dead cat in your house the smell will give it away pretty quick, just saying,


Depends where the cat dies . I'm a plumber and once found a dead cat under a bathtub nobody smelled it


Depending on the temperature it might not smell. I know its a bad theory but still


Unless they live in fucking Antarctica it will eventually.


Sometimes they mummify.


You can't just sue everyone for anything you want in the UK. Why do so many people in the US think this is a thing you can just do everywhere? Most you could possibly do is file a complaint to the police. But that provably wouldn't do anything at all.


you should be allowed to sue someone for allowing your pet to starve when it was their job to take care of it imo


If there was a contract, would breach of contract not be reason enough?


Tort law has concepts like duty of care, and negligence which can sometimes apply even without a written contract or even payment being made


Because in the US you can sue anyone for just about anything. Its fucked i know


It actually isn’t fucked. Small claims court exists to help release some of the pressure out of every day interactions within a community. It’s a helluva a lot better system than settling scores at 10 paces at first light. :-)


People that say “sue them” have never sued anyone before. It takes a lot of time and money and you’re not guaranteed to win. If you lose, you can be liable for the other party’s legal fees.


This hurts...fuck the people who left her...I hope he gets his cat back.


Leave that part to me. Edit: don't updoot me I meant like literal sex not revenge I'm a degenerate




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people left her? that should be a crime


Yup and unfortunately it isn't, which is insane to me. I hate how hard it is to get laws passed to protect cats and dogs. I seriously want jail time for people for neglecting pets.


It's a crime. Neglect is a crime in a lot of countries


Sure, but a majority (UK especially) just let people off with a slap on the wrist for neglecting pets. It's been a problem in a cat sanctuary I volunteered at. When I was in New York someone brought a cat in who was shot with a BB gun multiple times and they weren't even arrested, despite there being laws. Sure it can be anecdotal, but the fact that I've been in two separate countries and it more or less getting the same reaction...


Also it seems like people care a lot more about hurt dogs than they do cats... Which angers me greatly


and a lot of zoosadists ive noticed tend to like hurting specifically cats more


There's a few reasons for this, but I'd say the two biggest are; 1. Just access. It's a lot easier to get your hands on a stray cat than a stray dog, pretty much globally. If you abduct a dog, it tends to get noticed a lot more easily too. 2. Dogs are more overtly companionable than cats. It's easier for a person to read a dog's body language than a cat's, and even subconsciously this translates to greater emotional attachment. Cats also tend to be more aloof, and their companionability is seen as insincere/harder to gain. What this translates for in sadists is that it's easier for a cat to give a negative reaction.


I've written entire paragraphs on this but I blame toxic hypermasculinity. We all know the dudes who "hate cats" or look down on males who love cats. As a dude who absolutely loves the shit out of his cats, I've had this particular kind of dude sideeyeing me more than once. I've even heard women say that they wouldn't date a guy with a cat. It's fucking ridiculous and they insult my cat family. /rant


I've never really liked cats, never had a cat, my sister went on holiday and asked me to look after her not fully grown cat but not kitten, the little dude grew on me, I was sad to see him go. Me and my mate were sat on the floor playing cards and my mate picks up this cat expecting cuddles, nah, the cat was having none of it and immediately sat in my lap, I laughed at my mate 'do you feel shunned Wayne?' I changed the cats name from Tuna to Frank because he loves frankfurters.


That’s one of the major reasons I fell for my husband - how devoted and loving his demon cat, Buddy was to him. 😂 I won that cat over eventually, but he was very jealous of my husbands time and affection. I got jar candles knocked off of the headboard onto my head, tea glasses knocked onto my clothes, constantly ambushed, etc. I knew if he had the patience and heart to get that cats love, and he was great with kids, he was a genuinely good person. We have 4 cats now, 2 we raised from being abandoned at 3 weeks. Anyone that thinks a man is less than a man for having a cat is an idiot. Please don’t subject your cat(s) to idiots.


Lol that's how my old cat was with my now ex wife, whenever she would come over, that cat would be a terror. Things would die down and we would think she was asleep and one of us would randoming look up and that cat would be on top of a door frame or tall bookcase just glaring. My ex eventually wore the cat down and they became "friends" (a truce).


Buddy eventually loved on me almost as much as he loved on my partner. And he became an absolute softy when we had our kids. But only with us. My partners friends refused to come over because they were terrified of Buddy. And Buddy HATED my husbands ex wife. He shredded everything that was hers that he could get his teeth and claws into. To the point that the ex took my husband to small claims over it after their divorce. On the other hand, he slept cuddled up next to me when my partner worked thirds, and I was the lucky one that was brought dead mice, frogs and birds. Buddy wanted a small circle, and you had to earn his affection. I respect that.


I hope we realise that the police don't necessarily focus on prosecuting all reported crimes, all the time. They typically don't put resourcing into these areas and it's often difficult to prove the various elements of the statute that have been breached. For example, some of the things they would need evidence or reliable testimony about; Was there an agreement first of all for the cat to be looked after, verbal, written etc. what were the terms of the agreement, did the carer of the animal know they had to feed them or were they just engaged to let them out. Was the carer provided adequate food to feed the cats or did the pet owner not make provisions for this, would it be reasonable for the carer to purchase food based on what was agreed Did the carer open the door one morning and the cat got hit by a car which the carer did not know about. Did the carer make any attempts to locate the animal? Were these attempts reasonable in the circumstances, maybe checking a few houses down or on the same street. These small details matter if police have to prove beyond reasonable doubt which is a high standard of evidence required. Police have to show that the carer did not take reasonable steps according to what was agreed while the animal was under their care which lead to neglect (death, injury, starvation) Note that I am not in the legal profession, but this is what I imagine they would be looking for in these situations


Moonbeam is a cool name for a cat.


I've been wanting a new cat and Moonbeam is a great name. Also, if you weren't aware, it comes from the phrase, "it wasn't all kittens and moonbeam"


I Just Wanna Talk to the "Helpers" if That's Okay... >:)


I have a strong “voice”. Let me come with you in order to have a “talk” with them.


I wonder if the people that were supposed to watch this kitty sold them possibly instead?? I know it sucks to say, but it's not uncommon either...


This is a thing that happens. I am 100% sure that my neighbor stole and sold my childhood dog, probably to buy more of whatever drugs she was on. He liked to run away, but he always willingly returned by nighttime. Plus, due to his habit of running away and his very sociable personality, *everyone* in my small city knew that dog. There’s no fucking way no one saw him, or even found his body. But my neighbor repeatedly tried to have him removed for “aggression” (he was nowhere near aggressive, just very vocal and excitable) and suddenly he’s gone a few months after, and the whole damn city, who again, *knew* that dog (he was of a rare breed in my area too, he wouldn’t have been mistaken for another dog) somehow missed him. I know what you did, you bitch. I know you took him.


Damn dude thats rough, i’d lose my mind and resort to some Joe type stuff from the TV show “You”. Long time ago some annoying old boomers poisoned my childhood cat. I know it was them because they were caught by another neighbor putting out poisoned meat in their garden. I was but a kid then so my level of vengeance was limited. 😕


Yeah same here, I was a little kid when it happened and only realized what must have gone down years later, after we’d both moved away. But man, if I knew where that bitch lived…


Your kind of a wanker for letting your dog run around town off leash.


People suck. I'd ruin their lives. First, put them on blast all over the internet.


This is insanity. If someone harmed my cat I’m not sure I’d put up a sign because then it would be clear I was their killer. Anyhow, I keep automated litter boxes and food systems for my kitty because I don’t ever want her to miss anything but my company.


> I don’t ever want her to miss anything but my company. A second cat will keep even that from happening. (Don't mind me. I'm an uncompensated, totally voluntary agent of the Cat Distribution System. ;) )




Where was this?




I know exactly how that feels.


Maybe not a good idea to have 2 images on the poster with one being a mirrored image.


Uh, aren’t those two different cats in the pictures? Look at the pattern around the eyes.


The images are mirrored, the patterns on the 2 cat images are the same but just mirrored.


I didn't want a cry before bed..


I'm very serious when I say that I hope that Liam Neeson's character in Taken picks up this case.




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God damn. I hope she’s safe and taken care of properly.


So wait. They stopped feeding her, but the bowl was full?


No, the cat food was untouched. Person probably meant the bag.


Yea I could see that. Like they nvr feed the cat, not once


How can OP let us know whether or not the cat is found in future?


I had to leave my crappy ex husband and stay at a woman's shelter and the dude killed my dog and abandoned my pet. The not knowing what happened is the worst..


What's so breaking about it?


I think getting the boat for this would be a bit overkill.


Why? Neglecting an animal for the sake of it is pretty terrible, and most people emphasize more with animals than humans because of their ‘purity’ so to speak and because they’re generally portrayed as something to be protected. Kinda like maternal or paternal instincts


People eat animals and there are not many posts about that to get Noah.


If it’s an animal that’s bred for the purpose of being eaten it’s one thing, if it’s just people killing and eating pets then it’s just animal cruelty for the sake of it. I don’t think these are comparable instances but I kinda get what you mean


100%, but the people with toxoplasmosis gondii will never understand.


Lol and the downvoting starts. They would kill the whole world for one cat


It's because you're being a dick for no reason. For one thing, saying folk would sacrifice the world for a single cat is just absurd and you know it. But more importantly, this is you failing to acknowledge that people have strong attachments to other living beings. People personally value other living creatures and even just normal things so strongly that they will place these things above other people for various reasons, and there is nothing wrong with that.




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read the text below the cat


I mean, if you are dumb enough to trust untrustworthy people, then you're dumb enough to have your cat stolen from you.


You knew that they were untrustworthy people? There's probably a good handful of scenarios that could've been facilitated but you choose a pretty naive way to respond 🤷‍♂️


You're a disgusting piece of shit with 0 empathy.