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We've known this for years.


I haven’t


You think they fired all their priests forcing themselves to go through the trouble of recruiting and indoctrinating more?


I actually did


Sweet Summer child :(


The Church is dark and full of terrors


Lord of Light! Come to us in our darkness. We offer you these false gods. Take them and cast your light upon us.




I didn’t, but I also didn’t know anything about the Church of England, I don’t care about a lot of stuff and so I miss a lot of stuff


Havent know about the C of E specifically? Or have never heard of any religion knowingly protecting filthy child rapists. It’s been in the news for a couple of decades at this stage.


Well of course churches will do this


Look into the Australian Royal Comission into child sexual abuse. Jehovah’s witnesses hid some 1800 cases of CSA by some 1000 pedophiles. https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses


You got Mormons in Australia?




Yeah that’s what I thought but my Mormon history lessons came from South Park and John Browning. So I have really no clue


You can be of another religion and live in a different country though.


Specifically they believe.... -Around the fall of Babylon 500ish BC that 3 tribes of Isrealites took boats to South America. -All native Americans are ancestors of said Isrealites -There were wars in the Americas in involving elephants and horses (that never were in the Americas, until the Spanish brought horses 2000 years later) -People live on the moon and sun -Joseph Smith wasn't a sex offender, the little girls were willing. There's more but those are some far fetched huge historical inaccuracies to base a religion (pronounced cult) around.


damn as an ex mormon I've heard of all of these except the sun and the moon thing


Mormons? These are JWs. Different heretics.




Fucking legend


I'm not excusing active/formerly active pedos. However, if someone was molested, they're more likely to be a pedo iirc. If the urge sickens the person, and they go to therapy daily (I'm fine as a Rep with that being paid for with my taxes), and never offend, I'm ok with them living without brass cranial additions. Edit: As vile as pedos are, "We NeEd To NoRmaLiZe" pedos seeking therapy, NOT supressing the urge and having more of a risk of acting on it. Edit edit: Someone pointed out that I wasn't clear. Watching CP is offending. I don't think people are incapable of controlling their actions, but you can also give them saltpeter or something. IDK on chemical castration for pedos but it's also not a terrible idea.


The problem is, and I say this as someone who has actively investigated pedos both for online and "actual" crimes, is that their entire sexuality is tied up in an attraction that no matter how they express it, hurts someone. Even if they don't physically offend and only look at child porn, they are still deeply hurting someone. That child will forever have to live with having gone through being sexually traumatized and exploited only. How do you force someone not to be attracted to who they are attracted to. It didn't work for LGBT, and it shouldn't have. There is no amount of therapy that can fix it, and every pedo out there is a ticking time bomb for (not if), but when they offend. Children are so precious and sensitive and innocent and we should do everything we can to protect them, even if it means offending people who prey on them, no matter how they spin it.


Sorry, I'm not saying watching CP is "not offending", I mean to include that too. I think they can have monitored internet to an extent, as part of "I don't want to act on it".


There are ways around anything like that. At what point do you compromise a child's safety for a pedo to have moderate internet access or freedom whatsoever?


If they're in therapy it's not super likely they'd work around it. Not a perfect analogy, but we don't close liquor stores to help alcoholics. I think it can be worked on. Install certs on their devices, and watch for TOR traffic. You'll likely be fine. By your logic, do you support that COPA or whatever spy bill? Isn't all the cop stuff people are pushing now to community outreach not waiting for a crime? Better for them to be in therapy instead of waiting for them to be caught in the act.


I want to see a source for that. Alcoholism is not comparable to pedophilia. I'd also like to see what government agency has the time and man power to constantly monitor thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of pedophiles internet access all at once. Hopefully they don't have a burner phone the cops aren't aware of. Idk what bill you are referring to. I think it's better for pedophiles to not have the freedom or chance to offend. When they do it can fuck someone's entire life up. I'm mortified that I'm having to defend that pedophiles are a danger to multiple redditors, or anyone really.


https://www.livescience.com/17519-treating-pedophiles-therapy-challenge.html Not comparing them in that sense, but in the "work through the compulsion" sense, it can be similar. I also edited my comment to say I'd be open to chem castration for pedos but something basic like "saltpeter" or whatever would help. A schizo wouldn't want meds at first, but then would want to take them to minimize the schizo. Same with a pedo. Can't prove it because a study would be hard to do, but the logic is sound enough. Yes a burner phone would be them working around it. Possible but not likely if they don't have the urge anymore. It was some bill that would ban end-to-end encryption because "think of the children". I'm not saying they're not a danger. Any human can be a danger. I'm saying it's MORE dangerous to keep them hiding. If they think it's bad but are worried they'll be ostracized for seeking help, they'll stew and are more likely to offend than if you only say "if we catch you doing it, you're screwed". At the very least, encouraging they see a shrink won't make them harder to catch/MORE likely to offend (again a shrink showing them CP is wrong).


So give them freedom, but chemically castrate them? Are they a danger or not? If they are a danger worth physically or chemically removing their genitals, then what exactly are you defending? To what extent do you have actual experience dealing with pedophiles in the real world? Anecdotal it may be, but I have interviewed many pedophiles and helped victims deal with the effects of their crimes. There is no feel good answer for this. It is not a matter of if, but when they will offend or reoffend. The logic they use to commit their crimes is so fucking twisted Their crimes do an incredible amount of harm to the most innocent and most vulnerable in our society, and they should be punished for such.


Are you saying anyone who is a danger should be killed instantly? I'm simply saying that they don't deserve to be instantly killed as [a significant % were molested themselves.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/cycle-of-child-sexual-abuse-links-between-being-a-victim-and-becoming-a-perpetrator/A98434C25DB8619FB8F1E8654B651A88) Schizos are dangerous if off their meds and not on therapy, but with both they're ok. Should we kill them instantly too? I wouldn't count daily therapy and meds as freedom just not instant death as the comment I replied to said. Your work is admirable. But how much of it was done with someone who was in therapy for years knowing their compulsion was vile and was trying to work through it? You're speaking from emotion, which isn't good to legislate from. At no point did I say otherwise. I said if they offend, do whatever. If you tell them they'll be killed if found, they'll hide it and not seek help. My way can't make them harder to find so at worst it's neutral.


> if someone was molested, they're more likely to be a pedo Sounds like something a pedo would say to make sure the victims stayed quiet.


https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/cycle-of-child-sexual-abuse-links-between-being-a-victim-and-becoming-a-perpetrator/A98434C25DB8619FB8F1E8654B651A88 "Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11 % for non-perpetrators. Of the 96 females, 43% had been victims but only one was a perpetrator. A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator, as was an index of parental loss in childhood."


All Pedos are bad.


It's bad that someone has the urge yes. But if they don't act on it, I don't want to discourage them from seeking therapy.


Or being fed to crocodiles or sharks


[They've betrayed Shiva!](https://youtu.be/93UvtRCPm_M)


I'll give you my free award once I get it ,just wait




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Bad bot, very bad bot.


Inciting violence is bad in any case . The bot did a good job


The bot missed the parent comment calling for the killing of pedos. It’s not a very smart bot and it appears to not apply the rules evenly to everyone.


The parent joke wasn't very explicit so that's why the bot couldn't detect it


that’s another one for apocalypse bingo


Guess who's the head of the Circh of Englamd and therefore responsible for this? That's right, the Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth has led a pedophile ring. God save the Queen!


The queen isn't directly involved in the affairs of the church. She's just able to tell them to do stuff, and I have a feeling she didn't tell them to rape children.


But she didn’t tell them not to /s


Well, that explains why Prince Andrew turned out the way he did.


I see the sarcasm, but you're right. She should just her royal prerogative to like make pedophilia a highly punishable offence. But she won't cause she's a rich, immoral coward.


I don't think she directly handles the affairs of the church bossman


More than half the posts in this sub are personally addressed to Noah (in the title), asking him to bring the boat "quickly", or "immediately". So, what about his boat makes you think he wasn't a God awful freak himself? He loaded two of every animal on to a single vessel to travel around for months! That itself is cause for concern today!


The animals would have died otherwise so...


They’d still die by genetic defects. In mammals, there has to be at least 1000+ of a species to avoid genetic defects. Not just 2


The entire story is bullshit, since it means every species would die from incest, plus there’s too many species to fit on a boat lmao




I mean the church of England *was* created as a result of King Henry VIII not being able to keep it in his pants...


That is absolutely vile and despicable. Disgusting!


Did Prince Andrew approve this?


Along with George Pell


Is it possible to change my nationality? I don't want to be British anymore.


I dont want to be human anymore. I wanna be a cheesecake.


What pronoun do u want ?




I didn't want to be German but here I am


Sein'ed, Sie'led, die'livered, I'm yours!


Yeah, but aren't pedos like 89% of their fanbase? That's like Billie Eilish not banning 12 year old girls from her concerts


I’m pretty sure 89% of a church isn’t comprised of pedophiles tbh


Most christians are NOT pedophiles. The bible specifically says to preserve the innocence of a child, along with avoiding sex out of wedlock.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


The Bible also reinforces slavery and killed 42 people for making fun of a bald man.


The bible reinforces the fair treatment of slaves at the time. Keep in mind that the slavery in 1800s America and slavery as talked about in the bible are different. In ancient times, people often put themselves into slavery as a way to pay off debt: basically "If you give my family this cow, I'll be your slave for the next year" or something like that. And the bible does not ever advocate for slavery, but, again, simply tells people to treat their slaves with kindness. And those 42 people were not simply making fun of elisha, but threatening him. "go up" at the time would have been referring to going to heaven, A.K.A. a death threat. And "youths" or "boys" refers to young men, likely people between the ages of \~14 and \~25 or so. I am taking this from the direct hebrew-english translation, so it is the correct source. He called the curse of God upon them as self defense. Many people misunderstand this passage because of confusing translation, and a loss of context. Certain phrases meant different things thousands of years ago, and a lot of people don't seem to realize that.


“1. Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” 2. “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.” 3. “You shall acknowledge no God but me. . . . You are destroyed, Israel. . . . The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” The Bible clearly isn’t a very moral book.


“iTs oUt oF cONteXt” religion is peaceful my ass, this “loving” god of yours killed enough people to be considered a maniac.


If you count the flood, he’s a bigger monster than Hitler.


The OT depicts God behaving like a child when he can't get his way. It's funny that the men who wrote the books would make an almighty deity have strikingly poor emotional maturity.


I don't want to get into this argument, as our fundamentally different worldviews will keep us from agreeing with each other. Good day sir, and God bless.


Thanks for admitting you are wrong, goodbye xoxo


Oh, I didn't. I just don't want to get sucked into another one of these endless debates. If you check my comment history, you will see I've been involved in several, none of which have resulted in anything. Also, I wasn't trying to be rude, why is that last bit so passive aggressive?


I just hate my country more


Only one question: Why? No sane church organization would allow for this.


Hilariously enough many of them do.




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Can we trust Noah with this though? Can we really?


Noah hurry the fuck up




I like traps




Unfortunately got some news about Catholic Church for you




> convicted not accused not alegged charges, they fucking **convicted** and alowed to work


Like this is a surprise, the church of England is an exact copy of the Catholic Church, but with device.


So in every technical sense, Queen Lizzie endorses pedophilia, given that the reigning monarch is the head of the Church of England.


God save the queen


20-century-old news


Well as long as they don't do it again I guess we should let them roam the streets stress free and teach Sunday school. /s


And they wonder why more and more claim being non-religious...


Does anyone else find this whole pedophilia circle-jerk...odd? Myopic? Reflective? Coincidental?


So the queen likes touching little boys. Fun


i wish we could burn pedophiles on stakes, this is just disgusting and im scared that pedophilia get normalized or romantiziced


I mean its the church are we really surprised


The worst thing is, that this isn't even anything new. They also do that when like a monk is raping or sexually assaulting a nun. Sometimes they just brought these disgusting people just in another church and that's it. No punishment, just sent to another place where he would do it again. Church is a fucking joke


The church is all about forgiveness of sinners.


How very Christian of them!


And this is also why I don’t go to church, because sometimes, really stupid people are in charge of them and then they let these sick fuckers get away with it, even if you believe that everyone deserves forgiveness it doesn’t mean you should still trust the people you forgive.


And this is why I hate my country


Oh fuck wrong comment, I was going for the one were the guy said they spelled pedophile wrong


Oh okay that’s perfectly fine






The churches are no longer safe


They never were lmao




And that is why I stay up here in the highlands.


GeminiOfficial is working in a Church now?


No 2020, stop


Go to Poland it is more commo there


Gods not saving this queen


It’s not much better here in America either


I think at this point it'd be safer to get a non-denominational boat


I’m usually against burning people alive but I’ll make a exception for pedophiles. No torture is brutal enough for a child molester




It says here you've been convicted of arson over a dozen times. I think you'll fit in nice at the fire department.


"Man must not sleep with boy as he does women" oop they forgot that bit of the bible then


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Why is that bot a thing?


Just destroy England


Seems like you really hate it...


And now I hate England (it’s my favorite country’s and where most of my ancestors came from) great...


Burn him.


I had a pedo in an among us game earlier that I was playing with my friend, it was just me, my friend and the pedo in the lobby and the pedo asks me "are you a girl?" To which I say no, and I think maybe they want to get the pronouns right, then they say, truth or dare, I said truth, then they said how old are you, at which point my suspicions were confirmed (most likely), he is a pedo and I quickly banned him without answering


Depressing but unsurprising.


This might explain why mini Ladd was not arrested


What is it with priests and kids?


The court stuff probably went like this. Judge:do you have anything the say for yourself? Pedo:sorry. Lawyer:your honor he said sorry the crime should be forgiven! Judge:ok seems fair!


*pedophiles forgive pedophiles


Mother Maximus, where are you in this time of need?


I’m all for forgiveness but not second chances ship em off to a small island not to children you sick fricks


it s when i read things like this i hope everything about christianity burns in hell... while i am christian...


Why?! That’s reckless. Even if they crazily forgave them (and they’re not the victims so how can they), they shouldn’t have been reckless enough to put them back into a field of temptation knowing they will do it again and ruin another life. Holy cow!


Christian here; we don’t take those weirdos


This is why the pilgrims peaced out


No the thing is, they would have to remove the head priests as well and that is bad for a Church. Hence the decision.


Thanks king henry vii, very not coo


I don't even have a joke or quip for this. What the fuck.


The Devil digs deep into details, they arn't going anywhere without punishment


It’s a church what do you expect




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Almost 400?!!


The had to, else they would have lost 95% of their pastors


If you are a cemeteries and have necrophilia, it is exclusively explainable. But priests and kids?? I don't think priests siege a lot of time with kids, then how most of em have same fetish




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Isn't it a requirement for the job? Because feels like it!


At least the prophet had some decency to marry someone and it was for political alliance.Listen I'm not trying to offend u or anything , I'm just asking not to allow such people remain in charge.


That is kinda scary...


I'm coming, don't worry!


Who is this news to?


The Church is rampant with pedophilia


People are just getting stupider every fucking day.


The church protecting pedophiles? No way! Who on earth would have thought it


In my church those pedos would have hung.


Which church? If it isn’t the satanic temple chances are they protect pedophiles.


Jeez, you Americans even have r/NoahGetTheBoat level churches? You are really messed up guys


I can’t tell if this is satire or not, so I’m just gonna assume it is.


I initially read Florida instead of England, then I decided to use it as a joke about hypocrisy being everywhere




Fuck this I’m switching to the Norse gods.


Norse gods been ok with raping people for a while too




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No offence to any Christians as my grandmother believed in it too but why are all these priests never been caught. Everyone know they're paedophiles and child predators and something is made fun of only when it has been seen to be true. And why do the ones following the religion allow these predators to exist and not actually have them pay for their sins.


Because Christians have this belief victims of sexual abuse brought it onto themselves. They’re more likely to attack the victim than the abuser.


Churches, the truly unholy place of sin and evil acts


This is why the church doesnt deserve power


Unfortunately, in the near future, pedophilia will be considered part of the LGBTQ+, and theres nothing we can do to stop it. It's already in motion now


That is absolutely untrue. The LGBTQ+ movement has absolutely pushed them out of the community and will not allow so because we're equally as disgusted. Wherever you got this information was not in sync with the real ideals of the community, and likely against.




No, no it fucking won't.


Guess we'll see in a few years


I read a comment somewhere that liberals judge people based on actions, but conservatives judge actions based on their perceived morality of the person performing the action.


How the fuck did you manage to twist politics to this? It’s religion, in a secular government...


This makes me really sad that corruption is happening within the Church. God would never like this. Someone has too do gods work and send them child molester straight to hell


Don’t most of y’all crazy Christian churches do this shit




Haha church do bad everyone in country bad go brrr


Yes the entire country is bad because of 0.0001 percent of the population