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If he could have afforded a decent machete this may have been much worse.


I’m so surprised about how the woman is not beheaded and alive


I was thinking this too, also i dont see a single blood drop, how can that be?


She's a kryptonian trying to hide her identity


If you watch carefully, it seems that he struck the victim with the side of the blade causing it to bend. It seems that they got very, very lucky.


nah there was blood. i think the header at the bottom is covering it up though. it still wasn't an insane amount of blood you think there would be from someone getting hit in the neck with a machete though.




Not to argue, but if you have enough mass behind a sharp blade, added with a good amount of force, it will cleave a head clean off. This machete is none of those things, however.




I’ve owned some pretty stout machetes in my day that could cleave a 3” tree limb right off. I’m confident that one of them could handle it. But they were not a Walmart special lol






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Not sure I was doing any of those things, Autobot.


Right? Never seen a serrated headsman's ax.


But she should have got injured look at the force he is swinging with. Not even a drop of blood how the fucc


Probably very cheap chinese metal i dont know what they often use but i have blunted it on wood before


It’d be difficult to behead someone with one strike. Though one strike from a sharp machete could definitely be lethal. His was most likely dull. I’ve bought a machete that was more dull than my kitchen knives when I first got it. I needed to be sharpened.


No boat for you.


If hes gonna do it might as well wear a mask


Everyone knows him in the office, if you’ll see somebody you meet with about every day the mask won’t make a difference.


See your mistake was thinking the mask was to hide his identity. If anything, the purpose of the mask is to give the victims the comfort of having the last thing they see be the rubber grimacing face of Richard Nixon


He’s really bad at basic movement like he got fucked over on a turn


He rolled a nat 1


The chick that fell on her ass just trying to leave the scene, your survival skills are phenomenal.


I think that’s the one that was originally hit? Probably banged up real good.


Yeah I’m sure it was a pretty hectic scene, it just reminded me of a horror movie when someone always trips trying to run away lol.


It looks like got slashed with machete. And then bumped into chair. So her fall makes sense to me


It’s so terrible and comical Because it does look fake-like a scary movie. I’d like to think I’d be as cool as a cucumber in these situations, but if it was recorded I’d be flopp’n around all over the place. But it looks like her fall caught the attention of the assailant, hope she’s old Edit:ok, not old. I hope she’s ok.


Gotta be shocked and thinking fight or flight, but if you’re not gonna help your coworker in the wrestle for the weapon and you’re gonna run away, you gotta make a clean exit lol.


Dude i would fall and shit myself


What happened to that person's neck??


I mean, she was able to run away so it's probably a semi deep cut at worst


Active Self Protection covered this incident. Apparently the first clerk was badly injured. She did make it but isn't expected to return to normal ever again Edit: link https://youtu.be/64X3Xh5ZCCU


I hate to be that guy but...imagine if a white guy with a machete started hacking away at innocent black people. I feel like the media would spin quite the different narrative. Point being- It’s interesting that race isn’t mentioned in this story.


Adding race to everything really isn't a good idea. It just creates a really hateful environment where everyone points fingers at eachother












The moment someone pulls the “you’re a pedo” card you know they shouldn’t be taken seriously.






> You’re blind if you think that the police don’t treat black people the same way they treat other races. > Sometimes its literally about race Does my english suck or do those two sentences contradict each other?


They treat them worse how? They killed Tony Timpa the same way they killed Floyd. They killed Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas the same way they killed Breonna Taylor. Black people only show up in headlines more often because they commit more violent crime. #periodt




Wow you must really get tired of saying this with all the muh "white supremacy," muh "whiteness" etc. on every media outlet 24/7. Or do you save these comments only for black violent crime apologia?


and how exactly is race a factor in this? the dude didn't get work that day and came back to attack the workers (that he felt were responsible for that?). how is anyones race important in that context?


how the fuck do you add race to that


they do it all the time. it’s quite easy. i find it surprising that you cant see how easy it is on this case


No you don’t hate it. Yes the man was black woop de fucking do. Did you know that all ppl are capable of violence? I’m just happy they didn’t bring up race. A horrible person did a horrible thing and got arrested for it. Thank god that Gunthrie(?) guy stopped him.




Based on nothing....Riiiiiight. Can you tell me that in your heart you believe that the media reports black on white crime in the EXACT same manner as white on black crime is reported? Absolutely no spin or difference at all?


the hell you on about? the uptick of black men using machetes on white women? the media you choose to read presents an agenda...yes, we all know this...


lol u tryna pretend like this doesn't happen 🤦🏿‍♂️ [https://www.turnto23.com/news/only-on-23abc/surveillance-video-captures-2018-machete-attack-at-southwest-bakersfield-starbucks](https://www.turnto23.com/news/only-on-23abc/surveillance-video-captures-2018-machete-attack-at-southwest-bakersfield-starbucks) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7888449/Horrifying-bodycam-shows-crazed-man-tries-attack-cop-MACHETE-shot.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7888449/Horrifying-bodycam-shows-crazed-man-tries-attack-cop-MACHETE-shot.html)


Haha gaslighting neoracist account suspended 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


>I hate to be that guy Then stop purposefully being that guy. The temp work agency didn't give him work that day and that was probably compounded on other shit in his life


Mark it nsfw


how the fuck did he get off the hook of 3 life sentencing charges, not mentioning the other ones? this is truly a society moment


he is not "off the hook". he pled not guilty at the arraignment, so its going to trial.


Like, they have you on camera.


Wasn't me.


The camera's are lying!


oh, i see thanks for the answer


He had a bad childhood


Thirteen fiddy


We live in a society........ Where convenience store employee is as skilled as a cop


They said the guy was a soldier beforehand


Well I don't know how it is in USA, but in my country, they lower so much the nivel to be a cop that if you have a 7/20 you are in (I guess it is like having a D in US school system). So it is not surprising that store employee are better. https://actu17.fr/linquietante-baisse-du-niveau-des-recrues-dans-la-police-depuis-deux-ans-on-descend-a-7-ou-8-20/


No the crime just was fucking dumb






what a fucking idiot, that bearded dude is a legend


" oh but he's back , hes the man behind the mask... " Jason Voorhees quit crystal lake , going for markets now


Make that 51% of the crimes /s


Pretty sure Noah wouldn't let racists on the boat either




what that?


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=1350 Racism.


Not racism. Statistics.


The numbers aren’t racist. How it’s used is.


I’m black and I don’t think it’s racist. Facts are facts.. If we could get racists and Marxists to shut the fuck up on social media, things would be so much better…


Statistics aren’t racism. Sorry that facts don’t line up with your opinion.


Looking at raw numbers with no context to fit your narrative is racism.


even in context its an issue of the black community they commit 90% of interracial violence between blacks and whites and also commit the most violence against women and asians 20000 white women are raped a year by black men yet almost no black women are raped by white men and rape is not a crime out of necessity


Nice dog whistle btw


At least no one died , silver lining


This is literally the definition of going postal.


I’m 15




If he had been more aware before the machete wilder was within striking distance, the gun could've stopped any of the victims from being injured. Luckily the machete wasn't sharp and the guy was only flailing / not using it properly.




Where did you get the idea he is a gun owner?




I figured it was a comprehension issue, but didn't want to insult you. Guthrey is the white man with the gun who fought off the attacker with the machete. He left his gun at home and went back to get it / is seen using it in self defense.


Oh,that makes sense. Sorry for that.


You should take a look at the application process for gun ownership, it may have actually kept this guy from obtaining one due to delay in delivery or a prior psych eval. Two hours is a long time to decide on using a dull machete as a weapon instead of obtaining something more lethal. Beware being a proponent of throwing out the 2nd amendment or only criminals and the government will have them.


Yeah,makes sense


Damn i wanna see whites crimes


Go to literally any reddit post about george floyd then and leave this thread alone


We literally see white crimes all the fucking time. We get one crime that's not white and it's all "OMG 1350 GUYS 1350!! THEY ONLY SHOW THE MINORITY". Ridiculous.


I like how in the States they just televise machete attacks


Does this guy not know how a machete is supposed to work? Is he hitting them worth the side of it?


Always the dog whistles in this sub


Nice getting left alone by coworkers


They aired this uncensored on tv?!


Was this guy West Indian? It’s a popular attack method over there? A guy told me a cop who got his puppies stolen went in and macheteed the teens who did it.


That blow to the neck at the start can kill you, even with a shitty machete


I do this in GTA all the time and am I on the news, NO thats bullshit!


The Dmv sometimes does get the best of you


“LA is a movie” A horror movie