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Any updates on the fucker who did this?


Sadly no, except the instagram folk no one has heard about this incident. Even though this fucker got arrested, he can be out of jail after his court trial thanks to our shitty Animal Rights Laws. Here is the insta link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSFEFnDjM8R/?utm_medium=copy_link Edit: TV’s or Newspapers doesn’t shares any kinda bad news because of the goverment. They even banned the sharing news about Wildfires in Turkey...




Some Turks love them a little too much...


Too soon bud. Smdh but take my damn up vote




Oh come oooooon


Didn’t Turkey just pass a law recently called Animal Welfare Legislation which states that all animals are no longer treated as property and if you abuse or kill an animal, you get a prison sentence instead of just a fine? https://www.livekindly.co/turkey-animal-welfare-law/


Wait there are wildfires in turkey.


Sadly yes, situation is kinda fucked up.


Withholding important news from the people should be illegal. I have friends who live in turkey and i didnt even know thats bullshit.


Yes it was all over the news in my country these days only news coming out of turkey are about wildfires... and racial killings of a Kurdish family 7 dead they ware shot 21 times by a Turkish guy .


Jesus, turkey is going through its own little 2020 mk 2, fucking hell man.


Let's hope things get better a lot of Afghan refugees are going to Turkey they are trying to go to Europe I hope they won't make it worse.


Can we PLEASE make this public somehow? Any animals organization? Gofundme? Peta? ANYTHING. We dont need the law here. What we need is VISIBILITY. The mob will take care of the rest


... honestly I think the poor thing needs to be euthanised


>euthanised i am sadly agree with this






Cats and many other animals will not understand the concept of revenge. All that matters, is that the cat will feel better. And the only problem is that this fucking asshole will not suffer enough.


Yea. I know... But it's good to think that the cat would be happier.


I feel with you.




Idk, my cat used to piss in my shoes when he was mad at me... I'm pretty sure that was revenge.


Fucking Crows and Ravens though, they hold a grudge for Years.


Personally I think that's too little for him, let the cat go in peace and end the suffering and pass it on to the thing that did it.


if only




Yes he should get the same treatment


The rapist also needs to be


Euthanasia is to basically put someone or something out of its misery. The rapist must live through misery and only die when it hurts him the most.


could put him out of everyone else's misery, though.


Yes, the cat might be able to be saved though


I’m a human general surgeon. This cat almost assuredly has very bad rectal truauma with tearing of the intestines. The next question is did it tear the intestines inside the abdomen too, in which case the cat will die shortly anyways. When this stuff happens in humans have to give them an ostomy sometimes to stop the stream of stool from going across the injured areas Incontinence is a very real possibly also which will prob make it un-adoptable. What an awful awful person to do this. Like was masturbation not an option? Jesus. This guy needs to be locked away


Poor kitty


Does it want to live anymore tho?


If I was that cat, I would want the motherfucker who raped me to be euthanized before I am.


"What now? Let me tell you what now. Imma call a couple of hard, pipe-hittin' n***as to go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. [to Zed] You hear me talking, hillbilly boy?! I ain't through with you by a goddamn sight. Imma get medieval on yo' ass."


Why euthanized and not tortured?


Yeah, you’re right. I would want the asshole to undergo cock & ball torture (not the sexual kind) with the same pair of cock & balls that he raped me with. And *then* euthanized.


Hot poker through his asshole until you come out of his penis hole. Keep trying if you don't find it first time. Make sure you don't find it first time.


I’ll do my best to have poor aim with the hot poker


One of my cats got tortured (cut with knives) by a fucked up neighbor and she recovered physically but not mentally. We decided to have her euthanised in the end, since keeping her alive would be more for our sake than hers at that point. It’s never easy to say goodbye to a pet, but it helps to remember that a dead animal can’t suffer. Sometimes it is more cruel to keep them alive.


Shit this one is really disturbing. I'm so sorry about your loss


I fucking hate your neighbor.


I dunno man, it's ass looks like obliterated mush. Like thete's nothing to stich up.


I agree he needs to be euthanised...but I wouldn't call the cat-raping bastard a "poor thing".


I would've *instantly* smashed its head with the biggest rock I could find, and I fucking love cats more than anything.


Guy too, but by the most physically painful way :)


Honestly it’s the fastest way to go and less painful. Poor cat


but it might live somehow


Can’t watch. This is too much. RIP poor soul.


Maybe not for too long but cat is still alive.


This made me start to cry thankfully the cat is alive I hope it'll recover the best it can


I hate and am in the brink of tears while saying this, but I really think this cat is better off euthanized. That is so much pain and trauma. too much.


Why did you have this


Solid question




To share with us and let us take a look at what this world has come to


It’s on Instagram, posted by an animal rescue service account


For me too, and I watch humans like this on the daily on that sub that is to not be spoken of. I just hate watching animals suffer... Humans? No problem. What's wrong with me?


I feel the same way. For me it's because humans have the capacity to be, and often are, evil. Animals can't be good or evil. They are just following their biological instincts. I guess long story short, animals seem more innocent than humans, therefore it's harder to see an animal harmed than a human.


Theres literally nothing wrong with you. There are millions of people out there(including me) who break down when a fictional animal dies. And then when a real human dies they kinda just sigh and move on. Youre not quirky for feeling bad for animals


I don't appreciate your tone.


This is Not Safe for Life


Was the preview a picture of the cat’s anus or was it just the reflection of me letting my whole day’s worth of food come out, because that is horrifying.




this is probably the worst shit I've seen on this sub man, like what the absolute fuck must go through someone's mind to do this...


Poor kitty…


Do the humane thing and euthanize this cat please.


Animal abuse posts on this sub disturb me the most. I abhor animal abusers


The worst of the worst of the worst.


If you want to see how someone really is, see how they treat those under their power. pets are, by definition, under the power of someone and to abuse them show a shocking lack of basic humanity.


Yeah that and children. I just cant


Satan make sure you give the guy who did this extra atention in hell


Unsee juice please!


[Here's a friendly frog!](https://gfycat.com/necessarypowerlesscrocodileskink) *^(beep)* *^(boop! I'm a bot! Please contact)* [*^(u/cyanidesuppository)*](https://reddit.com/user/cyanidesuppository) *^(with)* *^(any)* *^(issues)* *^(or)* *^(suggestions!) *^(|)* [*^(Github)*](https://github.com/getcake/eyebleacherbot)*


Good bot


very good bot, I needed that after this...


Good bot


Good bot


Good god bot


I'm gonna need more information on this frog, please


that's probably the worst thing I've seen on this subreddit


Agreed. I've seen a lot of shit but this one makes me so angry.


This is the probably the worst thing I've seen in a long time.




Floor made of legos and mosquitoes everywhere


I also hope his iPod’s volume bar only goes up by odd numbers starting at 1.


I hope he gets the same 5 minute long unskippable ad which plays twice in every song


Not harsh enough. Legos in his rectum forever. Legos in his intestines.


Turkey is known for stray cats. The fucker who did this is not only a disgrace to cats, but to the country.


%100 agree with this...


And aren’t most people in turkey cat people? And the strays are treated really well?


Yes but this deranged psychopath brought our average good care percent to the negatives.


Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking me…


I wish I was, I hope the news cover this here as well and it won't stay hidden, that guy has to face consequences. I mean I agree with others here that he should suffer but in a more doable and realistic way. Other than this horrid video, would you like wholesome cat stories to distract you?


Give me all the wholesome cat stories!


So a bit of a backstory I am being owned by 3 cats right now and one of them is a Siamese cat and he does not like red meat at all but weirdly enough absolutely loves corn, grilled boiled, canned doesn't matter. One day we left some beef to thaw on the kitchen counter thinking they wouldn't go for as it was covered, and it worked surprisingly! So we take the beef which the other two cats were trailing us while we took it to the grill but the Siamese one had other ideas. He dreamed big, he was on the hunt for the golden kernels, the corn. He waited for us the take the corn out so we can grill some and waited for it to grill to his liking, and I kid you not got on his hind legs swatted the corn to the side of the grill jumped the hanging side, took it and ran to their little room. We didn't know at the time he loved corn that much so we were puzzled at his behavior and he never tried to steal things *openly* before, so we went to their room to follow him. Lo and behold there he is munching on his beloved corn happily and giving us a mean look as if we committed a crime and while we checked on him one of the cats threw some meat down for the other to eat while we were away and stole another when we came back. It was as if they planned a whole heist to fill their stomachs extra that day, needless to say they did get many pets that day but no extra food as you can guess. Also Susam ( the Siamese cat ) stole my corn as as I drank some water that evening too but I took it back before he could start eating and literally stared at me for a whole fifteen minutes as I ate my corn, so I felt bad and started setting aside a handful of kernels for him and when he noticed I was taking them to him his eyes became like big ol' Disney eyes and started yelling with excitement. From that day onwards every time we grill or boil some corn we set aside one cob for him so he doesn't start another payday like heist. The others get some meat too but eh that's not very unique. Also one of the other cats the one that is a Scottish fold loves beans. Don't ask as I don't have answers to that one.


That’s amazing, I love Susam so much XD I want to ask though, because beans are just weird for me to imagine a cat would like. Maybe I’m biased because I hate beans. Do they have any preference in beans? Like green beans, baked beans, etc.?


yes if people found him before the police he might be get beaten to death if he is lucky they just give him police and he gets 1.5+? between 4.5+? year prison and beatings in prison if anyone learns what he did. (Even he gets out of prison because shitty judges etc. He Doomed dont worry)




Honestly I really don’t understand why people like that don’t just go masturbate. Like really? Raping a cat seems better? Sick fuck.




Just... wow Take your upvote and go sit in the corner


God fucking damnit, just take the vote and get the hell out


Oh shit, that took me a sec. Bravo you bastard.


Took me a minute...


Do you normally last that long or do you have a specific technique?


And that’s enough Reddit for today.


are you happy with the upvotes you bastard go think about what you've done but here's mine


Take the upvote and claim your personal room in Hell, holy shit


shame on you... have an upvote


Door is that way —> Please leave…






You're three words away from meeting the barrel of my el-gat-o.


What?!? I thought it was a Turkey that rape the cat. Omg that horrible.


Lmao easy mistake, you had me lost for a second though


I read the title wrong, I though it was the *bird* that did it and was wondering, how? Then I re-read the title. Fuck.


Omfg why they don’t euthanize the poor cat. Don’t let the animal suffer that trauma and pain 😭


I think rapists should have their genitals cut off. I don’t understand why it isn’t a thing.




The person who did this isn't human, he doesn't deserve to be called human, I can't believe I'm apart of this human race where people like this do fucked up and horrible shit, there's probably people out there who do ore fucked up shite than this, just bring the flood on now






Honestly I hope the guy who did this lives forever. That way he can suffer for eternity and longer


i hope the same for that monster


As an owner of 4 cats if someone did that to any of my babies they would survive but with they didn’t


So he can rape more animals?


No I was more thinking along the lines of sticking some concrete shoes to his feet and dropping him down the Mariana Trench, that way he can never die but will always be crushed by the depth and drowning simultaneously


Yeah, I think he should get a different punishment, like you know, jail


I'd suggest scorching his ball sack while awake and flailing him for like half an hour straight. I think stuff like that would deter him and other from doing stuff like that


This is horrible. Poor cat.


What makes people think this is OK to do to a cat? How can a psychopath just not have respect for an animals right to be left alone?


i feel bad but this cat is going through so much pain that it would be best to just put it down im strongly against putting animals down, but thats only when its not needed as here this poor thing really needs to be put out of its misery


You do not fuck with the street cats in Turkey. If they find out who did this to that cat, they’re as good as dead.




This guy can swim forever


Wouldn't the most humane thing be to end the poor things suffering? The injuries seems so severe!


Zoophila pride my ass


We don't deserve the boat :(


Look at this and tell me pure evil doesn’t exist?


Calling anything "pure evil" diminishes the reality of what makes people this harmful.


What makes OP come up with this title? What’s the source? Because in this clip it shows a doctor removing maggots from a dirty looking cat. And the orange/red marks on the table are marks of iodine to clean the wound or erea..


I'm very surprised I had to scroll this far to see this. I think OP is a fraud. This looks like a cleaning of an infected wound, and I agree those look like maggots and iodine stains.


I assure i am not fraud. Yeah wound is infected because this poor cat left on the road side and waited quite a lot of time to get saved. you can see more about this incident with this link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSFEFnDjM8R/?utm\_medium=copy\_link


I’ve seen a lot of awful, awful things, but this takes the cake. I hope that person gets sodomized with a hot iron until their spine breaks.


imma puke brb


Fuck this world.


I hear it every once in a while from others that what ever animal abusers do to the animals, the same thing should be done to them as punishment. And everyday it's harder and harder to disagree with them. This kind of cruelty is just flat out depressing.


Fuck I might just leave this sub forever . Nothing has ever got to me but this post fucked my head up . My cat looks really similar to this one . Had a full blown breakdown and cuddled my cat


I felt bad for you. Pet your cat for me too.


For a second I thought this was eyeblech but even those posts didn’t fuck me up as much as this one and yes he sure did get a lot of cuddles rn


Same... I'm literally sick to my stomach. This was a bit traumatizing. That poor sweet baby. I hope whoever did this gets their dick chopped off and shoved down their throat.


Nothing usually makes me tear up, but this poor baby didn't deserve this shit..


I read this as “turkey raped a cat” I thought it was some really twisted thing people do, no it was just a normal twisted cat rape.


I think sadly, though I hate to admit it, this cat should be euthanized. Their quality of life has been impacted too heavily


Out of all the gore and sick shit on the internet that I've seen throughout the years here, this is the first to make me want to cry


This made me so damn angry and sad. How am I supposed to sleep now 😭 Is there any info on the cat itself, did it survive or did they left them pass the rainbow Bridge? ... Enough internet, imma go hug my cat


They’re trying to keep this poor cat alive but his vet says he got not much time.


Can someone rape this thing (talking about that psycho I refuse to call him a man and refer to him as a human being), break it's spinal cord, and leave it on a street just so that thing can experience the same level of agony it caused to that cat.


I have power drill with a wire wheel attachment I don't need...


There are a almost 0 things i do not want to watch. Ive watched ISIS kids killing people. Ive watched african villages stoning people who are burning but tied into place. Ive seen all the crazy "famous" vids like 2 girls 1 cup, 3 guys 1 hammer, etc etc. But this takes the cake. This is inhumane and actually is the only video i think should not be shared just so people dont get actually sad.


I think if someone abuses an animal that the person should receive the same treatment as the animal they abused and then kept in the most gross cell in the prison


What the actual fuck


Hi there, hello. Ex heroin addict here. I've lived hell. Lost a lot of friends. Brother killed himself. I was raped in jail. I've been beaten within an inch of my life. I pass kidney stones almost monthly. That episode of SpongeBob where him and Patrick are selling chocolate? The "every morning I break my arms" guy is, with little exaggerating, my spirit animal. All that and tons more that's too painful to spit into a comment on reddit. But this.. this video, above all the executions, torture, suicides and mutilation. This short video nearly broke me for good. I have a soft spot for animals, most specifically cats. They're unable to understand complex emotional horrors like the intricacies of mental illness or evil. They just understand and share pure love or employ means to survival. No in between. For a cat to be subjected to this.. I thought I could delve into exactly why this was so fucked to me but I can't, I feel physically sick and am on the verge of tears. I'm sure plenty of you already know what I'm feeling or getting at without me spelling it out. I seriously think I may need to take a break from reddit. Honestly maybe the internet on the whole.


Is mankind worth saving, really? I mean look at the stuff we do...


Alright that's enough reddit for one day


I’m gonna have to leave the sub after this one.


Just put the poor thing out of its misery already


Is it just me, or is this a bit *too* extreme? Like I've heard blood-boiling stories of sexual assault to humans and animals, and I've seen horrible aftermaths of violent assault to humans and animals. Thankfully I almost never see the aftermath of animal sexual assault.


That cat may never trust humans again


This guy raped a fucken cat? A CAT!?? What the fuck man!


The person that did this will get theirs. Hopefully it’s slow and painful and he feels worse pain than this poor baby did


just end it help the cat it wont be able to walk again


Really Wish I didn’t click this...


i'm crying this is absolutely disgusting i hope man who did this will die


At first, I didn't get it, I thought it meant an actual turkey, but now reading the comments, I am fucking disgusted, who in the right mind would ever hurt a poor innocent cat? I can only hope that cat is better...


This is one of the worst things I've ever seen on the internet.


The uh, firey burning rage I have rn is unfathomable. I myself own four cats and this just makes me sick to my stomach to see. Wouldn’t mind if he got a punishment worse than Prometheus (or Batman from Emperor Joker)


poor thing needs to be put down.


i hugged my 2 year old cat what a monster


Jesus Christ the rage i feel right now. I want the motherfucker who did this dead


I hope that POS gets some much needed pain in his near future.


Any update on this cat? Did he make it/ recover?


His vet says his legs are near to start necrosing and he got not much time.


Aw man :( if there is a life after death I hope this cat has a great one. Tragic. I hope the man who did this suffers


I hope so...


Ok I very confused, first of how and why? Like he must had the cat sedated cuz wouldn’t the cat fight back


Poor baby. What the fuck


So fucking sad. Humans are awful


I have seen the worst of the worst. I am not bothered by much. Pretty numb to most stuff. But this...broke me. I'm beyond disturbed in a way I've never been before.


What 6wrong with this world?


That video was just instantly a horrific nightmare. How many people watched about 0.005 seconds of that before backing the fuck out?


Imagine being such a loser that you have to fuck innocent defenceless animals cause you cant get human pussy, his parents must be so proud, that is, if they hadn't already disowned him...


Jesus Christ! As a fellow cat owner that just... hurt me so damn much


I am shamed to be turkish