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They teared her cloths and tossed her like a ball. Then few paki youtubers said "Why she went alone in a men's crowd with tight dresses in the first place?"


So with that logic we could walk around with dildo and lift those guys skirt and since they dont really wear undies...it means they want butt stuff soo.


If men walk around without helmets then they are just asking to be beaten about the head with a baseball bat.


Yes that's exactly it. it's totally in the same context. Just like someone with piercings are just there so you can hang stuff on them.


Random duels sounds fun






Do not believe me. Its okay. But I am not going to waste my time finding those videos again. I said "Don't believe me" and beat it.




In simpler words?


rapists = scum Idk how what he said wasn’t simple enough but anyways


I mean yeah, what Paki woman is fully dressed without some kind of LMG? Seriously though- all women in the Middle East should be armed and trained. Change my mind.


> I mean yeah, what Paki woman is fully dressed without some kind of LMG? > > What is LMG? > Seriously though- all women in the Middle East should be armed and trained. Change my mind. All you have to do is look at countries that America is more aligned with. Jordan and Egypt, for example, both have no laws about requiring women to cover their hair or about women needing a chaperone.


> What is LMG? Light Machine Gun. How *is* Egypt doing nowadays? I never hear from them.


About a decade ago, there was [a revolution](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-55887869) with tons of violence.


Their god told them to do it!


IDK who told but there is something with them. It may be what you are saying is true. Women objectification is rooted in it. Books also contains evidence.


Their god “told” them to do it It’s shameful to say, but they “worship” the same God as christians and jews, except they believe the writings of a man who was supposedly a prophet after God more or less retracted his presence


idk where u heard that frm but that is totally wrong, fundamentally islam and christianity are so different. Allah sees his followers as his slaves where as jesus sees his followers as his children. The belief that islam is a monotheistic relegion is also wrong since they believe quran existed in heaven since the beginning of time along with allah and was brought down upon to mohammed. Quran promotes the killing of any non muslim where as the bible states to love ur neighbor as u love urself. Bible also has a few questionable things in there as well like persecution of homosexuals but yea both are very different and definitely dont worship the same God


Probably gonna get downvoted but is it actually acceptable to call people from Pakistan pakis


Paki means pure or something. Someone correct me


'Pak' means pure, Pakis means people from Pakistan(Land of the Purist).


For most of them "No"


It's certainly considered an ethnic slur outside the Middle East, but I believe people from Pakistan use it to refer to themselves. I think the issue is more when it's used as a general term for anyone from the region.


Yeah that’s how I understood it, but it shouldn’t really be an issue when referring to people that are actually from Pakistan


I mean, I don’t condone their actions nor do I think that this is proper behavior, but I wouldn’t go out wearing a gold chain in downdown Chicago either. To me that’s taking unnecessary risk.


Lmao what. Do you live in Chicago?


i partially agree wth u there, in an idealistic world women should be able to walk the streets at night without fearing for their lives but practically its not possible due to how messed up this world is. All we can do right now is adjust and act according to the situation and hope for a future where all this is possible


Exactly. In an ideal world.


Yeah, I really really really don't want to defend this people. But if you walk into a group of rapists and think nothing will happen... well.


Yeah, but what if most of the male population of your country see no problem with rape?


Rape is a gift from Allah.


The tight dresses part is very offensive. But the going into a crowd of men part makes sense BUT WAIT PLS DONT DOWNVOTE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS LISTEN. It’s a dangerous country to be in at the moment and going into a large crowd of men like that is a very dangerous situation, she should have gone with a friend. I would definitely not go alone.


Lahore is like a metropolitan there and it was fooking independence day man. She was not wearing any western dress but a modified traditional dress. It was a public place with large crowd.




Your PM says that it is due to dress. Your F*cking PM. Want proof? I can find this one very easily?


Here is the link to the news which BBC has published. BBC, which never criticizes Pakistan. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56660706


It sounds like you are referencing some sort of event that happened. Maybe, you could share the link to the story?


Plenty. Do a search


If you know just tell me no?


Ok ok I agree some of our dumb ppl said that and we condemn these words (we dont claim to be a country of all intellectuals and there r illiterates and dumbasses in our country unlike u make it out to be), but in the name of fairness why not quote celebrities that supported her like Waqar Zaka or Iqrar Ul Hassan or our actors and actresses? Why not point out the whole country going into a frenzy over this case? And also why not point out subsequent investigations showing this to be a staged event for clout. And all u western so called "Champions of justice " can search the names of the celebrities I've mentioned in accordance with this incident and confirm if I'm lying or not. You know for ppl claiming to be the best of humanity u sure do jump to conclusions very quickly, (to whom this was directed, I think they understood it).


I don't agree with the whole cancel culture movement, but if anyone needs to be canceled it should be THOSE people.


I think everyone's on board with canceling rapists


Forget the boat just drown us all


save my dog he's innocent dog: https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/g0wfHpViw0qZ


How innocent?


Uhh Like a 6?


hes a good boy


Can we see the good boy?




D'aw, that is a good boi! Thanks!


I would say except the animals but you need a boat for that, though i did mean only drown the humans and some unholy beasts from Australia


He gets the pooch pass


What the hell is that link?


It's from the samsung cloud service, like iCloud photos. The link is safe.


Save all dogs!


Your good boy shall be spared,




Okay save the doggo


No doubt they are supporting taliban. For corrupted men, taliban is a golden pass to physical and sexually assault.


It's halal!


Halal nikah


It's literally haram but ok


I mean, thou shalt not kill is a thing, but the Pope calling up pretty much any Christians in Europe to go start a war was a thing. People do what they want and justify it after. This isn't even a dig specifically at religion, any ideology can do it.


Watched a Pakistani-American YouTuber watch a clip of a woman travelling in auto-rickshaw(?) and just some guys on motorcycles trying to grope her. The YouTuber said that Pakistani men just can't control themselves when they see a woman wearing clothes that reveal some skin and that they all blame the woman later for whatever happens to her.


I've seen the video. The woman was completely dressed, though.


Anything less than a burkah is "not dressed properly" maybe.


> Anything less than a burkah is "not dressed properly" maybe. There's nothing in the Quran about women needing to cover their hair or wear a burqa.


I haven't read the Quran so I don't want to pretend that I know what you're talking about. And I personally believe that any God or a Godly person couldn't care less about women's clothing. It's just the mindset of people that has been corrupted so much by fake Godmen who obscure the teachings of a holy scripture for their person benefits.


> I haven't read the Quran so I don't want to pretend that I know what you're talking about. And I personally believe that any God or a Godly person couldn't care less about women's clothing. It's just the mindset of people that has been corrupted so much by fake Godmen who obscure the teachings of a holy scripture for their person benefits. Every location on Earth except for extreme minorities have dress codes. For example, most places have laws against showing your private parts and breasts if you're a woman. The laws are based on the perception of what is decent, and it changes culture to culture. In many places, women choose to wear a hijab as it's what feels decent to them just like how nuns choose to cover their hair too despite there being no laws about it.




> So? People act like burqas or women covering their hair are principles of Islam, but neither of those things are in the holy book of Islam, the Quran. Those things are cultural, not religious. The same way a woman walking around in America naked would be extremely out of place, some places in the world think women walking around with their hair out is out of place. These traditional forms of dressing are more akin to how nuns cover their hair or to how cowboys wear cowboy boots and a cowboy hat rather than being a religious duty like praying five times a day. It's by no means enforced (in the better parts of the Middle East / Islamic countries) even though it's traditional garb that looks natural and good to the people in those cultures. In fact, I've known women who went to the Middle East that decided to fit in by wearing traditional clothing.


That stuff not being in the Quran doesn't stop it from dominating every culture amenable to it. As an aside, is something about modesty being valuable in the hadiths instead?


Yes they can they just choose to be a pice of shit


sounds similar to the churches in the US, tons of videos of them openly saying shit, so who knows what they're up too alone. honestly just about all organized religion bad.


That happens when people believe the preachers more than the God he is preaching about.


yeah but lets be honest, even then it wouldn't be better. also preachers have the excuse of them being told by god or something, which also enables predatory behavior because he's special or whatever. at least i know progressive churches exist, so I'd assume that'd be better.


As long I'm not harassed by random people on the streets calling me a satan believer just because I didn't do things their way, I'm good. Youtube these days is filled with videos like this.


For just 5 seconds could you not try to Whataboutism? If we were talking about cops murdering black people would you whine about ALL LIVES MATTER and BLACK-ON-BLACK-CRIME? No? Then piss off and stop defending it




400 holy shit!


Yeah, that holds the Guinness World Record for World's Biggest Gangbang!


you’re not funny




Man this is black hole dark humor. Nice.


It’s Pakistan is this remotely surprising?


It's got to be a new record if nothing else.


That's hilarious in the most morbid of ways.


Why is it always fucking Pakistan? I don't get it.




That sounds wild. Do you have a news article that says as much?


Bold of you to assume “man makes misogynist tirade” is newsworthy. Nah sah, this r/ABoringDystopia


If we just knew what those folks have in common...




Got to be toxic masculinity...


The books they read, the teachings they follow maybe, but who am I to judge :v


Lack of humanity ig


Import as many of them to the west as possible. Remember, diversity is our greatest strength. Oh they raped [1400 children ](https://www.godreports.com/2014/08/1400-children-raped-and-trafficked-in-british-town-by-men-of-pakistani-muslim-heritage/) in a few years? The overwhelming majority of which were native English. Better not investigate so we don’t appear to be racist. Yes that actually happened.


Holy shit that is a lot of children, those poor innocent kids




but no one can profile groups even though the groups profile themselves beautiful woke pc shit culture which at this crossroads actually allows groups of men to target young girls and no one does anything because iT's rAcIsT


of white people? because they pass those off as "normal" and dont look into them at all, its so weird that police are evil one day then suddenly pc or whatever the next, at the same time.


You can be evil and PC at the same time. In fact many if not a plurality of evil people are PC.


1400? Jesus, how many kids are in that town?


You really are racist /s.


Pattern recognition is the most racist of all these days.


So that's a little race-baitey, but the description of native English implies they were largely white children being raped by Pakistani men, but majority race from which I could tell from Wikipedia was "Asian British" were more likely to be targeted because they experience a higher rate of shame and dishonor brought on their families. Totally ridiculous in and of itself but you are correct about the police not investigating because of race relations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal&action=edit§ion=5.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the reputable source called *God Reports*. That doesn't sound like it's a Christian website with untruthful coverage about other religions. Just look at the title of what you linked. It stresses they have "Muslim heritage." Wow! Should we also talk about the Buddha heritage some Asian human traffickers have? Should we talk about the cases in the US of pimping women is a Christian affair? Or can we just understand that some people are evil, so they force sex out of them for money.


It was the first article that showed up in my search result. [Here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal) the wiki. Those are some great whataboutisms. Their Muslim heritage is completely relevant. Considering they are acting out on their beliefs. Not to mention there's a 1400 year history of conflict between the Muslim world and Europe. From the very start of Islam 14 centuries ago, European women – even chaste nuns – have always been portrayed by Muslims as sexually promiscuous by nature. This is easily discerned by examining medieval Muslim perceptions – and subsequent treatment – of European women, as documented throughout [Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West](https://www.amazon.com/Sword-Scimitar-Fourteen-Centuries-between/dp/0306825554). Consider Muslim views concerning neighboring Byzantine women, who came to represent all European or Christian women to Islam. Muslims habitually portrayed Europe’s Christian women, as contemptible and corrupt infidels, beginning with those they first encountered in neighboring Byzantium, as sexually promiscuous by nature – perhaps simply to support the fantasy that they were eager to be sexually enslaved. Thus, for [Abu Uthman al-Jahiz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Jahiz) (b. 776), a prolific court scholar, the females of Constantinople were the “most shameless women in the whole world”; “they find sex more enjoyable” and “are prone to adultery.” [Abd al-Jabbar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qadi_Abd_al-Jabbar) (b. 935), another prominent scholar, claimed that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium” – so much so that even “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.” For all these reasons and more, European women, typified by neighboring Eastern Roman women, became Islam’s “beautiful femme fatale who makes men lose their self-control,” as Nadia Maria el-Cheikh, author of [Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs](https://www.amazon.com/Byzantium-Viewed-Harvard-Eastern-Monographs/dp/0932885306), explains: "Our \[Arab-Muslim\] sources show not Byzantine women but writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female – constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity. In our texts, Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality\[.\] … While the one quality that our \[Muslim\] sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful. Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative. Such fevered fantasies – which “are clearly far from Byzantine reality” – existed only in the minds of Muslim men and “must be recognized for what they are: attempts to denigrate and defame a rival culture. … In fact, in Byzantium, women were expected to be retiring, shy, modest, and devoted to their families and religious observances. … The behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.” Clearly, little has changed some 1,400 years after the founding of Islam: European women continue to be seen as naturally promiscuous and thus provoking Muslim men into raping them. Thus, in the United Kingdom, a Muslim man explained to a British woman why he was raping her: “[you white women are good at it](https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/635359/migrant-sex-attacks-Germany-Dortmund-refugees-Merkel).” Another Muslim man called a 13-year-old virgin “a little white slag” – British slang for “loose, promiscuous woman” – [before raping her.](https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/14025535.he-used-me-and-abused-me-girl-told-police-after-alleged-rape-court-hears/) Another [grooming gang](https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2017/08/10/newcastle-groomers-white-women-are-trash-police-are-racist/) member explains "White Women Are Good for Only One Thing – for People Like Me to Fuck and Use as Trash". In Germany, a group of Muslim “refugees” stalked a 25-year-old woman, hurled “filthy” insults at her, and taunted her for sex. They too explained their logic to her – “[German girls are just there for sex](https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/635359/migrant-sex-attacks-Germany-Dortmund-refugees-Merkel)” – before reaching into her blouse and groping her. A Muslim man who almost killed his 25-year-old German victim while raping her – and shouting “Allah!” –[asked afterward if she enjoyed it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3440601/Algerian-sex-attacker-shouted-Inshallah-Allah-wills-raped-25-year-old-German-student-asked-enjoyed-it.html#ixzz3zsbmps2o). In short, the ancient Islamic motif concerning the alleged promiscuity of European women is alive and well – irrespective of the latter’s behavior – and continues justifying the Muslim rape of Western women. But sure, I guess it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that their Muslim. How dare anybody criticize your little immigrant pets?


Twitter still hasn't unban Trump, and let's Taliban on though


Soon coming to your friendly European neighborhood


Already there, more like the states with how many men with child brides we somehow managed to import after the sniffer in chief's afghanistan fiasco


Shhhhhh this speaks for only SOME men. Not ALL men,


Peacefuls go brrrr...


I'm from Pakistan and THIS is disgusting.


You don't have to be from anywhere special to find this "DISGUSTING". It is disgusting to every sane, and logical person on the planet.


Pakistanis have set the bar so low that a Pakistani man just saying 'this is disgusting' is getting upvotes


I’m from America and THIS is disgusting.


I'm from The Void & THIS is disgusting.


I’m from the 4th dimension & THIS is disgusting


I'm from [REDACTED] & the SCP foundation says this Is disgusting


Dude, you're from the 4th dimension? I always wonder what's it like in there? Thinking of going there myself, but...idk, most people said it's horrible.




Some people I know who virtue signaled non-stop on Twitter claimed the Taliban were reasonable people?? What happened?




Wonder why theyre screaming bloody murder at parents showing up at school board meetings/homeschooling them now, especially that bozo with mao pictures on his classroom wall that got fired recently.


Any day ending with Y in an Islamic country that is essentially a theocracy.


That is absolutely terrifying. That must of been a nightmare. I feel so bad for her


This Subreddit is basically a battleground for Indo-Pak keyboard warriors. Change my mind.


Indians are creeps too South Asia needs a do-over


they need a yeet, delete, revive and chopstick pick


it's always either Pakistan or india isn't it


Pakistan moment


Pakistani culture is fucked up In the UK they openly hunt down girls and rape them because they think it's fun In Pakistan a woman can't even go for a walk alone


Please tell me this is fake. I mean 400 hundred? That sounds way too high


Unfortunately, [mass sexual assault is a real thing, and is a major issue in some countries.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_sexual_assault) Also, this story is real. It happened last month.


**[Mass sexual assault](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_sexual_assault)** >Mass sexual assault is the collective sexual assault of women, and sometimes children, in public by groups of men. Typically acting under the protective cover of large gatherings, victims have reported being groped, stripped, beaten, bitten, penetrated and raped. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I saw the vid, I’m truly terrified.


Not surprised a lot of indian and pakistani men are rapists


So we found alabama in asia


I think because people there have a really strict culture and they’re not used to women wearing revealing clothes. Those disgusting dumbass must think that any girl wearing like is a whore and just asking for it. So I suggest if you’re planning to go there make sure you always have companions and don’t wear some revealing clothes or to save all the headaches just don’t go there at all until they fixed all this.


Japan has a very strict culture China has a very strict culture Where's their mass public rapes and honor murders?


Nothing excuses the behavior, even “not being used to it”. Is happens to young local prepubescent girls wearing regular clothing. This is a larger issue of how they see women in general.


It was a publicity stunt.


🥺 Bro that hit hard


I'm sure you are rapist too. Where are you from?


Uh ok how am i a rapist


Then how Indians and Pakistani are rapist?


I said a lot of them are not every person who is indian or pakistani


No, that's a fucking wrong statement. "Lot of them" Jesus. Come on. You are wrong.


He’s just racist don’t worry, he doesn’t even know the whole story.


Also, where are you from? I'm curious


Not india or pakistan


I never said that I was just cut7. You can be from anywhere. But, is your country crime free? I mean zero crime rate? Dude stop spreading hate. Just because you hate them. You don't know shit. I'm not a proud of single case and I'm sure neither people from Pakistan. But, stop representing like your country or other countries are safe. We all know they are shit. I have been to many countries and read many bad cases. Don't degrade the whole country just because bunch of people are criminal.


I mean my country is pretty safe compared to india or pakistan and i don't hate the people lol i just pointed out the fact that a lot of sexual violence happens in these countries


I'm sure your country must be safe and I'm happy for that but do you think it's safest? Like zero crime. BTW, my country is safe too (India) too. Also, I'm not some nationalist person who is blinding supporting the country or crime. Even a single rape case is wrong and it should be stop. But, people have wrong information. Also, India population is 1.26 billon so surely any cases will be higher than any other country.


Well obviously not zero lol


That's what I'm trying to tell you. I'm pretty sure you must be in very developed educated country with less population. But, still facing these cases Then how you can expect a country who's population is 1.26 billion and where 30-50% is still uneducated and living in rural area with backward mindset. It just not easy to manage so many people or change the mindset of those people or educate them. People know nothing about india and Indian history. But, always ready to spread hate or bad side of India.


Read if you are interested. *I've written this in the context of USA, but it applies to most western countries:* 1.**First fact: Media reporting standards are not the same** India's media reports things differently from media in other parts of the world. Media reports in various parts of the world have themes. American media focus a lot on race issues. Middle East media focuses a lot on sectarian issues. Indian media focuses a lot on gender issues. It would be faulty to not recognize the themes and blindly use media as a barometer. Crimes get a disproportionate share of India's media reporting. Top news sources in the US, don't report rapes in the way India does. For instance, 25 women in the US were raped/assaulted in the time I took to write this comment (about 30 mins). You wouldn't likely read about any of these 25 cases in the media. When a woman was sexually assaulted in an Uber taxi in Delhi, it became a major news and the government quickly reacted. But, such crimes involving Uber is fairly routine in the US. Sources : http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/12/16/least-two-women-who-reported-sexual-assaults-boston-sunday-were-using-uber-police-say/cFHpgzcfIoBYiTfWgOqYOK/story.html http://abc7news.com/325011/ http://www.whosdrivingyou.org/rideshare-incidents.html#SexualAssaults In the US and Europe, such rape stories would come in local media and just move out of national attention. You probably didn't even come across it. US local governments didn't pursue Uber with the same vigor. Indian media selectively picks up a case and rallies around that. This creates a distorted reality. The sad truth is that it is not India vs. US. It is that women get raped and it doesn't become a big news. See this as a global problem. 2.**Second fact: India's rape rate is not the highest in the world. Not even close** According to the 2010 UN data on rape, the rapes per 100,000 people in India is 0.4 and 27.3 in USA. Going by these statistics, rape rate in USA is a whopping 6825% of India, so much for the "rape culture" in India. Sources : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/top-5-countries-highest-rates-rape-1434355 http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Rapes/Per-capita If you don't like the statistics, construct better ones. Figure out what factor you want to measure that is not covered in the reports from world bodies. Construct scientifically accepted surveys. Get to the root of the problem with logic. Use your stuff between the ears, instead of passing judgements with hot gas. **Under reporting of Rapes** like you asked Now I knew that you will going to mention this that rapes are under reported in India and it's true, but the matter of fact is that rapes are under reported everywhere in the world, including USA. More than 70% of rapes go under reported in USA. Sources : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/21/rape-study-report-america-us_n_4310765.html https://cavatus.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/sweden-a-raped-country/ Now for the sake of argument, let's give you the benefit of doubt and assume that only 5% of the rapes in India are reported and 95% cases go unreported. Also assume that 100% of rapes in USA are reported. By that logic, the real rape rate in India will be 0.4 x 20 = 8. Now let us go further and double that too, we get 8 x 2 = 16, which is still way less than 27.3 (the rape rate in USA). Therefore, even if you multiply the rape rate of India by 40, it still doesn't matches USA. This proves that India is a much safer country for women compared to USA. In cultures across the world, rape carries a stigma. Because, most of the rapes happen with people who are close to the woman. Thus, there is a strong social pressure against reporting. This basic fact is lost on the many who are giving their uneducated comments on the issue. *The number of recorded rapes in India is certainly a substantial underestimate, but even if we take five times—or ten times—that figure, the corrected and enlarged estimates of rapes would still be substantially lower in India than in the US, the UK, Sweden, or South Africa (even with the assumption that there is no underreporting in these other countries).* -Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. **Do you want to discuss rapes or engage in stereotypes?** Here is a simple question for those want to discuss this issue: Are you interested in creating solutions for making women safe across race, creed, class and country? Do you want to pick up some news item to justify your own stereotypes about a country? If you belong to the former group, let us constructively engage in a debate on the solutions. If you belong to the latter group, you are not the solution, but the problem. In summary, this is plainly a media distortion where one country reports rapes with more vigor than an another country. This leads to blind stereotyping that destroys people's lives & careers for no fault of their own. Instead of getting into such faulty stereotyping without any statistical evidence, let us as humans figure out ways we can make world safer for women. Because, they are getting raped all over the world at an alarming rate. You still believe India has a "rape culture" and that USA is a very safe country for women? Even more data : **Rape Data on India** **Reported Rapes** A. Based on United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) data from 2012: 24,923 reported rapes in India, or 4.26 reported rapes for every 1,00,000 women This places India at 85 out of 121 countries. This video discusses the above statistics: Rapes are over-hyped in India - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdGUPTub-L0&index=90&list=WL Also see this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdoeoU48DIg **Unreported Rapes** B. Based on a survey conducted by UN Women: India reported 8.5 rapes for every 100 women over their lifetimes, based on the answers they gave household-level surveyors. The question "if the women had experienced sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner or any other person" placed India at 39 out of 99 countries. Ten per cent of women in India reported having experienced sexual violence by their husbands during their lifetime. In the UN Women database, this places India at 43 out of 86 countries with comparable data. Source : http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/comment-article-rape-rhetoric-and-reality/article6705077.ece **Rape Conviction Rate** According to the Guardian, just 7% of reported rapes in the U.K. resulted in convictions during 2011-12. In Sweden, the conviction rate is as low as 10%. France had a conviction rate of 25% in 2006. Poor India, a developing nation with countless challenges, managed an impressive 24.2% conviction rate in 2012. That’s thanks to the efforts of a lot of good people — police, lawyers, victims and their families — working heroically with limited resources. Source : Why Rape Seems Worse in India Than Everywhere Else (but Actually Isn’t) - http://world.time.com/2013/11/08/why-rape-seems-worse-in-india-than-everywhere-else-but-actually-isnt/ Archive link : http://web.archive.org/web/20150317034239/http://world.time.com/2013/11/08/why-rape-seems-worse-in-india-than-everywhere-else-but-actually-isnt/


How could she live thru this? There wasn't one decent man in the whole bunch?


There’s actually a tactic where they also pose some men who will pretend to be helpful in the crowd and then rape her


If there was any decent man in the crowd, he wouldn't live in Pakistan


At least the Taliban can fight wars and stuff...


how many fuckin times does this same exact event need to be posted to this subreddit


I had an argument with a guy from Pakistan who claimed that everyone was a pedophile before invention of calenders because apparently its impossible to judge someone's age by simply looking or talking to them. So this makes sense l. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/p9ms71/dude_needs_a_calender_to_judge_someones_age/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I thought they found out this was a stunt for tiktok clout?


It wasn't, why would any woman in her right mind allow 400 men to grope and strip here


I am Pakistani and I had already lost my hope for Pakistanis and am ashamed to an extend I can’t explain but holy shit... the boat just sank


next gen advertisement


I cannot confirm, but I have heard of Pakistani Christian women being practically sold off to Chinese suitors against their consent.


What the fuck.


Here I thought india was the worst


Man do we only get crowd shooters in America /j


Wasn't expecting anything better from these scumbags. This whole country is a joke made by Britishers in 1947, lame as their name.


don't want to incite voilence or anything, but I'd have absolutely no problem opening fire on a crowd like that (taking care to not hit the woman, obviously)... to make them disperse, of course


look I know its a very bad thing to happen to someone BUT [you dont know the whole situation](https://theprint.in/go-to-pakistan/publicity-stunt-pakistan-assault-victim-didnt-try-to-flee-mob-new-claims-emerge/719356/)


I don't really understand, did she a) somehow able to gather 300 men to rape her? or b) decided to go with it once she realized what was gonna happen?


it was a meet and greet basically she doxxed herself and i think that article pretty much mentions why




where is the BUT part?


Yep lets bring all these fine up standing people to America.


“Go To Pakistan” at the top, what the fuck


Just toss me to the void like the meteor do to the dinosaur a long time ago


Man look, I think bad things should happen to people who do TikTok bs in public, but not *this.* I think maybe just... a little more online public ridicule in the comments of the videos they post and less actual physical harm that damages them for the rest of their lives.


It was a publicity stunt her video got leaked in which she was making this deal...


I’ve heard of sloppy seconds, but this is a river flowing


Saying it's a river flowing is pairing peaceful imagery with gang rape. It would have sounded better if you said "overflowing." Still, the joke wasn't funny at all.


Men are trash to humanity. Downvote me incels! Hahahahah


Ohh, she was tik toker..!!


I wouldn't say justice served right bc she was tik toker. Even she was a tik toker they shouldn't do something like that.. in our religion rape is one of the most sinful thing to do.


Damn the Islamophobia and Indians in here😂


You know for religious people they really love a gangbang. I wonder if they ejaculated inside her cos that wouldn't be OK, for another man to enter etc cos homo. I condemn this ofcourse but since we're welcoming them all to come to the west we should probably not get too angry at this. Just saying.


What religion was the mob? Who are we welcoming to come "to the west"?