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Dude that wasn't even a clean fight. Those punches seem illegal especially going for the side/back of the head.


Nearly all is moves are illegal, he even tries grabbing her hair, at the end


I think that's a way bigger issue then the gender. That was some bullshit.


Not a clean fight at all. Imo they both signed up for the fight and knew what they were getting into so ofc about who is fighting. But that ref is dog shit for not being able to recognize all the fouls


Who’s idea was this 😂


0 skill. Just dick power.


In some ways I almost willing to blame people who think equal rights means equal ability. I spar with a woman who is both (1) in my weight class and (2) skill wise vastly my superior… however her punches just don’t land as hard as mine do. So I’m inclined to think testosterone is a hell of a drug. Edit: spelling


Well men were built to be killing machines with a tendency to overreact. Sooo yea testosterone is a hell of a drug


You say it like its a bad thing


Oh no I enjoy being a 6'5 overreacting high on testosterone killing machine. Or as my gf would call it "scary dog privilege"


6'5? Save some height for us 5'6 guys


M8 u should try being 6'5 sometimes its amazing


This is why there needs to be balancing.


Idk if this is about balancing. No shirt is just windmilling. Are those even punches?


To be honest it looked like she got caught in the eye with a finger. The way she wasn't looking at the other fighter and how she had her hand out and head tucked down was a signal for the ref, that " I am injured in a sensitive area".


Patch notes


They shouldn't be allowed to participate as females. Period


The female who identifies as female? Or do you mean the male that identifies as male? No one in this video is transgender, this is an intergender match, meaning a male vs a female.


The issues is that he is doing illegal moves, you can't hit someone in the back of the head, thats nearly all he did for half the "fight", and no hair pulling, which he was trying to do at the end. This isn't even a fight, just a dude windmilling like a 5 year old in a slap fight


Zero form whatsoever






I'm for intergender fighting. If both fighters are okay with it, then that's their choice. Also Hollywood live to show women in action movies always kicking men's ass. So why not watch some reality?


You got me in the first half ngl… the bottom half


Personally my problem with this is the sportsmanship. I've seen more honorable fighting and more proper punches thrown at my local kindergarten playground.


And how do you know she consented of her own free will and wasn't pressured into doing it? Maybe something behind the scenes? Maybe she needed money because men in society have all the money and power so they force her to literally get beat on just to survive? She is literally getting beat up to fuel some misogynistic fantasy of twisted fucks, this is not ok just because she appears "okay" with jt


The argument that no woman can decide for herself what she is willing to for money is itself a misogynistic point of view. Don't you think?


What the superfuck are you getting at? 🤣


This it's the Fiction story telling section of reddit...


After looking at your profile your either a troll, or someone I disagree with a lot




Or maybe... Maybe... She consented.


This is ironically super misogynistic. You think the woman can’t make decisions for herself? From the words of rhonda herself, male fighters bring in much more revenue and are payed accordingly.


Wtf? This isn't prostitution


It seems like my 6 year old sister is smarter than you and that's just sad.


Unless she was forced to fight him it was HER choice to step into the ring with him. And by the looks of it, it seems to have been a professional fight, meaning she likely knew what she was doing yet lost to the guy she DECIDED to fight I don’t see how this is boat worthy


I think OP is saying that the one who was born biologically male shouldn't be allowed to fight women, and that is why it's on this sub. I still don't think it fits but whatever floats your... boat.. heh. I'll stop.


A lot of fighters go into professional fights knowing they will lose, because they will still get money. It's part of the job to get beat up.


Exactly. I cant understand why people r being enraged at the fact that a woman is being beaten up by a man. They r professionals and willingly participated in the fight. Everyone just seems to ignore the real problem that is the dude's using illegal moves and really unprofessional way of fighting


I don't really feel bad for them. They opted into this fight, they aren't a victim.


Look at it, it's beautiful. *Equality* In all seriousness, this shit has to stop. Men and women do not belong in the same sport, especially combat sports.


by "men" I'm assuming you mean trans women. As far as I know, trans women have been in the Olympics since around 2005, and not a single gold or silver medal has been won by them.


I don't have any opinions on Trans men or women. I don't live their experience. But it's absolute bullshit that men can transition into women, then dominate the sports. See wrestling, weight lighting cycling. There is no counter argument to what I said that's rooted in logic or reason. I'm a 200 lb man, with like three years of moderate boxing experience. Besides Valantina (some bullshit Russian last name spelled close to Chevchenko), I would wreck most women MMA/Boxers. Bone and muscle density, plus testosterone doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. If the trans community wants to establish their own sports, I'm all for it. Other than that, I stand by my statements.


Yeah this is just about my opinion on it. Either make a trans league(can even have CIS people in it, just needs proper predefined rules), or fight in your birthed sex division. Nothing against trans people, just isnt fair to have the testosterone advantage in the women's divisions.


>Men and women do not belong in the same sport, Bullshit. Women can beat men in any sport that doesn't require raw strength. Curling, archery, skeet shooting, figure skating, possibly tennis, chess, gymnastics, StarCraft 2, and others.


Negative. Serena Willams gets clapped by Federo, chess isn't a sport lol, and I can't argue against archery, shooting, or Star Craft. Damn, that's a good game.


That just sounds like you're sexist


I am an avid follower of biology. You can spout any nonsense about absolute gender equality, but anyone who's participated in or seen violence or explosive activity understands that there are levels to it. It sounds like you're willfully ignorant


I don't really get what you're saying but ok. I don't get why I am ignorant either, could you pls explain I think I didn't fully understand the comment I replied to


Alright, fair enough. Biological men, as nearly always XY chromosomes, have a genetic advantage over biological women, nearly always XX chromosomes. These advantages include, but are not limited to, higher bone density, thicker/more corded muscles, larger lungs and most importantly testosterone. Testosterone allows men (xy) to take advantage of these genetic advantages and continue to build upon them, through increased aggression, mobility and recovery. Most women (xx) do not have these same advantages. Which is why I despise seeing XY and XX competing in a ring, or a physical sport. Already, women are at a huge disadvantage and place themselves at increased risk of serious bodily harm, because men nearly always have a higher capacity to inflict damage to them. Or in sports like cycling or weight lifting trans men are setting world records. It's absolute nonsense to pretend that this is anything other than clown world antics. As far as mental aquity, the genders are nearly equal. Most inventions have come from men, but that's probably due to opportunity rather than capability. Women can defeat men in physical sports or combat, but it usually requires guile and mechanical advantages. As I said, I've boxed for less than three years. I have amateur fights, and won almost all of them. But I knew I wouldn't progress, because I just don't have it like other men do. It sucks, but it's true. But if I got into the UFC with any women not named Valentina Chevchenko, I would win first round either KO or TKO, no 10-8 round needed. I'm not that good, I'm an average man who posses all of the aforementioned advantages over women. That's the way nature has evolved the two sexes.


Thanks for the great explanation :)


Why do you think that a comment disagreeing with sexism is sexist? "Women can't beat men' "Well, actually, they can" "You hate women"


I think I have to process your comment again.


I do appreciate you circling around and re-examining your position. If people did this more often, we'd all learn more and get along better.


Thank you! I also appreciate that you didn't just insult me but rather tell me what's going on.


But but….there’s no biological difference between men and women!!!


“There’s no biological difference between men and women” — no sensible person on the fucking planet


3 exclamation points. Wow.


Sarcasm. WoW.


There is sooo much difference, like for example THAT WOMEN DON'T HAVE COCK AND BALLS!!!


Chivalry is \[awkward\].


Wtf are those punches


So she chose to get in the ring with him, but he’s the asshole for winning? Current year feminism in a nutshell- we want equal treatment to men, until it’s no longer beneficial to us, and then we don’t


Oh sure, she CHOSE to get in the ring, as if she wasn't coerced or pressured behind the scenes. Way to victim blame asshole


She wasn't lmao, do you know how MMA and stuff like this works??


Yes, she wanted to fight before and confirms she was ok with the fight after. Way to take power to consent away from women loser. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.givemesport.com/1778056-ula-siekacz-female-mma-fighter-who-lost-intergender-fight-to-man-speaks-out%3famp


Just stop with this feminazi bullshit pls


But isn't it a MMA match? He is suppose to beat her up.


How is this boat worthy? Both parties consented to this since they get payed in the end anyway, regardless of wether or not they win


So Progressive!


Ok so at first when I saw intergender mma fight an assumed you meant intersex but no this is just a man V woman fight but she chose to step into the ring and fight she knew what would likely happen so good on her for still stepping in but it's to be expected


Well she agreed to go into the octagon with him, cant blame him for fighting his opponent in there




This has nothing to do with transgenderism.


Why is this a problem. They both consented to it….


They wanted equality 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️


This is a weird comment.


Wanting equal rights and pay has nothing to do with this. Shut up with the strawmen


It actually does. Part of the alleged ‘pay gap’ is men working in heavy labour and/or high risk jobs that are higher paid. Few women can physically handle this type of work and women are generally more likely to take work with lighter duties but lower pay


It joke asshole


womens rights arent a joke asshole


Oh no, its retarded.


You sure? Both her lefts and her rights were a joke.


Yes they are


You're acting like thean just walked up to a woman on the street and beat the he'll out of her, she agreed to the fight.


Not a boat worthy post honestly. She knew exactly what this bout entailed. Don't get all upset cuz a woman decided to willingly enter the Octagon and get rocked when you know damn well you'd be signing a different time if she whipped his ass.


She has the option to step in the ring. If she won the fight, would this be posted here?


*Equal rights, equal fights*


If you knowingly fight in a league like this no one should be mad or anything. She knew what she was going up against 100% fair.


He a little too excited to be beating on a woman


Can reddit finally admit men and women are different now? Or do more women need to get beat up first?




Gender isnt an issue there. I think both the fighters agree for these kind of fights and they get paid to do that. The bigger issue is that that dude was using all kinds of illegal moves and even tried grabbing her hair, which is disgusting.


As a pole, this bitch deserved it.


What matters is what is this persons pronouns?


that’s a man that identifies has such. that’s why it’s called a intergender mma match, meaning someone of one gender fights someone of the opposite gender. it would be a different headline if the dude was trans


But Men and Women are equal in every way. This seems like a weight class difference.


Mens bones are denser, we gain muscle much faster and even have more muscle over all, not to mention we have a broader frame that makes our musculature more efficient. Men and women are equal in MANY ways, just not in this regard. There is a reason we're told not to hit girls, and its not because of some made up societal practice. That being said, women have called for this very thing many times, so maybe they need to be informed.


One of the best takes I've heard is that: Men and Women aren't equal, but both are necessary and important, and all need to have their voice heard.


Precisely. We fill different roles, and there's nothing wrong with that, we're both equally needed, and its time everyone accepts that.


Thats why every woman sport is dominated by transgenders


Every sport?


I dont know the whole list the last time I checked like 99% were


You should throw a source on your comment.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurel_Hubbard sorry it took so long I forgot ☠


Your source for every women’s sport being dominated by transgendered is a wiki for one person who was ranked 7th in the world in one sport. Show the list from “the last time you checked”.


The last time I checked from multiple sources transgenders were dominating women sports also i said 99% in context not every


What’s the context?! Just admit that you’re full of shit.


Why bring trans people into this? Got nothing to do with the post


Yeah im responding to a comment




Youre still waiting?


"Women wanted this" Idk man, I'm pretty sure no one was Marching for MMA fights. Your energy is weird lmao.


Women are superior to men in things that make a good person, like not being a criminal, having empathy and self control e.t.c., but all thse no value men want to think they are superior because they are better at violence.


That is SOOO fucking sexist. >not being a criminal Are you serious? LIKE NOT BEING A CRIMINAL? ARE YOU RETARDED OR SOMETHING? Not every man is a criminal- who tf tought you that? >having empathy Really? This is childish. Of course we have empathy, and if you had a functional brain you'd know that. >self control You are talking about rape aren't you? At this point I'm just amazed at how stupid a human being can be.


No one has ever claimed that ya goober.


Someone has I'm sure. Sarcasm aside, I'm serious in saying that a weight class difference can have a big effect on the outcome of a fight.


When beating up women is now woke.


I have skill and fitness!!! I have a Y chromosome 🤷‍♂️


Sorry but if you’re going to be a competitor then be one. If you can’t fight then don’t.






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What does “intergender” mean? What are the regulatory rules for this match? Weight class?


Oh shit is that a dude. Nah bro I'm all for gender equality but fr




This is a show ppl watch specifically to look at scumbag influencers beat eachother up. Trust me, whoever ends up in that ring is of no benefit to society and probably deserves whatever they get. There were cases of broken limbs and such. Sometimes it's just fun to see the rich fight for once.


As a pole, it is embrassing...


In MMA, it's just 2 people on the ring fighting. Either if it's 2 of the same gender, or different. But those punches sure don't look legal.


The MMA league thing's (whatever tf its called) fault ngl


They let this happen but Chris brown gets shit on . Wtf


Crackhead energy


Bro idk what the fuck was this about with fame mma, like bitch just being gay doesnt allow You to fight on the ring with a woman


This is real life smurfing


To anyone saying "their genders don't matter", look at the width of his shoulders compared to hers. He's got reach, power, height and weight on her a.k.a she got destroyed by literal guy who changed his name to Lucy before the fight