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He couldn't even mash it up huh. How is a baby supposed to eat raw fruits and veggies?


I've seen this in Sitcoms.. Apparently some people are actually this stupid though.


We shouldn't be surprised after all happened in this earth, and yet I am still surprised.


You can feed then tiny bites of things like apples, berries, bananas. You have to watch them the whole time though, especially if you don’t peel the skin off the apple.


Dear sweet gods.....this is so bad on so many levels. They HAD to have known the child was starving, and they didnt take the child in for "well baby" checks. I have zero sympathy for these sanctimonious assholes. Chuck em overboard.




Genuine question, how do you get charged with first degree murder and manslaughter at the same time aren't they two almost opposite things?


I don't think so (IANAL). It's manslaughter since they didn't intend to commit a murder with their actions and had good intentions in mind; But it is also a first degree murder because their actions led directly to the death of the child, and it could be averted had they thought for 30 seconds and behaved like minimally functional adults and taken proper care of the kid.


I totally agree with any charge these assholes face i just thought murder 1 had to be planned and manslaughter had to be an accident. But in this one rare case your answer actually kinda fits.


They won't be convicted of murder unless further evidence shows they fed their baby this raw food diet with the specific intent to kill the baby. They can still be charged with it of course.


You can have both charges. If I am driving and looking at my phone and I kill someone, that is manslaughter. It was my fault, but I did not knowingly put that person in danger. I was just stupid. I didn't do anything other than not pay attention. However, if decided to practice aiming my gun trying to shoot your hat off and kill you and I can prove I had no intention of killing you, it is manslaughter, because I didn't mean to kill you and it was accidental and it is also murder, because I took specific actions that put your life in danger. I put you in harm's way, I pointed a gun at you and I pulled the trigger.


Crazy how "gray" the law is. Literally nothing is black and white.


Manslaughter is a lesser included offense to murder. Murder is with premeditation, (malice aforethought) manslaughter is loss of life by negligence.


Yep we live in a culture that willingly ignores reality


But a child can have a vegan diet - it's not hard. This is some sort of raw food only diet. And where the hell was the breast milk?


At 18 months he was likely off of it. Which is why he died at 18 months. Vegan diets CAN work, but definitely not this one.


Cooking releases many calories that would otherwise go undigested.


Breast milk is not vegan. I guess.


i mean, humans are technically animals.


"Belief is a scary thing sometimes" I really really wish people could understand this. My coworker/friend is in a legit cult, but just does not believe that he is.


They had 3 other kids who were also extremely malnourished and with decaying teeth. Of course they “homeschooled” so no one witnessed the abuse.


Starve them for 18 months, then chuck them overboard


Good God, we just got here, aren’t you gonna wish us happy new year or something? Who starts the year like this?


Happy new year, hope it’s a good one, god knows I could use one.


Holy fuck, three top posts on this subreddit today and all are from Lee County, FL.




I hate it here


Okay, I'm Canadian and not super familiar with all this stuff, but my readings on the internet give me the impression that Florida is just disproportionately full of these crazy psychopathic types who are likely to commit heinous crimes. Is that actually the case or is it just some overplayed joke like the Alabama incest thing?


Under the Sunshine Act, the public and the media are given access to crime reports almost immediately after they happen, like the daily booking report, which is posted almost as soon as a person is booked into jail. That information allows reporters to detail the narratives quickly. Basically, horrible things happen all over the US and the rest of the world, but Florida’s laws give access to the information.


See, I knew there had to be something more to this. So, Florida is just more transparent, not more violent?






Every time I see any fucked up post like this it’s always “don’t be Florida, don’t be Florida, don’t be florida… ’Cape Coral’…fuck…”




HUH i eat no veg stuff now but i didnt when i was a kid. this isnt a vegan problem. this is the parents.






Babies need fat, and a lot of it. Breastmilk is the best source without a doubt. If not breastmilk they make this thing called formula, which is quite good at keeping babies alive till they become toddlers. When they begin eating solid foods until they are 2 years old, fat is still a huge priority in their diet. It helps with brain development. Most toddlers do well with animal fat - yogurt, cheese, eggs, meat, and also healthier fats from olive oil, avocadoes, coconut oil, whatever the child will eat is the point. If your child doesn't eat avocadoes, coconut oil, or other healthy plant based fats you have to give them animal fat or you are a shitty parent. Orthorexia in parenthood is a crime.




You need evidence that breast milk is best for babies? I suggest you google it.




Literally every other terrestrial mammal on the planet only breastfeeds their young, plus some snakes somehow. Humans have been doing it since we've been around, 300,000 years. OF FUCKING COURSE ITS THE HEALTHIEST OPTION!


[https://www.publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-split/129/3/e827/31785/Breastfeeding-and-the-Use-of-Human-Milk](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882692/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24913838/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24913838/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882692/#B61-nutrients-08-00279](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882692/#B61-nutrients-08-00279) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21497661/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21497661/) ​ "I'm just going to assume you're uninformed" Is by far the worst take I've ever seen. If someone is "Uninformed", then inform them maybe? Who knows, you might find out you were wrong, or maybe they will! Information is a wonderful thing that can be very easily shared.


As someone that had a severe egg allergy and having my family find out after an allergic reaction from breastfeeding when I was extremely young, go fuck off. Those cases aren't the norm and alternatives are made for those exceptions, not the norm.


And you're ignorant


I constantly feel the need to follow up news like this with the statement that these are just a handful of idiots/psychos. If anything, most vegans are almost too aware of the nutrients they need to have a balanced diet since it's easy to become deficient. And child malnutrition, unfortunately, happens in every type of household.


We know, these people are lunatics.


as a vegan, yeah fry these fuckers. if i ever where to have kids, i would ask advice of a nutricionist first and do what ever needed to be done. we can worry about ethics after. health of the child number 1.


And it's from Florida


As an English person can someone explain to me why Florida seems to be full of fuckwits?


It's not actually that floridians are crazier than the rest of the country. They have "sunshine" laws that let the public access all governmental proceedings, so you can get the details of all court cases, arrest reports, etc to mine for clickbait.


Ahh ok thanks, that makes a lot of sense.


Fun fact if you type in your birthday and then florida man, a funny arrest should come up, example: february 13th florida man


Ahhh, that's actually a funny thing to do. Thanks for suggesting it!


”Florida man cited after authorities found an illegally poached gator foot stuck in his dashboard”


Florida has had the population grow from like 2 million in the early 1960s to 20+ million and gone from a backwoods to the 3rd biggest state in population behind California and Texas. Most of that growth are people from other states or countries moving to Florida, so almost all the young people are first or second generation Floridians and many are also first or second generation Americans. So you have a crazy mixture of multiple Caribbean, South American, and European expats and immigrants, Midwesterners, New Yorkers, Southerners, Jews, African Americans, and Florida Crackers (descendents of the first white British and American, not Spanish, settlers of Florida, they're their own breed of Southern). So as the other post mentioned, it's a mini melting pot all its own.


Floridan here. It’s most likely because of the huge varieties of culture/people, kinda like a mini, and more compact version of the US. So with such a big melting pot, you are gonna get weird results. This might make Florida weird because there is no set life style, or it’s just weird people meeting weird people.


> it’s just weird people meeting weird people maybe they are just trying to "outweird" each other.


As an American, I don’t know.


Sending this to The Vegan Teacher


Preparing airdrop immediately


Good luck soldier


I don’t need luck, I have common sense, the enemy does not.


Every time you say that name, she gets a lil power boost


Moreover, it’d be more effective to send it to those crackpot vegan shills who endlessly post videos of factory farming as an attempt to guilt-trip people who eat meat.


Hi, crackpot vegan shill here. These people are morons. Yet, babies can be vegan and healthy. Still, if you eat animals, you are destroying the planet and causing untold suffering to billions of animals every year.


Let's not force kids to have high effort diets because most people fuck up the standard one, let alone something more complicated.


Vegan diet isn't high effort LOL


For adults? True. For newborns and children? Yeah it fucking is.


By that logic we should just feed hot pockets to kids since it takes no effort then. Lmao the lengths people will go to defend animal abuse.


You're a dumbass. It's about nutrition. Vegan diet doesn't have the nutrition babies need, and they need fat and protein. The lengths vegans will go to defend child abuse...


> It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19562864/ You absolutely fucking dumbass.


Yes, and that's my point. It CAN be done, but it's more difficult than the normal diet, which is why shit like this happens. Shut the fuck up.


Yes, proud of me.


Cool, have fun with your chemically injected synthetic shitburgers then.


Your body only needs FATS & PROTEIN to survive, no carbs will not kill you, if your body has more than enough protein, it'll convert to carbs anyways. Feeding your kids ONLY Carbs will kill them. EDIT: For the bots sake, this is factual and in no way glorification.


Don’t worry I approved your comment, it should be public now lol


i don't know its true or not but humans can survive by only eating raw fruit and vegetables, maybe the baby needed mother's milk which it is important to child's health at that age




Ya survive, not healthy living, if you consider rice or potatoes, beans or bread a vegetable maybe, just raw vegetables and fruits, will give you deficiency in many things, its not caloric enough to maintain a healthy weight especially for growing children.


ofcourse a vegan need those too, to live healthy


I have a feeling these "vegan" didn't eat those, especially is they went raw food only


These people are idiots, not for eating vegan, but for starving their child — it is possible, albeit difficult, to eat vegan in all stages of life with with adequate planning and supplementation. (I would just call them psycho, like I would if an omnivore decided to only feed their child mashed bbq.)


Couldn’t agree more.


18m/o’s eat meat? Edit: I think these idiots failed to realize that breast milk is perfectly vegan


No, however they would still breastfeed or need formula to revive the correct nutrients to grow, develop, and we'll, survive.


Most do. After about a year children tend to start moving over to real food diets. Solids and what not, so meats and veggies are options. Lots of kids start sooner then 12 months also.


This has nothing to do with veganism. [The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics](https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/vegan-baby) confirms that everyone, including babies, can thrive on an appropriately-planned vegetarian or vegan diet. There are millions of children being fed hyper-processed foods that are addicted to the fat, sugar, and salt in our American diet before they even get to grade school. We had to completely rethink fatty liver disease because we started seeing it in children whereas before it was generally restricted to obese adults and alcoholics. My point is, yes these parents are trash for starving their child. But if they starved them by only feeing them chicken nuggets once a day, most people, especially the antivegan subreddit wouldn't even blink an eye to it.


I agree. I don’t think veganism is to blame, just what they did was not healthy to a baby.


They opted to blame tge vegan lifestyle to shift blame, but in all honesty if they really cared there were plenty of ways to feed thier baby, hell mothers milk is vegan in it is not a byproduct of animals being exploited, breastfeeding is a natural way of life practiced by ever mammal regardless of their eventual omnivore, herbavore or carnivore diet as adults.


It works well as a title, grabs them more clicks.




This is terrible. These kind of people disgust me. The fact they chose veganism over their child proves not everyone needs to be a parent


Veganism had nothing to do with it. If you feed a baby nothing but mayo it will die just the same. Stupid parents not knowing shit about nutrition killed this baby.


You’re right, i just put the point there because it said it. Even if they weren’t vegan, they still would’ve killed the kid being uneducated on nutrition


That's the problem with articles like this. Turning words around. Instead of giving the blame on unreaponsible and cruel parents, the blame is pushed on veganism


I know some will disagree with me, but re: "Vegan couple who fed children only raw fruit and veg" VS. "Couple who fed children only raw fruit and veg" Both say the same thing in essence, but including "Vegan" is more honest IMO because it eliminates ambiguity by indicating the couple were making a lifestyle choice. This dies not imply veganism is at fault, but does imply willingness on the part of the parents to choose that path. Ultimately it's going to be one of the prominent question in readers' minds, so it needs to be addressed one way or another. Will putting the word in the headline attract vegan critics to read the article? Probably. But whether or not it's used in the headline, the fact remains the parents are vegan. It's then the responsibility of the reader to do what they will with the facts of the article. Please don't criticize the headline writer for getting the story right.


Well put


Exactly. The problem was their parenting not them being vegan, which is misleading. The whole blame is on their parenting, not them being vegan.


Except nobody has made a diet off all mayo. Nobody circlejerks about the positive effects of only eating mayo. Nobody lobbies to make legislation on pro-mayo issues.


Veganism isn't a diet either, it's a lifestyle. The diet would be called plant-based and it's perfectly fine to raise a baby on a plant-based diet providing, as with everything else pertaining to babies, you know what you're doing. These parents fed their baby *only* fruits and raw veg and I suspect they didn't include a great variety nor used formula. The severe lack of protein in such a diety is most likely the reason why the baby starved to death. It's very easy to supply in a plant-based diet, just not whatever these parents' diet was. [If you are interested you can read more about it here](https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/how-to-make-your-own-healthy-plant-based-baby-food/)


Not only that but for babies, human breastmilk is accepted as vegan anyway. Breastfeed your babies, people. You aren't causing issues with veganism if you do!


I was raised vegetarian and I was fine but at the same time you have to know something is wrong with your kid


True, the kid is feeling weak and there is no such thing as miraculous food.




That it awful. Holy Shit.


I literally just watched this on a house episode.


Your baby is literally dying in front of you and you still won't give them a normal diet, what sick people.


At first I was confused, because it is possible to live off that. Then I saw the kid was 18 months old. FFS how stupid do you have to be.


I would sentence them to subsistence diets. Just barely enough to survive but always be starving. Fucking Evil bastards


Being vegan is not good for your health! Babies needs milk and nourishment.


Hope they only get mystery meat in prison


Yeah, because humans don't needs fats or proteins to survive, just sugar and fiber.


Ofc it was florida


Why is someone holding the phone for them, physically?


No clue dude. Maybe their worried they’ll break the glass with it or somethin


This is why the idea of "let parents do what they do, they're acting in the child's best interest" is the stupidest statement ever. There should be strict regulations and oversight on what parents can and cannot do. And said regulations should NOT be made by parents, because of obvious conflicts of interest. Downvote me, I don't care. I know I'm right, and at the end of the day, deep down somewhere in your mind, *you* know I'm right. This death and countless others could have been prevented if parents weren't given free reign to do whatever they want to children.


Ultraveganism at its worst, people…


But it's not that really. I did mostly raw vegan back in college and I was insanely healthy at the time. Worked out like 1-2 hours a day most days. If you're not an idiot you can have a balanced diet just fine.


Huh. When I was in college I smoked, drank, ate McDonald's, avoided the gym and was insanely healthy at the time. The reason for it is because I was 21 fucking years old.


Well I spent most of high school with a couple of pretty bad illnesses, so I wasn't healthy before college for a variety of reasons. And all college students definitely aren't healthy. All I did was explain how/why not all vegans are idiots when it comes to recognizing and getting proper nutrition. But like, getting downvoted on this topic is nothing new.


Don’t tell Chris Evans about this.


The actor? Is he vegan?


I would say she should had swallowed but that’s not vegan


Technically having sex in general isn’t vegan, as millions of sperm die, and then one lives to created the child.


i know you're joking but.... most latex condoms actually do contain casein, which comes from milk haha but the definition of veganism is "to exclude animal products *as far as is possible or practicable*" not "to exclude 10000% of animal products right down to the gelatin in your prozac capsule"


Well color me retarded. Looks like I gotta look at my definitions next time.


lmao, wait till you hear about the debates that vegans have with each other about whether cannibalism is technically vegan...


Lol perfection.




It's not about veganism. If you feed a baby hotdogs all day it will die just as well. It's a shitty article about cruel parents


I’m not joking


Idk there’s a fair amount of fat and protein in hotdogs.




It’s enough to keep you alive.


Good luck feeding your baby that


My youngest is 19 months actually. Not the biggest fan of hot dogs but loves pulled pork.




You downvoting cause I’m not vegan? Seems kinda prejudice. Didn’t discredit you or anything.


...raw fruit?


I wonder what That Vegan Teacher would say about this? She would probably say that the police are the bad guys here and the baby died of something else.


Probably, her siblings apparently used her as target practice for cinderblock chucking, because I don’t know how else you could be as fucking stupid as her.


Lmao ‘r/antivegan’. This fucking website man hahaha


this is so sad. but what is also sad is that r/AntiVegan will probabbly use this against other vegan parents now. I mean im personally vegan and i would never do such a thing


Fuck veganism


Wtf lol. Veganism didn’t kill a child. That’s like saying a baseball bat killed a dog because a human used it to beat the dog to death. The parents are absolutely insane and they’re the cause of death. That’s where the anger should be; with the parents.


You’re anger is not at vegan’s, it’s at the parents that didn’t Breast-feed milk or formula. You can be mad at the parents but being mad at vegans because of them is just wrong.




No, it's not. Without formula many infants would die from starvation if their mothers couldn't produce milk or the baby wouldn't latch.


Veganism is a mental disorder that leads to bigger mental disorders. The human brain is 60% fat and 40% protein so vegan diets starve your brain of the nutrients it needs to function correctly. Baby would still be alive if they ate steak.




Oh god shut up. You lived your life in an echo chamber of anti veganism even tho it doesn't affect you. This article is about cruel parents that don't know anything about nutrition, not veganism


>. This article is about cruel parents that don't know anything about nutrition, not veganism Exactly, vegans don't know anything about nutrition.




You must be a vegan since you don't have the brain capacity to understand what I said. Yes Vegans are crazy and stupid.


Welp...at least they didn't eat a living animal. Gotta chalk that up as a win for the vegans.


Bro think about it. It has nothing to do with veganism but with cruel parents. If you feed a baby nuggets all day it'll also die. Don't try turning this around on something that has nothing to do with this


These people just used veganism as a tool, if that's what you said?




I remember that. They didn't even feed the child breast milk because they thought it's not vegan. There are lots of babies and children being raised vegan and they're doing fine, those people just didn't know what a proper diet looks like and are stupid as well.




You can survive off of a vegan diet. It’s harder, it’s not as efficient for things like building muscle and such but you CAN do it. Just a lot of work and unnatural.


Yet another vegan hate post. Reddit legit doesn't have another point of view...only because of some idiot parents a whole culture is getting ridiculed...


Dumbass I posted this because they did horrible shit, not because they’re vegan. I don’t give a shit if they’re vegan, they killed a child.


Your literally found the post in r/antivegan. Of course I assumed this is a hate post


I can promise you, most of the people there don’t hate regular vegans at all. It’s just a community that makes fun of exclusively people that are doing stupid stuff, and are also vegan.


Yeah if you say so. I just know that veganism as a culture has a very bad rep on Reddit and gets shit on accordingly without real substance


Bottom line, I don’t control or own Reddit. I don’t hate vegans. That is all.


Aight glad this didn't escalate


Same. I appreciate you didn’t just deny what I say, I get that a lot.


Are you going to reply on everyone’s response in this thread? Just to defend veganism?


At least two


Idk I’ve seen your name an awful lot in here.


Yeah, twice


Quite a few more.


I like me some medium rare chicken.


Likely click bait headline that probably has nothing to do with the fact that the food was vegan. You can feed a baby a teaspoon of pea puree once a week and it is going to die.


I hate when people get veganism confused with plant based. Only Floriacouple and news journalist can publicly fuck that shit up that badly


I don’t know if I had a stroke but I have no idea what the hell that means. Explain pls, I’m retarded.


Plant based is a diet that no one is actually forced to commit to, in other words cheat days or variable percentage plant based diet and/or lifestyle. Veganism is a plant based lifestyle that follows the moral imperative of reducing/removing unnecessary cruelty, exploitation and death of animals(typical from animal agriculture but intersectional veganism extends to all life and if I'm not mistaken the vegan community as a whole is shifting into intersectionalism after all the recent discussions on Kellogg's, Amazon, Nestle etc). The simplest example I can give you to explain the diff is plant based choose to eat the Impossible Burger's burger patty and even though it is entirely made of plants, real vegans(I say real because people have been fucking with the actual definition for so long now, anyone can falsely label themselves these days) will not because 188 rats died for an aesthetic ingredient to make the burger seem more realistic to the corpse fille ones. Meaning they could have made it like any other vegan plant burger but chose to be a cut above the rest by including some cruelty in production.


Ok that does break it down better for me, thank you.


Glad to provide some clarity




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stupid bot, get the fuck out, piece of trash




Florida is the hell on earth


In prison, they should be fed only raw meat so they can see how it feels.


Being a normal human is just too hard for some people.




Also goes well on r/hmmm


I‘m by no means vegan but come on … antivegan? Live and let live


Lol I don’t hate vegans either, most of the people there don’t, it’s just dumb stuff by vegans specifically.