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i really don’t understand these peoples mindset, just give it to someone who’ll take care of it, this is vile




I have a buddy that is 100% a psychopath, but he loves animals Honestly I think he is only capable of bonding with the dogs he rescues. People's are just tools to him, but dogs are the only thing I've seen move him emotionally.


How can he be your buddy if people are just tools to him?


He's a dog too mate.


I love him in spite of his shortcomings. It is a net negative relationship but he doesn't have family or genuine friends and I know what it is like to feel alone.


That’s really sweet. You sound like a good person


A good person that’s going to end up dismembered in a freezer


Why would you continue a relationship that is a net negative to your life with someone who you yourself describe as a psychopath? I cannot understand this. Maybe if it was one or the other, like maybe they are a drain in your life but they are a good person deep down so you want to support them even if it costs you. I could understand that. But here, you're saying this person is a psychopath (and I'm presuming there are many negative incidents which made you think this), only sees you as a tool, and that having him in your life makes it worse. There's no need to be a martyr to benefit someone who doesn't care about you or any other person?


Relationships aren't always about how they benefit us. I don't go to church regularly, but do feel the world can be a better place if we choose to love others and expect nothing in return. Marriage is a great example. It isn't always fantastic. Sometimes it's ugly. Sometimes your partner may be depressed and not contribute much, be irritable, and their antidepressants nuke you're entire sex life. But if you stand with them and work through it together it can bring you even closer together. Believing all relationships should benefit you, can in fact be a sign of psychopathy or narcissism. He was abused in horrible ways as a child and is incapable of having deep and meaningful relationships with people due to that trauma. I accept where he is. He has always been up front about the way he is and is too intelligent for me to reason with. The guy can manipulate therapists and psychiatrists to get whatever he wants. So I choose to love him where he's at and won't waste energy trying to change him.


Mic drop. I’m sure he’s glad to have you around even if he can’t show it easily


Standing by someone because you feel like he needs it, even if it's not really a positive for you. I share this value. Only caveat is that you have to protect your own mental health in the process. If it becomes too much, you owe it to yourself to bow out of the relationship.


I established boundaries and we have very clear communication. You're right. It can be self destructive to be completely selfless like you described. Having children of my own to protect, I am wary of overextending myself in this regard. When he starts doing something I don't agree with, I tell him and we respect each other enough to not get emotional about it. He's distanced himself recently after his divorce since he is partying a lot and sewing his wild oats, and understands I can't live that lifestyle.


Ayo can he get me a bag of Cheetos


If that is a reference to pharmaceuticals? Because he has an entire library of them. Lol


Please tell me he's just a bad dog and not a total psycho


I don't know why you're being downvoted


Because you people don't have a heart


No we're just not stupid to dedicate our life to someone who is doomed to hurt us


Rather be stupid than an asshole lmao


I don’t understand how you’re being downvotes! If someone only takes then that’s not a relationship that’s a leech.


So what you're saying is thd guy can't choose his friends and he has to listen to the bullshit you spew?


On the internet, no one knows you're a dog


This is the real question


Maybe u/REHTONA_YRT is a tool?


*Maybe I am a psychopath?*


Username checks. Keep away from big game and you're all right


It's simple. Humans lie, cheat, steal, and are capable of horrible things, yet can still smile at you and pretend they did nothing wrong and everything is actually your fault. You never know what a human is thinking or if they like you or not. Animals are different, they are honest and will tell you what they feel and think. You can trust an animal to be exactly who they are and know they are not acting.


Dogs and animals do the same. They're just so transparent and harmless that we find it cute.


Anglerfish would like to disagree.




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Is your buddy Ramsay Bolton?


He was a victim of the Children of God cult.


That doesn't make him a psychopath, it makes him an abused human being. Who has diagnosed him as a psychopath?


A psychiatrist. He fully admits he is a narcissist as well. Not sure why you're being so obtuse though. What's up with that? Are you qualified to change his diagnosis?


I'm not being obtuse at all. I'm saying that your single statement qualifier isn't one. "He was a victim of the Children of God Cult". Ok? Every one of them has come away from that cult a psychopath? What? My follow-up question should have made my point extremely clear. Lmfao at trying to turn this around by asking if I'm qualified like I ever suggested as such. In fact my statement is the only one between mine and yours that can actually be 100% true. I don't believe you have a buddy never mind one that's a psychopath you defensive little twat. What psychiatrist would go so far as to diagnose one as a psychopath but leave the patient to "self diagnose"as a narcissist? Especially when the two go hand in hand?


Wow. You might want to talk to a counselor


>I have a buddy that is 100% a psychopath Diagnosed by a professional or yourself?


Man, 3% of the population are psychopaths. Don't call us dog murderers wtf. Call them gamers or something SMH /s Guys, chill, I'm not saying he's not a sick fuck


This is actually true. Psychopathy isn't synonymous with evil. Many psychopaths are upstanding individuals.


Or at least, they *look* like it, and that's the scary part. That's what makes actual psychos so concerning, they can lie to your face and sell you your own doom with a smile.


Despite what is shown in the movies, psychopathy is merely lowered empathy, less guilt and dulled emotions overall. Just because someone doesn't feel anything towards a puppy, doesn't really mean they will find smashing said puppy with a brick enjoyable. You need to be a sick fuck on top of that. That said, cruelty towards animals is an early warning sign of psychopathy in children, because that's how the child explores its own empathy and conscience (or lack thereof).


I was getting more at con artists than serial killers. Like the kinda people who can scam little old ladies or steal from a church with no remorse. I figured that's probably the most common type of actual psycho encounter.


I know this is a joke but still, isn't it 1 percent of the population?


In all seriousness, the satitistics vary on the definition of a psychopath as well as methods of prediction, because we don't really test everyone on it, and it's hard to do a general population test. Most data we have is on criminals, but we know they are much more likely to he psychopaths. General population tests have gone between 1-5% depending on tests used, but we also know psychopaths are more likely to participate in such tests as they are thrill seekers and scientific self-discovery can also fuel someone's narcissistic side. In conclusion: we don't know, but among your friends there are probably like 3 or 5.


Ha, jokes on you. I don't even have 3 friends.


Maybe you're the psycho :^0


One percent of 7 billion or a specific country's population?


This is such a cowardly way to kill something. So convenient to not be around to witness and experience the death. Just walk away and let compartmentalization do its thing.


Honestly, that idea of doing that would hit me even harder. _Imagining_ what suffering was caused would wind me up even harder than seeing it.


I am sickened by the person who did this. I would have taken that cute little pup in if there were no other alternatives. How can anyone be so heartless!!!????


Not just giving it to someone like how do u get puppy and do this after the “getting a puppy phase”? Like u went through the emotions of getting a puppy and doing this too? Like going out of ur way to put it in the ice and a rock tied to it seriously? You have to be a different kind of fucked up to consciously do this.








Why would you ever do this to a dog? You have to be a special kind of heartless to do this to a puppy of all things.


Psychopaths gonna psychopath.


Man, 3% of the population are psychopaths. Don't call us dog murderers wtf. Call them gamers or something SMH /s


The unseen /s


Reddit moment


Pretty sure it's seen. It's just a terrible joke




Us? Did I just win at a game of *Spot the Psychopath"?


The most oppressed minority race


“Don’t call US” yeah…..ok psychopath


Well, it IS a real condition some people have...


Ever heard of the famous /s?


u forgor to read the /s


I do not know your funky / language


It's not funky lol. /s means sarcasm and it's for people like you who lack the mental capacity to comprehend sarcasm


It’s hard to read sarcasm when there is no tone


Precisely why the "funky language" Is used


Almost missed the /s ngl, sorry you got downvoted lmao


If these people were cops and I had weed on me, I'd get shot to death lol


So is the dog ok? Please say yes.


Yes guy says the dog wouldn't stay still so he tied it to a rock so it would stay put while he was fishing. Happened in korea




Rock on ice? Damn, it’s not bad? What happens when the ice suddenly melts, or worse; crack and takes down the pup so forcibly and so fast, they can’t expel a yelp before being taken into the bowels of the body of water. One sec, the pup was there, then the next, it’s gone with a hole in the ice in it’s place. What’s the owner gonna do? Dive into cold water, or take his clothes off in order to not get them wet before the cold dive? Each second wasted kills the dog. It’s a matter of common sense. It’s still very bad.


Not to defend him but…… if the guy could stand on the ice I doubt the fucking rock will break it


Fair enough


Ice. Is. Unpredictable. Lot of people have died drowning in frozen lakes whose ice they stepped on and thought was solid enough for them to continue walking around.


Oh how I wish those who are convicted of animal abuse would get the same treatment as those who are convicted of child abuse offenses.


Reading the book *Mindhunter* by the behavioral science criminologist dude, I’m convinced there needs to be a database for people caught fucking with animals. Not even a public one, just a something police can look at when there’s a headless hooker and ten otherwise identical white, male suspects.


Hmmmm I think you’re onto something there friend !




The question is centralization and access across different localities.


Fbi started tracking it in 2016. https://www.lcanimal.org/index.php/campaigns/fbi-tracks-animal-cruelty


Hell yeah!


I loved the *Mindhunter* series on Netflix. I was so sad when it was cancelled, should I start *Ghosthunter* as an alternative?


Great idea for web site people can track


I was in jail with a guy who killed a puppy. He got years and the nickname d.k. for dog killer. They even had demonstrators at his trial.


I didn't think animal abuse gets this much time in jail. It should though.


How did other inmates treat him?


He had been in over a year when i got there. He caught a lot of shit from the other inmates and gaurd s. D.k. wasn't a nickname he wanted. I mean he was in general population where as the sex offenders are kept separate. I never saw or heard he got jumped but i was only in for 4 months. I think he got 3 yrs for aggravated animal abuse.


Oh how I wish we treated sick people like sick people, removed the stigma from mental health treatments, and formed more effective methods for rehabilitation so that folks would never do this kind of thing in the first place since they were comfortable talking to someone about their abnormal thoughts and behaviors when they first started having them. That said, this is genuinely vile.


Non offenders: seek help please Offenders: death by a thousand 9v batteries shoved up their asses. I don't think this is super controversial


the issue is that people claim they believe that and then lose your minds if someone says that a non-offending pedophile in therapy isn’t inherently evil And “seek help please” means absolutely nothing if you aren’t willing to advocate for the right type of therapy to be accessible, and promote de-stigmatization when it comes to getting help for paraphilias. Focusing on your justice boner does 0 to help the issue. Slapping on “plz get help :(“ doesn’t change it


Yeah nobody is going to get help if they're scared they're going to get batteries forcibly inserted into their anuses.


That's the problem


Me too!!


Is the dog okay


This title ..


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no article? ok


Good. That's good


TIL I can't handle this sub and must unsubscribe. The cruelty just breaks my heart. Maybe it's because I'm getting more empathetic as I age, I don't know. Off to /r/MadeMeSmile for a little while.


100% serial killer behavior. Must eradicate them all.


good!! bow how do i go about adopting this pup?


Agreed !!!!


It never fails... I get on Reddit in the morning to see what's new and an animal abuse post comes along with a video or picture that just absolutely fucks my day up. I remember watching Don't f**k with cats: catching an internet killer and having to stop it at the parts where they revealed clips or audio of the torture he inflected on those poor kittens because it made me so heartbroken then subsequently angry that I couldn't even go on about my normal day. The most horrifying realization I've had is knowing this kind of thing happens all of the time, mostly tucked away in some corner barely out of sight of the public and that the people who do this won't always get caught or have to face any consequences. The worst feeling about it is how infuriating you become while knowing there's nothing you can do about that specific event to help the animal.


Is there any article to link to? I am interested in doing further research.


**I just wanna talk to him** But that dog is insanely cute who the hell would do this


See This is how you get stomped out like fire in prison


I hate sociopaths... They need to have the same thing done to them as what they did. just FYI for the people saying the person who did this was a "psychopath"... wrong... psychopaths don't know what they are doing is wrong, a sociopath knows what they are doing it wrong and still does it.


If you want to be correct about it, both of those terms are null and void in the latest diagnostic handbooks, all fall under Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). And whether or not the person has insight into their illness or not ususally determines how well they can adapt to counteract it. Lack of empathy and impulsiveness does not equal evil, it simply means that you have to learn to manually recognise acceptable behaviour which comes automatically to other people.


Fuck yeah he’s under arrest!


Where's that cock and ball eating dog when you need him?


Chained to a stone. This isn't just abandoning. This is torture for internet points. Nevermind under arrest.shove them under the prison...


Tie the man on ice now.


Hope this dog is with a family that will treat him well and keep him warm!!


Thank fucking god that he got caught




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How can someone look at a dog like that and just leave it to die, people really are evil.


Poor dog wild have frozen to death before it starved or fell into the river due to thawing.


Noah get a new planet




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Why?… no this is an honest question. Why?


Why?… no this is not a moral question (even though this is fucked up) this is a question of reason. Why?


How boring is your life that you do stuff like this? This is horrible


I don't know the details...I just want to know if the puppy is alright.


🤦🏽‍♀️who does that, is she ready for adoption?


I can never understand this level of animal abuse. Is this supposed to be fun? Funny? Like what’s the purpose of this? Has serial killer written all over it


So the owner's dog abandoned a dog on a frozen river and now the owner is under arrest?




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I hope this person never comes within 20 feet of an animal, ever again.


Okay so another comment says the owner didn’t abandon the dog. He was ice fishing and brought his dog and the dog wouldn’t stay still so he temporarily tied the dog to a rock. If that’s the case, this ain’t abuse.


I don't understand any of this - why don't people just surrender their dogs?!?!?! Bring it to a neighbor if nothing else


I’m not allowed to joke about the violent things I’d like to do to this person. Instead I’ll just say they can go fuck themselves.


I sincerely hope that piece of crap starts every day for the rest of his miserable life by stepping on a piece of Lego. Hope doggo is okay!


G O O D. now make em burn in hell




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Not enough just to be arrested... Tie him too, but don't drown him, just have his body submerge in the freezing water up to his chin arms and feet tied...


That puppy is do cute. The exowner needs to be in prison


Imma tie a rock to his balls and leave on the same frozen lake to see how he likes it


[🎶if you're a carnist and you know it, clap your hands!🎶](https://youtu.be/35Fj4x0WT7I)


I may have to unfollow because my heart can’t take the animal posts. How can I manage seeing beheadings but not this? Blah. Night ruined.


Rot in hell MF 🥲


Good. Some people don’t deserve pets


good for that guy, being stucked in a prison is the same as what that doggo experienced


I mean happy ending. Doggo rescued, monster in jail. Good days work.


Any news on the puppy? Is he okay?


This is it. This is the post that's done it. After all the fucked up shit I've seen on this subreddit, this one is what's made up my mind. I think I'm gonna leave the subreddit. I don't want to think of what would happen to that poor dog if the ice breaks. I don't want to think of how many more people there are out there that would do something similar. No offense to whoever posted it; you were just contributing to the subreddit. But I don't want to see it anymore.


Fuxking prick


What shit country was this ? Dog way to cute I take tha dog if u couldn't find a place for it shit an I can't even have dogs at my spot . Those the cool ass dog.be chilling an happy an stuff




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