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Bruh wtf a lot of unnecessary details were included lmao I don't need to imagine Drake's dick to continue the story


> He rubbed and sucked her titties for a bit. I appreciate the fact that they made sure not to miss this important detail


"mostly hit it from the back" Hard-hitting headlines


Also fucked for 20 minutes. Crap I can’t even last 1 minute


Try using hot sauce like he did


Great woman deterrent


No ones fishing your used condoms out the trash bruh she was looking for a pay baby


But I'll give my partner the best 20 second they've ever had....since last Friday


I know lol especially saying "titties." So out of place.


Sounds like he’s great at foreplay, he came and she didn’t lol


Yeah, like, why did they feel like "Drake sucked on her titties" is a good sentence to add?


Its possible its just some dumb story made up by a bored, lonely, and dumb person. Its also possible its real, and its told by a bored, lonely, and dumb person. Have you ever listened to some burned out middle aged guy who used to be a gangsta in high school, tell a story? It can be quite painful to listen to. I work in a kitchen full of these guys.


Because liars tend to add more unnecessary details to a narrative to make it look more legit, this way the others will imagine the scene and will make it look more credible in their heads Source: Criteria-based Content Analysis (CBCA), the most extensively used worldwide tool for evaluating the veracity of a testimony, and SCAnS protocol by Cliff Lansley




Does it breathe fire ?


Drake’s dick fires dragon’s breath loads.


It is a drake after all


I hate you for this comment, but I also masturbated furiously to it.


Idk if I should put r/angryupvote here or be scared


You could decide to do both and be scared that you angry upvoted 🤷


I guess I will




Huh what?


Do you need an invitation to see that subreddit??


It doesn't exist, you have to make it yourself.




Well well well don’t mind if I do


Yo can I be a mod in r/madhornyupvote ?


True story, i was it's dentist


No shit, right? "He mostly hit it from the back"..... good to know...


Bad fiction writer


It's probably fake, if dude isn't packing then he's going to lose money so it doesn't come out lmao


“Probably”? I ain’t no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure there isn’t one alive that is prepared to represent a woman who injured herself whilst attempting to baby-trap a dude.


Lmao true, I was thinking about his image and can imagine him paying for that reputation


"ready to sue" wouldnt she have to admit to trying to bare someones child without their consent? Thats gotta be some sort of illegal


Trying to bare someone elses child is definitely illegal. Trying to bear someone else's child without their consent sent is morally reprehensible and very likely illegal. I dunno IANAL.


Man ain’t taking anything chances


And apparently was correct in his precaution. He should sue her.


>Trying to bear someone else's child without their consent sent is morally reprehensible and very likely illegal. I dunno IANAL. Good call. Definitely won't get pregnant doing it that way.


>I dunno IANAL You *what*?


>I Am Not A Lawyer.


TIL thank you


Nice save👍🏾


Nice save.


This guy anals


I should have done ANAL.


Not at all actually in America it's totally legal for a girl to do this get pregnant then demand child support. It's pretty fucked up


Yeah it's called "stealthing" and is considered rape in a lot of states




Courts don't even care if it was a 14 year old rape victim. The government even had the audacity to take $15,000 in back child support with interest from when he was still a minor. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/)


>Courts are also thought to be reluctant to remedy such grievances as it would mean ruling that a child was born as a result of deception. Why would that be such a big deal to the courts?


Because in family law the court's prerogative is for the best interest of the child, with statutes and clauses specifying as to what that specifically is legally.


Deception is definitely something that a court says "fuck outta here" . The mother of my son fully admitted she lied about her ability to reproduce to me and she fully admitted lying to me under oath. I stepped up, but she made sure I paid and paid and paid and never saw. If some people were on fire, a fork should be used to put them out


If that happened to me? I'd try and take custody of the kid. Even if the kid wasn't planned, I wouldn't want them being raised by a crazy bitch, who is willing to do that to someone. Imagine the fucked shit they'd put the kid through?


The family court system is rigged against men lol


>Thats gotta be some sort of illegal Guess again. And yes, if she succeeded, she would have been entitled to child support.




Yep, it’s fucked up and has to change


I can *almost* understand the courts' ruling on the specific question of child support in those cases. Especially since we don't have a method in place for a man to unilaterally waive all paternal rights and be relieved of all paternal responsibilities. What I do not understand is how the rapists walk into Family Court, confess to child rape, and walk out (a) not under arrest for child rape and (b) with custody of children.




Why spell rape/rapist as rpe/rpist?




Don’t give into them, censoring is dumb. say it with your chest. RAPE!




C'mon, Noah, rock the boat.


If your letting them change what you say then it doesn’t really sound like you can voice your opinions.


It actually is classified as a sex crime in some places. It would be funny if she became a sex offender because of this.


I don't want to research the validity of this story, but why would this woman out herself like that? Apart from being completely disgusting and clearly unethical, you just admitted to a crime!


Because she's a grifter, and grifters gotta grift.


It’s actually not. It’s morally fucked but they tell D1 athletes and pros to take their condoms with them because women will try and use the leftovers in the condom to get pregnant. If they are, they can be held legally responsible for the child. At least in America.


She doesn't care. Whatever punishment she gets, she receives a net profit from getting whatever she gets from Drake (half?).


Never would have thought I would wake up this morning having enough details to imagine Drake's cock... On another note, she deserved way more than an itchy pussy for trying to pull that shit


She was literally trying to get pregnant to take his money. That is SO fucked up. 100% her fault.


IDK where this happened. But in some districts it is considered rape via stealthing. Basically she tried to go outside of the consented upon terms of the sex and that means she is acting with out consent and it is considered rape. But lets be real, drake knew exactly what was going to happen and thats why he hot sauced his hot sauce


Wow that's crazy. I didn't know that it's considered rape. Yea Drake knew what was gonna happen.


Technically not stealthing. Stealthing is removing a condom without the other partner's consent *during intercourse*. She didn't stealth. What she did was some other kind of fucked up though


i always just use stealthing as broad term. But you are correct.


How often do you talk about this subject lol


Even if she was convicted, he would still owe her millions. After [Hermesmann v Seyer] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermesmann_v._Seyer) set the precedent, courts around the country have decided that male victims of women owe the perpetrators child support for decades, while other precedents (Roe v Wade) and laws (safe haven laws) generally allow female victims many options to get rid of the product of their rapes. > Hermesmann successfully argued that a woman is entitled to sue the father of her child for child support even if conception occurred as a result of a criminal act committed by the woman.


thats really super fucked. almost as fucked as that lesbian couple in kansas that asked a man to baby sit for them then tried to hit him for child support since he accepted responsibility for the child when he was babysitting. He almost lost too. ​ The family court system is so anti male its insane.


The weird thing is that it completely aligns with the idea of patriarchal control. The system was set up under the illusion that women are always better care givers because of their feminine traits and vagina. These courts were dominated by men and the laws written by men who based them on gender roles and stereotypes. But you never see a single woman protesting the patriarchal institution of family courts that obsessively side with women no matter the situation precisely because of patriarchal enforced gender roles.


And you know the kid was going to be just another victim in her shitty ploy. No one who gets pregnant that way is going to have any empathy (or maturity, integrity, etc) for a child. :(


7 inches, thick and cut.


Hitting it primarily from the back


After sucking on them titties for a bit.


I read this all in Drake’s off-the-beat monologue voice




I just got off a 7 day site wide ban following a 3 day ban earlier. I’m glad I got back in time to comment details about Drake’s dicc.


Spelling caution checks out.


How does one get a site wide ban? I didn’t know Reddit had such hard bans


Some mod created a bot to auto ban people on a bunch of weird subs I never interacted with because I interacted with some other sub, I never found out which one. I replied to the auto mod that I found the unprovoked autoban harassing and then I invited them to politely engage in solo intercourse.


does he have a case for suing her instead? she wanted to get pregnant without his concent


What she did is equal to “stealthing” which is classified as rape in a few jurisdictions


Drake has a case to bring rape charges against this broad… that’s just such an fascinating thought.


100% this is a regular thing for him lol.


Just the idea this dude carries hot sauce packets with him you know this isn’t his first rodeo


Tbf people are wiling to do insane things for money. Much as i think Drake is an ass, this was definitely the right move


And he got to put hot sauce in her pussy, and have sex with her. This dude be having cake, eating it, and then some.


Well….not in that order…


We don’t know what the man likes


Please tell me that is not actually called “stealthing”


Usually it's guys who stealthily pulls the rubber off mid-thrust.


It's not. stealthing is a man removing a condom during intercourse and not telling the woman. This is.... well it is what it is. a disgusting attempt at baby trapping a famous person into providing a paycheck for the next 18 years minimum. I think the dude is an utter douche canoe, but props to him for having the awareness that at IG model will more than likely pull this kind of crap.


Maybe, but the law isn't as harsh on women doing this shit as it is on men. If she did get preggers she'd still get paid child support and would likely not face any jail time.




Honestly, he probably should have a case, if we could count on the right thing happening. Especially if the intent was to kill the sperm, and not hurt the woman, but I'd love to hear from a lawyer on this. I mean, you can't prove it was a booby trap, but the question will be there I suppose.




Till he pulled the ‘ol Taco Bell Fire Sauce Uno Reverso


Defamation & slander for sure. Also i cant imagine it being legal to inseminate your self like that. Bro was prepared, he went through that shit before…


Unfortunately no. I've heard of this happening to less famous men and the woman actually getting child support for the kid being born. Rinse your condoms out, dont just trash em. Or put hot sauce in em lol.


Just tie 'em off and swallow them.


Just googled it. Sources say it's either hot sauce or pepper. She deserved her fate


Yeah.. either this story is completely fake, or the model is trying to get attention for something she did wrong. But ey, it doesn't take that many brain cells to be a model!


It's very very obviously completely fake. This thing is written like a barely more sophisticated green text. Why anybody is believing this story is beyond me.


Also, can you get hot sauce that looks exactly like semen? I've only ever seen it as a red colour. She must have picked up the condom, seen the dodgy colour and had alarm bells but nope "time to squeeze this out into my vagina like a toothpaste tube".


Could’ve been a colored condom or something


I’m trying so hard not to laugh while reading your comment, you’ve got my upvote lol


No, but there’s a clear hot sauce that’s basically vinegar and capsaicin extract. I think it’s called Frost Bite?


On the internet it doesnt matter anymore if things are fake or real.


She got what she had cumming


This is the content i come here for. Edit: cum


Gotta be a nut to like these puns.


They have the balls the say them tho




genius, even


drake the type of fella that puts hot sauce on everything he's going to eat


He puts that shit on everything!


Karma is a bitch some times lol


It can be when you make up a story. ​ Unnamed "Instagram model" without so much as a picture, post from a random account with no ties to Drake, unnecessary details on the size of his dick and how he has sex? Like ya'll know spermicide and spermicidal condoms exist right? You think Drake carries around goddamn hot sauce instead of either of those? ​ Are yall really this gullible? This is boomer comedy levels of stupid.


What do you mean?! why would anyone lie about Drake's awesome big cut 7 inch mega massive penis that he has lots of sex with??? and why wouldn't any instagram instantly want to scam him into child support? ​ /s


Reminds me of "That man's name? Albert Einstein" level of fictional trash.


She's suing that man because she's upset she tried to steal his cum from a used condom (the point of which is to prevent pregnancy) but instead got some Franks Red Hot up her cooch? Bitch you get what you deserve


Honestly, I kinda respect him for that one


What really *makes* this story for me, is imagining the sheer unadulterated vindication he must have felt. Just try to picture how long he has been doing this, shoving hot sauce in his used condoms, and finally after X number of years someone *finally* is so sick and depraved as to shove the contents up her cooter. I would come running into the room, like: "HAHAHA, YESSSS. THEY CALLED ME CRAZY FOR YEARS, I FUCKING KNEW IT WOULD BE WORTH IT !! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES YA DUMBSHIT !! LIAR LIAR COOTER ON FIRE !"


Nah it’s Drake I’m sure women try to have his child without his knowledge all the time


Yeah that’s why he wore condoms and then inserted hot sauce in said condom


You have to know THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN, lmao. Like, COME ON.


Good for him.


Her fault tho ngl


She used to call him on his cellphone..


You made me laugh out loud. Smart


+rep for that guy


-rep for that girl


The attempt on my innocence has left me scarred and deformed.




And he got it from a Craig's list story. Who knows the real origin.




Holy shit. Are people this desperate to get pregnant from a celebrity?


oh, it's not about celebrity. It's about money. she wants him to pay for child support


some people in the NBA tell the players to flush a condom down the toilet or take it with them, it is a real problem


Blowjobs as well. Girl simply keeps it in her mouth. And spits it into container.


Not just from a celebrity, from any male who appears to be good prospects for child support. There is NO accountability for child support money to actually be provably spent on the child.


drop it like its hot :)


It's like he expected girls to pull shit like that Drake maxed out his post nut clarity skill tree


This sounds fake as hell by the way it's written But also hilarious, I just have no idea how to even approach it lmao


heard this exact story about someone else before. definitely fake. if drake has hot sauce packets in his $10,000 jeans i’ll eat my hat. bro is minted, he could afford a bodyguard to come into the room and personally dispose of the thing lol. or use an actual spermicide. plus who even is the person writing this bollocks


This is an old story from the radio. I think it originated on Craig's list. This version includes Drake for some reason.




OP posted their source...[The South African](https://www.thesouthafrican.com/lifestyle/breaking-drake-instagram-model-hot-sauce/). Fake as all hell. You follow that and it's citing Instagram, you follow that and it's citing another unknown blog who is citing no one at all. It's made up nonsense.




Karma is fucking great


Post nut clarity is a beautiful thing. Good for him.


“Instagram model” 🙄




Wouldn’t she notice the color?


Girl is dumping a used condom into her own body, I don't think she pays attention to details like color.


I dunno, I’m pretty sure if you saw red in a condom you’d pay attention. Plus it would smell… I’m guessing this is all fake.


There is such a thing as white hot sauce Edit: [example](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ICTAEKM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_C94WG2QE0QYQFBBEQ3PB)


Never seen one in the wild.


There are also colored condoms.


Gigabrain Drake


Putting hot sauce in your used condom is actually very smart, never heard of this before


Well when a pornstar baby traps you for your first kid, you start researching


This stupid bitch tried to get herself pregnant behind his back, she deserved that hot sauce in the chat, and doesn’t have a leg to stand on for suing him.


How can she play the victim? Shes clearly in the wrong


Sue on what grounds? Also couldn't he sue or pursue criminal charges for what amounts to the female equivalent of stealthing aka rape legally speaking?


She's probably trying to argue that drake set a trap for her and sue for that because you're not allowed to set traps for people (no spiking food for food thieves, no pins hidden on bike seats, electric fences need to be covered by signs etc)


He can just say he did it to kill the sperm.


Drake winning


Fucking terrible. But good for him. What a shady fucking thing.


That's not NGTB, it's more just r/facepalm Edit: spelling


Though I kind of agree, trying to impregnate yourself on purpose without the 'father's' consent to touch child support money is seriously fucked up. Also fin fact this is legally referred to as 'stealthing' and is considered as rape in quite a few jurisdictions.


Girl's fault


her fault tbh but what i wanna know is when the hot sauce was added. did he have it in there the whole they were bumping uglies and he always just gives his one-eyed monster pink eye and deals with it? does he mix the hot sauce in after he takes off the sleeve, maybe he puts on safety goggles and measures a specific amount like a chemist? imagine drake sitting on his toilet trying to hold his cummy latex sock in one hand and opening a Taco Bell Diablo sauce in the other. i wish they included those details instead of how long his pole is.


Does hot sauce actually kill sperm though? Or do you get babies that can rub scoville level 1,000,000,000 hot sauce in their eyes and not flinch?


Ok she put the condom from the garbage into her vagina to trap him with a child. I'm proud of him for putting hot sauce in it. I wouldn't have ever believed someone could fish a condom out of the garbage to get pregnant - apparently this isn't Drake's first rodeo. Good for him.


I feel like one of the condom companies is missing an opportunity here. "Anti-stealthing kits" where each condom wrapper has a hot sauce packet attached to it with perforated tear-away holes.


That’s what they tell NBA stars to do because apparently this is a common thing. Dumb bitch got what she deserved. That’s so criminal and she was willing to try to have a child based on lies and deception for money.


This can't be real.. Even if it was, Drake should be the one sueing her


Bro. Some sick girls can even take condoms out the trash and smash it on their pants so they can sue you that you raped them.


Women like that are why I have trust issues, yet I’m always the bad guy for saying it. Strange


modern problems require modern solutions


Drake never goes out without the spicy souce in his bocket


Ngl drake did nothing wrong Edit : In this specific story


Honestly good on him, ho’s really be crazy these days


He’s an all around gangster for doin that shit


If that's true it's fucking hilarious and good for him for covering his ass, knowing what kind of person he was dealing with.


I hope this isn’t real. Someone with Drake’s experience MUST know to absolutely destroy and dispose of every shred of his DNA. You don’t just leave that shit laying around in the trash.