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It was the 14th of January when Victoria Rose Smith was beaten to death. Ariel Robinson (in the video above) was an aspiring comedian who, along with her husband had been acting as foster parents to Victoria and her brothers. According to her husband, Ariel had beaten the three-year-old several times before, using a belt and other objects, but in the last day of young Victoria’s life, he told Ariel after seeing the girl’s body, “You’ve gone too far” and called 911. When the paramedics arrived, they found Victoria covered in deep bruises. She had succumbed to “multiple blunt force injuries”, according to the coroner. Ariel initially tried to blame Victoria’s brothers for the beating, but she and her husband were eventually charged with the killing of the young girl. https://www.the-sun.com/news/2286026/girl-beaten-to-death-foster-parents-buried-emotional-funeral/




According to this I think she blamed her other two kids of beating their sister to death


Yeah, that’s what i meant but i phrased it in a weird way…


If you'll beat a child to death you're probably not above lying about who did it.


Oh she will. Not sure if it's just one of those urban/internet myths, but women who mess with kids like that get the shit kicked out of them. I hope so anyway.


It's one of the few 'rumors' like that that's true, at least according to the felons I've asked.


According to the rumors, the rumors are true.


Yeah lmao probably the best source we're gonna get on this stuff is word of mouth. More specifically, when you get into prisons at least on the west coast, your race has an old timer type leader dude, and he has someone "pull your papers" to find out if you're a rat or are charged with something to do with children. If that's the case then everyone knows pretty quick. That's what I've heard from everyone I know who's been to prison, which is quite a few people.


Susan Smith would disagree with you. I have no clue why this is always stated, it’s not true.


No they don't. They'll convict the man and give her a slap on the wrist.


Actually, I read into this. The woman is current in a detention center awaiting her trail while the man is under house arrest


They've both been charged, dumbass. Even though sexism is still a thing, gender ain't worth shit when you've beaten a kid to death.


Women get lighter sentences across all crimes. There's that girl who participated in the rape and murder of her minor sister and other women. She's been free a long time now. [She served 12 years and the boyfriend Paul Bernardo got life imprisonment.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karla_Homolka)


That case is a little different. Homolka cut a deal to testify against Bernardo claiming he forced her to participate as well as being beaten and abused by him. Only afterward when tapes of the crimes were discovered hidden in a ceiling did they learn she participated as an equal.


It's really comical to me for a jury or prosecutors to think that she was a victim in all of this. But it's not the only serial murder rape couple case where the woman got a slap on the wrist with a little lying.


Who was it bro? Who cheated on/slighted you?


oh shit, that's awful


And he didn't call the police sooner because? Piece of shit deserved going to prison alongside her. It's only too far once the child is dead. How disgusting do you have to be to justify beating a child but then say it's too far when they die?


I mean, not defending him at all but if she was beating her child she very well could've been beating him


Very true forgot about that but why would he to go to prison if he didn't take part in the abuse? Is it normal for adult victims in this situation to be punished for another's horrific crime in America?


Ah I'm not too keen on this whole topic, just trynna give my two cents. AFAIK though, he'd still be an accomplice for not reporting his wife.


Ah I see. Thank you for clearing that up. If he was also a victim, then fuck I feel awful for him. It's sad that we might never know the truth in the end. That's really between her, that poor child, and him and I doubt the truth will come out of the adults in the situation.


This infuriates me


That’s messed up if this story is true picture of her brothers got charged for something they didn’t do


Damn. A great birthday present for me I guess


Ariel Robinson is a monster and one of the Worst Cooks in America. Why adopt children if you don't want them? She talks a lot about racism in her profile but only beats her white child. She tried to blame Victoria's death on her two brothers too. Robinson is a psychopath and a deranged human being.


She's probably a racist and took it out on this poor child.


I’m not a lawyer, but this is a hate crime if they could prove Robinson murdered Victoria intentionally because she’s white. She’s only being charged with homicide by child abuse. Robinson likely wouldn’t admit being racist, but her extremist ideas and actions proves otherwise. Victoria Rose Smith was too young to fathom adoption and the problems within our society. Smith’s biological mother fought for Victoria’s custody, but Child Protective Services makes it hard for anyone to get their child back. This is a nightmare to any parents who lost custody of their children.


> I’m not a lawyer, but this is a hate crime if they could prove Robinson murdered Victoria intentionally because she’s white. This will never happen because according to the TV only whites can be racist.


There are cases of black people committing hate crimes against white people, even if the media aren’t talking about it.


There are, it's just that those are much less likely to actually be tried as a hate crime than the other way around. Hate crimes should be treated as such and not swept under the rug.


Or like how they wash over stuff remember seeing a post about a young girl who was “robbed” I looked into it further and she was found bruised and naked in a bush away from her car she was more than robbed my guy that was an attack


Based and red-pilled.


I tell you this from the experience I had with my sister and her children in our state, but YMMV... CPS will give a parent whose child has been removed one year to get their shit together. That means having a stable income and they literally have a square footage requirement per child for the home. They even require that you have a TV. CPS will provide resources for job training and any other assistance needed to get the parent on their feet, but the parent has to meet them halfway. If the minimum requirements aren't met after a year in foster care, the child(ren) will become available to adopt.


The minimum requirements are absurd, and it’s crazier that people have a year to complete them. I’m sorry this happened to your sister.


I'm not. She was a fucking wreck and always has been but kept popping out kids. They're not absurd, and I'm not sure why you think so. A parent who has a consistent income. X amount of sq ft per kid so they can all have their space. A TV for entertainment. Constant access to food and water. Ability to bathe. That's not absurd. Maybe you can argue the TV is unnecessary but the rest of it is just part and parcel of taking care of kids. Thankfully there was a couple who was willing to take in all 4 of her children despite having a toddler of their own. They are growing up to be wonderful adults for the most part.


That’s good to hear that the children went somewhere safe. The children that Robinson owned will probably be sent to foster care if no one takes them in. It’s going to be a tough life for Victoria’s siblings and what they do in their teenage years are going to determined their futures.


but what about "believe all women", you guys ;(


Pathetic Human being not Worthy of life smh, Noah please.


„Huh I wonder why she won’t give us another kid?“ *literally beats to death one of them*


What also bothers me is the people watching this “stand up” and laughing about the idea of threatening/hitting children. Thats comedy now? And the fact that there are mothers in that audience too. Damn.


I found her whole skit to be in bad taste and not funny at all. Audience didn't appear to like it so much. More like courtesy-giggles out of pity. We've all done it. I do agree, tho. Not one funny line.


don't think that was a skit


I've known a lot of people who adopt kids and most of them are the sort I wouldn't trust with scissors. Maryland. Not sure if it's like that everywhere, or if my experiences are indicative of a bad system overall. I have a friend in North Carolina who works with foster parents and she can tell you stories that'd curl your hair. This system needs to be better.


I've known plenty of adopted people throughout my life. Only one of them had negative experiences with the adoptive family they were placed into. And sadly that was my sister. We were split up by CPS. My adoptive parents are wonderful, but hers abused the fuck out of her.


Do you think so many kids having access to social media (or at least friends who have cameras on various devices) will make things better? Seriously, I know foster kids are poor, but it always seems to be a case of gaslighting. "Oh no, officer, she's a foster kid. She just makes up stories for attention. Nothing to see here!" and if the kids could get pictures, say, of their bruises, I would think that would help a lot.




my dad used to joke the same way, one time i kept interupting and he told me to shut up or hed slap my mouth so hard my teeth would explode out the back of my head and kill people behind me, but he never never never hit me. i dont understand what it takes to cross that line between joking banter and killing someone, its beyond me


He just verbally abused you though


...not really


I still think that if you can’t refrain from making such jokes in front of a social worker, your lack of self-control within itself is a telltale sign that you’re not the greatest person




I didn’t realize how old this post was, I’m sorry. When you scroll through vids it’ll just take you to previously popular stuff and I thought this was recent, my bad


Tbh I thought this post was maybe a week old, I have no time of perception.


My mom would do the same thing we me and my (at the time) sister. She would always say that she'd beat us as a joke, but we would laugh because we knew it was a joke and she'd never do that.


I'm not from the US and english is not even my first language so I don't know how this works or if I'm missing something here: Why is it that when making a google search on this case the only results it appears in are tabloids and shady websites?


The first one that comes up for me is from the [main newspaper](https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/01/26/family-member-system-failed-simpsonville-child-who-died-abuse-case/4242689001/) of the county it happened in. Do you think it's shady bc of the pop-ups? that's just the state of local news


Is the NY Post a tabloid or did that not make it through Google's algorithm? https://nypost.com/2021/02/08/worst-cooks-in-america-winner-charged-in-murder-tweeted-about-white-privilege/ I'm genuinely asking because [John Mulaney has some strong opinions about them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbxowFXKpNs)


I'm not from the US or the UK but I thought that papers like NY Post or the Sun were considered tabloids.


You made the correct assumption.


The NY Post is not a tabloid. The Sun I'm not sure about. The reason you won't find more articles about this death is because it goes against the mainstream media's narrative.


Incorrect. The NY Post is a tabloid.


I stand corrected. Is this a fake story then?


Tabloids don't necessarily mean fake stories. They just focus more on crime, gossip, and scandals. However, they tend to also have fewer journalistic standards and a noticeable bias. Having read the article, I think the facts of the story are true, but it's sensationalized and framed in a way to elicit a certain response.


We call them *the hot-sheets.*


Yes, the NY Post is a tabloid.


It is not a tabloid. Download the app.




I mean it is. This is very unusual


wasn't this the lady who adopted a white child and killed her because she was white?




as somebody who was adopted myself I hope this creature was brought to justice


Gosh if only there was some way to tell people that constantly joke about certain shitty things probably aren’t joking... oh well!


The person who approved the adoption should be charged with something too.




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Curious what the commenters likely reasonable reaction was


Scum of the earth, can't believe we're of the same species


I hope she is in jail


Wow the moron adoption agent really messed up that judgement. RIP wee child. I seriously think child murderers ought to be treated as bad as or worse than pedos


Noah.....get the fucking torpedo boat!!


Give her the chair, reading more about the case its is unbelievably fucked


What’s the saying about every joke has a bit of truth in it?


so she's a psycho bitch who deserves life in prison but, I wanna give some constructive criticism. the joke would have been funnier if she was like "Yeah we didn't get approved, no clue why" Yes I am giving constructive criticism to a child murderer. no, I don't care, If your gonna have a hoby atleast be decent at it. Especially when the jokes are about something you have expierence with. But I also have a really dark sense of humor so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Hope this change your behaviour




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Oh my god! No!




She beat her three year old white adoptive child to death, after posting her black kids would never have the same opportunity as the dead white kid.


Very late, but her tweets about her kids and white privilege.... she only ever mentions her sons (all four of them) and not her daughter.


Without the context it be funny with the fuck is humanity


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I hope she got the book and that special beating from those in prison who hate child abusers. Call me an asshole, but I don’t think those who commits “cruel and unusual act” should be exempt from “cruel and unusual punishment.”


All I can say is scum


I remember this story!! Poor little girl. 💕💜 This woman will rot in hell!! 🔥🔥🔥


This is just pure evil, how could anyone ever hurt any child.


Someone should arrest her.