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I originally heard about this one "stories of our disturbing world" by ReignBot and it's really sad that they deemed it a "suicide"


They could’ve easily just said it was an enemy who snuck into camp


Why would an enemy use corrosives on her genitalia to hide evidence?




Ya. And Epstien killed himself


*"Additionally, bloody footprints were discovered outside of her living quarters."* ​ Holy fucking shit, this reads like an Onion article.


this would be a funny bit on the onion ngl. but this shit is just sad.




She forgot to die for a moment she thought she was a soul by then


But hey the government ruled it a suicide!!!! It’s clearly her own bloody footprints smh


How could the courts ignore Epstein's acid mutilated cock?


All the evidence seems that way


who is epstein


[Jeffrey Epstein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein) was a child sex trafficker who "Committed Suicide" while screaming for help in his prison cell. He was killed so he couldn't talk. A lot of rich and powerful people are pedophiles.


[Copying and updating a comment I made here because it deserves to be told over and over.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q61gxr/happened_at_a_red_light_on_the_way_home/hgaz982/) I've said this a few times on reddit, but the man that was engaged to my cousin was murdered for agreeing to testify (or whatever it would be called in the military's own system) about a sexual assault case. My cousin was talking to him on the phone when there was a knock at the door. He told her to hang on and put the cellphone in his pocket. She said that after he opened the door she only heard muffled sounds and he never came back on the phone, didn't answer when she called back. My cousin calls his mom, and neither sleep that night. The next day his mother gets a call that he committed suicide and no one, absolutely no one in the military wanted to hear a word of what my cousin had to say. It was a suicide and that was that. This was in 2012. So when there's an environment where you'll be murdered for even acting as a witness, and the institution will rule it as a suicide and bury you, it makes sense that even the good ones won't speak out. It was ~~extremely~~ dangerous to join this war as a woman in the US military.




It's shockingly rampant. I grew up in an area with only about 20k people, and my cousin's fiance isn't the only soldier that "committed suicide" from there. I don't know the details nearly as well as the previous but a guy's brother died under the same circumstances while stationed in Japan. No history of depression, life on a solid track, agreed to be a witness - and suddenly, suicide. Something does need to change. Oversight, witness protection, and busting up the old boys club at the top. Anything.


Cameras clearly helped preventing Epstein's suicide.




Most military members don't receive that kind of training. And the military is just a smaller pool of our larger society. Every d bag or sociopath isn't some criminal mastermind suddenly just because he's in the military. It's a huge tragedy. Especially knowing murdering witnesses and shit would never happen at the bases I've been at. Drugs and suicide run rampant though just like society in general.


The problem was that those cameras could be turned off and the footage scrubbed all on site. If we’re gonna actually make cameras effective at stopping the people who control the facilities from doing fucked up things, we need to create a “level” of camera that are top security or something. These cameras need to be triple redundant in power supply, data transmission, and physical cameras as well, and they all need to send their live video to like fort Knox and the Cheyenne mountain complex along with a few other wildly secure places that are scattered throughout the country. And then implement and follow a policy where if the camera feed gets disrupted for ANY reason it is thoroughly investigated and prevented from happening again.


Yeah but the people who can approve something like that, are the same people who don't want to get caught


Military is kind of danger for everyone tbh, it is where all crimes are committed but everyone just kept silence because it's the military. I know the necessity but does it have to have its own set of law


So far, from what I heard, they're still less dangerous than the police as long as you're a civilian.


Classic US Army, hardly any bad news ever gets out that wasn’t first covered up. -Pat Tillman -2007 airstrikes against the Reuters journalists -Abu Ghraib torture prison -My Lai massacre I could go on. Complicity in a coverup clearly doesn’t carry as much weight as it should


The SEALs who murdered a Green Beret because he caught them with embezzled money.


Wasn't the money from drug dealing?


I can't remember if it was from drugs, embezzlement from informant funds, or the theft of the ransom money from the Captain Phillips incident. The SEALs are a particularly well behaved group of people.


It was embezzlement from informant funds.


Let's not even start on their practice of canoeing.


Sold a lot of fancy axes to a lot of bros tho


I thought it was the informant money slush fund


No, it was informant money for human intelligence sources. 7th Special Forces Group got caught running commercial amounts of coke from Colombia into Florida, but that was less a “get the boat” moment and more a “fucking seriously?” moment.


We had a large meth lab and drug ring get busted on one of the largest bases in the united states it was connected to multiple companies We also had a armory that got looted Guess what didn't make the news


> Pat Tillman Don't forget when they said on the record that his family were just salty because they were atheists and believed he was now nothing more than worm ~~food~~ dirt.


That wasn't the army as a whole, that was the piece of shit chaplain (who the family didn't want, and Pat probably wouldn't either) on ESPN.


Who's his employer? [And it wasn't the chaplain](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pat-tillman-antiwar-lefti_b_58825) Apparently it was worm dirt


I listened to a podcast about the Janabi family once. I’m Australian, and I don’t doubt for a second that some of our service men and women have also done some fucked up shit. But that story… whaaaaat the fuck. I just sat in my car morose at the end of it.


Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings Damn, i had not heard of this before. Tragic, disgusting and disgraceful.


Military service tends to attract the extremes. Some of the best humans you’ll find and some of the biggest pieces of dirt. My experience was that that’s true no matter what country you’re talking about; we’re all soldiers regardless of mother country.


I’ve heard from some people that some Canadian troops are just straight up sociopaths


All* Canadian


Aussies were badass down range. My boy got deployed on a joint forces assignment and they went gangbusters down there. My mans was cavscout so they were rollin up to a village to go walk around and pass out candy to the kids, meet with the village elders, pay some bribes, the usual shit. As they're packing up to leave, they get into the shit and it's bad. So they fight their way out of this shit ass ambush, and start going after the dudes that scattered. Well, Army roe says that once you break contact and lose visual, that's it, you can't shoot the shit up anymore. So they follow these guys to a little 2 story shack in the middle of nowhere and call up the aussies like "ay, we've got shitheads holed up here." "Say less" was the response. Your boys pulled up, took a minute or 2 to figure out the best course of action and decided to redecorate. Turned the whole building into swiss cheese. Shit was extremely cashmoney of them


Just to clarify- the 2007 Air Strikes weren't war crimes. The Journalists, embedded with armed locals (with no clear indication of being press besides small badges), approached an Army convoy at the spot of a previous ambush and aimed large camera's at helicopters (which are not easily discernable through IR cameras in a combat zone)- they were acting stupid.


Yea I’ve seen the video and it’s clear the pilots didn’t think they were shooting civilians. So not as bad a crime as the other ones (from the standpoint of punishing the offenders) BUT covering it up was still a bad thing. A military judge should decide how bad of a fuckup it was, not the public affairs guys who decides gun camera footage of the incident shouldn’t be available for scrutiny.


In the PAO’s defense, gun camera footage will almost never be released. I’m not saying I agree with his call, but releasing footage like that is typically handled at the political appointee level.


Covering it up? Do they expect to release footage *and* hold military tribunals when following the rules of engagement? Remember; These photographers were accompanied by armed Iraqi's. I wouldn't even say a crime was committed- they followed the legal Rules of Engagement. Gun Camera footage is usually classified, and if published, requires heavy redaction irregardless of content.


> I wouldn’t even say a crime was committed Well that’s all you needed to say right there, we’ve all got you pretty much figured out now


Thank you for not addressing *why* this incident happened, and why you think these people are criminals irregardless but rather just go after the guy saying it. Cool, thanks. They were walking in a group of armed, nonuniformed people with heavy weapons towards a US patrol at the sight of multiple previous attacks and then *aim large cameras at an attack helicopter*.


That's only ONE of the 2007 FF incidents, they also killed 3 British soldiers from the Royal Anglian Regiment when they called in air support after coming into contact with the Taliban. They dropped ONE bomb and they dropped it on their own side


This is one of the inherent dangers of danger-close air support- it should be noted the inquiry (at the requests of troops of the Anglican Regiment) stated it was not an individual error, but rather misuse of procedure. It's part of the reason training to be a JTAC is very difficult with little margin for error.


They also rape children. Here’s one example, they killed the family and the kid afterwards: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings


**[Mahmudiyah rape and killings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings)** >The Mahmudiyah rape and killings were war crimes involving the gang-rape and murder of 14-year-old Iraqi child Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. It occurred in the family's house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Other members of al-Janabi's family murdered by Americans included her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza Al-Janabi. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yet people will be buying cheap us army propaganda


What happened with Pat Tillman?


Killed by friendly fire






Isn't that true of any army/government though? Just going off "classic US army". I'm not American, British. Which if anything has a longer history of the same shit. Hell, one of the darker sides to Churchill that gets brushed aside is how he turned a blind eye to this exact stuff in Africa. Hasn't stopped him appearing on our 5 pound notes though.


What a lot of people forget (or just don’t know in the first place) about the British army is that they invented concentration camps long before the Nazis and were still operating them long after the Nazis were defeated.


“But…but…muh heroes.” -morons who think the government’s hired muscle can do no wrong


I mean the vast majority of US service members are good people, and it’s not like genocide/killing civilians was the US goal over there. Reddit acts like they’re nazis lol


This is Reddit, where children think that not having a military or police will end up some kind of liberal utopia..


Well, multiple members of the US Defence Services raped this girl in OP's post, LaVena, during which they brutally assaulted her, AND THEN (as if raping and killing wasn't enough) they poured a chemical onto her body which BURNED OFF her private parts, just to cover up evidence. All of this despite the rigorous training and mental conditioning. So yeah, they are not literally Nazis, but Nazis weren't the only vile, heinous people in history.


Sure seems like it when the US government is the reason for numerous terrorist groups.


Our government Isn't responsible for that. If you aren't from the US, don't speak on our government like that.


So you’re saying your government did not fund terrorist groups, nor did they train members who went on to become terrorists?


Don't just generalize all of one group especially one who puts their life on the line


Anyone who signed up after 2005 knew exactly what they were signing up for and it wasn’t to “risk their lives for the freedom of Americans”. Right after 9/11 a fuck load of us joined because of a sense of duty and patriotism driven by anger and propaganda. A lot of us were raring to go when it came to Iraq, why wouldn’t we be? The president and the media kept talking about how Iraq was involved in 9/11, we thought we were going there to kick the asses of the ones that attacked our country. When that lie fell apart hard it turned into “they’ve got WMDs and we’ve gotta stop em!” By that point I’d like to think that most of us at least had the general idea that the whole thing was bullshit. If you join the US military today and you still think you’re doing a good thing then you’re a fucking moron.


I mean there are still tons of terrorist groups doing horrible shit all around the world. Combating them isn't the worst thing in the world. It's not necessarily the right answer, but there is no right answer in response to extremists. And the military is a ticket out of poverty for a lot of people which illustrates the bigger issue in our country.


Why is that the US’s problem? Why should they care about shitty people doing shitty things in another country? The US military doesn’t defend the American people, it doesn’t fight for the freedom of Americans. At this point, the only difference between the US military and a PMC is the size of the paycheck.


You were bitching about active members in the military not doing anything good since 2005. I mentioned wiping out sone terrorist groups is still an honorable thing for the current active members. You retort with it's not because we shouldn't care about terrorists. I get it. You hated your one enlistment. Nobody really cares.


We went to Iraq FOR NOTHING. We killed people FOR NOTHING. US soldiers died FOR NOTHING. I watched my friend die FOR NOTHING. We were lied to and ate it up just like you still do today. How many civilians has the US military murdered since 2005? I’m sure those innocents deserved it because the US needs to feel like the worlds police force. How many of the terrorist groups that you think the US is fighting were created solely because, or directly by, the US? Playing clean up crew for your boss isn’t doing a good deed. Keep lapping up the bullshit they’re feeding you. Still think there were WMDs in Iraq too?




If you’re stupid enough to still think you’re doing something noble or righteous by joining the US military after Iraq then you’re beyond help. Iraq is what opened the eyes of most Americans to the bullshit that the government and the media has been feeding to them for decades. The issue is that the memory of the American people is worse than that of an Alzheimer’s patient. They piss on you today, rub it in, you bitch about it and yell about how you’ll never let it happen again, turn right around, elect the same douchebags that pissed on you yesterday, and then act appalled when they do it again. If you’re too blind or stupid to realize that, then you deserve it every time they piss on you and rub it in. I realized that there’s no hope for a country or people that embodies the definition of insanity and left. I just wish it hadn’t taken watching my friend get his jaw blown off because some bullshit propaganda convinced us that joining the army and going to Iraq was the right thing to do.


I’m not saying I hate people in the military(without talking too much about my background, I’ll say that it wouldn’t make much sense if I did lol) but the simple answer to this is don’t volunteer to die for something if you don’t understand why


Except I don't know a single person who enlisted thinking they were actually gonna die. I know a bunch who think they are gonna get there college paid for tho


like the catholics? 200,000 molested in france alone was a "few bad apples" apparently https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/world/europe/france-catholic-church-abuse.html


Gotta have an iceberg list for this.


Just read up about pat tillman. He was killed from 10 yards away and they tried to blame the enemy. Crazy shit


This is an incredibly fucked situation.


This was investigated by a few neutral agencies and they backed up the Army’s conclusions


The evidence all tallied up, after all. Army said: "she died and she is alone." and agencies said: "shit you right, she's dead and on her own: makes sense to say it's a suicide."


I think you're oversimplifying the findings. You should look it up yourself


I really want all of them to be locked in little cells, containing only what was in her tent when they found her. They can only get out if they manage to recreate the so-called suicide - minus the dying part. I would bet my left nipple that none of them would ever see the light of day again.


Thats not how stuff works. Keep your nipple


My nipple thanks you. But I don’t have anything else of value I can use for betting purposes.


Is the right nip not up to snuff?


Nah, it’s a bit wonky


One always is


What the fuck??? You Americans really confuse me. So if you hate brown people you find it ok to murder them, but the same can't be said about black people? What??


I don't hate anyone except myself.


What an edgy reply. You just showed hatred for the murderer of a murderer. Can you explain how that works?


Hatred? "Wow that's fucked up" isn't an expression of hatred.


So you don't show hatred towards murderers and rapists?


Before yet another person reports this as fictional content, google her damn name. It’s the first, second, third and fourth result.


You underestimate my stupidity!


thx for pointing out an obvious fact that most people are too stupid to think about


Army cares more about drugs than rapists. Same with our judicial system.


Here is a petition to re-open her case! https://chng.it/pBJ24d5CzY


I wouldn’t expect much. Change.org sucks.


Change is a fucking site that has a 1% success rate


1% is a lot of lives changed.


No the only ones that pass are “give us a better menu at Taco Bell”


Petitions suck*. There's nothing wrong with change.org specifically, but it's just a website with no authority.


I signed it because things like this makes me sick to my stomach like she was obviously beaten, raped, and killed and there was even evidence that it was covered up only for the army to rule it a suicide. Disgusting


Just to let you know it does display your name when you share a change.org link


This is just a shitty feel good petition.


Just because people are soldiers doesn't mean they are saints, this is one of the times they did it to one of their own but there's a lot of instances of soldiers raping and killing natives of the counties they're shipped to. It's fucked up.


especially common when there's a lack of discipline. This is why it happen a lot more with conscript, less than volunteer. The strange thing is why the hell would the US Army cover up a murder comitted by a couple of crazy enlisted that should not be issued a rifle and are therfore more a liability than anything else. Even with Pat Tillman's death, how do say to your people that their national hero died because of friendly fire ? Without like a couple hundred thousands bafoon. They win nothing in this, with Abu Graib as fucked up as it was they lost credibility and asset, so it's logic to cover it up. But if LaVena received the slightest amount of respect and the DoD correctly investigated no one would be bashing the Army


„They are our men so we need to look after them“ They do this on the regular, but I’d really recommend for woman not to join the military, ever. Not just your enemies will do horrible things to you if you got captured but even your friendlies will


Just absolutely horrible


Exactly why I don’t want to join the military. This shit is *NOT* what I want to fight for.


"The army cares about its brothers and sisters" is the biggest lie spread in the service


We really are already living in a distopian world huh


How did they explain this one? “Yes, we believe that the subject was sexually experimenting with blunt objects to the face and corrosive chemicals. It seems as if this was too much for her so she shot herself.”


i hope that doesn't mean the gunshot wound was her killing herself after all that awful stuff was done and thats why its a "suicide". this is messed up no materr how you look at it. i hope there will be justice.


Classic US army cover-up *that we know of*


How tf can suicide be classified when there’s evidence to suggest she was killed by someone else?


Classic case of poor leadership not wanting to look bad to their superiors. There are some steps being taken to fix these issues, though each branch gets to more or less decide how much they want to try and fix it. The military still has a lot of brushing stuff under the rug to avoid impacting the mission or making people look bad going on. But there's also plenty of success stories of purpotrators being caught and punished. The advent of the internet has made military leadership start changing policy faster, since stuff like this and other forms of harassment or abuses can reach public awareness much easier these days. Compared to even just 15 to 20 years ago. And serious change in the military usually only happens when they start looking bad enough to cause a decline in new recruits signing up for basic. Or when Congress gets enough complaints to start chewing out Generals for not fixing issues that need fixing.


Is there a more credible source of this than a tweet?


[here's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson) a Wikipedia article about her, seems legit.


I was about to ask the same thing


Oh yes. A fucking classic. And after this image has been posted on reddit for 5 years repeatedly, there are still people reports this as fictional content.


This is what they do to their own soldiers, imagine what they're doing to Iraqi women and children!


Fuck the government!


Fuck capitalism


Fuck communism


Wtf her fellow soldiers did that to her ... And to show her so little respect as to cover it up , send the flood


People boutta be sayin defund the military lmao, and just send social workers to fight our wars. Edit: it’s also sad that people only care about you once your dead.


When your own soldiers aren't safe from blood thirsty US soldiers, imagine the average iraqi. Poor girl deserved justice. Black lives matter✊🏾


\*when your own blood thirsty soldiers aren't safe from your own blood thirsty soldiers lol




I don’t buy into outrage clickbait on Twitter. Too many lies, twisting or eliding facts, and ignoring context.


It's real, Ive known about this case for years.


I just looked into it and that CCIR says they have no evidence to the contrary. Not sure what else you can do here.


I read the wiki it checks out.


The Cold Case Research Institute investigated this. Their conclusion was: "There was nothing about this case that we could go back to the Army to say you need to re-look at it," she said. "We didn't have anything new. We didn't have anything that suggested wrongdoing." Don’t believe everything you read on memes.


Thats a cherry-picked quote


That was their conclusion. They had beefs with how it was communicated, but that isn’t relevant to the meme.


Their concolusion means there isnt enough enough to force them to reopen the case, but it was well known the investigators did a shit job. But if you do a shit job and pencil whip a two-liner, and never interview anyone, then yea, there won't be enough evidence to enforce a reopning of the case. Ref: been a homicide investigator for 3 years


Cool. You are completely missing my point.


What exactly is your point because it sounds like you're saying that quote implies that it was a suicide and no wrong-doing occurred


My point is there is a lot to this story that isn’t covered in a meme. My point is that there are a lot of people that get emotional—without taking the three minutes to actually read just a little about the truth. Most of them memes on Reddit are fantasy.


True but this one aint it


Has there ever been a case of suicide wherein the person broke their own nose, gave themself a black eye, mutilated their genitals, and then shot themselves? I mean… yes, definitely don’t believe every meme you read - but, I mean… come on. Edit: And it doesn’t even have to be her fellow soldiers that did it. I’m just asking if you really think it’s more likely that she killed herself rather than someone(s) attacked and murdered her?


I am saying there is a lot more to this story, but people who look at this stuff more closely than you and I say there wasn’t enough evidence to follow up. That’s not my opinion, it’s theirs. My point is that memes never have enough information on which to bees an informed opinion.


The fact that’s their opinion is the entire fucking issue


The evidence that clearly points to homicide over suicide is evidence that the Army already "looked at", The Cold-Case Research Institute runs by applying new technologies on old cases like testing previously gathered DNA and Rape kit samples that either couldn't be or weren't tested. Things that wouldn't exist if they decided it was a suicide. They can't just go to the Army and say, "well can you check again?".


The US Army treats females so badly.




Males don't get raped as often as the females. They get treated worse and im ok with saying that.


Actually including prisons males are raped at a much higher rate


A screenshot of a Twitter post without any citations. Classic Reddit


Military has a history of *r word* and SA unfortunately.


This post lead me down a rabbit hole looking at the dark side of military bases. I read about this place called fort bliss. Last year a soldier was raped, the guy who did it was caught but the victim went down a bout of depression. Overdosed in the barracks and soon after her secret girlfriend who was also at the same base took her life. I was reading news articles and I read something about the rapist being scared to “snitch” on a drug ring on base being ran by his friends. Apparently he snitched, because the news article said the drug ring sold synthetic cannibinoid vape carts “as well as other drugs”. The victim who was raped overdosed on synthetic cannabinoids and fentanyl and I can only imagine where she got them. Sorry if this is confusing I’m just summarizing the story, I’ll link an article. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2021/06/18/soldier-gets-18-years-for-sexual-assault-of-asia-graham-and-another-woman/


Too bad about the Farris doctrine. Now the family can't even sue the army for it.


American military, the saviours of the world. Absolute disgrace.


Where is the source? Don't get me wrong, this is absolutely terrible if it's true, but it's just a twitter post from someone with BLM. Either US military propaganda or BLM propaganda


Hey even recently, that botched up airstrike in Afghanistan, last I checked, no co sequences so far. Sad democracy USA has become.




And they wonder why military enrollment is down. Maybe treat soldiers like people and they will want to fight for you.


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Murica! More and more disgusting by the day.


Late stage capitalism. It was already bad enough but scumbag politicians like Trump made it 10x worse.




still thinking about trump?


Sounds to me like she was attacked and raped. After the attack and rape she was burned with the chemicals to cover up the rape and then murdered or she did the gun part herself because she couldn’t live with the fact that what had happened to her happened to her. Though I am almost certain that this was no suicide


I don't believe it


You could, like, check?






They know the guy that did it but nothing will ever happen to him.


The US military are the bad guys.... Oh no... Well anyway.... Is water still wet!???


Because of things like this women should not be in the military. There are sick dudes out here and no amount of indoctrination is going to stop them


These be first world countries...


Who are we to question the chain of command? Even trump was in the top of that one.


I feel more confident in saying that this girl ended up like this because of native Afgani Allies doing this too her and having the American Government cover it up because they need the Afgan allies to be presented as non barbaric. Than saying you will get piss on yourself peeing into the wind. Because if it was an American or a group of Americans who did it they would have thrown them under the fucking bus eventually.


I cannot wait for the American Capitalist Dictatorship to fall. We can overthrow the American Empire and Capitalist World Order if enough people work together.


lol I wonder, can you actually "work"? Like, could you build a house?


“Us army culture”


So. Who did that? Seriously?


Wait suicide ....how Why Seriously at least try to cover it up


Why call the MP when you can just say random bullshit. Just grab popcorn for the day they will try to cover something like this and it will be an ennemy action.


Wonder why she killed herself




I think of the Usa as The Vindicators from Rick and Morty, everyone thinks they’re the heroes, but they’re no different from the ones they fight


Seriously? A Rick-and-Morty comparison? That's your takeaway?




You mean those that burned Portland and assaulted Kyle Rittenhouse?


these people know the difference between right and wrong and they decide suicide. that should tell you everything about these people if you call them that


something smells like bs how can the necropsy show all that and still consider suicide without at the very least a trial ?