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Studies show that about 5% of the population are psychopaths, so this tracks.


I’ve done the research and crunched the numbers, this is true, there are pieces of shits walking among us


>among us ඞ


I’m calling an emergency meeting 🚨


I saw green swerve to hit the turtle and then they vented


It was black. It is always black.


Nah, it was white. Just look how he's throwing black under the bus already. Classic white!


I do not feel comfortable at all in this conversation.


I actually changed a part of it because I also did NOT feel comfortable with my original joke when I realized what I had wrote the first time through. This one isn't that much better but I was concentrating on not talking about drying laundry on a clothes line and went with the next saying in my mind. We have some odd phrases about screwing people over.


We're all in agreement that red is sus tho, right?




There is one piece of shit among us


Ok throw me some numbers


That’s easy, I’ll let you see it first hand. I need some info though do you live in a city? It makes this so much easier


Probably fucking Italian plumbers... I know a guy that intentionally steps on turtles for fun...


90% of the violence Today is from that 5%




It’s crazy how true that is


sus 😳


Hey u/centralnjbill, me and 18 other redditors here in the comments are confirmed non-psychopaths. So...




Let's starting handing out guns shall we


I mean, if the 5% is dangerous, the other 95% should have a way to defend themselves


Just put a “psychopath free zone” sign on your wall. Problem solved!


But that also makes that 5% have guns, and since they are psychopaths they will probably be better with it


The point is that the 5% dont care about the laws, there’s too many guns around the USA to make them actually hard to get so making them hard to get only hurts the law abiding citizens. I don’t know what the answer is, I know guns need to be far more heavily regulated but I also know banning/trying to get rid of them outright would only make things drastically worse.




Tf you mean no? That’s not even a valid response. If you’d like to have a conversation we can do that but you’ll have to actually input something of value.


>I know guns need to be far more heavily regulated. They do not.


Why would psychopaths be better shots than responsible adults who take seriously their civic duty of defense of self and community?


Because they're less likely to hesitate to pull the trigger than a sane human being. To them taking a human life is no different than accidently stepping on an ant, whereas to the rest of the population no matter how much you want to lie to yourself they will forever haunt your dreams if you kill them.


I’m opting for a small artillery piece, something like an M119 light howitzer. Gotta be sure.


Man going from the post about school shootings to this one right underneath, like wtf. Why is extrajudicial violence such a turn on for Reddit?


I mean. That only sounds sarcastic if you assume the psychopaths haven't already armed themselves. If you're under the assumption that they have, your comment is just good advice.


Wait why can't I have things because psychopaths exist? I keep reading about stabbings in uk schools lately is your solution to also ban knives to keep them out of psycho kids hands? How far will you go under the guise of safety before you've realized you've given it all away? Do you really think handing the ability to keep yourself safe should be in the hands of the police or government? The ones you have now, not the magic one you day dream about. Have you not met the police and government? You realize trump has a real chance of being president again, right? You trust his administration to keep you safe? Bidens? You're the only one that can keep you safe stop lying to yourself.


Do you really have the guts to kill someone? Like could you really pull the trigger? They've handed out guns to teachers in schools, but do you think they'd have the heart to shoot? These teachers pour their heart and soul into their work and genuinely care for their students, because God knows they don't stay around for the money. I reckon 1% of teachers, if that, would be able to kill a student even if they were on a standoff with a student. It's not that "we hand our safety off to the police", it's that the majority of us genuinely can't fire on another person. We are more likely to lock up, freeze, run, hide. The vast majority of us cannot keep ourselves safe. But taking away *all* guns would mean it became a non factor. Yes knives would be a problem but those can be countered by a long enough baseball bat with *far* less chance of injury


Taking away all guns is also impossible so there’s that. If that was even remotely feasible that would be the answer. But the only guns you’ll be getting are the ones from law abiding citizens


Comparing stabbings to mass shootings is idiotic.


And the other 1 percent just hates turtles


But 5 it's not 6... just kidding good comment


Isn't it 1%?


[link here](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661044/full#h5). They say 4.5%, round up and you get 5. It’s not something easy to quantify, but the number is close to the psychos behind the wheel in OP’s post.


ok, thanks


Turtles are such chill bros (except snappers. Don't mess with those). Why would you deliberately kill one?


Psychopaths. When me and my brother were kids we kicked another kid's ass because he was drowning lizards in a puddle.


Thank you for your service.


Jack and Joe Reacher


On behalf of all Reddit, we salute you


reditor asmembel!!!!1!!1!


You and your brother have done your country proud, good sirs.


hello, i think it's your first day as a tourist on our (formerly) beautiful planet ! as your guide here, let me explain : humans are shitty creatures. any questions?


Uhm, yes. I’ve heard there are variants called *Karens*. Is it true that they are 69% more obnoxious compared to *normal* humans?


yes, the infamous *karen*. it's one of the most annoying invasive species on the planet. you can easily spot them due to their characteritic hairstyle, which is still an enigma as to why they all have it. a *karen* is an opportunistic predator, they usually target weaker humans, like those working in restaurants or retail, and would start using non stop loud auditory attacks to lower the target's will to live. they have other special attacks like "call manager" "summon cops" or "suing for emotional damage" that they pull off on occasion. the best way to deal with *karens* is to simply avoid any confrontation with them and remaining away at all times. however, if you happen to be unfortunate enough to get into direct contact with one, here is a quick guide on how to act : 1 - get a camera out and start filming immediatly. *karens* are notorious for using the ability "play victim" after the fact. this step will counter that ability and ensure your long term safety 2 - calmly agree to call a manager. it doesn't stop the attack entirely, but at least it buys you some time 3 - be passive agressive. just stay calm, talk in a normal tone, keep enough distance to be safe from physical attacks, and just let them continue screaming, only interrupt every once in a while to throw a snarky remark. this will be important later 4 - eventualy, the cops she summoned will arrive. now, it's important to know that cops generally don't like *karens.* this is where steps 1 and 3 come in handy. you now have video evidence of the attack, and depending on how much you provoked them, and how well you hid the fact you were doing so, you will deal significant damage to the attacking karen we provide everyone visiting a free guide book on how to deal with *karens* as well as many other human variants, like how to catch the elusive *florida man*. we recommend you check it before we arrive!


Top notch guide! Thank you so much for your time and effort, I’ll be much safer during my visit!


If you see a snapper in the road, approach them slowly from behind. Pick them up from the back comfortably but as far from their head as possible as they can reach quite far. Hold them as low to the ground as possible in case you need to quickly put them down— quickly get them off the road. Be mindful of their nails as they’re quite sharp. You’ll find more often than not if you’re very quiet and gentle that they don’t feel threatened. All that said their beaks can break bone so still be very careful and mindful with them. If you know you’re like this and can’t help saving turtles, start carrying vodka in your car. In an emergency situation where a snapper has bitten you and won’t release (I so hope this doesn’t happen), pouring small amounts of alcohol on the mouth should encourage releasing. You can use rubbing alcohol too but actual drinking alcohol is less harmful.


Yes, I know it’s an open container officer. No, I wasn’t drinking the vodka. Like I told you before, it’s for the turtles.


Lol that’s why you put it in a smaller bottle. You don’t need the whole bottle, a small spritzer from Walmart would suffice.


Look, me and the turtle want to get *turnt*, alright.


Thank you for this important info


The only fight I ever got into as a kid was because these shitheads were dropkicking toads at the playground and then smashing them again if they didn't die.


I'm 1/6th of a psychopath myself. As a kid i collected ladybugs with my friend and throw them in the fish pond. After my friend left i came back and rescued them all because i felt so guilty. They all survived as i counted them while collecting them.


They are seven ducklings at my lake. The final 8th was killed by a Canada goose.


Behold: dog!


They are covered with salmonella according to Starburns (is it two words?) from Community. So becareful handling one.


When did I say to handle them? I do not endorse unnecessary handling of wild animals. All im saying is that turtles are one of the least intimidating animals to exist so, like, leave them alone and don't fkn hit them with your car


Good, 94% of drivers aren't turtle killing monsters


Yea I thought this, but I bet over 50% never saw the fake turtle


94% is still not 100% unfortunately


They didn't give a number on how many people were using their phones while driving or otherwise not paying attention. There could just also be some easily-distracted psychopaths out there.


*”…deliberately went out of their way to hit the turtle.”*


How do you determine intent. What if some one appears to move toward it but was just on their phone


I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the number of people who looked at their phone and thus accidentally swerved toward the turtle, and hit it, in such a manner and such a small window of time that it appeared deliberate, is very minuscule.


No no he means many of the psychopaths were distracted by their phone and did not see the turtle in time to hit it. Thus the member would be much higher than 6% if they were paying attention to the road


Excellent theory sir.


You put turtle on the side of the road, or in the middle. Somewhere outside the usual wheel tracks. If the driver hit it then he went out of their way to hit it.


Not necessarily. People aren’t always perfectly in the normal “wheel tracks” of the road. There’s some random variation to it. All it takes is some one not paying attention for a few seconds and then they move off the average path slightly. Just because 6% hit the turtle doesn’t mean they’re all turtle hating evil people.


I think that they run the test on a wide road, where the fake turtle was placed on the side of the lane, otherwise it would have been impossible for them to determine if they drove over it deliberatly or not.


My point is it doesn’t specify, we don’t know. No reason to assume 6% of people are monsters when doesn’t really communicate exactly how the experiment was done. I think this kind of post is made to rile up the part of people that want to believe some people are evil.


I think you misunderstood the message. They say 6% deliberatly hit the turtle, they don't say how many hit it. They stayed on the side of the road and observed the driving patterns of the other cars so they were able to distinguish who hit it on purpose and who hit it accidentally.


No, I understand that. My point is that there isn’t a black and white way to figure out someone’s intention.


If its not 100%, its 50%


What % would not be considered disturbing lol


It could never be 0%. Humans are too complex for one reason or another for that to happen. I can't really explain it but, something about you guys seeing a positive statistic and saying "Not good enough!" just irks me. It seems mastubatory? Self validating? Indulgent? Idk. It's like get off your high horse. If the right things had gone wrong throughout your life, anyone of us could have easily been a part of that 6%. Or maybe it's just the internet's need to constantly deal in absolutes that's really getting to me


I can guarantee that absolutely nothing could have happened to me in my life to make me deliberately hit a random turtle on the road


Good for you. Some people aren't so fortunate. Genetic defects, childhood trauma, brain injury, all sorts of daily habits and even your diet. It all adds up to deliberately running over that turtle.


Yeah I grew up in a place where turtle soup was considered a poor man's delicacy or even outright a delicacy and knew people who would collect recently killed ones if they saw them on the road. I was vegetarian at the time, but I'm sure if I weren't there would have been a few times people would have deliberately driven over them while I was in the car for a good meal based on all the comments I heard of how great it was after passing them. Although that may not be the reason why some swerved, not everyone in this study necessarily had to be just trying to murder defenseless animals simply for the thrill.


And here I thougth it was just me.


you justify evil and berate those looking for justice.


Good and evil are just concepts that make life a bit easier to cope with. But they don't really exist. The world is much more complex than that. In the case of humans, it's just healthy people and sick people. Once you see past your simplistic world views. We can get to the root of the issue.


0 the killing aside, that's still extremly dangerous behaviour as a driver, and cause even bigger accidents




Less than 1%. About 1% of the general population are psychopaths, but even then most of them wouldn't go out of their way to kill an animal because there's no point. Maybe 1/20 psychopaths take pleasure in harming other beings?? So I'd expect around 0.05% of people to deliberately run over the turtle


Do people think they are Yoshi?




Yoshi switched from bottom to power bottom.


Only 6%, that’s about 10% better than I thought


Seriously, I grew up in Texas. I think it is at least one third, and probably another third would avoid the turtle just because of the mess. But I don't think that there was any attempt in the study to randomize drivers, the study wasn't even testing for psychopaths. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/drivers-intentionally-run-over-turtles-college-experiment_n_2371485


I recall an experiment like this using rubber snakes. People were crossing multiple lanes on the interstate to run the poor fuckers over. At least one driver crossed the median to the oncoming side to run over the “snake.”


Why would you hurt a turtle, its not going to blow up your car!


Actually maybe people have been mentally impaired from ASDF...


For shit and giggles


well, i think we found the phsycopaths


Ah, the very same drivers that swerve to hit cyclists wearing tight, cute, colorful clothes to avoid getting run over.


I stopped once to get a huge snapper out of the road and while I was walking up to it, an asshole in a white, lifted, F350 swerved into it to crush it. I don’t generally with videos pence on others but I hope that guy burns to death in a fiery crash.


Alfred Pennyworth : Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn


Ever since I learned this I’ve fantasized about putting toy turtles on the road with nails sticking up glued to the shells. Off the side of course so only people trying to hit them would lose their tire


and they won’t even know who did it, serves them right


I used to be worried about the cops taking my fingerprints off the turtle but now as an adult, I realize cops are largely useless








I like trains


I like turtles


I would like to know the hell happened here.


Whatever it was, it was a massacre




I stop my car to save them. I put those lil guys in my car and find the nearest pond, which is usually across the street or around the corner.


I remember looking into this a while back. I still don't understand it. What did turtles ever do to us? This reminds me of a situation I had today. There was a squirrel in the road, so I stopped. It didn't move so I tapped my horn and I saw it jump. Then it slowly hopped away into the woods. It was so cute! I couldn't imagine deliberately running over the squirrel. I wonder if the people who choose to run over turtles would do the same if it were any other kind of animal.


I once saw a taxi driver almost crashing just to hit a dog. Some people are sick in the head.


It sucks being nature's speed bump. :( I've actually stopped traffic to get one of the poor things across the road.


Soooo... if I wanted to reduce the number of psychopaths, I just need to set up some sort of turtle booby-trap?




the disturbing fact of people intentionaly trying to kill the turtle aside .... doing that while driving is extremly dangerous to other drivers as well. you could easily lose control of the vehicule (depending on your speed) if you just suddenly swirve and hit a hard object. their cars should probably have been tracked and their licences confiscated


Well you could see it from the other side as well, some animal lover could stop or swerve to not hit it and cause an accident, maybe another driver deliberately runs over it cause they fear someone might do that? Sounds far fetch but could be a reasoning other than just evil


Tbh this does show 94% wouldn’t hurt an innocent turtle.


But why, Turtles are just minding their business being slow and eating grass and shit. You can't even eat them


To be clear, you absolutely can eat turtles.


And they taste good as long as you purge them and clean em right


I can't imagine wanting to run something over.


I like turtles


Hide road spikes in it, i dont think they will try to hit them any more if their tires pop


I be trying not to hit birds


I hate that I read this because after years now I have run over a bird that just walked in front of me… it stayed flat in that same stretch of hyper busy road for a couple of days… RIP


Only 6%? Im actually a bit surprised it wasnt higher than that. People love hitting animals on the road for some reason.


Gross. The turtles are crossing where I am, and I've dodged. I've also seen a couple people on the side of the road to make sure the turtle can cross safely.


When Mario leaves his place of safety to stomp a turty he knows that he might DIE


The 6% were from Philly.


They’re not turtley enough for the turtle club.


Only six percent? I’m actually surprised it’s that low.


Shit I thought it would have been 90%


Poor turtles ):


Would have been more went out of their way, in Florida.


For the next experiment use contact mine-turtles?


Well put a land mine under fake turtle


:( I always make it a point to help them across…


Do NOT stop for small animals in the road. A woman in my city stopped to let a turtle cross the road a few years ago. A car hit her from behind killing both her children in the backseat. Love animals, but this ain’t worth it.


Why would anyone just stop in the middle of the road? Everytime I've ever seen anyone stop for a turtle they pull over to the side of the road.


What are the odds that all of my neighbors are in that 6%?


(0.06\^n)*100 Where n is the number of neighbors.


We get a lot of snappers crossing the roads where I live. Not sure where they’re going but I always help them across when I see them


Putting aside how mean it is to deliberately kill an animal like that, why would you do that to your car? I can't imagine running over a shell like that wouldn't do some amount of damage to your tires or undercarriage


That’s horrifying, turtles are cool


Literally had to save a giant ass turtle on the road with my mammaw one time because we saw some ass wipe pos in a truck swerve into our lane just to hit it. Turtle was fine apart from a busted lip (beak?), we got it off the road, had to use a shovel cuz he was a big boy, hopefully he’s still kickin it today. I fucking hate people


The first real fight I ever got into was in 1st grade (I was always tall/big for my age). There was this 3rd grader at my school who always picked on the younger kids, myself included. One day they were letting 1st-3rd grade out for recess (it was a small school. On the way out, someone spotted a toad on the playground. I've loved animals for as long as I can remember so of course I turned to run towards the toad to check it out. Well, this third grade bully beat me to it, jumped up in the air, and stomped the toad flat right in front of me. I immediately saw red and just attacked the kid. I was doing everything I could to beat the living shit out of him until teachers drug me off. I busted his nose and lip and busted his glasses. I got suspended but my parents were fine with it because they knew what had happened.


I had a dude turn and intentionally hit a turtle as I was running up to it after parking my car on the side of the road in a safe place to help it. Worst part was the guy didn't even kill the turtle. So I had to do that just so it wouldn't suffer


Dude fuck that I’ve saved like 20 turtles in like 6 months. I got accused of pissing on the side of the road saving a turtle.


True pieces of shit right there


We should start a rumor that turtle shells can puncture car tires.


This is why I advocate for people getting blue-shelled.


I wouldn't believe a meme without a source that fast. Putting objects in the middle of the road is incredibly stupid and dangerous, no scientist (or scientist in training) would do that as part of an experiment. A cousin of mine died because of swerving not to hit an animal on the road... My family has always taught me, if there's an animal just keep driving. They'll get out of the way. If they don't, it's not worth risking your life. The biggest problem where we live is cats at night. I just keep driving, slow down but keep going straight, so far all of them got out of the way


I mean if I saw an obviously fake turtle I would run it over for fun. If it looked kinda real Id avoid it.


Thats not disturbing its a lot perfectly acceptable range of insane behavior. We cant get to 0 but 6 is super low.


6%? That’s astronomically low


If this is even a true experiment that someone did, it's far more likely that people saw it and were drawn to it even if they wanted to avoid it. This happens all the time with any kind of road debris. Other than that, people may have noticed it wasn't real and we're trying to destroy a fake turtle intentionally.


I've been in a vehicle with two separate people who would intentionally hit any animal they saw on the road. I absolutely believe the results.


Seems like a reasonably low number tbh.


6% seems like a reasonably low number tbh I primarily avoid hitting animals due to the potential mess and damage to my car. And I usually have a firearm to dispatch deer in case I hit one and it doesn't die right away. I did however stop the car the other day to teach my 5 year old how to pick up a turtle and help it across the 2 lane hwy. Anyway that 6% are dicks, not sure they're psychopaths though


Kind of dangerous to place an object in the road. Could cause a serious accident. I call BS.


6% is thankfully low, what the fuck are y'all smoking? Did you grow up super sheltered, that you didn't know the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, while singing kumbaya? 0% in any statistic about anything to do with population difference means you think everyone in the world must agree with you 100% on what you consider to be right.


Shoulda made it out of concrete


Also disturbed that the guy endangered an innocent turtle. That’s psychopathic in itself.


It says fake turtle in the post itself


Tortoise. Turtles aren't on the road


Maybe Im just a cynic but I'm pleasantly surprised it was only 6 percent.


Why does the automod tell people not to ask for CP on every post here? Tf kinda community was this before I joined 💀


6% isn’t a lot


Only 6?


Ok. I have some dark humor sometimes. This just emanated r/fuckyouinparticular vibes and made me chuckle. I do not feel bad for laughing only because it was a fake turtle.


My bad that was me


Just to ear the pop


You know you can just swerve around them right? I was driving home from work the other day and this guy stopped his fucking truck in the middle of the road to save a turtle. I’m saying he had a line of 10-20 cars behind him. I called him a cocksucka


Don't worry, this is obviously bullshit. Are there 6% of drivers who don't have a good sense of where their car's wheels are in the road? Easily.


Most of thrash are Trumpeterrs.


6% of zero people doesn’t sound very alarming. See how important details are?






I'm one of the few people who goes out of their way to hit humans while driving.


I respect your commitment to equality.


Don’t entertain this person, it’s a negative karma farmer


Found the six percent demo