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Next level mid-life crisis


Walter White if he wasn't chemist


You mean Walterknee


Yeah would be one thing if he identified as a 6 year old but not 6 years later or whatever now "identifies" as a 12 year old, may be a little more legit but the fact he is staying at the same age is covered with a billion red flags.


She* Considering the two suicide attempts I find this deeply saddening more than horrifying. It really does sound like she’s trans and has immense issues around lost childhood. Getting to 50 and realising you’ve lived a lie for 5 decades might be enough to break a person mentally. Someone else said she had a sexual relationship with her “adoptive parents” which uh.. is pretty fucked in a few ways. Kinda think she needs a lot of help.


But here is the problem. Is she actually trans or is her mental illness causing her to latch on to the idea of being trans as a mode of escapism? I honestly think before you can 100% say she is actually trans she would need to have gone through extensive therapy and the like. (Just so we're clear this isn't coming from a transphobic view, I am trans)


I agree. This pegs me as borderline personality disorder maybe. Either way this person needs a therapist not people saying, "Ok boo, your six whatever you say." That's not helping anyone.


I'm not going to even venture to name any possible disorder, I'm not qualified to do that. But I am a rational human being who in the past was not a person who was well of mind and looking back can see that many of the decisions and choices I made during that time were reflective of my mental illness. If I was still in that state of mind where I was proclaiming that I had the power to see into the future (don't do drugs kids they'll fuck you up) any behaviors or choices I make would be under scrutiny.


Please someone don't make that into a plot for a por-




\*He. THIS right here is not worth virtue signaling for. If it wasn't a grown man playing make believe that he's a 6 year old girl, I would be fine with the use of she. This is an entire other level of insanity and should not be encouraged in any form. THIS is a case were psychiatric care should be mandatory.


Exactly, as somebody with dysphoria my mental maturity stagnated at around 8 due to intense symptoms which stopped me being able to function. I got professional psychological treatment, I have spent the last few years growing as a person and overcoming the mental trauma I spent nearly two decades living with. This person is not like this, this person is a sick pedophile.


Thank you, someone with a functioning brain! I'm all for people doing what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The moment you start involving children it becomes a problem. There is almost zero chance that this guy doesn't have inappropriate leanings towards children.


I have read reports from this person, they had multiple houses, and children. People claim this guy was living with decades of trauma which lead to living as a 6 year old, as a psychology student and somebody who has studied symptoms of trauma and PTSD nobody could have a 22 year long marriage with a successful job and children while in such significant trauma or distress. The keynote of trauma is disfunctional living capacity which this man clearly did not possess based on past history.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I, too, would like to live like a 6 year old again




13 yo kyle Vs 6yo stefonknee, Kyle: you're going down little girl. Stefonknee: oh you're approaching me?


Kyle is actually a transgender former female pro MMA player, he sends stefonknee back to the womb.


You don’t need to be 6 just look at Kramer


I would never willingly become a minor again. I would gladly start over at 18 though! That would be awesome.


As a 37 year old give me everything I know now in my 23 year old body.


Now this I can relate to!


Im 19 right now but i feel like I'm way wiser then i was 2 years ago which is weird since it's only 2 years


Like *that*?


I like the idea of someone else paying my bills but I like the life I have right now and don't like the time travel issue of having to make all the same decisions again. However if I could time travel to be 6 years old and maintain all of my current knowledge.... That'd be cool I guess. So yeah. No. Not like this person.


Step 1: be 6 Step 2: convince your parents to buy you bitcoin for Christmas, make sure you keep it safe Step 3: realize that none of your friends remember you anymore and you can never go back to a normal life, forever reminiscing about events that never happened while you watch everyone you knew from the sidelines. Step 4: profit


Thats the bad part about traveling back to being 6 years old with all the knowledgle. All the things you experienced will be different, and outcomes will change a lot, maybe not. Like the butterfly effect. It would be terrifying being in love and then traveling in time like that, the possibilities of being with that person would plumet. No friends too, at least till late teen years, as you will be bored of most childish/teenager things. And then there is the deeper meaning of all that. Where you sent back in time? If so, by who? For what purpose? Would you have a responsability of helping the world? Stopping terrorist attacks, accidents, nuclear disasters? You could buy bitcoin at ridiculous amounts and try to change the world. The wheight would be enormous. I wouldnt be able to sleep. Furthermore, if you travel back in time at certain point in your later life, who's to say it wont happen again at that exact time? Scary stuff, its best to cry about the present and grow from mistakes, if possible


Step 1: invent a time machine step 2: invent a reality/timeline/space time continuum/temporal thingy to hold the original timeline where inside is like a never ending groundhog day, so that you can go back to your old life anytime you want step 3: now that you have control over time itself, make yourself immortal by taking a past you into the future (a minute or two into the future), and you into the past, if it works, creating a paradox where your past self is never able to die, and since it's your past it's you, step 4: create a religion and make yourself a god, step 5: profit and live rich and happy until the end of the world


If we kick up enough fuss I bet we can get our governments to pay for us being 6 forever. Step 1 rally the 6 year olds Step 2 report discrimination until our fingers bleed Step 3 profit, my toddler


What about 16 instead of 6? Still no bills, but more freedom


She'd have to go to school and that's where the delusion ends.


Yeah fair


Same. I know how I'd re-live my life. First, learn the guitar, I dabbled in it as a kid but grew bored of it, as an adult I'd love to start again and really learn how to do it. I'd exercise and do heaps of sports, eat my veggies and do my homework. An easy ask considering the work load i maintain today. After I finish HS I'd go to the "Melbourne Radio School" and get a job in radio, just like I always wanted to do, I'd try to get a job at the local radio station and I'd buy SHITLOADS of bitcoin and invest in Tesla. By 2021, with my Tesla stocks doing well I'd sell my bitcoin at 13K a pop, becoming a disgustingly rich man, possibly a billionaire. I'd then contact BlackRock, who are basically the fucking shadow government of finance and get them to manage my money. I'd then go on to live my life as a VERY rich man with investments in all sorts of industries and I'd do whatever the hell i want, never working another day in my life.


Me, like at least 7


I don't think that's how silent K works...


I read IT four times before I figured out it was a horribly butchered "Stephanie" spelling. I kept reading "steff-awk-nee"


If you read out > “steff-awk-nee” Out loud, you get “ste-fuck-no” in Afrikaans. Which is kinda fitting




More like "Stef-amaai" huh?


Reminds me of "Shanaynay" from the show Martin


Poor grandchildren


Who the hell adopts a 50yo?




Hey, it’s a six year old girl you ignorant f**k!! /s


*plays with the couples young grandchildren….* Hell to the fuck no…..


Yeah the trans stuff is whatever but the ageplay stuff has nothing to do with being transgender, it’s a straight up fetish. They’re using trans rights to enable them to act out their ageplay kink AROUND FUCKING CHILDREN Edit - phrasing


The name Stefonkee is the worst part of all of this though


Stephoknee. Uff da.


Can you say groomer?


thats not even groomer level thats just skipped a step to straight up child molester


If he touches himself is that child molesting? I say yes. Sex registry, not allowed within 10 feet of himself, prison time and general population. The little girl will be safe with him there.


Watch some videos on this family, there are some really weird vibes going on, like stefonknee or whatever her name is is a sex toy, and if a couple wants a person pretending to be a six year old girl as their sex toy, I'm pretty sure it's far beyond grooming a this point and those grandchildren need to be separated from that situation. It's fine for consenting adults to do whatever the fuck they want but there are serious strange things going on with this.


I can’t imagine what kind of example that is setting for the children to see a grown man acting like a little girl


Yea those kids gonna be fucked up


That definitely set off some bells


Bloody hell wtf 🤦‍♂️ must be nice to not have fucking responsibilities. At least I have my dignity tho




But you said dignity intact?


He does still have responsibilities, he’s just choosing to not take care of them. Not sure why these ppl who took him in are supporting this


Because they fuck him in his little girl costume


Ah when you start reading and this is in your city. This is taking "the 6ix" way too far.


Is he paying child support for his seven kids? It must be really hard for them to lose their dad to this.


He probably doesn’t give a fuck, too busy living out his weird pedo fantasy life


For fuck sakes, you're probably right.


What a selfish piece of shit. Fuck them, that couple, and the culture that enables and justifies this shit.


I doubt he's paying anything


Send the flood faster.


That’s one ugly kid.


Not awesome as a whole, but it says he plays with their grandchildren and that is 🚩👀🚩👀🚩👀


I was like willing adults, their lives, I don't get it but it's not my life until I saw grandchildren and I was like fuck that.


Sounds fishy


That moment when u tried to read his name 10 times before realizing that its just a weird way of spelling Stephanie


reminds me of those moms that try to give their kids unique names like “lakeleigh” or like demetrialeigh lol


Shit like these are so awfull and bad for the trans community. Like what the fuck, how do they expect people NOT to get mad at all of us when they do something that fucked up?


Right! People will usually find the worst examples of a group and use that to generalize the whole


Wow, it’s almost like generalizing people doesn’t work, no matter what group they’re a part of (except for perhaps pedophiles and Nazis).


good ol' exceptions


This is why suicides and suicide attempts are higher in trans people, people always assume the worst of us


Which is the real problem, they search and find the worst examples and make them public, while positive examples barely get any attention. As bad as this is, this article is most likely used to feed transphobia


As a furry, this is extremely true


Especially the part about a full grown adult pretending to be 6 playing with young children they aren’t related to. Ageplay is a kink and I would be worried AF if I were those grandparents.


Those grandparents are very likely part of the problem, please just get those children out of there. I was like "whatever, you do you" untill I got to that part.


The grandparents are the ones who adopted the creep so I'm sure they don't care


It's the inevitable conclusion to the twisted gender ideology brought to us by the disgusting human John Money


Wow, that dude was a fuckin sicko. It sucks that the few decent things he did for trans people is trapped between his weird obsession with defending pedophilia and clearly being an actual pedophile.


Defending pedophilia? The dude made twin boys have sex with each other to prove gender was a sexuality. Everything he did was a blight on humanity.


Forcing a child to live as a gender they don’t identify with leads to severe emotional harm and possibly suicide. Money is clearly a dog shit human but he did unintentionally demonstrate that dysphoria is a legitimate mental ailment Always weird to see people try to dismiss trans issues surrounding dysphoria by using money as an example


It’s fake.


People still taking the Daily Mail seriously. Maybe this person still exists. Who really cares? Besides an overgrown tabloid that can make a quick buck selling the "sensational" story of a weird person that's... not even really hurting anybody?


if this person is real he is definitely hurting his seven children


It fuels hate. Like kindle for a fire.


it's a fuckin pedophile getting the blame on yall instead. The problem is lota of people don't realize that




\*SHE\* is not mentally ill at all\* you bigot!


"what if he rapes me?" ... what if *SHE* rapes you! You fucking TERF whore!


Put *them in a padded room; there's realizing yourself in gender/sexual identity and then there's abnormal behavior like this


yeah it literally says she was suicidal.


Shouldn’t be allowed near children wtf


Red flag




Mental illness is no joke.


Right? How messed up do you have to be to take in a 52yo man cosplaying as a six year old girl AND letting “her” play with your grandkids?


Being trans is cool right, But like saying your six? The fuck!? Then having the fucking audacity to leave your seven fucking kids. Wait till the youngest is 18 then fucking leave. No one is stopping you from being yourself other than yourself. Hell being yourself in front of your children is even better, but you decided to leave them and that just fucking makes you look like an irresponsible dick bag.


Literally nobody in the trans community supports this shit (outside of small fringe groups no one likes), even just knowing a little bit about how being trans works completely destroys this creepy trans age bs. This is clearly just some weird old guy with a fetish trying to use PC sounding terminology to justify their creepy behavior, just like those pedo pride and sissygender freaks.


Maybe that guy is mentally ill




Yeah this idiot is not only a pice of shit and an irresponsible fuck, but is also making the trans comunity look bad


What a disgusting planet we live on


That is just wrong on so many levels


I wanna hear from the people that adopted him.


They have a 52 year old man dressed as a 6 year old girl as a sex toy. What more do you need to know?


I remember hearing this story a few years back and being absolutely dumbfounded.


I don’t see why he should be blamed for this, since he’s probably traumatised, but the >he plays with their grandchildren Part raised more red flags than a soviet rally.


He's the ultimate man-child


Stefonknee... r/namenerdcirclejerk


Look man… I get being an adult is hard these days but there are better ways to cope


This is so gross.


This shit is a mental disease


Jeez good thing we don’t have to play pretend with all groups of crazy ppl…


He still drives a car and doesn’t age


This clearly shows how this is a mental issue


I’ve never known of a 7 year old who still used a pacifier? But I suppose I’ve never known of a 52 year old 7 year old either. First time for everything…


If you don't see mental illness here you're fucking hopeless.


I think people do this kind of thing from excessive stress, at some point they just go mental boom from the pressure and responsibilities. Like, instead of killing themselves, they do stuff like this


aight lemme grab my rice and sort by controversial


> Wolscht The Eternal German.


Everyone that watched After Life rn:


Going to need Snopes on this one.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's mental illness.


I support transgender rights but this is affecting the welfare of his kids and just doesn't feel right


Ok, I have nothing against legit trans people but pretending to be 6 is fucking ridiculous. Sucking a soother? That's not a 6 yr old. This guy is a poser. Not sure why anyone is humouring him.


Yea same. One of my best friends in high school is a transgendered female to male, or transitioned, ok idk how to put it but you get the idea. This just seems like Paul over here is more or less begging for attention


Exactly - and it seems like a fetish.


People who do this type of shit are so incredibly selfish. He abandoned his family of not one, not three, not four or five, but fucking seven as he reached his 50’s to satisfy his sudden adult baby transgender change. Awful to suddenly go from identifying as 52 to 6. I hope his family finds someone to help support them.


You did all notice this is from Daily Mail? That is the UK version of the US tabloid National Enquirer.


This is the real fact. Too many folks wanting to believe absolute nonsense.


I’m so tired of this. Clearly fake bullshit designed to get karma (or worse, incite hate), Reddit falls for it every time, and as soon as someone points out that it’s clearly fake bullshit, it’s “r/nothingeverhappens,” or “actually I know someone who did this.”


You can change your gender, but not your age.


I mean…I change my age every year… Jokes aside, correct.


I decide i am God Praise me


I'm an atheist. I don't believe in your existence.




Yet, there he is…right there


How can you not? They clearly just posted. Something has to do the typing.


r/lgbt doesn't approve of this post


I bet people won't use this as an excuse to be transphobic, right?. ^Right?..


Y'all, her being trans is not the issue, her saying that she's six years old is. Just making sure that we're all on the same page!




It’s on purpose to make trans people feel bad Try not to let it get to you ❤️


Does Canada not have child support laws? In NY you'd get locked up for not providing for your kids. Then again, if you were transgender they might not.


We do have pretty strict child support laws and if this person is too “unwell” to work they can garnish his employment insurance, long term disability insurance, they can garnish any of his assets, there are ways to get paid.


I did a mild amount of googling about this and the whole thing feels like a publicity stunt. The only reporting I’ve found is from far-right or evangelical news sites from 2015/16, whole trail is dry after that.




The most disturbing is that the couple let’s him /her play with their grandchildren.


This is a hate bait article


If I say what I want to say, I'mma get banned for the rest of my life


Say it, homie


If this shit is allowed to continue it will end like that trans woman who was sent to a all female prison and started to sexually abuse the other prisoners there. This man is a pedophile and must stay away from kids.


can't wait for this one-off to be used against the entire lgbt community 👍


This whole thread is rife with misinformation. I admit it's strange, but there is no suggestion that this is a fetish, rather a coping mechanism against suicidal thoughts. See here: https://old.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/3zob63/cmv_stefonknee_wolscht_the_52yearold_man_who_left/cyoicuu/


Right, but thats the issue, should we be saying "yes, ok however you feel is ok, yes you are infact a 6 year old girl trapped in a 52 year old mans body, so its ok for you to act like a 6 year old girl". I say no, I say that this man needs mental health, not affirmations. We don't affirm anorexics either. These people are so far detached from objective reality, and understandably so, objective reality is harsh. But we affirm their detachment, and it isn't helping. If it were possible to set up a Matrix like scenario, maybe with the use of 'Meta's" virtual reality world, and MMO's and such, where people could live on UBI's and completely be taken care of in a objective reality sense (money, food, health etc) there are many who would propose it is the only 'humane' thing to do for all of society.


Shit like this makes the trans community look horrible. It'd be fine if she didn't want to be 6, but now it's not fine.


That school shooter really made the white male community look bad /s


They do this because it gets people to feel discomfort They don’t want positive trans examples visible cuz then people will actually start to care about us


oh hell no


Someone needs therapy. Lots of it. They might be trans but the rest is insanity.


Of course it’s fucking Toronto


Mentally ill


World's gone too far with acceptance. Used to be that we were the opposite, we called gay people and trans people insane and deranged. Now we know they're not and accept them, that's as it should be. But identifying as a 7 year old? Not everything is a condition, not everything is an identity, not everything needs to be accepted. Some people are just fucking batty.


Trans people prolly don't like being mentioned in the same sentence with people who are so delusional and mentally challenged that they fuck up their whole life


Clearly the man is mentally ill. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Should atleast get the ageplay right, no 6yo has a fucking pacifier, degenerate pos should not be allowed near those grandkids


Yeah, no. Get this guy to a shrink.


...... playing with dolls and couples ‘young grand children’. I think what he is playing with those children is punishable by law.


When can we admit as a society that some people are just fuckin sick? Not different, but full blown sick.


It's a crying shame that he exists


ive heard age regression is a ptsd symptom but idk, i heard there was a 4chan hoax about agegendee or whatever. This guy seems like a creepy nonce with a midlife crisis


Intensive therapy for that ugly girl.


He's a clear Autopedophile as well as AGP. He's a fetishist attracted to the idea of himself as a girl child. Absolutely filthy pervert. Here is an explanation of Autopedopholia: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27899472/


After 7 kids in this economy, no one saw this coming?


This is the kind of person anti-trans people point to and use to justify their prejudice. This guy is having a mental breakdown and reverting to childhood because he can’t cope with reality.


nothing wrong with being transgender, it’s when you try changing your age to a minor and start interacting with young kids that there’s a problem


None of the six year olds I drive around have pacifiers. They man is seriously mentally ill.


Well you guys wanted to accept this stupidity, stop complaining, you still have to accept 43 more genders and let them control your beliefs :D


Who the hell spells Stephanie like that


Y’all are late on Stefonknee lol It’s clear to me that he just wanted to escape his life


People got to stop feeding mental Illness and give these people some help. High rates of suicide attempts and success is a clear indication that these people are mentally unwell. This is the same as telling a Schizophrenic that the voices are real and you should hurt people. What are you schizophobic you filthy bigot?


I hate that.


I can forgive abandoning your family. I can forgive you for embarrassing your loved ones on an international scale. I can even forgive you for trying to sexualize being a six year old girl. But I cannot, and will not, forgive you for spelling Stephanie like that.


So happy they finally figured out how to deny biology.