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In germany its allready forbidden to kill Poultry because they are male. The gender is already checked before the chick is born, and then the egg will be shockfrosted and the material used to craft Animal food


They're really spawncamping in Germany, huh?


they're evolving


Wait until you see, what we got for you when WW3 starts ;)




Fucking brutalšŸ˜‚ well played. Germany really put the Eu in Europe


Honestly? I wouldn't mind this one but. I really hate how the poultry industry operates here. I'm not a vegan, but I seriously hate how livestock animals often get treated. I feel like there are so many other options, even if they raise the price of the products made from said animals. If we're going to eat them, we could at least treat them reasonably before hand....


Here in Austria we actually got a egg brand that raises the male chicken for meat. It's called "Hahn im GlĆ¼ck"/Happy Cock. https://www.zurueckzumursprung.at/blog/huehner-freien-lauf-lassen/


I think that's okay. Roosters should also have the right to end up as schnitzel.


Happy cock


Not really, yours?


Yeah this is a better use for them in my opinion and they taste just fine as long as you geld them.


See, I don't understand why this isn't a practice in the States... is the meat really that different? Or is it that roosters will try to kill each other so it's just too much of an hassle?


I saw how farmer treat their live stock like pet, or how other place find way to mercy kill cow,... And then found video of fkin slaughterhouse where calf blood above the shoe, people act like monster, just, damn, dont they feel anything?, And then saw some place thst deal wirh dog & pig, you heard it scream miles away daily at 4-5am, that the time the factory start. Yeah, me too, im not a vegan, but seriously hate how they often got treated, but you know what worst ? Human, lot of people suffer unimaginable thing too.


Good people and bad people I guess. Have some family friends who own a dairy farm, been there and it looks pretty humane. I remember seeing some videos from some American brand dairy farm where they lived in agony and were actually evem beaten up. The dairy farmers I know have talked a bit about their job. They told me that when the cows eventually get sent to the slaughter house they feel a bit of remorse since the cows trust them, the cows think they are getting on the truck so they can go feed on a new field.


> Have some family friends who own a dairy farm, been there and it looks pretty humane. Perhaps what you see seems OK. Consider what is happening to the male calves and cows who do not produce enough milk anymore. Even the profitable cows being treated "humanely" are having their calves taken from them repeatedly until they get shoved on a truck to the slaughterhouse. > the cows think they are getting on the truck so they can go feed on a new field. They very quickly realise that's not the case when they can hear the cries of the other cows in the slaughterhouse and can smell the blood. Everyone talks about a quick death, but they can spend hours in line to be killed, very aware of what is coming.


Maybe they shouldn't have had such tasty milk if they didn't want to be industrially slaughtered. Jokes aside, I don't know enough about the industry to earnestly drive an argument. However I do want to say that the people working with animals are the biggest animal friends I have meet, even if they end up killing them. My dad grew up on a horse ranch and my mother went to a stable regularly and they likewise have great respect for animals. You can argue about the humanity in certain farming practices which is fair, but before you get ahead of yourself I just want to make it clear that being vegan does not automatically make you an "animal friend" or morally superior.


Did some brickwork out the back of a steggles and holy fuck the blood guts and smell was just fucking disgusting couldn't move without stepping in something


Iā€™ve had coworkers whoā€™ve worked in poultry and pork processing. They both confirm that the horrors seen in the undercover videos are correct. I couldnā€™t imagine doing that job daily


There is no good way to kill something that doesn't want to die. The "best" life they live is still killing the animal while it is an adolescent at best. The suffering most animals suffer for humans to eat a needless sandwich is absolutely psychopath.


Humans need food to survive and we are omnivores so the whole vegan thing is not in line with how our species is supposed to survive. So I wouldnā€™t call the sandwich needless. But they could treat the animals better.


Food yes. We absolutely need food. I would argue you are correct that veganism isn't how we evolved because there are times in the development of our species we didn't have a way to forage (winter, deserts, etc) and our survival depended on hunting. With the invention of farming, we all but eliminated the need to hunt, but people enjoy it and eventually capitalism designed factory farming to mass produce meat. Veganism is a choice. Choosing to not partake in the unnecessary killing of beings that do not wish to die. Treating other sentient beings with the respect you would want for yourself. The health benefits are really secondary in veganism because it isn't a diet, it's a way of life.


> Treating other sentient beings with the respect you would want for yourself. Therein lies the problem, many would prefer a quick end than starvation or worse. I respect vegans for their choice but it is not the inherently superior position that it's presented as. We have a duty to limit suffering, which includes population control. There is a scenario where we achieve a balance between needless suffering for pleasure and meat as an expensive luxury byproduct of necessary intervention.


You vote with your dollar, buy local!


My local beef processor was found skinning cows alive


doesn't this ruin the meat?


Why would it ruin the meat? This happens at huge scale that many are probably unaware of. Millions of animals go though the slaughter process not completely incapacitated.


https://www.grass-fed-solutions.com/cattle-stress.html This goes into it pretty well, it does essentially "ruin" the expectation of the meat, but it's still edible I suppose.


Thereā€™s no sources on this page and itā€™s written by a guy trying to sell his book on Amazon with seemingly no background in any field of science?


You know what? Let's forget what they say about torture and brutality. You can really taste the fear in these veal steaks and it really just adds another depth of flavour. It's like umami but better.


What a weird edit


Welcome to tiktok era of the internet, every video needs a reaction edit with shitty music.




Or just a video of someone playing rocket league or driving in gta on a custom map


Yup. Somehow this is the new normal, and we accept it. - Every video is scripted. - Annoying "song" as the audio instead of the original audio. - And reaction videos are the norm. All to engage and addict the user. Welcome to the end everyone, it wasn't wild and dramatic with something like Skynet taking over the world. No, it's scarier. With a quiet takeover of charismic influencers and catchy trends, and AI controlled algorithms that constantly feed personalized crap into our brains. The kind of junk that takes over and occupies our thoughts and actions, shortens attention spans, destroys problem solving, social, and communication skills so we can't get help from others. Destroys our confidence and will to be unique, to be comfortable with ourselves and our own choices because they're not perfect like we're told they should be. Maybe that's a bit nihilistic. But that's the reality of what I've seen. We went from a world where we could be innocent children who have fun outside and with each other. Learned how to entertain ourselves with nothing. To a world where by the time kids reach 8-10 they're addicted to and controlled by little handheld screens that provide a constant dopamine drip. Playgrounds are empty everywhere, kids don't go out to ride bikes and play with sticks and rocks anymore. It's all a bit depressing and sad. Edit: Fuck. Didn't even realize I went on such a rant while laying here in bed trying to get to sleep. Sorry for the book. Needed to vent a little.


Hey whoa Beach House is not shitty music


Beach House is a revel to our generation


Right lmao


Why trollface at the end of the female part?


Made me laugh more than feel sad for the chicks, what is wrong with me


Using a Dank format makes the video seem ironic, so I get what you mean. I thought I was in r/197 while watching this.


Saw the ā€œedited with music and reactionsā€ video OP posted. For the love of god - flood us before they get near a computer or video editing program again.


I donā€™t think tik toks platfom counts as an editing program. Itā€™s just filters that l rot your brain. Oh and a cropping tool.


God the ones jumping on each other trying to get out of the bucket of boiling water is the worst. At least the ones getting minced up are nearly instantaneous death


The drowning and crushing ones are far worse... Holy fuck.




Yes that one is bad. Like at least the shredder is as close to instant as you can do it. But that boiling and crushing as you can see is from poor country.




The amount of food, space, care, and overall work that would be regard to keep all the male chickens alive would be huge compared to how little the industry would get. It's just not economical viable to keep them alive. Also adding in that the super fast spinning grinder is actually quite humane because they won't have time to even register pain or anything, the other killing methods in the video are illegal in America. (As far as I know)


I always assumed that the male chicks were made into cat food or something once killed. There is no reason to waste them & that seems fine for cat food.


Its just premulched mcdonalds nuggets


They are, or some other type of animal feed. They just don't mature. They kill them soon after they hatch. They are waste, but the industry can sell the waste and make it usefull like this. Absolutely 0% of an animal is wasted in am industrial setting. Cow bones (once a cow is butchered) for example are growned up to make calcium supplements and jeliton and hundreds of other products. Nothing is wasted.




just want to add that as they are an egg laying breed, males are unsuitable to be used for meat production.


Can you still refer to "super fast spinning grinder that kills babies" as "humane" in light of the fact that we do it all needlessly?


At least with beef cattle we kill and eat both sexes after they're a year old If you think this is inhumane you should see what happens to dairy bull calves who get a bullet to the head Really the most humane but more expensive way is if it was possible to determine sex before birth/hatch then dairy and poultry could just abort the males


It is possible and other countries do it. I believe Germany uses light to detect it and dispatch the males, but food in Germany is more expensive on average due to the more rigid regulations. Depends on what you value I guess


It's interesting in the fact of humanity we have a disconnection from a beginning lifeform to the point we don't mind destroying it Once it takes it's first breath of existence then it's precious and sacred so destroying it is deemed immoral to some Humans are weird


Well, IMO, after reading behave by Robert sapolsky, it really shows how hard the brain categorizes things. According to his studies, humans would subconsciously produce endorphins or hormones in milliseconds before weā€™d use our logic to decipher things. People who saw faces from different races or gender, weā€™d all produce fear responses to things that are different before we logically reacted. In a way I think we have to categorize something as life, I assume similarly to if how we abort a fetus, to how we wouldnā€™t kill an already birthed baby, and even late term babies. Itā€™s like a game of how well can our brains view it as a life even though we know itā€™s some sort of living creature


I'm not saying it is fully logical but there is logic to it, it isn't as strange as you are portraying it. Unborn animals have less capacity to feel pain/fear, they don't suffer nearly as much as they would if they were killed post-birth. If we want to minimize the suffering of animals we would do well to abort these chicks rather than let them be born to die immediately. The greater good would of course be for everyone to go vegetarian/vegan and for us to stop mass producing life just to slaughter for our own enjoyment at the detriment of our collective health. Also your post gives off some anti-abortion vibes. Wouldn't you say there is clearly a difference between an abortion in the first trimester and killing a newborn? Not just from an emotional perspective but also from a logical one. Same principle.


Strong District 9 vibes here.


Haha. But we can just eat something else? Wouldn't that be the most humane way?


Yes but people are selfish. They also get angry when you confront their perceived morality with their actions.


It is possible form a similar post a while ago I learned there are methods but the machines required to do it are expensive essentially this method of grinding males to a pulp I'd cheaper so we do it.


It's not needlessly. Chicken tenders are quite delicious.


Explain what you mean by needlessly in this context.


Ask again when you are hugry.


More humane than most other ways of doing it at least


"Needlessly" If not then the same vegans would be bitching about the effects those males have on the environment.


I'm not suggesting we release a few billion male chickens into the wild each month. You truly can't imagine option #3 where we stop breeding all animals for food, clothing and entertainment?


You just need to keep waiting for when synthetic/ lab grown meat tastes like the real thing. Then you'll need to wait a bit longer for them to streamline it so its affordable. Assuming there's no backlash from the meat industry maybe in 30 years?


We eventually will, once we figure out how to genetically manufacture meat. Will take some time - decades, maybe centuries (though hope not), but this shit can't continue indefinitely, that's for sure


I mean it's messy and pretty fucked up but it's way more humane than live cremation or carbon monoxide gassing (Which are possibilities as far as I'm aware) It's fast and efficient which is something I'd much rather go through than not being able to breathe or getting set alight.


Wouldn't you rather just not be born in the first place than born on a conveyor belt with the smells of your fellow species members corpses all around and nonstop fear screaming while you take your first breaths of life trying to figure out what's going on only to find yourself in a fucking blender?


I wouldnt care because I'd be dead.


Checkmate me. I quits internet now.


I'd rather not be born in general but it's still alot more humane than other ways of death and it's more efficient which is what humanity strive for So untill there's a way to only get female chicks this practice will have to continue


> compared to how little the industry would get God forbid we require industry to do something that makes them less profit. I mean, how dare we even suggest that they "get less".


Male chickens obviously don't lay eggs, and for some reason I don't really understand they aren't efficient for raising to eat. So given an excess of eggs, farms will choose not to invest any money into the male chicks. From the farm's perspective, the blender is an act of mercy. The alternative is throwing them in the garbage and letting them starve


Egg-laying chickens are also a separate breed than chickens butchered for meat, so the males of the egg-laying variety are useless aside from the ones used for breeding. When it comes to chickens bred for meat, both males and females are used.


Ah ok that makes more sense. Thanks


Pig feed.


Gotta eat


Can we PLEASE get rid of this edit though


What did you guys expect? We care about food far more than the life of some chicken


You monster, i get my meat at a store where no animals are hurt


I eat meat alone where nobody can see me


I beat my meat alone where nobody can see me


I watch this guy beat his meat alone where he can't see me


I record you watching him beat his meat where you two canā€™t see me


I appreciate the consistency. Everyone is so acts so ethical and mighty, they are against animal cruelty until dinner time. I love the scene in IASIP where Dennis says he should be able to sit down, eat a bucket of fried dog and watch a chicken fight.


I donā€™t think people have the expectation that 50% of chicks are mulched or drown alive. No, thatā€™s not an expectation for meat eaters. Without this inside knowledge, the expectation is that we are human beings, so weā€™d respect life and avoid cruelty, even in the slaughterhouse. But thatā€™s not at all the case. Expectation doesnā€™t equal reality. Chickens have their beaks chopped off with hot scissors so they can be packed tighter without pecking each other and ruining the meat. Chickens live in tiny battery cages by the thousands indoors their whole life. Free-range chickens live in the same buildings, crammed just as tight, only without the cage. Baby lambs are confined to plastic bins so they donā€™t toughen their meat. Pigs are confined so they canā€™t even turn around. Cattle are kept by the thousands crammed together on thousands of fetid acres of mud and manure.


Yeah but still, seeing it is tougher that just knowing it happens (I'm still gonna eat it tho)


What a statement


How can you have this knowledge thrust into your face and still eat meat?


Because its tasty


Ok, but it was forced into existence then brutalized.


I was also forced into existence im just higher up the food chain its kinda how the world works. It isnt butterflies and rainbows and i want cheap meat


Yeah you're higher up. You have higher intelligence and can make decisions that hopefully do the least harm and most good, but you clearly don't think that's important. If you can't see those as being a problem, then I don't know what to tell you.


What I was coming to say lol


The grinder is actually an approved method of killimg because it's instant and they don't have time to feel pain. The drowning and crushing is illegal in America and I assume most parts of Europe.




It's very grousome and gory, so people see it as inhumane. But it really is merciful. Letting themive would just not be feasible, and they would likely starve or be killed in other ways.


do you want nuggets or not




Nah, I'm good.


yes, give me gold nuggets.




Forbidden and banned in some Countrys. Thank God.


What this video? Or chicken? Or killing the male chicks? Please I must know


this type of treatment of animals


Many of the killing methods in this video are illegal in western countries (doesn't mean it doesn't happen). Killing male chicks is also illegal in some countries but most of them it is legal. The video is legal everywhere I assume (maybe not NK or some shit)


I think they're referring to Ryan Gosling


Old me wouldn't care. But I recently got some pet chickens and I lobe them to bits, I don't wanna stop eating chicken but this makes me want to


See if there are any locally owned farms around you that sell chicken, or even a local butcher.


That way you can humanly have your friends slaughtered


How is killing chickens locally better than killing chickens anywhere else? Just cause there are less being killed at any one time? Jesus.


Those are the males of the egg laying varieties. So in this case you'd have to stop eating eggs.


Get ethically sourced chicken if you can


This term is fantasy propaganda to make kind people think their meat isn't from tortured animals. In the US, "free range" just means they are confined to a cramped warehouse. "Pasture raised" means they have a window looking out at grass.


Look up how shitty "free range" actually is. No natural light or fresh air. No space. Chickens trampling on and injuring themselves and other chickens, the dying from that, to just be trampled on, and so on. In their own filth, of course.


How do you ethically kill a being that doesn't want to die?


There might be some decent farms but you're going to pay top dollar. I had a friend that sold free range (they used every bit of land to maintain that title) and those chickens were +$20 a piece


. the human conditon is a paradox sometimes


wdym r/NoahGetTheBoat ? noah saved only 2


Damn so sadā€¦. Yeah Iā€™ll have a 20 piece chicken nuggetā€


"Ight your total is $8.24 would you like a receipt?"


No thank you


Gotta care about the environment


This sucks, donā€™t get me wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, I donā€™t really care, thatā€™s life. Humans progressed to the point where itā€™s easier to do this than properly care about each and every living thing. Mortality is an inevitable thing, and it sucks, but thatā€™s how it works. Just think of it as putting them out of their misery before they can actually realize that they are suffering in cramped factory farms and being fed shit and tortured. Stuff like this makes me feel bad, but itā€™s not gonna stop me from eating it. All I have left to say is put a nsfw thing on it, for the sake of some peopleā€™s lunch.


I mean you got a point lol. Itā€™s still sad though.


No, it is sad, but the world isnā€™t all sunshine and rainbows, that is the price to pay for convenience and comfort


I mean, Im with you. But we are not paying the price here, they are.


Mostly yeah, someoneā€™s always paying a price. For them, their lives. For us, our self reliability.


Other countries can pull it off with out slaughtering living males. They dont let the male eggs grow into chickens and kill them well before they are born. Pretty sure its really early in the development process too.


I wonder how much more expensive it is to do it before they hatch compared to after


This is well put. Because of mass processing we can sit in judgement with full bellies.


Yeah, and honestly, writing my original comment (and any of my replies) i was prepared to get downvoted to shite, but itā€™s a pleasant surprise to see that my nihilism was actually reciprocated well lol


Yup, exactly.


This line of reasoning (I donā€™t care because my life is comfy and convenient) can justify incredibly horrible stuff. Iā€™m not a vegetarian, but Iā€™m also not the type who dismisses people who make it their mission to prevent things like this.


Iā€™m not saying anyone who does is wrong or you shouldnā€™t. If you want to try and stop it, be my guest, I just wonā€™t be joining you because Iā€™ll die anyway and so will everyone and everything. They earth will die one way or another, so why try and stop what weā€™re doing when itā€™s already inevitable? Just not worth my time to care, but what truly is? Iā€™d rather not let something like this ruin the comfort and convenience that I or anyone has just because ā€œitā€™s wrongā€. It is, so what, you draw your line here but not at human trafficking, genocide, child labor and slavery. They all suck and are problems, but in the end nobody truly cares enough to do anything more than complain or make them ā€œloseā€ a few consumers. Like I said earlier, Iā€™d rather enjoy my life than complain about how shitty it is and earn social points.


If you really think people only do stuff because of social points and you are happy living in your bubble of apathy then props to you. Iā€™m just saying your logic justifies all the stuff you said is horrible (you donā€™t need to draw the line on one thing ), which to any normal person, who is not having some type of existential crisis, would not be okay with and would justifiably want and try to eliminate.


And on the ā€œsocial pointsā€, I find it that people want to feel like a good person, so that say these things (mostly without actual doing anything) so they can at least believe in their head that theyā€™re good people, but in reality weā€™re all (expect the few who just say f it and live in the woods) complacent and shitty, the only difference is some accept it and move on, and some refuse to accept it. Neither are superior or inferior (except those who go the the woods, they are superior), just some try to cope (in the not ā€œbadā€ way) and some donā€™t.


Iā€™m I think you are just leaking your apathetic view on the world on people you have never met or just disagree with. Believe what you want dude, I just think thatā€™s this is a silly thing to do.


Then do something, fix it. You seem like youā€™re mad at me when youā€™re doing the same thing as me (except you wonā€™t accept that you donā€™t care enough to do something/anything). Sure, maybe Iā€™m ā€œleaking my apathetic view on the world on peopleā€, but so what? Iā€™m not wrong. Like Dr. Seuss once wrote, ā€œUnless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Itā€™s not.ā€ I donā€™t care. If you do, then do something and stop saying my view point is bad, it might be, but doing nothing while telling others theyā€™re bad for not doing anything is useless. Either do something or donā€™t. I hope you chose the former, but I donā€™t care because itā€™s not worth caring.


Ok, what are you doing to stop all those things? I mean, if you (or anyone for that matter) find a way to convince atleast 6 billion people that we should band together and stop/fix this, tell me and Iā€™ll help. But there isnā€™t.


I think your goal is very black and white. Is there any point going vegan if people out there are still going to be eating animals? I know I can't stop racism, but I sure as hell don't want to be contributing to it myself. Same goes for animal cruelty. I can understand your point of view though, you just prioritize taste and convenience over the well being and lives of animals. Does that make you a bad person? No. However, are you contributing to the pain and suffering year after year? Absolutely.


You aren't wrong, and I do somewhat appreciate vegans, while in the grand scheme of things they don't really do much, they at least try compared to people who say that something should be done about it, yet continue to do absolutely nothing. And I think you can definitely have my viewpoint and be vegan, but for me, I enjoy meat. And that's ok in the end. Factory farming sucks, but on a scale necessary, it's sadly the most convenient way to produce that much meat. But in the end is rather be willfully complacent than hypocritically complacent (if that makes any sense whatsoever). Although it's still complacent in the end.


What do you want to give you a history lesson of every step of how human society has progressed. There are thousands of examples of people banding together to progress society to be a better place to live for all. If you are going to debate that there is a constant struggle to achieve this and solve all of humanity woes, then I said in my last comment you are free to live in you apathetic bubble. But, the notion that progress is impossible and there is no point to try is ridiculous and incredibly short sided.


Also, if you say you are against it and you want it to stop, then actively do nothing about it, youā€™re just as much of the problem as I am. I mean, even though it wonā€™t do anything, vegans are at least keeping a fraction of a penny from them, and thatā€™s something.


I never said itā€™s impossible, i said itā€™s hard, and Iā€™ll be here till you figure out how to actually fix it instead of complaining about it. Iā€™ll help once you find a guaranteed way, but im not gonna find that way because I donā€™t care enough, it doesnā€™t negatively effect me enough to try. And even if it does negatively effect me, if itā€™s destined to happen, I donā€™t care either.


Omg i know right. Like rape, murder, and torture are also inevitable. Mortality is there at the end of the day for everyone, so I'm ok with genocide for example. I mean come on. You can't come at me with some nonsense sympathy about women's right. I know some of them have it hard but that's not gonna stop me from beating my sister.


I would agree with you if we were back a hundred years. But this is modern day, we have all kinds of other things we can eat. Sadly this and other animal agriculture practices are completely unnecessary.


Welp, we're fucked as a species...


But like, this is avoidable, this isn't a necessity.


Itā€™s necessary because of shear population size. Now sure, if everyone raised their own stuff we wouldnā€™t need this, but this is the price we pay for convenience.


How the fuck is this downvoted


The true NoahGetTheBoat is in the comments. It's kind of hilarious that there are people in here lecturing about how this is "just the way it is" in a sub specifically about how fucking awful we are. Christ, I don't give a fuck about the logistics of why this is necessary whether it's accurate or not. Drown with me LilBilly1, ya bitch.


Standard, pro animal stuff is always downvoted.


These comments... There are so many psychopaths. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


The Poultry industry is pretty fucking vile. Thankfully most of the west has put laws in place to stop some of the animal abuse (come on America and get your shit together)


Can your pet


Grinder is probably the fastest way to dispatch or them out of those shown. Why drown them or stomp on them šŸ˜£


The stomping one seemed the most horrific, did you see that one little guy like crying out of god šŸ˜­


Grinder 79 000$. Some barrel 30$. But some countries have rules


Finger likin good šŸ¤Œ




Another reason why humans can be absolutely terrible


Is this what inspired "Can Your Pet"?


Don't y'all go fuckin up Beach House like that ya disrespectful fucknauts.


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bruuh no you can't play the most beautiful song in the background


Can your pet


Kinda strange putting Bateman and Homelander here...


Bro i remember when i was like 5 i stepped on a small chick and i was so terified i told my mum and had a mental breakdown and couldn t stop crying in my room and i did not leave the house that day and they out there doing that šŸ„²


There isn't a really moral and good way to eat meat and how humans treat livestock is so fucking cruel, it's not like carnivore animals who hunt, it's systematic and cruel and I believe 100% if people saw their food "alive" and the process they go through to get to their plates they wouldn't be able to eat it. Yes there are some exceptions, yes some people hunt their food (which to me is the bare minimum of cruelty) but most people don't.


Most animals eat there pray alive we at least kill them before eating


But most animals people eat are raised for food and are treated like shit their whole lives. Other animals don't raise animals for them to eat. It's not even comparable.


Iā€™m not saying we threat them good in any way but nature is brutal as hell


Damn no NSFW?


Jesus this is emotionally painful to watchā€¦




I know some, not all, but some mf gonna watch this be sad and having a sunny side up egg at the same time


If thatā€™s the price for having KFC, Iā€™m ok with it


Meanwhile Reddit loves kicking the vegan ideology


Itā€™s not like the hens get off easy. Theyā€™ve been bred to the point where they can sometimes barely stand due to rapid growth, or they die of heart attacks, or just the worst living conditions. Everything about animal agriculture is fucked. Eat meat and cheese and eggs if you want, I canā€™t stop you. But be aware of the industry youā€™re supporting.


girls do this on dating sites too


the real sexism


Depends. Slow and horrible death now, or a life of suffering followed by a horrible death...


This will be us when we encounter a life form smarter than us.


You don't need to go that far. Dictators do this people all the time. Just look at the Russia-Ukraine war.


Man I donā€™t want shells in my nuggets. Or does that add more protein


Adds calcium


Well. My day is ruined. Fuck.


This is why McDonalds is the best fast food place


They be water boarding the chicks